Justice 4 Firestorm

As someone who secondaries the character, I can tell you that this is one of AM's more annoying MUs.
You CANNOT check with from the deep or trident throw because Nightwing can always punish that with his staff spark (or w/e it's called, db2), so long range combat is completely a waste of time.
At mid range you can try to play very precise with spacing and footsies, but NW's staff has almost as much range as AM, so any errors in spacing will leave AM to get poked and stuffed pretty hard because NW's attacks at that range have faster startup, luckily AM has about twice as much damage output on his attacks.
What this means if you want to play a close range game, NW's only strong and safe CQC option with staff is d1 which is easy to predict. Get into b12 range and go for mixups then keep the pressure on NW. You want to force resets since NW has trouble dealing with those because he doesn't have any reliable character specific options. Getting in that close to NW just takes one good read at mid range and the damage output difference is stacked in AM's favor.

As a side note: Ares j1 will blow up every jumping attack we have and will beat out wingdings if he's close enough. I don't even bother with Escrima against him. Out zone him with staff db2 and when he teleports counter his bs block strings with d1.

So far, my least favorite match up for Bane is Nightwing. The good news though is once you get him in the corner, he's done. But the trouble is getting in on him. His wingdings beats out all super armor, even level 3. His staff stance can be abused once you get closer to him, his j.3 is great too and can be cancelled into wingdings. How're you guys handling him?

Abuse the bats, play a mid-long range game with him that should frustrate the Nightwing into playing dumb, then rush in for those damaging combos.
When Batman bullshits around with b23. You can b3 MB the explosion of the bats on the ground. And punish the fuck out of him.
Excuse the expletives but I fucking haaaaate the Batman matchup.

Ev1d3nts: Against Black Adam I keep trying to approach with Jump 3 followed by his air projectile. When the opponent goes down, I start the pressure. My tip is: Don't stay on the floor, cause he'll try to thunderbolt or grab you

What do we think about Nightwing?
His ground blasts are a pain in the ass full screen. It`s pretty tough to MB CatDash them unless you do it preemptively by a bit.
His staff stance does a great job at keeping her out. He can abuse the hell of out of D1 staff to make you waste your meter on push block. It`s not like you can whiff punish him with anything. I feel like jump2 is my best option for the whole match until I can knock him down.
And his multiple hit moves tear through armored B3`s.
Its a third and last Kitty MU in the game im afraid to play with her.(The first two is Black Adam and Aquaman). He can outzone CW with ease in a both stances but on midscreen he doesnt even need staff. Jumping on him while he is in escrime stance is useless: his air batarangs wont let u do this. His jmp3 is really sick, he`ll always beat out your whip, try using jmp1.
Even if u finally got on him, ur tools are really limit against NW. He`s got so many options. 112-string gives him free check with B2. If he started offense with d1,2 u can beat out his attempt of B2-check with d1 and 1 but he also have:
1) another guaranteed d1,2.
2)d1,2-cancel into trait-staffspin.
Be careful and always block high against his escrima stance. He doesnt have low combo starters from this stance so u dont need to block low. But dont forget, good NW players will always start doing some shit like b13(last hit is low) and d3.
B2 ends his pressure but even here he can mix it and cancel it into Overhead samersault (MB-version is plus on block,on hit it is 30% for NW) so be careful to interrupt him without thinking.
Staff stance. I can only describe this with one sentence: if he is on you, ur fucked.
U absolutely have zero options to do anything against him on midscreen except random cat dash and jumping and he`s got decent air to air work in SS. If u blocked MBground blast u have to block another ground blast, just to know. U have attempt to MB CD him after he did ground blast. Most of the time u block low just to not be launched by MBground blast for 35%.Yep, while he`s got 20f overhead...
If u blocked MB-Ground Blast midscreen(even 3/4 fullscreen) u dont jump because he can free check u with Flying Grayson. U can wait it ducking to whiff punish but he also gets 100% winnable air to air so u dont really want to jump on him. I dont want to describe anything about the corner: just use block escape and may the force be with you.
In my opinion, this MU is 7-3 in NW`s favor. Selina really struggles against him.

Air gunshots work really well vs Nightwing from my experience.
Trying to perfect instant air ones is a bitch though.
I think I've got the NW match figured out, at least from a zoning perspective. If you jump or otherwise avoid a Ground Blast, you can connect a gunshot. Once you do land a gun-shot, you can continue to spam those because they apparently beat out the start-up of Ground Blast. It appears to be a heavily momentum-influenced battle. Just remember that if you do block a Ground Blast, you don't really have any options except to jump or continue blocking. Smart meter usage by the Nightwing player can make this a nightmare, though.
As far as the upclose game, I'm still not sure. Nightwing's wakeup attacks are multi-hitting, so trying to armor-rush him on wakeup isn't going to work. Probably best to just try to zone him out. I could easily see this as a 5/5.
I believe Nightwing might be the first character I can confidently say is a 6/4 against DS. I'll post some match footage in a bit to back up my claim, but the main issue is that Nightwing can actually establish zoning momentum that is incredibly difficult for Deathstroke to break. On the other hand, Nightwing can break DS's zoning with a well-timed Air Shuriken. That means DS will actually have to close the gap a lot of the time, and Nightwing's rushdown beats his pretty handily.