Yeah it does take some practice.... You know you got them down when the other guy will try to sweep you over and over but you will be un sweepable and you keep gjing but the both of you are in this loop, this happens a lot with the cpu AI as well.... It makes me laugh when that happen because it just looks funny
I had that happen the other day and I was using Kano so it was ridiculously stupid to not only play but if you were watching you'd be like "I'm gonna see what's on the other channels".
If there's delay, they are pretty difficult to do. Other than that, they take practice. This idea that they're this easy, brain-dead, one button auto-win move is nothing more than propaganda. Not only do they take skill to perform, they take skill to incorporate into your gameplay. And they take awhile to master, just like anything else. If they were easy, you'd see them used more often and the people who did use them would be actually decent at them. I've seen many people just punch the air while blocking, that doesn't do shit. It takes practice and experience to be adept with Kara and GJ's, despite what others may lead you to believe.
It' IS actually very brain-dead easy to do on stick, but the concept of other people using BYOC is differeent.....playing the way many of us normally play it is a challenge and it seems not even worth learning when we could be doing something more useful ....I can GJ/KJ on stick as I said, effortlessly, but not much else cuz I dont play on stick, so that's another reason i think it's a bullshit advantage....not everyone has the OPPORTUNITY to do it as easy and some players have to train 2x as hard and work 2x as hard to do it, such as on pad. GJ on stick is fucking easy-mode stupid shit all DAY though. Don't talk about it like it's an ancient secret of the Rogue's Guild. Can you pat your head and rub your belly at the same time?
In addition to that , despite the fact that I can consistently hang w/ players like AC1984, NoDoubt, Miss SPin, etc and defeat that particular tactic playing "clean", I still think it's a lame ass weak tactic used by players who get scared when they are about to lose to legit strategy and want to go easy-mode for a quick comeback. Call me a scrub all you want, but this "scrub" can hang with the best of them and STILL win with pure skill and combos derived from months and months of training monotony. See it how you want want, but I'm, always gonna be better cuz I don't need that shit to win.
Also, I'd just like to add, I swear kara-jabbing is so easy I saw the CPU doing it FOR me the other night when I was playing, unless i just have it so fucking deep into muscle memory it happens UNINTENTIONALLY nowadays. I mean it was literally doing it FOR ME. Skill my ass, Dude. I think some of you guys just want props and respect that haven't been earned yet. No offense, friends....I appreciate the players and the game and you can GJ/KJ all u want, but I'm still gonna bend you over no matter how you put it. The truly skilled players will eventually prevail.