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I liked the Mythologies Bi-Han. He was the quintessential cold assassin, not outright EVIL, but definitely ruthless, with great prowess of stealth, theft and martial arts. In MK1 they turned him into a cartoonish villain asshole who is a complete incompetent.
I actually think they did this because some fans wouldn’t take the hint.

He’s portrayed as an ass in both movie universes and usually an ass outside of the games in general.

Then he’s an ass in both past timelines and in Mythologies isn’t even good. He nearly fucks the planet and I’d assume if Raiden wasn’t there he probably would have, but then again there’s where the bad writing comes in again. Why care what Raiden thinks? He just beat other “Gods” right? Anyway then he re-pledges his allegiance to the Lin Kuei at the end. The same one who just made a deal with the literal fucking devil.

Ashrah ‘s ending even says his ass belongs in hell.

Yet some fans will walk in and say, BUT HE WAS A GOOD GUY! Like wtf? It’s clownish really, but yeah some people just wouldn’t accept that he’s pretty fucking evil.
I actually think they did this because some fans wouldn’t take the hint.
Nah, making Bi-Han way more evil is one of the many changes NRS made to their characters in MK9, like making Millena basically a child, or making Sektor be the person and not the AI.

Then he’s an ass in both past timelines and in Mythologies isn’t even good. He nearly fucks the planet and I’d assume if Raiden wasn’t there he probably would have, but then again there’s where the bad writing comes in again. Why care what Raiden thinks? He just beat other “Gods” right? Anyway then he re-pledges his allegiance to the Lin Kuei at the end. The same one who just made a deal with the literal fucking devil.

Yet some fans will walk in and say, BUT HE WAS A GOOD GUY! Like wtf? It’s clownish really, but yeah some people just wouldn’t accept that he’s pretty fucking evil.
What are you suggesting? That he should just beat up Raiden or something?

Idk, to me the MKM story is pretty straightforward. He is a ruthless assassin who learns the error of his ways during the course of the story. The thing is very clearly exemplified by him killing Scorpion when he asked for mercy at the beginning and then sparing Sareena in the end. The whole thing even ends with Raiden telling him he has to change or he'll end up in hell. It's pretty basic, there's not much room for interpretation here.

And mind you, good guy Kuai Liang also knew about this deal the devil, and he decided to stay on the Lin Kuei as well. There's not even the smallest hint he wanted to leave, while we could still speculate leaving it was Bi Hans plan thanks to his MK1 ending.

Idk, to me him "learning the error of his ways" but dying before he could change, going to the Netherrealm anyways is a better story than him just being cartonishly evil from the start.

I mean, at the end of the day its simple. When put in the situation to help the realm or screw it over, in this new timeline he decided to side against his realm, while in the old one he chose to save it. He was definitely not as evil as he is now, not by a long shot.
KI? The game thats been dead for years? The one whos budget was so small they had a youtuber make their story "cutscenes"
It's not dead at all, and has received longer support then any Mortal Kombat title.

It also started as an Xbox Live Arcade game, not a triple A title.

You get the wrong company buying MK and suddenly you're getting the same garbage ass story from Dominic, but now it looks like this
And yet "Shadow Lords" was a significantly better single player mode then a lot of what NetherRealm puts out. Funny that.

The Microsoft of TODAY wouldn't be able to even pull THAT off.
The Microsoft of today is in a much better spot then they were then (though still no where near the Xbox 360 days). The Xbox One launch is the biggest disaster in the brand's history thanks to Don Matrick. The industry itself, however, is changing greatly, and not in a good way, so we'll see what happens as time goes on.

God knows how much money Boon has right now - he could fund the majority of an AAA fighting game with the aid of a kickstarter, or go AA and make a fighting game resembling something of a PS3 era.
I'd be very, very surprised if that happens.
Nah, making Bi-Han way more evil is one of the many changes NRS made to their characters in MK9, like making Millena basically a child, or making Sektor be the person and not the AI.

What are you suggesting? That he should just beat up Raiden or something?

Idk, to me the MKM story is pretty straightforward. He is a ruthless assassin who learns the error of his ways during the course of the story. The thing is very clearly exemplified by him killing Scorpion when he asked for mercy at the beginning and then sparing Sareena in the end. The whole thing even ends with Raiden telling him he has to change or he'll end up in hell. It's pretty basic, there's not much room for interpretation here.

And mind you, good guy Kuai Liang also knew about this deal the devil, and he decided to stay on the Lin Kuei as well. There's not even the smallest hint he wanted to leave, while we could still speculate leaving it was Bi Hans plan thanks to his MK1 ending.

Idk, to me him "learning the error of his ways" but dying before he could change, going to the Netherrealm anyways is a better story than him just being cartonishly evil from the start.

I mean, at the end of the day its simple. When put in the situation to help the realm or screw it over, in this new timeline he decided to side against his realm, while in the old one he chose to save it. He was definitely not as evil as he is now, not by a long shot.
Yes 100%. He’s a “god killer” right? Like he literally looks at Raiden and acts like a bratty bitch because he is having to get the world out of the position he just put it in. Again selfishness to the fucking max. What doesn’t make sense though is it doesn’t sound like he gives a fuck about the world so he’s not saying “only because I have to” because the world is fucked bit because Raiden is forcing him to. If he just beat other gods then why the fuck does he feel forced by Raiden? Just beat the fuck out of him and go back to the lin kuei. It’s inconsistent. (They also just never should have had him beat gods anyway. This is the exact equivalent of having Cassie beat Shinnok in MKX without being experienced. Yet Bi-han does it and it’s fine? No I don’t subscribe to that).

Bi-han doesn’t learn from his ways though. That’s the point. In fact Kuai Liang is an example of what happens when you DO change your ways and learn from your mistakes. Raiden tells Bi-han his soul is corrupted and what does he do at the end of that game? He bows and pledges loyalty to the Lin Kuei AGAIN! That’s why Kuai Liang is so brilliant because he was a complete opposite to Bi-han. You say he knew about the deal with Quan Chi and Shinnok but how do we know that? Is that specifically mentioned? Everything about Kuai Liang stood for good. He didn’t just kill willy nilly (like Bi-han) and that’s what Scorpions MK 2 ending is meant to imply. Kuai Liang doesn’t kill easily and without reason, but Bi-han did. Kuai and Bi-han BOTH had warnings/reasons to leave the Lin Kuei. Only one did so though and that’s Kuai Liang.

Bi-hans warning came from Raiden. Kuai Liangs was the cyber initiative as a whole. He said ya know what? This clan is corrupted and I won’t be a part of this and left. Yes his humanity was at stake but so was Bi-hans. One became a monstrosity while the other didn’t and it all came down to their CHOICES. Bi-han and Kuai Liang were so perfectly written because its shown that choices in life do in fact matter and making good ones makes your honorable. Something Bi-han lacked.

Also MK1 endings are not canon. They didn’t go forward with like any of them so why would Bi-hans be any different? Bi-han if anything was a plot device for Scorpion to finally exact his revenge and then usher in the new ACTUAL Sub-Zero. Sorry not sorry.

What I mean by craziness from Bi-han fans is in every game since MKvsDC y’all just couldn’t let him go.

In MKvsDC oh Bi-han was the first so he’ll be Sub-Zero here. Nope.
MK9 oh it’s a retelling of MK1-3 so he’ll be the main Sub-Zero here. Nope.
MKX Oh he’ll be cleansed in the soulnado and be Sub-Zero again. Nope.
MK11 This game is dealing with time so Bi-han will be Sub-Zero. Nope.

Do you see what I’m saying here? What makes it worse is you guys being so fucking loud and obnoxious makes it hard for Sub-Zero fans (Kuai Liang) to even enjoy our fucking character because like Mileena fans y’all are so loud and obnoxious and it’s over a game that really wasn’t even that fucking good. It wasn’t.

So yes I want Kuai Liang back. His brother is Noob Saibot. If they want to do something cool with Noob like have him regret some of his ways then cool, but he has to become Noob for that to happen because Bi-han does not see the error in his ways. Maybe they could even give him some “black ice” type moves to honor his small stint as Sub-Zero bit I will never see him as the actual Sub-Zero. That’s Kuai Liang.

End rant/novel
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Yes 100%. He’s a “god killer” right? Like he literally looks at Raiden and acts like a bratty bitch because he is having to get the world out of the position he just put it in. Again selfishness to the fucking max. What doesn’t make sense though is it doesn’t sound like he gives a fuck about the world so he’s not saying “only because I have to” because the world is fucked bit because Raiden is forcing him to. If he just beat other gods then why the fuck does he feel forced by Raiden? Just beat the fuck out of him and go back to the lin kuei. It’s inconsistent. (They also just never should have had him beat gods anyway. This is the exact equivalent of having Cassie beat Shinnok in MKX without being experienced. Yet Bi-han does it and it’s fine? No I don’t subscribe to that).

Bi-han doesn’t learn from his ways though. That’s the point. In fact Kuai Liang is an example of what happens when you DO change your ways and learn from your mistakes. Raiden tells Bi-han his soul is corrupted and what does he do at the end of that game? He bows and pledges loyalty to the Lin Kuei AGAIN! That’s why Kuai Liang is so brilliant because he was a complete opposite to Bi-han. You say he knew about the deal with Quan Chi and Shinnok but how do we know that? Is that specifically mentioned? Everything about Kuai Liang stood for good. He didn’t just kill willy nilly (like Bi-han) and that’s what Scorpions MK 2 ending is meant to imply. Kuai Liang doesn’t kill easily and without reason, but Bi-han did. Kuai and Bi-han BOTH had warnings/reasons to leave the Lin Kuei. Only one did so though and that’s Kuai Liang.

Bi-hans warning came from Raiden. Kuai Liangs was the cyber initiative as a whole. He said ya know what? This clan is corrupted and I won’t be a part of this and left. Yes his humanity was at stake but so was Bi-hans. One became a monstrosity while the other didn’t and it all came down to their CHOICES. Bi-han and Kuai Liang were so perfectly written because its shown that choices in life do in fact matter and making good ones makes your honorable. Something Bi-han lacked.

Also MK1 endings are not canon. They didn’t go forward with like any of them so why would Bi-hans be any different? Bi-han if anything was a plot device for Scorpion to finally exact his revenge and then usher in the new ACTUAL Sub-Zero. Sorry not sorry.

What I mean by craziness from Bi-han fans is in every game since MKvsDC y’all just couldn’t let him go.

In MKvsDC oh Bi-han was the first so he’ll be Sub-Zero here. Nope.
MK9 oh it’s a retelling of MK1-3 so he’ll be the main Sub-Zero here. Nope.
MKX Oh he’ll be cleansed in the soulnado and be Sub-Zero again. Nope.
MK11 This game is dealing with time so Bi-han will be Sub-Zero. Nope.

Do you see what I’m saying here? What makes it worse is you guys being so fucking loud and obnoxious makes it hard for Sub-Zero fans (Kuai Liang) to even enjoy our fucking character because like Mileena fans y’all are so loud and obnoxious and it’s over a game that really wasn’t even that fucking good. It wasn’t.

So yes I want Kuai Liang back. His brother is Noob Saibot. If they want to do something cool with Noob like have him regret some of his ways then cool, but he has to become Noob for that to happen because Bi-han does not see the error in his ways. Maybe they could even give him some “black ice” type moves to honor his small stint as Sub-Zero bit I will never see him as the actual Sub-Zero. That’s Kuai Liang.

End rant/novel
We are being the like the Millena fans? That's cute coming from someone who seems to have the need to mention in half his post how pissed he is Kuai is not Sub-Zero anymore.

I guess we'll see how many games will take for you to let it go then.

It's kinda funny, you have a game show you a dude do something, and you go and say, no, he is more evil than that, he shouldn't have done it. But oh, well, he did do it.

I will say MK power levels are all over the place, but also it is definitely not as dum a Cassie beating powered up Shinnok, since well he is the one dude he has to run away from, while she beats him.

Kuai Liang was an assassin. Let's please not forget this. Because you seem to imply he was some goody good guy from the start or something. He also leaves the Lin Kuei because they want to turn him into a machine, that's self preservation.

And we know Bi-Han told him about what happened during MKM because of Sub-Zero's MK4 bio and Sareena's MKTE ending. If you want to believe he didn't tell him that particular part because it is not specifically stated that he did, be my guest, but it's kind of a reach.

You know what wasnt a reach? Thinking Bi-han might be back for MK9, as they did plan for Sub's alt costume to be him, he is not only him in the story, but there also are audio files for his intro. They changed their mind at the end, but was not some crazy idea out of nowhere.

And well, I guess we'll have to wait and see if you speculate the same way on who carries the mantle in MK13.
We are being the like the Millena fans? That's cute coming from someone who seems to have the need to mention in half his post how pissed he is Kuai is not Sub-Zero anymore.

I guess we'll see how many games will take for you to let it go then.

It's kinda funny, you have a game show you a dude do something, and you go and say, no, he is more evil than that, he shouldn't have done it. But oh, well, he did do it.

I will say MK power levels are all over the place, but also it is definitely not as dum a Cassie beating powered up Shinnok, since well he is the one dude he has to run away from, while she beats him.

Kuai Liang was an assassin. Let's please not forget this. Because you seem to imply he was some goody good guy from the start or something. He also leaves the Lin Kuei because they want to turn him into a machine, that's self preservation.

And we know Bi-Han told him about what happened during MKM because of Sub-Zero's MK4 bio and Sareena's MKTE ending. If you want to believe he didn't tell him that particular part because it is not specifically stated that he did, be my guest, but it's kind of a reach.

You know what wasnt a reach? Thinking Bi-han might be back for MK9, as they did plan for Sub's alt costume to be him, he is not only him in the story, but there also are audio files for his intro. They changed their mind at the end, but was not some crazy idea out of nowhere.

And well, I guess we'll have to wait and see if you speculate the same way on who carries the mantle in MK13.
I mean I’m annoyed but I can also just not play the games. I can still love the MK franchise but not play and yeah I didn’t play this because Kuai isn’t Sub-Zero. If Bi-han is there again I just won’t play. He’s not a good character to get behind and like I said I want to identify and root for the character I play. I can’t do that with him. I actively want him to fail and am SUPER GLAD he is becoming Noob again in the DLC. Funny enough every time Bi-han is Sub-Zero the games are terrible. Mythologies? Terrible, MK1? Terrible. Even the 2021 movie was terrible.

No I’m not ignoring a game doing something. I actively broke down step by step WHY Bi-han wasn’t a good guy. That’s another thing about Bi-han’d fanbase you guys just come back with nuh-uh’s and whataboutisms. Y’all can’t even tell what you want him to do. Half scream he needs to be redeemed and half scream no he’s evil and they should keep him evil. Again his fans are crazy. I don’t really have to let anything go because I can know my whole childhood and into adulthood had Kuai Liang as THE Sub-Zero and most know him as the definitive Sub-Zero. All of the cool skins are Kuai’s, lots of characters revolve around Kuai (Sektor, Cyrax, Smoke, your boy Noob, and even Scorpion to an extent), and he even has an animated movie that was dedicated to him and Kenshi. You guys will just whine forever that Bi-han’s not portrayed how he was in mythologies and continue to live in the past of that shit game.

Bi-han and Kuai were always going to share the mantle in MK9. Kuai still ended up the main one though because guess what? He had portrayed him more in more mainline games. Because he IS Sub-Zero. Y’all just hate Kuai because he got developed as Sub-Zero while your evil boy was off being evil. Y’all always had Noob Saibot and could have screamed for him to be developed but NOOOO he has to be Sub-Zero for you guys.

Oh and Kuai came BACK and beat the Lin Kuei to turn it into something good. That’s really self preservation huh? He came back and risked his life to turn what was left of his clan into something other than soulless killers. Kuai may have been an assassin but again he tries to change his ways. Bi-han didn’t.

Anyway this all ends up turning into circular arguments with you guys screaming NOOO Bi-han was good so we can squash it. I’ll leave you with this though. This dude did an amazing write up on the situation that I couldn’t replicate but you should read it.

Except it's lazy marketing and rarely works. If you want to attract women to video games, make good female characters. D'vorah is fucking great, and at least the kombat kiddies were new. It's not like MK1 has good writing, but gender swaps are often a red flag of low quality content.

Again my stance is I don't care about this swap, because sek/cyrax are barely fleshed out characters anyways. I doubt there's going to be a significant amount of new players because of this, and i'm 60/40 they'll make them both good because pandering like this often doesn't have the guts, or the writing, to make them evil.
Lazy marketing that doesn't work on these games that keep selling better than their predecessors. Interesting.
Lazy marketing that doesn't work on these games that keep selling better than their predecessors. Interesting.
Ah yes lets infer everything we need to know just by increased sales with almost no other data to back it up.

For example, we know that MK11 launched with more female characters than MK1, so less female characters ='s better sales right?

Oh and hey what % of the sales for the new DLC that isn't out yet are female? Since that's literally what i'm talking about.

I may very well be wrong, but the fact you think you can draw conclusions like this is absurd.
Indiana Jones wasn't
What has Indiana Jones got to do with it? Are all spy characters James Bond, are all Vampires, Dracula, are all hard-nosed cops Dirty Harry?... etc etc... Laura Croft's only connection to indiana jones is that they both go after ancient artefacts. There is a big difference between a gender swap and something that is a completely realised character that has some superficial similarities.
I mean I’m annoyed but I can also just not play the games. I can still love the MK franchise but not play and yeah I didn’t play this because Kuai isn’t Sub-Zero. If Bi-han is there again I just won’t play.
um, that is not really NRS's fault, right? I mean, intractable stubbornness is not something that they can work around, and nor should they. It is good they keep adding to the lore and changing things up... the only connective tissue that has to remain is in the gameplay of the characters. I mean Sub Zero has been a different ninja in almost every game from MK2.
I don't think I've ever seen a Bi-Han fan claim he was a 'good guy'..and if they did, that's pretty much dumb as hell. The general thing I see (as a Bi-Han fan myself) is that Bi-Han as Sub-Zero was a ruthless mofo that was loyal to his clan and that that general bad-assness was pretty cool. He's definitely a bad person. So was Scorpion. Their rivalry is basically 2 cool douchebags taking turns killing each other.

Then Bi-Han becomes SUPER evil as Noob Saibot. That's a given.

Stans do get annoying though and I'm sure he has stupid AF stans.
um, that is not really NRS's fault, right? I mean, intractable stubbornness is not something that they can work around, and nor should they. It is good they keep adding to the lore and changing things up... the only connective tissue that has to remain is in the gameplay of the characters. I mean Sub Zero has been a different ninja in almost every game from MK2.
You do realize Kuai Liang was Sub-Zero in every game from MK2-MK11 right? He was Sub-Zero for like 30 years
The Triple K.O. podcast (an FGC news round up featuring Justin Wong, Maximillian & Matt McMuscles) just did a whole episode dedicated to Khais Reigns. They clarified that there was no way to buy the MK characters individually but that there were plans for the Guest characters to be bought that way. I honestly hope the podcast is wrong about that. There’s no way of knowing if they’ll give us the option to buy ANY of the new dlc characters individually.

That seems so crazy to me.
And they will fail. Because as much as they want to, they cannot 'train' the majority of women to like fighting games, in the same way that they cannot 'train' straight men to be excited to watch Barbie. The majority of men and women want different things as entertainment, and that's f-i-n-e.

For some weird, unexplained reason, we forgot how a fucking wheel works.
Not "we" only you guys in the US and some europe countries with this kind of thinking are seeing from the rest as retards now.

Even the US election it's a complete Joke
Ah yes lets infer everything we need to know just by increased sales with almost no other data to back it up.

For example, we know that MK11 launched with more female characters than MK1, so less female characters ='s better sales right?

Oh and hey what % of the sales for the new DLC that isn't out yet are female? Since that's literally what i'm talking about.

I may very well be wrong, but the fact you think you can draw conclusions like this is absurd.
Uh no, the conclusion is more female characters sell titles. And it's been proven time and again. Ask literally every franchise ever.
What has Indiana Jones got to do with it? Are all spy characters James Bond, are all Vampires, Dracula, are all hard-nosed cops Dirty Harry?... etc etc... Laura Croft's only connection to indiana jones is that they both go after ancient artefacts. There is a big difference between a gender swap and something that is a completely realised character that has some superficial similarities.
Ask yourself why you couldn't name a single other male or female tomb raider in that post before you post again.
Ask yourself why you couldn't name a single other male or female tomb raider in that post before you post again.
Because there arent any other relevant ones? I honestly can only think of the guy from Uncharted - whose fucking NAME I dont even remember - as far as "other tomb raiders".
Ask yourself why you couldn't name a single other male or female tomb raider in that post before you post again.
well, just off the top of my head.... Nathan Drake, Allan Quatermane, Rick O'Connell, Jack Colton, Joan Wilder, Flynn Carsen, Dr. Lily Houghton, Ben Gates, TinTin, Dean Corso, the Goonies... if I googles I could probably find a ton more.

Indiana Jones itself is a retelling based off the old movie series that ran for years and years and in turn off the story books. Saying something is ripping off Indiana Jones is like looking at mel gibsons hamlet and thinking the next version of hamlet is ripping it off.
well, just off the top of my head.... Nathan Drake, Allan Quatermane, Rick O'Connell, Jack Colton, Joan Wilder, Flynn Carsen, Dr. Lily Houghton, Ben Gates, TinTin, Dean Corso, the Goonies... if I googles I could probably find a ton more.

Indiana Jones itself is a retelling based off the old movie series that ran for years and years and in turn off the story books. Saying something is ripping off Indiana Jones is like looking at mel gibsons hamlet and thinking the next version of hamlet is ripping it off.
mic fucking drop
well, just off the top of my head.... Nathan Drake, Allan Quatermane, Rick O'Connell, Jack Colton, Joan Wilder, Flynn Carsen, Dr. Lily Houghton, Ben Gates, TinTin, Dean Corso, the Goonies... if I googles I could probably find a ton more.

Indiana Jones itself is a retelling based off the old movie series that ran for years and years and in turn off the story books. Saying something is ripping off Indiana Jones is like looking at mel gibsons hamlet and thinking the next version of hamlet is ripping it off.
There's also Sydney Fox from Relic Hunter.
I feel like I've missed a lot of the current conversation. Are we still debating the merits of the gender swap thing?