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That's not the very least outcome and it's also not the most likely.

The least outcome is your desired reboot sucking even more than this one and it's also the most likely. But you won't even learn your lesson from that, you'll just say "hopefully the NEXT game will be better" or you'll hope for another reboot.

I'm tired boss.
I mean like I said may be a bad opinion, but I HATE MK1. Like hate hate.

I hate the kameo system, I hate they took our characters and made them into worse versions of themselves, Invasions looks boring as fuck, customization was a mass downgrade from MK11. Just literally everything. I hate it all.

I’m in the minority, but I enjoyed Mk11. There I said it. I’m coming out of the closet on that one.

This is the first MK game I’ve ever really hated and if someone else can take it and make it NOT this game then I’m open to another company 100%.

If I don’t like it I just won’t buy it again, but I didn’t buy this one (first MK game I haven’t) so what is the loss for me? There’s not one.
I’ve never played KI, BUT I will say this.

You may balk at a youtuber making their cutscenes, but how much money was wasted on things like Megan Fox or the licenses to all these shitty guest characters?

I’d rather have a smaller budget and the possibility of a better game as opposed to the MILLIONS of dollars they’re throwing away on a story mode that people just watch on youtube and celebrities that add nothing to the game.
Guest characters are the most profitable characters, and if a company is looking to buy MK, they're looking to make their money back. So you might as well get used to them. Every genre of video game does crossovers now, Mortal Kombat will have guest characters as long its profitable.

The story mode might have bad writing, but it doesn't have bad presentation. It at least looks good (most of the time). You get the wrong company buying MK and suddenly you're getting the same garbage ass story from Dominic, but now it looks like this

I remember earlier people were trying to defend Dom saying "Oh maybe he doesn't have much control", no, he's just an idiot. When he first brought the idea of Titans being above the One Being, it was on his twitter. And when Shaun Kittlesten tried to steer him away from it, he doubled down.
I mean like I said may be a bad opinion, but I HATE MK1. Like hate hate.

I hate the kameo system, I hate they took our characters and made them into worse versions of themselves, Invasions looks boring as fuck, customization was a mass downgrade from MK11. Just literally everything. I hate it all.

I’m in the minority, but I enjoyed Mk11. There I said it. I’m coming out of the closet on that one.

This is the first MK game I’ve ever really hated and if someone else can take it and make it NOT this game then I’m open to another company 100%.

If I don’t like it I just won’t buy it again, but I didn’t buy this one (first MK game I haven’t) so what is the loss for me? There’s not one.
Hate it all you want, That's not my issue. There's plenty I don't like about MK1.

But going "This game sucks, The New game will be better because [x]" is so fucking tiresome.
And if it sucks you just shrug and say the next game will be better?

Perhaps there is no loss but what's the gain in being in this endless cycle? Just to whine and complain?
I love the story modes... I would be a massive L if they dumped them. Look what a happened with SFV when then went "only online play"... people had a fit.

A game as big as MK has a lot of facets. The truth is most people ONLY play the story mode. The majorly of the millions in sales never once play vs any human player. Not only is it naive to ask for the story mode to be removed, it also make zero financial sense.

The same goes for guests. They are extremely popular and sell extremely well. They are not going anywhere and are part of the game and always will be.

Personally, I am not a huge fan of guests. I think they should have 1 guest per KP and the rest be MK characters. Kinda how SF does it. MK pantheon is huge and I'd like to see more playable official ones, but it is what it is. Story Mode is a must for me. I think it would suck to get rid of it. As for the celebrity thing... yeah.. IMO that adds nothing. Just use proper voice actors, celebrities are a waste of money imo. Though I expect that they add to sales, I mean if they didn't get that wrestler to voice Peacemaker then people would be upset, look at the Terminator backlash.
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I mean like I said may be a bad opinion, but I HATE MK1. Like hate hate.

I hate the kameo system, I hate they took our characters and made them into worse versions of themselves, Invasions looks boring as fuck, customization was a mass downgrade from MK11. Just literally everything. I hate it all.

I’m in the minority, but I enjoyed Mk11.
I think you are also in the minority with all the hate as well.
I think you are also in the minority with all the hate as well.
I mean personally that’s fine. I can be in the minority. I really hate this game though.

Also I’m not saying they should do away with a storymode completely, but seems SF6 has had some success with World Tour and I think it’s time to rethink HOW they tell their story.

I love the lore. I mean I’m a lore guy, but the current format leaves little to the imagination and again it all ends up free on youtube anyway. If people buy this game simply for the storymode at this point I have to ask why? What is the purpose in that? Just watch in on youtube.

Also I’m NOT saying I hate all guests and yes I realize they will always be there. Rather I hate how MANY we now have. Like good god 6 in this game already and some think more could be on the way? No. We do not need that many.

Also MK is a more well known franchise than killer instinct.

I doubt whatever company does buy up the IP is going to give the team a small budget. I’m just hoping that if a new company buys them up that they clean house a bit and hire a new creative team.

If not then Oh well. Guess MK11 was my swan song with the franchise.
If not then Oh well. Guess MK11 was my swan song with the franchise.
Yeah I really liked MK11 as well, but you have been around for ages, like 20 years on this site alone... so you should know the patterns. Gamers are just whiners. MK11 got absolute hate, as soon as MK1 was out, there was nothing but love posts. MKx was just thread after thread about how terrible it was, when MK11 came out, people started posting about how much they loved it.

Same will happen with MK1.

Personally I think MK1 is the best MK of the modern era.... but regardless of our own opinions I guarantee that as soon as MK12 comes out this forum and the fandom in general will turn into a unabashed love feast on MK1. Just like it did for the other games. It is some kind of clear pattern and probably needs someone who understands phycology to explain it.
At this point, WB games is the devil we know. They might make a worse (as in, more incomplete and monetized) game than MK1 next - and the odds are skewing towards that direction, as this company is a sinking boat of debt - but that might still be less of a dumpster fire than if some other company bought the IP. On the other hand, I can just as easily see this being bought by someone who will give Ed Boon and Co. more freedom and resources to make a much more polished game than MK1. There is just no way of knowing at this point.
Yeah I really liked MK11 as well, but you have been around for ages, like 20 years on this site alone... so you should know the patterns. Gamers are just whiners. MK11 got absolute hate, as soon as MK1 was out, there was nothing but love posts. MKx was just thread after thread about how terrible it was, when MK11 came out, people started posting about how much they loved it.

Same will happen with MK1.

Personally I think MK1 is the best MK of the modern era.... but regardless of our own opinions I guarantee that as soon as MK12 comes out this forum and the fandom in general will turn into a unabashed love feast on MK1. Just like it did for the other games. It is some kind of clear pattern and probably needs someone who understands phycology to explain it.
Oh I can assure you that won’t happen with me. I wasn’t one of those fans. I liked MKX for what it was and then liked MK11 for what it was, BUT I’m a huge Kuai Liang fan so I’m biased. I’m a simple man. If he’s Sub-Zero and he’s in the game I will play it and find things to like. I took that shit for granted because I never really thought they’d fuck up Raiden, Scorpion, or Sub-Zero until they did in this game for me. Kuai Liang was Sub-Zero for 30 years and this game said not anymore.

I hate Bi-han. I thought he was an asshole when I was a kid and I think the same now. I like to identify with my character when I play them and I just can’t identify with his asshole-ish bratty antics.

Granted even if Kuai was Sub-Zero in MK1 I would think this is a shitty game. The monetization, glitches, and overall feel. Like this world is too pretty to be MK I’m sorry. The fucking butterflies on the character select. Like wtf? The design and art direction of this game is just too whimsical for Mortal Kombat imo.
Like this world is too pretty to be MK I’m sorry. The fucking butterflies on the character select. Like wtf? The design and art direction of this game is just too whimsical for Mortal Kombat imo.
I agreed with many of your posts but sadly can't say I agree with that. This game reminds me of the beautiful Thailand location-shooting of MK95 (just look at Sun Do; it literally uses the same Wat Phra Si Sanphet temples in its background), as well as the cherry blossom trees behind the Warrior Shrine in MK '92, along with my personal oldschool favorites 'Palace Gates' and 'The Courtyard', and MK9's 'Shang Tsung's Gardens'. It's classic Hong Kong cinema as hell, and I LOVE that, it's felt the most "Mortal Kombat" to me in decades.

In fact I absolutely adore that very short Chinese melody that plays across the menu screens, but it's tragically far too brief in its appearance, and frustratingly returns to MK11's godawful "epic" theme within seconds (why was that bland, wretched theme even brought back?). There's quite a lot I'm not a fan of in MK1, but its atmosphere and oriental tone are definitely not either of them; in fact they're the shining beacons of joy that has kept me playing whilst most other aspects have left me disappointed.
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I agreed with many of your posts but sadly can't say I agree with that. This game reminds me of the beautiful Thailand location-shooting of MK95 (just look at Sun Do; it literally uses the same Wat Phra Si Sanphet temples in its background), as well as the cherry blossom trees behind the Warrior Shrine in MK '92. It's classic Hong Kong cinema as hell, and I LOVE that, it's felt the most "Mortal Kombat" to me in decades.

In fact I absolutely adore that very short Chinese melody that plays across the menu screens, but it's tragically far too brief in its appearance, and frustratingly returns to MK11's godawful "epic" theme within seconds (why was that bland, wretched theme even brought back?). There's quite a lot I'm not a fan of in MK1, but its atmosphere and oriental tone are definitely not either of them; in fact they're the shining beacons of joy that has kept me playing whilst most other aspects have left me disappointed.
Idk it’s weird the oriental part is not what I don’t like. Like I can see that’s a callback to the actual MK1, BUT I do like a darker atmosphere for MK. Like not necessarily horror but I do want MK to have a darkness to it. In this game the tournament itself even seemed to just be such bullshit.

I think there’s a happy mix so I can see where you’re coming from but I think this game went a bit too whimsical. Like I get fairytale vibes in certain aspects which I’m just not a fan of. The butterflies I just didn’t like and the overly happy Liu Kang world doesn’t fit MK imo.

Again there’s a happy medium they need to find here.
Hopefully the Khaos story injects some more darkness into the game. The MK11 Aftermath slightly updated its menu screen and as pretty as the current MK1 menu is, It would be really cool to see an (optional) visual change to reflect the Story DLC changing things.

Like instead of day it's set at night during an oncoming thunderstorm.
Oh I can assure you that won’t happen with me. I wasn’t one of those fans. I liked MKX for what it was and then liked MK11 for what it was, BUT I’m a huge Kuai Liang fan so I’m biased. I’m a simple man. If he’s Sub-Zero and he’s in the game I will play it and find things to like. I took that shit for granted because I never really thought they’d fuck up Raiden, Scorpion, or Sub-Zero until they did in this game for me. Kuai Liang was Sub-Zero for 30 years and this game said not anymore.

I hate Bi-han. I thought he was an asshole when I was a kid and I think the same now. I like to identify with my character when I play them and I just can’t identify with his asshole-ish bratty antics.

Granted even if Kuai was Sub-Zero in MK1 I would think this is a shitty game. The monetization, glitches, and overall feel. Like this world is too pretty to be MK I’m sorry. The fucking butterflies on the character select. Like wtf? The design and art direction of this game is just too whimsical for Mortal Kombat imo.

What I don't understand is how on earth did this game not come with at least one premium skin with different dialogs and voice actors letting us have Hanzo Scorpion, Kuai Liang Sub-Zero, and Thunder God Raiden. There are skins that are clearly meant to be them, but their dialogs clearly show they are not. Such a missed opportunity.
The game should be all bright and happy.. Narrativly wise. After all this is Kang's lovely duvy "perfect" utopian timeline after all.

I hope as it gets more corrupted it gets more gritty.
What I don't understand is how on earth did this game not come with at least one premium skin with different dialogs and voice actors letting us have Hanzo Scorpion, Kuai Liang Sub-Zero, and Thunder God Raiden. There are skins that are clearly meant to be them, but their dialogs clearly show they are not. Such a missed opportunity.
I’m not sure what the fuck they were thinking with any of those 3 period. They are the 3 poster boys/untouchables of the series most of the time and if anybody should be just legacy and not super fucked with it’s those 3. Shit on me if you guys like, but that’s my opinion.

Also I KNOW how MK11 ended, but tbh we always knew Raiden would be there and I thought well maybe Liu Kang will return his godhood or some shit. Nope he’s a farmer with lightning powers from an amulet. Like wtf?

Then they made Kuai Scorpion and no lie that made me just say yup I’m fucking out. Not buying this game.

I’ve thrown out this theory before BUT they can rectify this by Liu Kang telling Hanzo and Kuai he swapped their destinies before birth.

Hanzo was born as Kuai Liang brother to Bi-han to ensure Bi-han wouldn’t murder his wife and clan and Kuai Liang was born as Hanzo to give Kuai Liang a chance to live a life without worrying how Bi-han turns out since they aren’t blood related anymore.

Only way I can remotely see them saving that shit.
Check out Killer Instinct: Anniversary Edition. You'll be glad you did.
To be honest, MS wasn't NEARLY as bad back then as they are now. And KI was supposed to be the first fighting live-service game, even though it turned out quite half-assed in terms of content (it eventually got a decent roster, though). The Microsoft of TODAY wouldn't be able to even pull THAT off.

I think the best thing that NRS could do is to become independent. God knows how much money Boon has right now - he could fund the majority of an AAA fighting game with the aid of a kickstarter, or go AA and make a fighting game resembling something of a PS3 era. Get rid of Dom - he's a fucking hack - and work with Tobias once more in order to get good lore and solid characters.

Without a publisher breathing down their necks, they could be a lot more open to communication with the fanbase and be quicker to fix what's broken.

I don't think it's worth to make deals with devils like MS, EA, Sony or Ubisoft and crush their IP even more. I KNOW that whatever an independent NRS will create will never be as big as MK (I honestly do not remember a case where a dev who made their own IP after leaving the publisher with whom they made a huge IP ever made it more famous than their original, publisher-owned IP - the closest was Callisto Protocol, but it backfired so badly it's not even funny).

I’m not sure what the fuck they were thinking with any of those 3 period. They are the 3 poster boys/untouchables of the series most of the time and if anybody should be just legacy and not super fucked with it’s those 3. Shit on me if you guys like, but that’s my opinion.

Also I KNOW how MK11 ended, but tbh we always knew Raiden would be there and I thought well maybe Liu Kang will return his godhood or some shit. Nope he’s a farmer with lightning powers from an amulet. Like wtf?

Then they made Kuai Scorpion and no lie that made me just say yup I’m fucking out. Not buying this game.

I’ve thrown out this theory before BUT they can rectify this by Liu Kang telling Hanzo and Kuai he swapped their destinies before birth.

Hanzo was born as Kuai Liang brother to Bi-han to ensure Bi-han wouldn’t murder his wife and clan and Kuai Liang was born as Hanzo to give Kuai Liang a chance to live a life without worrying how Bi-han turns out since they aren’t blood related anymore.

Only way I can remotely see them saving that shit.
Truth be told, while I also think that MK1 was a misfire in a lot of ways, some of the complaints you posted (and with whom I agree) mostly happened because MK1 was a rush job. They made this game in two years (while it should have been four), while at the same time trying to salvage all they could from the game they were developing at the time (probably INJ3) - honestly, the more I think about it, the more impressed I am with what they managed to do in such little time, but you can see how the content suffered. A shitty single player mode which is basically a half-assed fusion of ladders and the Krypt, a character customization which reeks of 'we didn't have time to make any skins or gear so just push out whatever we managed to make', etc.

I honestly can't imagine how better this game could've been if it was released 18 months later. But daddy Zaslav needed money yesterday, and MK was a means to an end.

And who knows what'll happen tomorrow, given WB's atrocious state.
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To be honest, MS wasn't NEARLY as bad back then as they are now. And KI was supposed to be the first fighting live-service game, even though it turned out quite half-assed in terms of content (it eventually got a decent roster, though). The Microsoft of TODAY wouldn't be able to even pull THAT off.

I think the best thing that NRS could do is to become independent. God knows how much money Boon has right now - he could fund the majority of an AAA fighting game with the aid of a kickstarter, or go AA and make a fighting game resembling something of a PS3 era. Get rid of Dom - he's a fucking hack - and work with Tobias once more in order to get good lore and solid characters.

Without a publisher breathing down their necks, they could be a lot more open to communication with the fanbase and be quicker to fix what's broken.

I don't think it's worth to make deals with devils like MS, EA, Sony or Ubisoft and crush their IP even more. I KNOW that whatever an independent NRS will create will never be as big as MK (I honestly do not remember a case where a dev who made their own IP after leaving the publisher with whom they made a huge IP ever made it more famous than their original, publisher-owned IP - the closest was Callisto Protocol, but it backfired so badly it's not even funny).

Truth be told, while I also think that MK1 was a misfire in a lot of ways, some of the complaints you posted (and with whom I agree) mostly happened because MK1 was a rush job. They made this game in two years (while it should have been four), while at the same time trying to salvage all they could from the game they were developing at the time (probably INJ3) - honestly, the more I think about it, the more impressed I am with what they managed to do in such little time, but you can see how the content suffered. A shitty single player mode which is basically a half-assed fusion of ladders and the Krypt, a character customization which reeks of 'we didn't have time to make any skins or gear so just push out whatever we managed to make', etc.

I honestly can't imagine how better this game could've been if it was released 18 months later. But daddy Zaslav needed money yesterday, and MK was a means to an end.

And who knows what'll happen tomorrow, given WB's atrocious state.
I actually thought this wasn’t the case, but then saw Thiny posted that MK1 was actually not built off of MK11 but rather the Injustice 2 engine which seemed super sus to me.

That combined with the clash intros and the kameo system which many thought would be a sidekick system and I do think this game could have started as Injustice 3.

Will they EVER admit to that or let that shit out? Absolutely not, but the more I see the more I wonder if this was ever supposed to be an MK game.

That being said Kuai being Scorpion was leaked on 4chan years ago so those bad decisions were coming. Again though that is Dom, and i’ve talked about my thoughts on him extensively already.
I actually thought this wasn’t the case, but then saw Thiny posted that MK1 was actually not built off of MK11 but rather the Injustice 2 engine which seemed super sus to me.

That combined with the clash intros and the kameo system which many thought would be a sidekick system and I do think this game could have started as Injustice 3.

Will they EVER admit to that or let that shit out? Absolutely not, but the more I see the more I wonder if this was ever supposed to be an MK game.

That being said Kuai being Scorpion was leaked on 4chan years ago so those bad decisions were coming. Again though that is Dom, and i’ve talked about my thoughts on him extensively already.
You can see that they were making INJ3 - char select screen is INJ2 inspired, the intros are basically the clash system, some Fatal Blows have this 'super hero explosion' finish feel to them, the character models look more comic-book related than MK11's realistic look, the final hit explosion which results in the finish him looks straight out of INJ2, etc.

And then, I guess one day Zaslav calls in and tells them to scrap everything they can't salvage into the next MK because they need money and INJ wouldn't be enough.

And that's the sad part - everything about MK1 reeks of a greedy publisher.
In fact I absolutely adore that very short Chinese melody that plays across the menu screens, but it's tragically far too brief in its appearance, and frustratingly returns to MK11's godawful "epic" theme within seconds (why was that bland, wretched theme even brought back?).
There are some very pretty themes in MK1, and you’re also correct that they are very sparse with them. I can’t think of a stand out stage track.

There is a similar key signature and motif in Mk2’s Kombat Tomb and the MK1 new era theme. That is to say there is some mortal Kombat charm in it. But if you compare the various stage themes in mk2 like dead pools or the tower, or living forest, those themes are so eerie and tense compared to the MK1 bgm which doesn’t stand out at all. I agree the locations are great call backs to MK but I wish it wasn’t so obvious we are in Liu Kang’s happy timeline. I wish there was a bit more mystery and danger to the locations
There are some very pretty themes in MK1, and you’re also correct that they are very sparse with them. I can’t think of a stand out stage track.
The ones which I absolutely love are Shang's lab (round 1 and 3) and the Tarkatan colony (round 2 and 3). Johnny's mansion is also kinda nice.
Tomb of Dragon Army is one of the best MK tracks of all time. Its slept on heavy
Out of all the mk1 tracks it does stand out.The mongolian throat singing sounds nice and fits the ambient.But overall just like mkx and mk11, the mk1 ost is a massive L.

Which reminds me,no jukebox mode even in the expansion update it seems...

Its such an easy lay up for nrs to get on the good side of fans.Tekken jukebox mode is the way to go and it is an absolute home run for the game.

Modding does enable bgm mods on pc but due to how fragmented the actual stages bmg mix are, to creat an interactive experiance, it makes it rather tedious to do.

I did make a few klassic stage bgm mods so if anyones on pc and wants some klassic tunes,you can check it out on nexus mods

Living forrest mk2

Mk deadly alliance original lost tomb

Tbh I think the last time an MK game had a great soundtrack overall, was MK4. Some games have had standout good tracks like Deception Slaughterhouse or MK9 Armory, but MK's tracks have never really been the bops that you see from nearly every other fighting game. I don't think MK's dark tone means it needs to have boring moody ambient music.

This shit is a legendary banger and imo, the best MK song of all time. Which I know is a hot take, but I don't think any other MK track has the same energy during a fight as this one. This shit just gets you pumped. Its so primal, it just screams "fight to the death"

And ofc the best Living Forrest theme there is

That roar in the beginning is pure :ex
Tbh I think the last time an MK game had a great soundtrack overall, was MK4. Some games have had standout good tracks like Deception Slaughterhouse or MK9 Armory, but MK's tracks have never really been the bops that you see from nearly every other fighting game. I don't think MK's dark tone means it needs to have boring moody ambient music.

This shit is a legendary banger and imo, the best MK song of all time. Which I know is a hot take, but I don't think any other MK track has the same energy during a fight as this one. This shit just gets you pumped. Its so primal, it just screams "fight to the death"

And ofc the best Living Forrest theme there is

That roar in the beginning is pure :ex
Dude mk4 is just amazing,it was my first mk,and the sound design in that game is goat.
From chracter grunts,soudn effects,music,you name it.The mk feeling is off the charts.

Haha funny you mention that roar,as when i was making the mk2 living forrest mod i was looking for a theme that has the roar throught the track but couldnt find it and didnt know to make it myself.

They really should have a jukebox mode it would be one of the best things it can happen for the game.