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If Pinhead was on the table...I would prefer the Classic Pinhead voiced by Doug Bradley because:
  1. His version is iconic, The Remake Pinhead isn't
  2. He deserves it for being in so many terrible sequels and carrying that Franchise on his back for years
  3. He's in his late 60s/Early 70s and it would be good for him to make a grand return to the role where he only has to provide his voice
But It'd be incredibly weird to see Hellraiser do anything physical like Jump or Duck or Punch or Kick.
If Pinhead was on the table...I would prefer the Classic Pinhead voiced by Doug Bradley because:
  1. His version is iconic, The Remake Pinhead isn't
  2. He deserves it for being in so many terrible sequels and carrying that Franchise on his back for years
  3. He's in his late 60s/Early 70s and it would be good for him to make a grand return to the role where he only has to provide his voice
But It'd be incredibly weird to see Hellraiser do anything physical like Jump or Duck or Punch or Kick.
Pinhead/Cenobites could probably work as a shapeshifter character. Most attacks and stances are Pinhead, but say when he crouches down he turns into Torso, some of the grapples or when he's blocking he's Butterball, when he jumps he's Chatterer or a more athletic Cenobite etc.
all i know is that i'm not expecting much and hopefully be surprised. the guests though did look very cool. hopefully it's not an upscaled render for T1000 and Arnold. I want to hope they will have may the female Ghostfaces in it somehow like Jackie from Roseanne but I doubt it.
Don't bother, he's talking nonsense. It doesn't matter what the ratio of men/women in real life is. What matters is the target audience. If your target audience is straight men, and if you are interested in making money, you will adjust your roster accordingly. Either you will take the male power fantasy route and make your roster a collection of badasses, or you will take the Dead or Alive fanserice route and make the majority of your cast be gorgeous looking vixens. Or, you'll go somewhere in between. But if your target audience is straight men, a good recipe for failure is to emasculate the men and de-sexualize the women.

This is why the MCU plummeted in the last 6 years. It emasculated the men and turned them into self-doubting has-beens and made the women stoic, bland and unlikable. And this is why it's failing. Deadpool and Wolverine does great in the box office so far. Proving that there is no 'superhero fatique', but 'this isn't for me' fatique. Because some 'genius' (Feige) had the brilliant idea to think that if they turn the MCU to the MSheU they would sustain their current audience and attract a new one on top.

This is what the marketing 'experts' do not understand. They continuously confuse twitter thumbs ups with 'take my money', and history has proven, time and again, that twitter is not real life. Which is why, if you are a progressive gaming developer, you think after visiting twitter that all people want to see is progressiveness in Concord, a competitive shooter, and when you release the open beta, you only get about two thousand players because you did your best to tell potential customers that 'this isn't made for you, 'white guys''.

Or look at TV Shows. Doctor Who told its target audience to 'go touch grass', hoping to attract a new target audience with the appropriate progressive values. Basically told their audience to fuck off because they want a new audience.

The old audience fucked off. The new potential audience never came because it doesn't give a fuck about Doctor Who. And the numbers plummeted.

Seriously, the last five - six years can be used as a perfect marketing lesson on what NOT to do in order for a product to succeed.

Imagine needing huge budgets to make your product. Which means you can't afford to offend a single customer. And then, instead of chasing those customers, you tell them that they are racists, misogynists, creeps, grifters and man-babies and telling them to fuck off.

And imagine thinking you're going to make money this way.
Omg you read the overly progressive movement like a book.

I just want to say you took the words right out of my mouth. I thought about mentioning that MK forgot who its target audience was.

Look at Barbie last year. That movie KNEW it’s target audience. Women. Men may have seen it with their girlfriends, but that movie was made for women.

Take note defenders of the gender swapping and making men seem inferior in a game that is really (sorry if you disagree) made mostly for men.
I'm pretty sure the entire games industry and the FGC as a whole are trying to change this. So that games are made for gamers, period, whoever they may be.
And they will fail. Because as much as they want to, they cannot 'train' the majority of women to like fighting games, in the same way that they cannot 'train' straight men to be excited to watch Barbie. The majority of men and women want different things as entertainment, and that's f-i-n-e.

For some weird, unexplained reason, we forgot how a fucking wheel works.
Told my wife about the MK DLC, her response was "wow they're putting Ghostface in the game?? Make sure you show me when he comes out!". That's why guest dlc works.

Is female sektor jacqui briggs?
Some of my favorite female characters are legit not in MK1

GOAT Goddess Sonya Blade? Nope
GOAT Jacqui? Nope
GOAT Cassie? Nope
D'Vorah? Nope
Skarlet? Nope
Jade? Nope

Then most of the one's I DONT care too much for are in the game, like all the 3D era female characters I couldn't give a crap about. I was hoping KP2 at least contains Jacqui or a female Cage. I don't understand, we ALREADY have original epic female characters available, that spot could have literally been Cassie/Jacqui or D'Vorah/Jade, but no. Instead we got new era robots in Ironman suits. I mean they could have been even NEW robots pink and purple or something. Anything. Yes, I am salty. Gotta wait until a potential KP3 to see one of the GOAT females not in the roster because they made room for some "new" Stark sisters instead. This sucks even worse after having time to think about how long it will take to get the real female characters we're all waiting for.

I'm pretty sure the entire games industry and the FGC as a whole are trying to change this. So that games are made for gamers, period, whoever they may be.
I think you have to question then though if that’s what a majority of women want. There are a lot of women in the world, but a majority of the women I know are not gamers so maybe I’m biased. The ones I know who are attracted to gaming play games similat to something like The Sims. Not Mortal Kombat.

So again I say know your target audience. Barbie is not EVER going to be for men ever, and that is okay. There are several women centric franchises and that’s fine. I would not say MK is one of them, but even then my nieces for instance loved MK when they’d watch me play it in the past, and there ARE great female characters in MK. Women can still enjoy the game even though it’s still made for men.

When you forget your target audience though that’s when things go south. The gender swapping or virtue signaling in the past coupke of MK games has become worthy of an eye roll though. MK is losing the plot.

The other guy upthread who said he was salivating over the next MK after X and 11, but now doesn’t care if another sequel comes for 1 is correct as well. This particular game left a lot of fans with a bad taste in their mouths.

Good luck getting those fans back.
And they will fail. Because as much as they want to, they cannot 'train' the majority of women to like fighting games, in the same way that they cannot 'train' straight men to be excited to watch Barbie. The majority of men and women want different things as entertainment, and that's f-i-n-e.

For some weird, unexplained reason, we forgot how a fucking wheel works.
Didn't the Barbie movie make over 1 billion dollars at the box office?

Also you have very strange ideas about gender.
Told my wife about the MK DLC, her response was "wow they're putting Ghostface in the game?? Make sure you show me when he comes out!". That's why guest dlc works.

Some of my favorite female characters are legit not in MK1

GOAT Goddess Sonya Blade? Nope
GOAT Jacqui? Nope
GOAT Cassie? Nope
D'Vorah? Nope
Skarlet? Nope
Jade? Nope

Then most of the one's I DONT care too much for are in the game, like all the 3D era female characters I couldn't give a crap about. I was hoping KP2 at least contains Jacqui or a female Cage. I don't understand, we ALREADY have original epic female characters available, that spot could have literally been Cassie/Jacqui or D'Vorah/Jade, but no. Instead we got new era robots in Ironman suits. I mean they could have been even NEW robots pink and purple or something. Anything. Yes, I am salty. Gotta wait until a potential KP3 to see one of the GOAT females not in the roster because they made room for some "new" Stark sisters instead. This sucks even worse after having time to think about how long it will take to get the real female characters we're all waiting for.

I think calling them Stark Sisters is a pretty gross overstatement. We have mere seconds of footage of both characters. Maybe wait till the DLC releases? See maybe if it's done well? Maybe there's more going on than what we've seen. We don't really know anything.
And they will fail. Because as much as they want to, they cannot 'train' the majority of women to like fighting games, in the same way that they cannot 'train' straight men to be excited to watch Barbie. The majority of men and women want different things as entertainment, and that's f-i-n-e.

For some weird, unexplained reason, we forgot how a fucking wheel works.
You do realize there are more women in game dev than ever before, right? Including women that worked on this very game.

As far as the FGC goes, I think more women would participate if the vast majority of unshowered EVO participants(as an example) weren't total creeps to them. As someone that used to travel to tournaments, I can state first hand that yall don't know how to act around women.
Didn't the Barbie movie make over 1 billion dollars at the box office?
Yes, because it knew its target audience, which was women, not men. It didn't attempt to re-invent the wheel. It didn't make Barbie a stoic, de-sexualized woman who basically acted like a man, it had pink colors, girl stuff, girls standing up to the boys and going for their femininity and other girlie stuff that girls want to see. This isn't the gatcha you think it is and I am mind boggled by your complete lack of self-awareness.

In case you need me to spell it out: Make something the TARGET AUDIENCE wants to see, and it will SELL. Attempt to change your target audience or make something your target audience don't want to see, and it will fail.

Also you have very strange ideas about gender.
Yes, boys want boy stuff and girls want girl stuff.

TOTALLY weird of me.
I think you have to question then though if that’s what a majority of women want. There are a lot of women in the world, but a majority of the women I know are not gamers so maybe I’m biased. The ones I know who are attracted to gaming play games similat to something like The Sims. Not Mortal Kombat.

So again I say know your target audience. Barbie is not EVER going to be for men ever, and that is okay. There are several women centric franchises and that’s fine. I would not say MK is one of them, but even then my nieces for instance loved MK when they’d watch me play it in the past, and there ARE great female characters in MK. Women can still enjoy the game even though it’s still made for men.

When you forget your target audience though that’s when things go south. The gender swapping or virtue signaling in the past coupke of MK games has become worthy of an eye roll though. MK is losing the plot.

The other guy upthread who said he was salivating over the next MK after X and 11, but now doesn’t care if another sequel comes for 1 is correct as well. This particular game left a lot of fans with a bad taste in their mouths.

Good luck getting those fans back.
Pretty sure plenty of men saw Barbie. I certainly did. It was funny as fuck. And not all 1.45 billion dollars worth in worldwide sales were women.

I think attaching mandatory gender requirements to hobbies is actually insane.

Also, MK1 outsold all of its fighting game competitors. Pretty sure Mortal Kombat is going to do fine, lmao!
Yes, because it knew its target audience, which was women, not men. It didn't attempt to re-invent the wheel. It didn't make Barbie a stoic, de-sexualized woman who basically acted like a man, it had pink colors, girl stuff, girls standing up to the boys and going for their femininity and other girlie stuff that girls want to see. This isn't the gatcha you think it is and I am mind boggled by your complete lack of self-awareness.

In case you need me to spell it out: Make something the TARGET AUDIENCE wants to see, and it will SELL. Attempt to change your target audience or make something your target audience don't want to see, and it will fail.

Yes, boys want boy stuff and girls want girl stuff.

TOTALLY weird of me.
Tell me you didn't see the movie without telling me you didn't see the movie. If you think all it did was, "show girl stuff."

It is weird that you think women can only like pre-approved things for them, as if we've never had women enjoying and doing traditionally masculine hobbies and vice versa.

I can't imagine living and thinking like this. It's actually the mentality of someone with less than zero actual life experience.
I think calling them Stark Sisters is a pretty gross overstatement. We have mere seconds of footage of both characters. Maybe wait till the DLC releases? See maybe if it's done well? Maybe there's more going on than what we've seen. We don't really know anything.
I don't know much other than what we all saw on the trailer, but I'm not feeling the Ironman suit stuff lol. Even if they get turned into robots or something in the expansion, it's still the "new era" stuff of these new girls are the new Sektor/Cyrax. Like nah I want the OG Sektor/Cyrax, but this is another thorn that hits double for me, because of two reasons:

1) the main thing I don't like from the story is the "new era" updates. I'm sure it's for the newer audience, but I want Hanzo as Scorpion, Takeda as Kenshi's son, the alpha dudes from MK9 as the robots, Shao Khan to be the alpha he was and not some pushover dude, etc etc. So I'm already Team Old Era

2) The female ratio is already imbalanced, this game is a sausagefest, and I already made peace that I won't get GOAT Certrion back. But I also have to wait indefinitely for my other favorite characters back because we used their potential slots on THREE guests again because they sell, Noob because he's a legend, and the Cyborgs but now they're swapped. I'd much, muchhh, MUCHHH rather get one of the traditional female characters that should have ALREADY been added than making the robots female and waiting even longer for them. The only female characters I even have any interest in on the roster is Sindel and Kitana, when the lore lineup is STACKED with greatness, which is a first for me.

Edit: capitalization added for emphasis lol.
Yeah, I noticed that when video games started to suck.
Baldur's Gate 3 had plenty of women in development, motion capture, voice acting, etc. Shadowheart was even played by a....gasp, queer woman! Oh noooo!

And what do you know? Game of the year and winner of almost every category the year it came out.
I don't know much other than what we all saw on the trailer, but I'm not feeling the Ironman suit stuff lol. Even if they get turned into robots or something in the expansion, it's still the "new era" stuff of these new girls are the new Sektor/Cyrax. Like nah I want the OG Sektor/Cyrax, but this is another thorn that hits double for me, because of two reasons:

1) the main thing I don't like from the story is the "new era" updates. I'm sure it's for the newer audience, but I want Hanzo as Scorpion, Takeda as Kenshi's son, the alpha dudes from MK9 as the robots, Shao Khan to be the alpha he was and not some pushover dude, etc etc. So I'm already Team Old Era

2) The female ratio is already imbalanced, this game is a sausagefest, and I already made peace that I won't get GOAT Certrion back. But I also have to wait indefinitely for my other favorite characters back because we used their potential slots on THREE guests again because they sell, Noob because he's a legend, and the Cyborgs but now they're swapped. I'd much, muchhh, MUCHHH rather get one of the traditional female characters that should have ALREADY been added than making the robots female and waiting even longer for them. The only female characters I even have any interest in on the roster is Sindel and Kitana, when the lore lineup is STACKED with greatness, which is a first for me.

Edit: capitalization added for emphasis lol.
I can understand disliking the premise of the New Era. But it was always going to be different. If you don't like it, that's fine. What I'm against is people disliking it JUST because it's different. It's like they didn't understand anything Boon said.

And yeah, there needs to be more lady fighters. I agree.

I just think we should give it a chance before writing it off, you know?
I don't know much other than what we all saw on the trailer, but I'm not feeling the Ironman suit stuff lol. Even if they get turned into robots or something in the expansion, it's still the "new era" stuff of these new girls are the new Sektor/Cyrax. Like nah I want the OG Sektor/Cyrax, but this is another thorn that hits double for me, because of two reasons:

1) the main thing I don't like from the story is the "new era" updates. I'm sure it's for the newer audience, but I want Hanzo as Scorpion, Takeda as Kenshi's son, the alpha dudes from MK9 as the robots, Shao Khan to be the alpha he was and not some pushover dude, etc etc. So I'm already Team Old Era

2) The female ratio is already imbalanced, this game is a sausagefest, and I already made peace that I won't get GOAT Certrion back. But I also have to wait indefinitely for my other favorite characters back because we used their potential slots on THREE guests again because they sell, Noob because he's a legend, and the Cyborgs but now they're swapped. I'd much, muchhh, MUCHHH rather get one of the traditional female characters that should have ALREADY been added than making the robots female and waiting even longer for them. The only female characters I even have any interest in on the roster is Sindel and Kitana, when the lore lineup is STACKED with greatness, which is a first for me.

Edit: capitalization added for emphasis lol.
Cetrion is a GOAT though, frfr.