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Khaos Reigns Official Announcement Trailer


I probably would have picked this up as a Kombat pack since the cast interests me, even the new aerial style sektor with her hover dashes is interesting and I have a lot of nostalgia for N64 trilogy noob but I can’t justify spending 60 bucks on it.

I saw they haven’t announced a way to buy it piecemeal, which I hope is coming after some time lapses. Every preorder exclusive they’ve had thus far has shown up in the shop eventually, correct?

The game has come a long way since its release but there’s so many quality of life Features it’s lacking. It’s crazy individual fighters have their own rpg style leveling system but there’s no individual MMR for those characters in Kombat league.
Tbh I'm annoyed that Sektor's refly costs meter on the first use when Omniman, Homelander and Takeda all have refly/air combo reset moves for free.
I probably would have picked this up as a Kombat pack since the cast interests me, even the new aerial style sektor with her hover dashes is interesting and I have a lot of nostalgia for N64 trilogy noob but I can’t justify spending 60 bucks on it.

I saw they haven’t announced a way to buy it piecemeal, which I hope is coming after some time lapses. Every preorder exclusive they’ve had thus far has shown up in the shop eventually, correct?

The game has come a long way since its release but there’s so many quality of life Features it’s lacking. It’s crazy individual fighters have their own rpg style leveling system but there’s no individual MMR for those characters in Kombat league.
isnt it 50 bucks though? 60 is only including kp1. at least in euro(pe).
Ya know not to defend the egregious pricing but I saw a post that MK11 Aftermath was $39.99 and it had 3 characters (Sheeva, Robocop, Fujin), and MK11 Kombat Pack 2 was $14.99 and it had 3 character (Rain, Rambo, Mileena), totalling $54.99. So MK1 Khaos Reigns, with a story expansion and 6 characters, is technically cheaper than MK11's DLC. Just goes to show DLC pricing in general makes no sense when compared to the base game.
What confuses me is why force me to buy both the story expansion and the entire season? Why not act like street fighter, Tekken, guilty gear and give me the option to buy the characters I want. This is a fighting game. A not unsubstantial part of their audience is into the PVP experience.
Ya know not to defend the egregious pricing but I saw a post that MK11 Aftermath was $39.99 and it had 3 characters (Sheeva, Robocop, Fujin), and MK11 Kombat Pack 2 was $14.99 and it had 3 character (Rain, Rambo, Mileena), totalling $54.99. So MK1 Khaos Reigns, with a story expansion and 6 characters, is technically cheaper than MK11's DLC. Just goes to show DLC pricing in general makes no sense when compared to the base game.
Actually not really. We had no official awareness of KP2. the pre-order skins were original. We had 2 skin packs that with several alt colors and the multiple costume pieces. Plus, they were available to get eventually with towers of time or krystals if you played the towers that rotated that weren't the chore that they are in this game. Also, they were also able to purchase outright on the psn/xbox/pc shop outright PLUS we had skin packs of classic skins and the movie skins with the OG voice actors. Also...the classic skins for KP2 for Mileena and Rain you could unlock on their towers. We also had way way way more brutality moves. but i digress. i feel at this point any complaint about the game is just beating a dead horse.

The bottom line for me was this trailer was just not that exciting. It also kind of had bad editing. many characters were speaking off panel. which basically says they say that line not in that scene. It's sorta insulting to the consumer.
Ya know not to defend the egregious pricing but I saw a post that MK11 Aftermath was $39.99 and it had 3 characters (Sheeva, Robocop, Fujin), and MK11 Kombat Pack 2 was $14.99 and it had 3 character (Rain, Rambo, Mileena), totalling $54.99. So MK1 Khaos Reigns, with a story expansion and 6 characters, is technically cheaper than MK11's DLC. Just goes to show DLC pricing in general makes no sense when compared to the base game.
I think both were overpriced, especially considering the amount of content you get compared to the base game. But I can swallow that pill due to the fact you get three characters day one, plus a story mode and a new fatality for all characters and MAYBE a surprise (or was that for the future?). What is inexcusable to me is the prices of the MK1 skins. Selling you a SKIN for ten dollars was astronomically greedy, and even though they now sell them at half that price, it's still too much. I mean, they sell a skin at the price they used to sell a character. I get that WB is literally on death's door economically, but this isn't the answer.

(Irrelevant to MK) rant about gaming follows: Devs/Publishers really need to back down with the AAA budgets, it's killing companies and their games. They need to go smaller, bolder and smarter, instead of bigger, safer and greedier. And for fuck's sake, stop trying to make every new 3d action game the next Skyrim. The majority of gamers today don't want a game which is 300 hours of content, especially when 85% of said content is fetch quests or 'go to the other side of the (X times bigger than Skyrim) map, kill X' missions. Or telling you that your actions have grave consequences when they almost always don't. Enough with those cheap marketing bullet points. It's boring, tedious and doesn't add anything to the game anymore. It's lost its luster. It's done.

This is one of, if not the actual worst animation NRS has ever put into a cinematic. There is zero flow, she just transforms all of her momentum into a 180 twist. This is so gross
A lot of people hate these designs, but I don't mind them. What kinda bothers me is that they decided to make their helmets completely identical, which stopped being a thing since MK9.

This is one of, if not the actual worst animation NRS has ever put into a cinematic. There is zero flow, she just transforms all of her momentum into a 180 twist. This is so gross
The problem is that she should be turning the other way. Because of the momentum as you said. But at the same time, being in an ironman suit, maybe she can fly/float or something. ¯\(ツ)

I saw this article and while a sell isn’t exactly 100% I have also seen other news sources talking about this subject. WB is broke and we all know this. There were rumors of a selloff of the games division of WB YEARS ago even before the merger.

I think before all is said and done MK will most certainly end up changing hands. Do you all think this is a good thing or a bad thing? Personally I’m ecstatic after the choices this particular game made and hoping that after a long break MK will just reboot (like ACTUALLY reboot) entirely.

I saw this article and while a sell isn’t exactly 100% I have also seen other news sources talking about this subject. WB is broke and we all know this. There were rumors of a selloff of the games division of WB YEARS ago even before the merger.

I think before all is said and done MK will most certainly end up changing hands. Do you all think this is a good thing or a bad thing? Personally I’m ecstatic after the choices this particular game made and hoping that after a long break MK will just reboot (like ACTUALLY reboot) entirely.
There's been talk about this for a few years now. If a sale does happen, it'll be good or bad depending on who's hands the franchise ends up in.
There's been talk about this for a few years now. If a sale does happen, it'll be good or bad depending on who's hands the franchise ends up in.
So what are the best options?

I remember (and the article mentions this) that Microsoft seemed to be the most likely option.

Most agree EA would be god awful, but Idk tons about these huge gaming corporations.

What other viable options are there besides those 2? I know Sony, but they’ll try to make MK console exclusive which I personally don’t like either.
So what are the best options?

I remember (and the article mentions this) that Microsoft seemed to be the most likely option.

Most agree EA would be god awful, but Idk tons about these huge gaming corporations.

What other viable options are there besides those 2? I know Sony, but they’ll try to make MK console exclusive which I personally don’t like either.
The most probable scenario is Microsoft, which is going to be catastrophic for the IP.
After the cost of the Activision Blizzard acquisition, I don't expect Microsoft to do any more acquisitions soon.

Considering how great Killer Instinct is though, I don't think they'd be a bad choice.
The most probable scenario is Microsoft, which is going to be catastrophic for the IP.
I mean can it get a lot worse than this game?

I guess it could, but as a long time fam I gave so little shits about this game that Idk if I care to get a sequel ANYTIME soon.

Idk tons about microsoft but maybe they’d be better than this shit show.
I think before all is said and done MK will most certainly end up changing hands. Do you all think this is a good thing or a bad thing? Personally I’m ecstatic after the choices this particular game made and hoping that after a long break MK will just reboot (like ACTUALLY reboot) entirely.
Just begging for the Monkey's Paw to curl, aren't you? Absolutely thirsting for it.
Just begging for the Monkey's Paw to curl, aren't you? Absolutely thirsting for it.
I mean yeah?

I’ve been very vocal about how much I hate almost every decision in MK1.

At the very least maybe we’ll get another Renaissance game similar to MK9 that everyone can fondly remember.
I mean yeah?

I’ve been very vocal about how much I hate almost every decision in MK1.

At the very least maybe we’ll get another Renaissance game similar to MK9 that everyone can fondly remember.
That's not the very least outcome and it's also not the most likely.

The least outcome is your desired reboot sucking even more than this one and it's also the most likely. But you won't even learn your lesson from that, you'll just say "hopefully the NEXT game will be better" or you'll hope for another reboot.

I'm tired boss.
KI? The game thats been dead for years? The one whos budget was so small they had a youtuber make their story "cutscenes"
I’ve never played KI, BUT I will say this.

You may balk at a youtuber making their cutscenes, but how much money was wasted on things like Megan Fox or the licenses to all these shitty guest characters?

I’d rather have a smaller budget and the possibility of a better game as opposed to the MILLIONS of dollars they’re throwing away on a story mode that people just watch on youtube and celebrities that add nothing to the game.