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I'm just saying that gender and orientation swaps don't happen the other way. In fact make an Asian white and the net had a meltdown from that Ghost in the Shell movie

It is not something that gets me livid. Like Mr Freeze is a gay woman in the Suicide Squad DLC... It is not like I care or it has much affect on if I I'll buy or enjoy something... BUT... It is a legit want to have faithful renditions of popular charictars. Imo it is unfair to judge people as bigoted just as they would prefer superman to be a strait, white male and not something else.

That is why I'm hoping that the cyrx and sektor thing is actually iron Man suits made out of the corpses of the original characters. So they took their parts and made suits. As this would side step all the "swap" stuff. Making it a much better and narratively interesting take

Look at Batwoman. A very popular gay character, but if they just made batman gay I think people would be upset. Most people I know don't care about gay, non-white or female characters.. They just want them to not BE ones that already exist. Look at Miles Morals (Spiderman) everyone loves him, but he isn't Peter Parker, he is his own, awesome thing.
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Firstly, I usually only play female characters (all my faves are in this title), I have no major issues with Sektor / Cyrax being women, but what I find disappointing is that it proves that they are unable to make impactful, standalone female characters. They are just going for someone who already has an established fanbase rather than taking a risk on developing a new character. I would have liked them to be new cyborgs instead and involve Frost in the storyline rather than a simple gender swap.
They dont even need make new ones, skarlet and jade are right there.
Its a story expansion,they should have focused on mk charcaters not have 3 guests again...

The pack could have been: noob, proper version of cyrax and sektor, skarlet, jade, and then 1 guest if they really want guests so much

And it would easily be considered one of the greatest dlc packs to be released by nrs,but they always want to shoot themselves in the foot,like people would have been so hype they would not even think about the 50€ price tag,it would sell like hot cackes.

What they acomplished now is, me buying noob and thats it(if seperate purchases are available), and many people likely do the same.
They dont even need make new ones, skarlet and jade are right there.
Its a story expansion,they should have focused on mk charcaters not have 3 guests again...

The pack could have been: noob, proper version of cyrax and sektor, skarlet, jade, and then 1 guest if they really want guests so much

And it would easily be considered one of the greatest dlc packs to be released by nrs,but they always want to shoot themselves in the foot,like people would have been so hype they would not even think about the 50€ price tag,it would sell like hot cackes.

What they acomplished now is, me buying noob and thats it(if seperate purchases are available), and many people likely do the same.
I agree 100%. But here's the problem: If you go on YouTube, you'll find people who say, "Holy shit - I had no interest in this game, but now that Ghostface is in it, I want to buy it!"

And before you say that those people do not put their money where their mouth is, I tell you this: I don't really care about Tekken. I bought a couple of Tekken games on a sale, but they just gather dust.

But put Tifa Lockhart as a guest in Tekken 8? Will buy the game and the DLC in a split of a second.

So as much as I hate it, I admit it works.

As I'm sure there are a lot of MK fans who would buy Tekken 8 if ...

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I agree 100%. But here's the problem: If you go on YouTube, you'll find people who say, "Holy shit - I had no interest in this game, but now that Ghostface is in it, I want to buy it!"

And before you say that those people do not put their money where their mouth is, I tell you this: I don't really care about Tekken. I bought a couple of Tekken games on a sale, but they just gather dust.

But put Tifa Lockhart as a guest in Tekken 8? Will buy the game and the DLC in a split of a second.

So as much as I hate it, I admit it works.
Yeah i know it works,especially if you can secure a very popular IP character.
Just saying time and a place for everything,if its a story expansion let the mk chars shine.

As much as guests can move the needle we also got to be real,mk sells millions on millions of copies in the first place before any guest because people love mk, like they wont go out of bussines if they space out the guests a bit.
I agree 100%. But here's the problem: If you go on YouTube, you'll find people who say, "Holy shit - I had no interest in this game, but now that Ghostface is in it, I want to buy it!"

And before you say that those people do not put their money where their mouth is, I tell you this: I don't really care about Tekken. I bought a couple of Tekken games on a sale, but they just gather dust.

But put Tifa Lockhart as a guest in Tekken 8? Will buy the game and the DLC in a split of a second.

So as much as I hate it, I admit it works.

As I'm sure there are a lot of MK fans who would buy Tekken 8 if ...

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To refrence the harada tweet and what you added.

Yeah i got back into tekken becasue of akuma,so yeah securing a bombshell of a character can be very impactfull
Meh... no issue here for me... like I said, make them a new character.. that is cool. Comics have been doing sons and daughters forever. The original Deadpool will be back, just as wolverine is now after they took him out to introduce Laura Kinney (X-23, his daughter, she was in that Logan movie as well). She was cool, and I have no reason to think the new deadpool won't be as well.

Superman's son is queer for example, well bi actually, but that is a much better way to go around things than making Superman gay, imo.

Yeah... I'm not into that. I think this kind of change is sorta dumb. Like I said it dose not piss me off, I'm still going to watch the fuck out of this show, but it seems like a stupid and unnecessary change.

Amanda Waller is one of the most bad ass villians in comics and everyone loves her. No one cares that a character is female but manu people care about characters they know very well, have loved for decades... maybe taught themselves to draw by doodeling them all through high school (like I did). They mean something to some epople.

Anyway there is no need to randomly swap Penguin.. make a new charicter.
Imagine watching the Deadpool / Wolverine movie, getting excited to start buying comic books with this character, go to Marvel.com and ...
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Also: Who in the flying fuck asked for this?

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It's so fucking lazy and boring at this stage. It's not original, it's not groundbreaking, it's just ... tedious.
I'm comic book noob but they are allowed different takes. I mean there was a Spiderman cartoon that made King Pin black. not every comic book follows the same lore. Also, you're getting mad at Deadpool's kid...she is legit doing the same thing they did with Spiderman one where his daughter becomes Spiderman...just in that case he is retired and not dead like how they are doing here with Wade. It's fin to not like something but come on dude.
I'm comic book noob but they are allowed different takes. I mean there was a Spiderman cartoon that made King Pin black. not every comic book follows the same lore. Also, you're getting mad at Deadpool's kid...she is legit doing the same thing they did with Spiderman one where his daughter becomes Spiderman...just in that case he is retired and not dead like how they are doing here with Wade. It's fin to not like something but come on dude.
I'm not getting mad. I'm just pointing out that releasing a movie about a comic book character at a time period where said comic book character is dead is a bad marketing move. They did the same thing when they released the Thor movie at the time where Thor had relinquished his 'mantle' in the comics and Thor was now Jane Foster. The guy who goes to the trouble of visiting the comic book store to check out Thor comics wants to see Thor, not a Thor-wannabe. It was literally the 'we have X at home' meme in real life.

It's a bad business choice.

"But the movie was planned/written/filmed years before it was released."
Yes, and in a company that supposedly takes itself seriously, they should factor the timeframe where the movie is being released and go, 'we're not shelving this character until 20XX, in order to fully capitalize on the noise the movie will make.'

Sad thing is that the movies used to be about raising awareness for the comics. Now, the comics ACCOMODATE the movies, which is why you see numerous comic book characters getting numerous retcons to go more in line with the movies.

Oh, well. It is what it is.
I'm not getting mad. I'm just pointing out that releasing a movie about a comic book character at a time period where said comic book character is dead is a bad marketing move. They did the same thing when they released the Thor movie at the time where Thor had relinquished his 'mantle' in the comics and Thor was now Jane Foster. The guy who goes to the trouble of visiting the comic book store to check out Thor comics wants to see Thor, not a Thor-wannabe. It was literally the 'we have X at home' meme in real life.

It's a bad business choice.

"But the movie was planned/written/filmed years before it was released."
Yes, and in a company that supposedly takes itself seriously, they should factor the timeframe where the movie is being released and go, 'we're not shelving this character until 20XX, in order to fully capitalize on the noise the movie will make.'

Sad thing is that the movies used to be about raising awareness for the comics. Now, the comics ACCOMODATE the movies, which is why you see numerous comic book characters getting numerous retcons to go more in line with the movies.

Oh, well. It is what it is.
I mean if it i done it is done. Comic book releases are not at the mercy of movies. Also that comic book isn't following the same story and lore that movie was following.
I think what is more offensive is gender swapping because it's lazy writing and to put more salt on the would they don't look that exciting or innnovative to play. but whatever. none of the DLC has been that great IMO.. the Kameos so far most notably Khameleon and Mavado have had most hype. at least for me.

I digress...i will likely get the dlc anyway.
You know OG Sektor and Cyrax are right there right, like you don't even have to put in a code. Fatalities, costumes and everything.
The reason characters get gender swapped is because ratio of women to men in video games is like 1:10, but ratio of women to men in real life is like 2.5:1.

Some call it Marketing.
Yeah it never seems to go the other way.

Like you never see Laura Croft as a man, Blade played by a white guy or Batwoman as strait.
My man, white guy Tomb Raider, White Guy Vampire Hunter, and White Guy Batman already existed MULTIPLE TIMES OVER before any of them.
Passions are high for the characters, but I wonder about gameplay changes and the balance direction of the game. Do you guys think that NRS will implement any new gameplay elements? Is the meta shifting in any way, shape, or form? Will there be more buffs for characters and kameos like in the last patch? The story mode expansion, the DLCs, and the animalities must involve lots of time and effort, so my expectations are low.
Since there's been no changes to the arguably problematic kameo moves, I think it's going to be very difficult for the special to kameo meta to change. NRS may feel brave enough to try but I don't see it happening.
Another thing contributing to the stale meta is how easy yet powerful the top 10 characters are to play. From a competitive standpoint, why bother sweating playing Ermac and Kenshi when you can yolo Baraka and Cage? EZ game EZ life.

In terms of new gameplay elements, I think we've seen what they had to offer with the changes to EXD2. I wouldn't expect more.

I find it weird KP2 doesn't come with new Kameos. That tells me they'll probably look into putting more effort in the current cast and existing Kameos by either adding more moves, buffs, and even hopefully reworks. We'll see.
The reason characters get gender swapped is because ratio of women to men in video games is like 1:10, but ratio of women to men in real life is like 2.5:1.

Some call it Marketing.

"As of 2024, the global sex ratio at birth is estimated at 107 boys to 100 girls (1,000 boys per 934 girls). By old age, the sex ratio reverses, with 81 older men for every 100 older women; across all ages, the global population is nearly balanced, with 101 males for every 100 females."
"As of 2024, the global sex ratio at birth is estimated at 107 boys to 100 girls (1,000 boys per 934 girls). By old age, the sex ratio reverses, with 81 older men for every 100 older women; across all ages, the global population is nearly balanced, with 101 males for every 100 females."
Don't bother, he's talking nonsense. It doesn't matter what the ratio of men/women in real life is. What matters is the target audience. If your target audience is straight men, and if you are interested in making money, you will adjust your roster accordingly. Either you will take the male power fantasy route and make your roster a collection of badasses, or you will take the Dead or Alive fanserice route and make the majority of your cast be gorgeous looking vixens. Or, you'll go somewhere in between. But if your target audience is straight men, a good recipe for failure is to emasculate the men and de-sexualize the women.

This is why the MCU plummeted in the last 6 years. It emasculated the men and turned them into self-doubting has-beens and made the women stoic, bland and unlikable. And this is why it's failing. Deadpool and Wolverine does great in the box office so far. Proving that there is no 'superhero fatique', but 'this isn't for me' fatique. Because some 'genius' (Feige) had the brilliant idea to think that if they turn the MCU to the MSheU they would sustain their current audience and attract a new one on top.

This is what the marketing 'experts' do not understand. They continuously confuse twitter thumbs ups with 'take my money', and history has proven, time and again, that twitter is not real life. Which is why, if you are a progressive gaming developer, you think after visiting twitter that all people want to see is progressiveness in Concord, a competitive shooter, and when you release the open beta, you only get about two thousand players because you did your best to tell potential customers that 'this isn't made for you, 'white guys''.

Or look at TV Shows. Doctor Who told its target audience to 'go touch grass', hoping to attract a new target audience with the appropriate progressive values. Basically told their audience to fuck off because they want a new audience.

The old audience fucked off. The new potential audience never came because it doesn't give a fuck about Doctor Who. And the numbers plummeted.

Seriously, the last five - six years can be used as a perfect marketing lesson on what NOT to do in order for a product to succeed.

Imagine needing huge budgets to make your product. Which means you can't afford to offend a single customer. And then, instead of chasing those customers, you tell them that they are racists, misogynists, creeps, grifters and man-babies and telling them to fuck off.

And imagine thinking you're going to make money this way.
My guess is what has been chasing this game from its announcement: Lack of time.
Agreed. I'm also guessing that a significant number of NRS employees are now devoting the majority of their time/efforts onto their next project.

It's strange, but I really thought (before the game was released) that we'd be seeing a LOT of new kameos throughout the game's lifespan. My thinking was that, if all the characters are complete, then adding new kameos would be the best and most efficient way of spicing up the game and changing things up. I'm guessing most people would prefer more characters, but I wouldn't mind a kombat pack that's like 3 new MK characters and 6 kameos or something like that.

Also, that subtle false advertising with Sonya about kameos having alternate costumes will never not make me mad.
Agreed. I'm also guessing that a significant number of NRS employees are now devoting the majority of their time/efforts onto their next project.

It's strange, but I really thought (before the game was released) that we'd be seeing a LOT of new kameos throughout the game's lifespan. My thinking was that, if all the characters are complete, then adding new kameos would be the best and most efficient way of spicing up the game and changing things up. I'm guessing most people would prefer more characters, but I wouldn't mind a kombat pack that's like 3 new MK characters and 6 kameos or something like that.

Also, that subtle false advertising with Sonya about kameos having alternate costumes will never not make me mad.
I think MK1 may end up being one of the most underwhelming MKs in terms of 'noise'. The majority of people stopped playing and talking about it within 2-3 months. I cannot believe this game has been released for over a year now and it's about to release (probably) its last decent expansion before fading into obscurity.

All we can hope is that the next few patches will improve the game to a point where the fans can enjoy themselves online/offline for the next three years before a sequel comes out.

But this is the most groundbreaking for me. When MKX ended, I couldn't wait for 11. When 11 ended, I was counting the weeks before MK1 got announced.

Now? I literally don't care if MK2 comes next year, after ten years, or never.