I was trying to get a match in with Enigma last night, but he said that he was trying to rank up.
I then told him not to take the ranking so seriously, because it doesnt matter because it's online. There are tons of good ppl on this site that should be ranked atleast twice or three times as high as where they are right now(myself included cause i was there).
But you have to take into account the character youre selecting. You use UnSub, that's great for the community imo that youre winning with unsub. You get into matches that you know for a fact that you should be winning, against someone's scrubbed out rsmoke or kabal but the delay or lag ruins your golden oppurtunities.
Shoot, i've just recently learned how to get off Kitana's 50%+ damage teleport punisher on ppl on live, and it makes ppl drop games, but i digress. All I'm saying to you Enigma is that youre already recognized by players that matter, that your Sub-Zero is good. So taking the ranking system so serious, when there's way too many inconsistent factors about it, doesnt make sense. You could be on a roll and then fight someone with 3 green and they lag, and then you shoot down 50 ranks. THAT can't be taken seriously.
It's all about where you stand on the good people that post on this site, and whatnot. Cause some ppl just play better in lag, and some dont. Either way everyone isn't as good as they could be, but that's besides the point. Some ppl end up worse off and dont even know it.