Crazy Dominican wanted a piece of him, but mippy declined the offer, makes you wonder huh?
I was wonder how the fuck he got number 1 and who the fuck he was. I think everyone has come to the same conclusion that he is probably a booster.Bob Dole said:its prbly somone everyone knows and there prbly boosting. theres no other way to explain it. your not going to get to ts 41 buy just playing scrubs, you have to play someone 30 plus ts rankings . people that are in the 30's or higher are not going to lose consective fights. only to lead me to believe either there someone else with a new account cherrie picken or somenone boosting your ts thru high ranked friends.
Mippys, boostings CHErrie picker. NO RESPECT.
There is no shame in losing to Paulo, he's one of the best MK players in the world and for many years he was THE BEST UMK3 player.Br0ken said:I see chigameCub is #5 now....Ive only plyd him twice and he is very cheap...He continously trys to throw and just jks the entire match...Even though i win its annoying chasing after him and getting caught with random jks lol
You do understand that Br0ken is MK OWNS U right? I think he knows how to play the game considering he's ranked 3rd right now.RayRokka said:There is no shame in losing to Paulo, he's one of the best MK players in the world and for many years he was THE BEST UMK3 player.
You can block throws...and cheapness is a limitation of the mind. Let go of it and play to your full potential.
I haven't played on XBL yet, I'm waiting for a stick to get made. Personally I don't care if he's Jesus Christ. Paulo is a good friend of mine from back in the day and I'm setting it straight.l SuGaR l said:You do understand that Br0ken is MK OWNS U right? I think he knows how to play the game considering he's ranked 3rd right now.RayRokka said:There is no shame in losing to Paulo, he's one of the best MK players in the world and for many years he was THE BEST UMK3 player.
You can block throws...and cheapness is a limitation of the mind. Let go of it and play to your full potential.
Yeah, I'm not on Br0ken's nuts. I'd just like it if before you post have an idea as to what the fuck you're talking about and please don't make ignorant statements if you don't know who someone is. Don't sit there and make dumb statements when you don't have an idea as to who you're talking to or what you're talking about.RayRokka said:I haven't played on XBL yet, I'm waiting for a stick to get made. Personally I don't care if he's Jesus Christ. Paulo is a good friend of mine from back in the day and I'm setting it straight.
Before ya'll whippersnappers new what was what, Paulo and the rest of the Chi Town crew were pioneering and balancing the game.
If he is that good than I'm sure people call him "cheap" also.
relax man, and quit hanging on his ballsack.
And how well do you know br0ken?l SuGaR l said:I'd just like it if before you post have an idea as to what the fuck you're talking about and please don't make ignorant statements if you don't know who someone is. Don't sit there and make dumb statements when you don't have an idea as to who you're talking to or what you're talking about.
l SuGaR l said:Yeah, I'm not on Br0ken's nuts. I'd just like it if before you post have an idea as to what the fuck you're talking about and please don't make ignorant statements if you don't know who someone is. Don't sit there and make dumb statements when you don't have an idea as to who you're talking to or what you're talking about.RayRokka said:I haven't played on XBL yet, I'm waiting for a stick to get made. Personally I don't care if he's Jesus Christ. Paulo is a good friend of mine from back in the day and I'm setting it straight.
Before ya'll whippersnappers new what was what, Paulo and the rest of the Chi Town crew were pioneering and balancing the game.
If he is that good than I'm sure people call him "cheap" also.
relax man, and quit hanging on his ballsack.
Sugar, I don't mean to interrupt but chigamecub/colt is one of those original great mk player. I said it before and I'll say it again. If you're playing the back-in-the-days Paulo, if he gives you 2nd, you're lucky to have another 15+ seconds of playing. When Paulo is on, NO ONE will beat him. Paulo is one of those guys I hoped not to cross path against.l SuGaR l said:Yeah, I'm not on Br0ken's nuts. I'd just like it if before you post have an idea as to what the fuck you're talking about and please don't make ignorant statements if you don't know who someone is. Don't sit there and make dumb statements when you don't have an idea as to who you're talking to or what you're talking about.RayRokka said:I haven't played on XBL yet, I'm waiting for a stick to get made. Personally I don't care if he's Jesus Christ. Paulo is a good friend of mine from back in the day and I'm setting it straight.
Before ya'll whippersnappers new what was what, Paulo and the rest of the Chi Town crew were pioneering and balancing the game.
If he is that good than I'm sure people call him "cheap" also.
relax man, and quit hanging on his ballsack.
Hey Horsemen...horsemen said:Sugar, I don't mean to interrupt but chigamecub/colt is one of those original great mk player. I said it before and I'll say it again. If you're playing the back-in-the-days Paulo, if he gives you 2nd, you're lucky to have another 15+ seconds of playing. When Paulo is on, NO ONE will beat him. Paulo is one of those guys I hoped not to cross path against.l SuGaR l said:Yeah, I'm not on Br0ken's nuts. I'd just like it if before you post have an idea as to what the fuck you're talking about and please don't make ignorant statements if you don't know who someone is. Don't sit there and make dumb statements when you don't have an idea as to who you're talking to or what you're talking about.RayRokka said:I haven't played on XBL yet, I'm waiting for a stick to get made. Personally I don't care if he's Jesus Christ. Paulo is a good friend of mine from back in the day and I'm setting it straight.
Before ya'll whippersnappers new what was what, Paulo and the rest of the Chi Town crew were pioneering and balancing the game.
If he is that good than I'm sure people call him "cheap" also.
relax man, and quit hanging on his ballsack.
Ray is also a damn good player. Bastard didn't give me a chance back in the days until I got better. I didn't outplayed Ray until wavenet but I think he gave up then. Then I got even with Ray on Killer Instinct 2.![]()
I'm a Diversions player. I also have a brother. We hung with Paulo and Juan when we figured out that freeplay trick on mk3. Since we were kinda broke too, that freeplay trick was a life wise but we did pissed off store owners. We pretty much learnt the game thru constant playing with Paulo and Juan(didn't cost us anything except the first 50 cents and btw...Juan is on xbl under his name). Then I started to work at Diversions and the hook up wheel was in motion. I did play some at Dennis's on belmont but the crowd of freaks didn't sit well with me(I was in Highschool surrounded by smelly nipple piercing mohawk black guys and their dirty white lazy eyed girlfiends with career gold of graduating junior bad, I'm talking about the old white guy in a business suit who didn't belong there). Funzone was horrible but and that crappy arcade across from lane tech was too. They both closed down. The new owner of Funzone bought Diversions and ran that place down too.RayRokka said:Hey Horsemen...
wow, you surprised the shit out of me by knowing your Chi-Town arcade history...that's exactly what happened word for word.
I'm not sure who you are or where I have played you before, but I apologize if I played you too tight. You see, back then I didn't have a lot of money. I bought my tokens on token day for the week and I had to make them last till the next token day. It forced me to play extremely tight and efficiently. Believe me I know I pissed allot of people off, but I know that it raised everyones level. I didn't want to lose money you know? Paulo and I used to trade rounds all day just to save money. Depending on who's tokens it was. If I paid for the game Paulo would take seconds and vice versa. It was allot of fun and we got really good because of it, we were constantly playing and never had to get off the machine.
I did fall off of UMK3 after a while...funny enough it was because I became a Pro Magic: The Gathering Player (laugh if you must)
But Magic made me money (which I needed badly) and it afforded me the opportunity to get back in school. It also satisfied my desire to compete. I always used to tell Magic players that my competitive streak started in the arcades playing MK and SF. I learned how to be tactical because of it.
horsemen, what arcade did I play you at? Dennis, Diversions, Super Just Games? That crappy arcade across form Lane Tech? LOL
the legendary Bizhop 8)I also have a brother
So you go in late at night just for some quick matches like me?Bob Dole said:ive noticed that the top 50 players have all under 1000 wins, and below that, even less games. i wish someone could get a reset or something or a rotating ranking.
theres no point of even playing ranked anymore, other then to piss someone off who does care about it.
Yeah, the ranking system is just weird. Now I'm far from the greatest player but it annoys me when I see people on my friends list ranked higher than me, and they have only played about 100 matches total. And their win percentages are much lower. I guess they climbed the ranks quickly when the game was first released, and then kept their spots by simply not playing?Bob Dole said:ive noticed that the top 50 players have all under 1000 wins, and below that, even less games. i wish someone could get a reset or something or a rotating ranking.
theres no point of even playing ranked anymore, other then to piss someone off who does care about it.