In ranked matches I ususally only play H. Smoke. But in casual matches I mix it up quite a bit.ACTION KUNGFU said:I'm a 1 character player too![]()
In ranked matches I ususally only play H. Smoke. But in casual matches I mix it up quite a bit.ACTION KUNGFU said:I'm a 1 character player too![]()
be easy on ppl, not everyone is from diversions!!!!horsemen said:i'm not sure what is the fuss about dj eric but he is a 1 character player and not very good at it. I pretty much used almost every character against him even the bad ones I'm relearning and I still came out on top majority of the time. He just use nightwolf and once... a very bad sonya. Like he just discovered her bicycle kick and wanna see it 10x a round. He doesn't have the basic skill of blocking throws nor the defense with nightwolf. Put pressure on his nightwolf and he is toast. I did lose few games against him but then I lose a lot anyway cuz I rarely block and that jump overhead punch to ground combo gets me all the time. He knows his combos but he's not aggresive. If you're going to use nightwolf, you need to lock up opponents that can't teleport away. Don't play waiting game against him...go for the jabs and throw. 2-3 jabs and go str8 into combo...he falls for it.agent007 said:good to see you beating diamond if that's him. Oh by the way if bob dole is that good he would've posted his gamer tag by now. He's trying to hide his skills cuz he doesn't have shitACTION KUNGFU said:I've not played Crazy Dominican yet, but when I've played DjEric it never lagged at all while I was winning.Scheisse said:Crazy Dominican = ++Axem_FLAMES++
DJ Eric is probably Axem_Diamond
Both are well known for their cheating and lying on kaillera
not to mention they are very laggy and purposly lag games to win
(at least FlAMES for sure)
Bob Dole, you still havent said what your gamertag is. What is it?
Oh boy wavenet all over again. 8) Let me know how that stick works out maybe I will have to order one. Currently im using X-arcade but the stick is too loose and the buttons are setup similar to SF.horsemen said:lex, I 'm starting to play like I used to play at blocking. I just ordered 2 sticks from dreadfist for my bro and myself.
If my guess is correct Bob Dole is the guy on XBL who kept messaging me saying "two more weeks until I get my stick" and his GT= AFE Flint MIDAVE101 said:Enigma, update when you get the chance.
Bob Dole, where do you live? I'm asking because I live exactly 200 miles from Chicago.
no adapter just modded it with a 360 controller inside,DAVE101 said:Woaw, tell how you're using X-arcade.
DAVE101 said:Can you still use it on mame without much adjusting. I want to get one but dont want to be limited to one thing.
br0ken doesn't have an xbox 360 anymore he sold hisDAVE101 said:MOE is not #1 anymore :shock:
Br0ken takes the lead without lifting a finger.
Hey Im supposed to say that! :evil:Bob Dole said:lets stick to the discussion.