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The Official Kabal Crybaby Thread


why so asspained reo? no one has a gun to cdjr's head, he's a grown man and he will do what he likes, god damn. taking the internet seriously, much? the forums are not real life bro.


why so asspained reo? no one has a gun to cdjr's head, he's a grown man and he will do what he likes, god damn. taking the internet seriously, much? the forums are not real life bro.
I will like this along with telling you I like it.

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This thread is fucking garbage....

First of all Jr. should keep playing Jax no matter what....It took 8 fucking months for REO to figure out the match with Kabal...Now Jr. can work for another 8 months to get back on track...fair is fair...

Most important of all, why is everyone bitching about Kabal when REO is on a level, no one cant even reach with that character?????
What's going to be funny is if a UK guy wins Evo, not using Kabal, and then all these threads are null.

Now for the thread, I agree that people can use whoever they want, it should be nobodies business. Now from a spectator point of view, I for one would not watch a top 8 full of Kabals. Sure it is there right to play Kabal all they want and I support their decision, but at the same time, they shouldn't get mad if streams die down, and the game loses popularity over everyone picking one character. It goes both ways.


Blue Blurs for Life!
Honestly...what do you expect the tournament-level players to do?

They're gonna do what works for them. If it doesn't please the crowd, it's not their fault. They aren't objects of entertainment to be influenced at your will; they are living, human beings who strive to compete and give it their all. The fact that some are martyred just for trying to better their game plan is sickening.

Also, for some to even say that "maining Kabal will kill the game" just shows blatant disrespect to those who do play him. You are seeing plenty of displays from other characters among the top 8 or 16 of each tournament, so I ask you...what's the problem?


Cage ban wagon?
Gtfo of here. Kabal is fucking retarded and you guys know it! Everyone is just siding with reo cuz he's a top player. There's nothing bad with using the best character if there were other characters to match his abilities but that's not the case. This character rapes everyone by far which is stupid. Sonya and kenshi don't compare to this character or even fight well against kabal and they are the second and third best characters in the game. If kabal is banned the next best characters don't dominate the cast like kabal does so there would be no room to complain.
Someone nerd him or get rid of this ugly asshole

CD jr

This thread is fucking garbage....

First of all Jr. should keep playing Jax no matter what....It took 8 fucking months for REO to figure out the match with Kabal...Now Jr. can work for another 8 months to get back on track...fair is fair...

Most important of all, why is everyone bitching about Kabal when REO is on a level, no one cant even reach with that character?????
nope im not gonna risk it im just going to pick kabal too much money on the line bruh

STB Bodam

"Game... Blouses."
If you're a top player with a mid-tier character then the community is obviously going to give you more respect. I mean, look at BookBurning for example; most of the Rain community loves the guy. Sure, he might not have the best tournament resume or has even gone to a major but people love to see variety. If all you care about is winning and using the best character, then so be it, nothing I can say will change that but just know the integrity of the game and the opinion of yourself as a player will fall because of it.

Nobody cares to see a good Kabal anymore because despite the character being extremely execution-heavy; it's just a boring fight to watch. The character is on his own island in terms of tools at his disposal and to me, it's just being a "tier-whore" to pick up the best character just for the sake of "winning a tournament." Who in the hell cares when a Kabal player wins a tournament besides Kabal players? Remember when CD jr won with Rain at Summer Jam? People were HYPE because it was fresh and no one saw it coming. The more people that play these high-level characters just to win instead of sticking with the character they have the most fun playing are ruining the game and ruining the entertainment of these incredible streams that we've had in the past.

This thread is so contradicting it's not even funny. You wanna talk about influencing? How about these tier-whores picking up the best characters in the game just for the sake of winning? I have/and will continue to have no respect for those types of players. Say whatever you will but I'm going to continue to main the character I have fun playing because that's what video games are about. Make whatever argument you want about that "money should be above all and with winning tournaments it pays the bills" but that's all moot when you look at some of the feats that some great players have pulled off with some of the lesser characters in this game.

Why ruin a fairly balanced game just to pick up a broken character? Is it seriously that hard to understand? Play the character you have the most fun using and if you struggle that badly in a match-up then maybe you should practice and keep learning that match-up until you can actually win it -- not just switch to Kabal because he goes 6-4 with almost everyone; there's absolutely no dignity in that, in my opinion.

Say what you want about me being a "casual/online warrior scrub who uses Rain" but the fact of the matter is I've stuck with him through hell and high-water, I'm going to continue to -- Kenshi and Kabal match-up be damned!

STB Bodam

"Game... Blouses."

I said I do root for CDjr. I am just tired of people winning more so because of the fighter they use than their actual skill. No greed involved, and that was a poor use of the word. You must be very delusional to believe that this community is filled with greed and haters.

I know I am going to get BLOWN the fuck up for even slightly bringing this up, but have you guys ever played Pokémon? They have tiers for fighters as well, but what they understand is that Mewtwo vs. Pikachu isn’t much of a fight. So, they split it up. S+ can only fight S+, A can only fight A, etc. etc. I am not saying this is what we should do without a doubt. But it would DEFINETLY give more variety to the game, and give people a chance to actually use their favorite fighter instead of be bound to a S tier fighter that they don't like so they can keep up with other top players. This game might as well just have 10-15 fighters in it because they are the only ones that get recognized. Though we still talk about Kabal beaten Kano 9-1, like someone is ever actually going to get somewhere in a tournament with Kano when there are fighters like Kabal, Kenshi, Sonya, Freddy and Jax.

Seriously, before people start blowing me up with "Oh, this dumbass thinks that top 5 shouldn’t be able to fight fighters in the 20's." Well, don't blow me up, if you have a solid reason that this wouldn’t work please let me know, because I obviously haven’t thought of it yet.

Pokémon is MUCH more balanced than this game for just this reason alone. And has a much bigger community, who doesn’t complain about their system that seems to work very well, yet our community has arguments like this all the time. I know that this is a huge deal, and coming from someone who doesn’t even go to tournaments, ( but I am not, not competitive, I don’t know why a casual gamer would ever talk about MK on TYM especially when they aren’t competitive themselves ) but why not? It would be much more fun for viewers and players, and still be just as competitive.

This is just a suggestion and opinion that I feel might make the game more balanced and better in general. I honestly don't see why we aren't doing this yet. If you guys have a objection to this and why it wouldnt work, I'd like to know.
This is the best post I've ever read on TYM. Congratulations, Dylan. You're officially the bees knees in my book.

STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior
I also want to add that... what have been the hypest matches in the recent offline tourneys? NONE OF THE ONES WITH KABAL IN THEM.

You had Big D knocking CD jr to losers. Tom Brady vs FOREVER KING and @MK Legend back to back that were so hype. At toryuken you had @RM_Smoke taking REO to the brink of elimination.

All of these matches were way more hype than any of the grand finals of those tournaments that featured kabal. Once these were over I had a hard time even watching the finals, there was no hype... it was a snooze fest of the same old, same old.

When the popularity dies b/c of these... "oh just pick up kabal to win b/c he's the best character" mentalities... you'll all wish you wouldn't have. Hopefully a new MK will be out by then b/c if not, it's gonna suck when there are no more EVOs and MLGs for MK.

STB Bodam

"Game... Blouses."
You think the top players in this game would still win or place top 8 on a regular bases with fighter below top 10?
I say let them prove it. I'd love to see the people who use the top-tier characters learn characters like Sindel, Nightwolf, Ermac, Noob Saibot or any other character we barely ever see at majors and do well.

Let them see it from our end of the spectrum. Honestly, skill is becoming less and less of a variable in Mortal Kombat with the more people who just pick characters up because "they're good."

You know who you are.

All I'm saying is you take away Kabal, Sonya and Kenshi and guess what? You have an extremely balanced game.


"Boring to watch."
"Winning tournament"
"I want variety"

Again. Stop. Watching. Mortal. Kombat. At. The. Highest. Level. Go watch casual matches or anything that isn't MK at the highest level if it irritates you players so much. This is the world's greatest competitive MK site, not a "WHAT SHOES DOES SCORPION WEAR AND WHO'S THE HOTTEST CHICK IN MK" fan site.


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Premium Supporter
They have tiers for fighters as well, but what they understand is that Mewtwo vs. Pikachu isn’t much of a fight. So, they split it up. S+ can only fight S+, A can only fight A, etc. etc.
This is done, presumably, because there really isn't much player skill in Pokemon, at all. Sure there's strategy and what not, but a low tier will almost never defeat a high tier in that game, because player skill doesn't matter much if at all. In fighting games, on any given day, the worst character can beat the best character, because the player wielding the character is better than the handicap he faces. Characters are basically like puppets. Some of the puppets have better tools than the others, but it ultimately comes down to the puppet master.

STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior
I say let them prove it. I'd love to see the people who use the top-tier characters learn characters like Sindel, Nightwolf, Ermac, Noob Saibot or any other character we barely ever see at majors and do well.

Let them see it from our end of the spectrum. Honestly, skill is becoming less and less of a variable in Mortal Kombat with the more people who just pick characters up because "they're good."

You know who you are.

All I'm saying is you take away Kabal, Sonya and Kenshi and guess what? You have an extremely balanced game.
Dude, how crazy would that be!? Seeing a tournament full of the lower tier characters! The WHOLE thing would be hype, pools to finals!