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The Official Kabal Crybaby Thread

STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior
"Boring to watch."
"Winning tournament"
"I want variety"

Again. Stop. Watching. Mortal. Kombat. At. The. Highest. Level. Go watch casual matches or anything that isn't MK at the highest level if it irritates you players so much. This is the world's greatest competitive MK site, not a "WHAT SHOES DOES SCORPION WEAR AND WHO'S THE HOTTEST CHICK IN MK" fan site.
You don't get it...

you know those big payouts you play for? If the tourney's are "boring to watch"... good luck getting people to watch. If there's no one watching, good luck getting sponsors for it, good luck getting the game in the major tourney's, good luck getting those huge payouts.


Go to hell.
Fucking pokeman is our model for competitive MK? A can only fight A? That is some nonsense.

The bigger kommunity argument holds no weight, Justin Bieber has a bigger fan base than the Weeknd, does that mean he's better? No. Fuck no. Get out with that garbage.

Why A fighting only A wouldn't work is because that's simply dumb. I pick Reptile so you now have to deselect Kenshi? What about the inevitable dick head who picks Kano, who is alone in D tier, and makes me mirror match him? That's goofy. No way in hell am I learning some Aussie wife beater to meet the rules of some silly honor code. If the price of using who I like is fighting a 6-4 MU, so be it.

And Pokeman is turn based strategy game, or something like that. How does that compare to MK in the slightest? AAs, footsies, pressure, mix ups, zoning, spacing, armor= Pokeman? They must have changed some stuff in the 8 years since I've played it.


You don't get it...

you know those big payouts you play for? If the tourney's are "boring to watch"... good luck getting people to watch. If there's no one watching, good luck getting sponsors for it, good luck getting the game in the major tourney's, good luck getting those huge payouts.
I don't care about money, and I don't care about crowds or fame. I play to win and have been doing so since 2007 MK:A when MK had nothing.


Loses to uppercuts
This is done, presumably, because there really isn't much player skill in Pokemon, at all. Sure there's strategy and what not, but a low tier will almost never defeat a high tier in that game, because player skill doesn't matter much if at all. In fighting games, on any given day, the worst character can beat the best character, because the player wielding the character is better than the handicap he faces. Characters are basically like puppets. Some of the puppets have better tools than the others, but it ultimately comes down to the puppet master.
Of course, Pokemon requires high level of reading skills, but your right.

I do disagree though that it ultimately comes down to the best player. The fighter the person uses has a great level of influence as the skill does.


Loses to uppercuts
Fucking pokeman is our model for competitive MK? A can only fight A? That is some fucking nonsense.

The bigger kommunity argument holds no weight, Justin Bieber has a bigger fan base than the Weeknd, does that mean he's better? No. Fuck no. Get out with that garbage.

Why A fighting only A wouldn't work is because that's simply dumb. I pick Reptile so you now have to deselect Kenshi? What about the inevitable dick head who picks Kano, who is alone in D tier, and makes me mirror match him? That's goofy. No way in hell am I learning some Aussie wife beater to meet the rules of some silly honor code. If the price of using who I like is fighting a 6-4 MU, so be it.

And Pokeman is turn based strategy game, or something like that. How does that compare to MK in the slightest? AAs, footsies, pressure, mix ups, zoning, spacing, armor= Pokeman? They must have changed some stuff in the 8 years since I've played it.
No, its dumb that people are aloud to choose the best fighters against the worst. This is exactly what I was expecting. "Pokemon as a model for MK". You would enter a tier befor the fight started. Use your head. This has nothing to do with the actual gamplay of the game, just the mechanics. I don't even know why you said that honestly. This is about Tier vs Tier, not gameplay. The only thing that has no weight is that post. Wasnt pertinent in the slightest.


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
So I've been reading this thread on and off here. I've seen valid points on both sides. From what I can tell, it all basically boils down to character loyalty vs. winning. Character loyalists play characters they like. Winners play the best characters. Can you win with character loyalty? Sure. The thing that I'm getting here, is that there is an implication that Kabal IS MK at highest level, and no other character is. If that is so...and all we get is Kabal....well...we have to face that as a possibility. I'm from the "Adapt, switch mains, or die" train of thought, so unless NRS or MLG or EVO decides Kabal is banned...this is the game we have. I don't think though, that Kabal is the ONLY highest level character in the game, but he is certainly the best.


Loses to uppercuts
Agreed. Taking away the top 3 would just bring in new characters to dominate. Taking out Sonya, Kenshi, Kabal would just mean Kitana, Smoke, Jax were free to dominate everyone else.
I do agree with this though. The fighters dont really need to be removed. Maybe Kabal could stand to be nerfed a little, but im not gunna be "that guy".


nope im not gonna risk it im just going to pick kabal too much money on the line bruh
Well, In that case I wish you nothing but good luck....And since you seem to care about money, I hope you never see top 8 with Kabal....


Blue Blurs for Life!
Agreed. Taking away the top 3 would just bring in new characters to dominate. Taking out Sonya, Kenshi, Kabal would just mean Kitana, Smoke, Jax were free to dominate everyone else.
That's true, but the meaning I was going for is that asking for top characters to be removed from a game is just pathetic. It shows you are not determined to work for your win, but rather you want to take the easy way out. I mean, as much as I hated Kenshi, I still work to find ways to beat him and I never begged for him to be removed from the game.

Many players have a lot of mental shields to work past if they expect to grasp any trace of success.


Go to hell.
No, its dumb that people are aloud to choose the best fighters against the worst. This is exactly what I was expecting. "Pokemon as a model for MK". You would enter a tier befor the fight started. Use your head. This has nothing to do with the actual gamplay of the game, just the mechanics. I don't even know why you said that honestly. This is about Tier vs Tier, not gameplay. The only thing that has no weight is that post. Wasnt pertinent in the slightest.
Use your fucking head you twat. If you have a problem with fighting a high tier versus a low tier, THEN PICK A HIGH TIER. It was YOUR choice to fight Kenshi with Jade, and now you have to deal with it. You don't want to fight Kenshi with Jade? Then learn a character that doesn't suck ass.

Yes, let's shake hands and jack each other off while we promise to use the same tier. Because that would be fun. How about this, next time we play you can't use Sonya, Sektor, Shang, or even CSZ because I picked Sheeva. You now have to learn either Sheeva or Kano because I decided FOR YOU you can't use your mains.


All I'm saying is you take away Kabal, Sonya and Kenshi and guess what? You have an extremely balanced game.
And you remain with Johnny Cage who dominates all besides those 3 you listed.

"Boring to watch."
"Winning tournament"
"I want variety"

Again. Stop. Watching. Mortal. Kombat. At. The. Highest. Level. Go watch casual matches or anything that isn't MK at the highest level if it irritates you players so much. This is the world's greatest competitive MK site, not a "WHAT SHOES DOES SCORPION WEAR AND WHO'S THE HOTTEST CHICK IN MK" fan site.
What? You saying Jade is not the hottest in this game? Fuck you.


On a break
I don't care about money, and I don't care about crowds or fame. I play to win and have been doing so since 2007 MK:A when MK had nothing.
You should play AE UMVC3 they're the most popular games and therefore it brings the most competition for you ego


A seldom used crab named Lucky. AKA Citizen Snips.
This whole thing is the same thing as sports v. entertainment debates.

People watching want to see something entertaining. They overall are important for the sport (in this case MK) success because without them the sport can not live or grow. However on the competitor side, they have to decide on whether they are entertainers or competitors. If REO used and lost with someone like Mileena at a tournament and lost, chances are there will be lots of people going "lol why didn't REO just use Kabal!" and at the same time if he wins with Kabal there will be people going "he only won because of Kabal."

I don't have an issue with people going to Kabal or whatever character they think will allow them to win tournaments. That is the nature of competition. As long as you are following rules, you do anything you can to get the upperhand. And as a fan of MK, I like o see new characters/players on the scene. I enjoy watching good players in general.

So basically in the end you can never please the crowd completely. There will always be people complaining about something whehter it's because you won or lost.


Keep seeing a lot of really obnoxious childish remarks, everyone should be able to discuss this without being rude...then again I guess not.

I don't even know why this thread is open, it's making a private matter (i.e. who someone chooses to main into a public issue) and has just lead to pointless immaturity and flaming, this thread serves absolutely no purpose.


24 Low Hat!
All I'm saying is you take away Kabal, Sonya and Kenshi and guess what? You have an extremely balanced game.
No, what you do have us a bunch of people complaining about overpowered jax and cage and kitana. There will always be top tier, overpowered, stand-alone setups or characters or whatever in every competitive game there is. Its time the gaming community gets used to the fact that people will find and abuse dominate setups as long as they are there. Ump45 in MW2, MMM balls in Starcraft 2, and apparently, Kabal in MK9


Loses to uppercuts
Use your fucking head you twat. If you have a problem with fighting a high tier versus a low tier, THEN PICK A HIGH TIER. It was YOUR choice to fight Kenshi with Jade, and now you have to deal with it. You don't want to fight Kenshi with Jade? Then learn a character that doesn't suck ass.

Yes, let's shake hands and jack each other off while we promise to use the same tier. Because that would be fun. How about this, next time we play you can't use Sonya, Sektor, Shang, or even CSZ because I picked Sheeva. You now have to learn either Sheeva or Kano because I decided FOR YOU you can't use your mains.
You. Enter. A. Tier. Befor. The fight. If you choose Kano then either I agreed to a c tier fight, or one of use was misinformed or lied.

You have yet to bring up a actual point as to why this would be a bad idea. Also, tone it down with the cursing. Where supposed to be friends you salt shaker.

Alright RyRy

Florida Kombat
People like to hate on stuff that they cant do. So REO take this as a complement.

If people want to hate on CD jr then they are just mad because they arent winning thousands of dollars. You guys are awesome to hang out and some cool ass people. Also the best in MK.

WakeUp DP

GT MK OshTekk.
Let's be honest here, no game can withstand being dominated by 1 to 2 of the best character(s) in the current generation. 3rd Strike is the only game that's managed that. Why? The fucking parry mechanic. Ken and Chun Li dominated that game, nobody can dispute that, BUT I fucking love every minute of watching 3rd Strike because the parry mechanic is UNIVERSAL.THIS WAS A FUCKING GOOD GAME. MK9 IS NOT.

3rd strike was, is an amazing game no doubt but if you don't like MK9 don't play it and stop moaning bitch.


Loses to uppercuts
This whole thing is the same thing as sports v. entertainment debates.

People watching want to see something entertaining. They overall are important for the sport (in this case MK) success because without them the sport can not live or grow. However on the competitor side, they have to decide on whether they are entertainers or competitors. If REO used and lost with someone like Mileena at a tournament and lost, chances are there will be lots of people going "lol why didn't REO just use Kabal!" and at the same time if he wins with Kabal there will be people going "he only won because of Kabal."
This is where tiers fighting tiers comes in. If much money is on the line than by all means use Kabal. But I think Kabal should only be able to fight people who are atleast relatively close to as good as he is.


Go to hell.
You. Enter. A. Tier. Befor. The fight. If you choose Kano then either I agreed to a c tier fight, or one of use was misinformed or lied.

You have yet to bring up a actual point as to why this would be a bad idea. Also, tone it down with the cursing. Where supposed to be friends you salt shaker.
You have a problem with me cussing? FUCK. SHIT. ASS. COCK. TITS. Sorry, is that a friendship ender? This is a forum for a mature game, which would lead me to believe you are mature enough to hear some naughty words.

It's a dumb idea because if you ask if we can have a C tier fight, I'll say no. And then you have to either walk away, or hope you character is good enough to fight mine. And if we mandate this awesome idea, then people will stop showing up and participating. And then our scene dies. You can't dictate who I use, and I can't dictate who you use to ensure our tiers agree. Just use who you want, and I'll use who I want. If that happens, there is no way in hell this game would be played competitively, much less for 30k at MLG.


I am your god
Here is a plan I don't give a fuck who you guys use. You are both cream of the crop with whomever you use. At the end of the day, if I am giving my money away, it will be to the guys I have played with all year. 5 mother fucking K, if it is to be. I don't care if VSM all play Kabal at Anaheim as long as King Emo PL get taken out. OK.. now resume super diva talk ;)