@MKK hanzo I am wondering why you have Lao so low. Do you really believe he loses that many matchups? I think he dropped the most places compared to the last tier list.
Ah! Glado someone asked for him! IMO he has always been VERY overrated, and how the game has evolved, hos old stile is not that good anymore IMO. I have even played him hardcore to see what can I get and what I get are losses.
Vs C Sub 4-6 Sub Wins IMO. GJ OS to punch starter is a goodbye for Lao, while also Subbie has no specials that will endanger him that much (IE a blocked tlpt) and has to play cautious without jumping. I might say that its a 5-5 if played well in both sides.
Vs Cyrax he wins 6-4. Poor robot has no answer to instantd dives safe in front of him nor the teleport.
Vs Ermac 5-5.¡, Interesting match, and I would go on to say that Ermac suffers here. Ermac has no answer to Lao crossup punch. As simple as it says. Even running under is dangerous because of the reach of the punch. Uppercut loses to it too and is a free 40% for Lao. A blocked dive kick nets Ermac with a 80% (depending on positioning) and both have great punch starters, while Lao is difficult to OS block punch starter due to the position of the buttons. Lao SHOULD NOT sweep at all in this match.
7-3 Lao losses vs H Smoke. Same rules from the Ermac MU PLUS Relauncher ultra easy options for H Smoke, OS backward spear threath at ALL TIMES if he teleports and air grab neuters his crossups abilities.
Vs Jade is 5-5 but because Jade has nothing dangerous for Lao on her best moments. The difficult for Lao here is his inability to start anything damaging on female Ninjas via JP starter and on the ground he just use the 3 kick combo wich does mediocre damage. Green kick stops teleport on reaction too.
Vs Jax 5-5. Jax can OS Gotcha Grab or Dash Punch vs Tlport and Air grab stops his crossups, while Jax is also a BIG combo target for Lao. It might end up 6-4 Jax winning due to options or 5.5-4.5 But I did not wanted incomplete numbers.
vs Kabal he losses 7-3. While he MIGHT catch a Dash, and that spells DOOM for Kabal, he has no reason to go for it. Just play safe with Jabs and punch combo starter. One combo is an easy Relauncher for Kabal and also has the Dash to neuter and destroy teleport and crossups on reaction for a damaging 45% .
Kano wins 6-4. Same relaunch stuff damages poor Kung Lao. Both rolls punish tlport on reaction, Air grab to stop his jumps over, and this time, a sweep punisher (knife Upper) so Lao has even less options in this match but damage wise, kano has to work a bit more. Also, a bad Kannonball is goodbye for him.
Vs Kitty is 6-4 Kitana winning. She has more options vs Lao due to IAF and again, the femae bitches hurtboxes are so small to start anything damaging on them.
Vs Liu 6-4 Lao but it is a dumb match, due to the ugly Liu hurtboxes, you have to adjust most combos for him.
Losses vs Mileena 6-4 due to FemNin natural advantage and the fact that Mileena has an OS counter with the roll vs Teleport. IA Sai is somehow bothersome to Lao big, tall sprite too.
Loses vs Wolf 7-3. One of his worst matchups. Shoulder and Axe deters the Tlp on reaction, Shoulder is AA vs front diveckicks and sometimes lao Spin isnt enough to defend against NW nasty JKicks.
This is Part 1. When the thread is unlocked, I will follow with part 2.