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SALTY Bradycast - The Alien Outcry & Various Game Balance Thoughts


Alien's flip and snag recover too quickly on whiff. Snag is possibly the best neutral tool in the entire game. It's retarded.

I personally believe that F13 xx flip and F134 can be fuzzy guarded, but if you guys don't believe that it can, i'm fine with the 4 in the string becoming a mid. It's not a huge deal, as Tom said.

Alien's jump 2 and Tarkatan's jump 1 specifically should be normalized. With that said, there are other really strong jump punches that avoided normalization, like Quan's and Shinnok's, so I would hope that they would get nerfed as well. If not let us keep ours. :)

Besides that, I think Alien's damage is below average, his risk reward is bad, neutral is great, armor is great. With these changes and maybe a few others, I think he'll be balanced.

Edit: I know the flip recovery might not seem to have too much relevance, but imo it does. You can whiff cancel it like with Kung Jin's jump in, so you're eliminating the risk of whiffing a jump in + if you whiff the flip, the recovery is very fast.

God Confirm

We're all from Earthrealm. If not, cool pic brah.
why would it only work 50% of the time? just d2 as soon as u block her telekick, there you go. and scorpion being able to cancel his blocked teleport into fireball would be broke because he can then run cancel his fireball and could probably make it safe everytime, and even if he couldnt run cancel it on just that one special, it would be completely pointless as you could react to it and full combo punish. So thats a terrible argument because being able to cancel 1 special into another special which in turn could be run canceled is nothing like whats going on with mileena.
yeah thats absolute not what I'm saying at all, but I'll leave you to your agenda
I admit some of Alien's stuff he can do is pretty messed up. Even though you can somewhat fuzzy guard his mixups from F1,3,4, he has a whole bunch of other stuff he can use depending on the variation of the player. At the same time a lot of characters in this game have their own dirt they can pull out so in it's own way it balances out the craziness. By no means am I saying that some characters don't need to be toned down a bit and have their bugs fixed but outside of the few crazy things, this game is probably at it's most balanced now.

Saltea Moonspell

"Mind Over Matter" I dont mind, and X dont matter
I am glad that These topics are pulled out to the surface by guys like Tom, who knows what he is talking about.

Now Me,I didn't like the mechanics since day one. There is so much to fix and worst part is that more of that BS is being found. I wish they made an official statement of their policy, then I would knew what to expect. Because if I devote my free time to play this game, buy those add-ons I expect to get quality product. Because if they are not willing to provide what they promised then ...oh well, I will walk the Fuck away and play something else. Now where are all these thoughts coming from...? I read the fucken posts and am seeing 16 Bit stuffing Us with "The game has been patch line" dude, you can sell that to kids at elementary school not players who play the game competitively, while tones of issues are brought to light. What is he, high or thinks we are retarded ?

I apologize if I said some offensive shit here but I feel like I've been ripped off and it hurts and I wanted to throw this out since some time
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I think NRS did an excellent job with Alien. I play Tarkatan and I never have to block! I just rekka my opponents and hit them with safe 50/50’s into 30% + damage! It gives me joy to see my opponent blocking because at that point I got them where I want them!


I think NRS did an excellent job with Alien. I play Tarkatan and I never have to block! I just rekka my opponents and hit them with safe 50/50’s into 30% + damage! It gives me joy to see my opponent blocking because at that point I got them where I want them!
Can someone please add me on PSN and show me these safe 50/50s that Alien does.


I've been playing the character for months. I guarantee that no one will be able to show me anything safe that does more than 3%-7%. The 7% stuff can be punished by certain characters.

Edit: There might be some stuff in Konjurer that i'm not aware of. Tarkatan specific, and i'll even argue about Acidic I guess.


Mid-Tier 'Mancer Main
Can someone please add me on PSN and show me these safe 50/50s that Alien does.


I've been playing the character for months. I guarantee that no one will be able to show me anything safe that does more than 3%-7%. The 7% stuff can be punished by certain characters.

Edit: There might be some stuff in Konjurer that i'm not aware of. Tarkatan specific, and i'll even argue about Acidic I guess.
Fuck off downplayer. Every god damn thread.


PSN: JerzeyReign
I saw exactly what you were saying I was just continuing on the hypothetical example you gave, with the intention of encouraging you to come with a better example or drop that point. Because just saying "we shouldn't remove this because its unfair if it exists somewhere else in the game... even though I can't tell you where else it exists" is silly and is an argument that could be made for anything, and cannot be countered as it may not even exist, do you see?
Was going to just ignore the post but that would be rude. Tom clearly mentioned some dumb stuff in his video. My point was if you remove one dumb thing, remove it all. I don't want to mention other dumb things because it looks like I'm complaining about other characters while trying to save mine. That's abitch move. The thing Tom mentions in his video about my Empress, a character like WG Kotal gives no cares about a telekick and sai. B1 or ex oh sword eats it up. A thing like that may be a SZ problem and not a Mileena problem. Could be just a character specific dirt. And also, the Scorp thing was oh sword into low slide. Not a problem to me personally but imagine being on the EVO stage and losing to something that's tough to react to? The salt that would flow haha

God Confirm

We're all from Earthrealm. If not, cool pic brah.
Was going to just ignore the post but that would be rude. Tom clearly mentioned some dumb stuff in his video. My point was if you remove one dumb thing, remove it all. I don't want to mention other dumb things because it looks like I'm complaining about other characters while trying to save mine. That's abitch move. The thing Tom mentions in his video about my Empress, a character like WG Kotal gives no cares about a telekick and sai. B1 or ex oh sword eats it up. A thing like that may be a SZ problem and not a Mileena problem. Could be just a character specific dirt. And also, the Scorp thing was oh sword into low slide. Not a problem to me personally but imagine being on the EVO stage and losing to something that's tough to react to? The salt that would flow haha
I'm agreeing with you, I'm just saying I can't think of another move that should be unsafe like this but can be made so safe so easily. If theres another one, lets definitely look at that too, but until we can think of one I say this is no reason not to pop this shit off mileena she dont need it (imo). safe teleport is nonsense


There it is...
I don't main Mileena, what gives you that idea? :) I mean, I can agree that -26 should be -26 on a raw telekick - very fair. I just don't agree with the sai not coming out. Would that make it fair? If the -26 was really -26 if no sai thrown?

Edit: Also, Raiden and Scorpion can both dictate where their teleports end up and both are safe. Lets fix those as well. Raiden has a safe teleport (away) - lets get a free projectile in that man's face like Mileena gets in Ethereal. I'm just kidding though. I personally don't care too much about what characters do as long as I'm just trying to get better. I'll call something stupid and move on. Pretty levelheaded haha.
Scorpion cant zone
Raidens tele doesnt antiair for full combo


PSN: JerzeyReign
Scorpion cant zone
Raidens tele doesnt antiair for full combo
True. But Scorpion can technically "zone" in Inferno though its not the best but I got ya. My point is that things will just bit tit for tat throughout the entire game. I truly understand Tom's reasoning for this videos as I was that guy when it came to NBA 2K and Madden. Pick the game apart. List the problems and how/why they should be fixed. At the end of the day it just killed the fun for me personally. I also played those games competitively and nothing sucks more than when guys are sending nanos or abusing the defense with money routes haha.

These videos bring up great conversation, no doubt. But from past experiences in other games, the cycle will never end and no game will ever be perfect.

And just some proof that I was Tom Brady-like here's one of my older videos. Most of my ranting was done on forums such as Operation Sports or through twitter:



Administrator and Community Engineer
The game is what it is.

Some people will cry, others will do what they need to do in order to win.

Hitbox issues are a part of every fighting game. They existed in Ultra, where people dealt with them -- and in general, there is no game where every move that you think should hits, always hits, in every situation on every hitbox. There are always exceptions that become part of the game's meta.

Some characters will have strong tools; some characters will be top tier.

Just like MK9, complaining endlessly won't make it what you want it to be. It might be time to accept the game for what it is and move on.
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"More stealthful than the night"
Premium Supporter
Lol I love tym threads so many people try to justify broken shit. It's sad people who play fighting games need damn near unblock ables or damn near block infinites to win I don't even like playing my main anymore which is cut throat kano because the tier whore in this game are on his dick after he got buffed. Sad I don't even like street fighter and I play sfv over this game now. Mkx is dieing already and it's no surprise why
$200K Pro League S3 finals
200/300/400 entrants in weekly tournaments online
Still hitting 100+ at big majors
Over a year of major pot bonuses worldwide
Two DLC character packs in a year
Balance patching every few months
Global community with their own respective events documented every few months
Netcode overhaul upon community request

I'll be surprised to see MKX last another 2 years. I've notice a decline in twitch views even during ESL. SFV locals pull in more views than a MKX major.