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  1. TheGangstaFace

    Darkseid Speculation/Intro/Discord thread

    This thread is to speculate on the ruler of Apokolips. If by some chance you don't know who Darkseid is, Darkseid is interested in taking away all free will and changing the universe into his own image. To do this he attacks earth because he believes that humans have fragments of the Anti-Life...
  2. TheGangstaFace

    Question Who was the MOST Overrated character to get nerfed?

    So this is a simple question and I think an interesting topic. Let me give a couple examples: I think Tempest was the MOST overrated character Pre-XL. People were still calling him top 5 in a game with: Tanya, A-List, Summoner, Takeda, Shinnok, HQT, Tremor (I don't remember if Tremor got nerfed...
  3. TheGangstaFace

    Combo Video - Possessed Anti-Airing with Possessed

    Hey guys, just wanted to show what Possessed can do with meter if he anti-airs you. I think Possessed's anti-airing is underrated with his S1 and D1 doing the job really well. I honestly find myself constantly having meter with Possessed so typically I can always get these out if I anti-air...
  4. TheGangstaFace

    Do Injustice vets have the upper hand?

    I'm here to ask a simple question and just hear me out. Do Injustice vets really have the advantage when Injustice 2 comes out? Hold off on your answer. Let's think about this. Injustice 2 is a new game. New mechanics, new balance changes to returning characters, and new characters. - Air tech...
  5. TheGangstaFace

    Guide - Wrestler THE Wrestler Guide

    What’s up guys! This is going to be an in-depth guide of how Wrestler works, plays, an overview of his tools, and how all this applies to his game plan. If you like pressure characters, then Wrestler is surely the monster for you. Wrestler has some of the best offense and hits like a truck if he...
  6. TheGangstaFace

    Tech - Possessed Anti Armor Out Tech Against 42 xx Tele

    As you know I'm sure, for the most part against Possessed you pretty much hold 42 tele. You can either backdash which Kenshi can either catch some characters with an NJP or he can empty Tele into B1 and catch them, and the other option is to spend that bar to get out. Well I'm here to tell you...
  7. TheGangstaFace

    Tech - Buzz Saw Jailing after EX BF2

    I was messing around in the lab, seeing if there was a way to Jail after EX Straight Hat when I came across this. I didn't see it across TYM and I've never seen it used before so I figured I might as well post it. I believe it's about +15, it can jail into S4 which is 14f Startup. The chip...
  8. TheGangstaFace

    Match-Up Discussion - Jax Jax Vs Grandmaster 10-10-16 Hotfix

    Grandmaster wins. Gg. Pick another character. Any thoughts or advice go ahead and comment
  9. TheGangstaFace

    Breakthrough - Jax Overhead Dash Punch Bug

    Why have people been commenting on this and there isn't a thread? Lol. If Jax armors a gap with Ex Dash Punch (not overhead, regular dash punch), he can no longer Overhead Dash Punch through the rest of the game until he spends a bar. Go ahead and test it for yourself. That's it
  10. TheGangstaFace

    General/Other - Balanced Can we talk about the obvious?

    Okay so I have to point out the obvious and hope something gets changed. I'm grateful for the changes Lord Paulo but there's still room for improvement I believe. There's some changes that I and the Kenshi community I'm sure would agree with should happen to make Balanced a more viable option...
  11. TheGangstaFace

    Question The Day of Reckoning is Upon Us

    Well ladies and gentleman. Today is the day we see what happens to our loveable 50/50, turn stealing, unrelenting pressure, MKMIXL! What do you think is gonna happen the general gameplay? Who do you think will get nerfed or buffed? The better question is... Are you excited as hell or scared as...
  12. TheGangstaFace

    Question - Goro Why does Goro need buffs?

    So I see plenty of the community still crying for Goro to get buffs. I've known things about goro but I just decided to really double check some things in practice. By my understanding this character gets: good damage, a 8f command grab, an unblockable, punchwalk which is -5 and you can hit...
  13. TheGangstaFace

    Question Who Are Some of The Biggest Downplayers?

    Just out of boredom and curiosity I wanna know who you think as a community or a specific player in mind in this state of the game is the biggest downplayer of their character. Just for the sake of seeing the same answer over and over please exclude Wound lol. Ex: There's a Takeda player I've...
  14. TheGangstaFace

    Question - Sun God How can Sun God get better?

    Honestly I don't see a reason to use Sun God in any MU that Blood God or War God don't cover. I had a thought that perhaps characters with great meter build might be weak to sun god since he has such high unbreakable damage but I feel like kotal is missing something. The few ideas I have of...
  15. TheGangstaFace

    Question - Pumped Up Should I Use Pumped Up?

    So I just recently picked up Jax probably like a week ago,if that, and after looking through, watching competitive players, and playing against Jax for over a year now, should I even use this variation? I know all OTG's got nerfed (over nerfed if you ask me) and it seems useless for jax. It's...
  16. TheGangstaFace

    General/Other - Kotal Kahn Kotal switching sides in the corner

    So I have a huge problem and I'm sick of it. I've tried to bring it to NRS's attention but guess what? I'm not a professional player so NRS could care less about what I have to say no matter how important. So if anyone else has this issue please speak up or if you've played against Kotal and...
  17. TheGangstaFace

    Match-Up Discussion - Kotal Kahn Vs Alien

    Simple question. Maybe I haven't played against Alien long enough, who knows. But in a lot of instances I feel like Alien completely shuts down Kotal because lets face it, Kotal is a pressure/footsies character. With that said, Alien obviously has multiple wakeups across all variations so he...