Kenshi Srubtastic,Cyrax, Special Forces Mains
dude you are so twisted with logic... its a comic book/movie... i may ask this once again, do you have to look strong to be strong in a comic book or science fiction movie?That model is hot not strong looking. Don't confuse career ambition or mental strength for physical strength as it pertains to filling the role of a well known strong looking super hero for a film. Look beyond your hard on for runway model-types.
the answer is no, Batman was no arnold, spiderman was nerdy as hell, and had power over super strong builds. in fact in real life martial arts allows a very skinny man take down a very large well built man.
the only reason she was built to look strong in those comics was the plain fact that america at that time had a fascist way of looking at Females in power roles. so she needed to look the part in narrow minded people of that time and age..
Women today are both beautiful and powerful without having to look like Men. and its insulting that you think they have to look like that, especially when its a fictional Comic and or movie, that gives her super strenght and or super powers that take away the need for her to have that build.
so in short.
She can look super Hot or feminine while still being Strong!
that's a fact Jack
Signed Jagged's Wife