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Combo List - Cyber Sub-Zero Official Cyber Sub-Zero Combo Thread


Few combinations that I found after a couple of hours in practice.

111~bf1, jip, b3up4~d4, njp, run, 21, f131~db4 = 30%
f13~bf1 ( here you can summon the drone dd3 ), jip, b3up4~d4, njp, run, 21, f131~db4 = 30%
f12(droned), run, f13~bf1, njp, f131~db4 = 27%
b2, 21, run, 4~bf1, dd3, b1 2+4 = 31%
b2, 21, run, 4~bf1, dd3, f131~db4 = 29%
b3up4~d4, 21, run, 4~bf1, dd3, b1 2+4 = 32%
NJP, (run), 21, run, 4~bf1, dd3, b1 2+4 = 29%
NJP, (run), 21, run, 4~bf1, dd3, f131~db4 = 27%
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Woo Hoo!
Is there a way this combo works anywhere on screen? Like from left corner approaching center stage? That's a true way I've been testing midscren conversions.
I'll do more testing when I get home from school I'm finding tons of stuff that I'll be sure to let you in on


Resident Cynic
Priority 1: Corner Combos (1112, Slide, and B12+4 enders ideally)

I'm happy with our midscreen damage so far, but we need to explore corner combos to flesh out the guide. I'll be practicing and relay ones I find to you guys.

Secondly, I'll be listing EX Drone Summons for his midscreen metered combos, since it is apparent that if CSubby combos into freeze there are no other worthwhile specials to meterburn. He seems to get more mileage off of drone than raw meter usage in this regard.

Also please remember that if you are posting videos either include the inputs in the video or inside of your post. It makes it easier for me to compare to the OP and for the other page viewers as well. Thank you.


Resident Cynic
Should I entertain a F2 ender at midscreen? I'm leaning towards 1112 instead. I believe the opponent can tech roll both.


Resident Cynic
So it looks like ideally Cyber Sub hits for 40% meter-less off a corner mixup. Slightly less if they're frozen but still that kind of ridiculous. It is quite difficult though.

RM Ree

Shiba Tamer
B3U4 Corner combos Meterless:

B3U4xxFDK, F43xxCDK, F43xxCDK, S4xxIceBall, DS, S4xxSlide [37%] !!!!
Nice. I think you can get something similar with this...

B3U4 xx CDK, F43 xx CDK, s4 xx ice ball, b2, f131 xx slide [?% ~37 ish?]. Also possible to end with ... B2, 1112 for set up.

Off b2, I'm using...

B2, f43 xx CDK, f43 xx CDK, s4 xx ice ball, DS, b1 2+4 [41%]. End with f2 for set up.


Resident Cynic
Nice. I think you can get something similar with this...

B3U4 xx CDK, F43 xx CDK, s4 xx ice ball, b2, f131 xx slide [?% ~37 ish?]. Also possible to end with ... B2, 1112 for set up.

Off b2, I'm using...

B2, f43 xx CDK, f43 xx CDK, s4 xx ice ball, DS, b1 2+4 [41%]. End with f2 for set up.
Isn't 1112 just a better version of F2 as far as setup goes? More hit advantage I do believe.


Resident Cynic
Your routes has better setplay damage than mine. 1% less on slide but it's easier and therefore preferred. I'll make some edits

RM Ree

Shiba Tamer
Your routes has better setplay damage than mine. 1% less on slide but it's easier and therefore preferred. I'll make some edits
Thanks man. I was in the lab for kind of a long time trying to get these down, using a video posted here by Burritos (?) as a guideline. I actually gave up thinking one of them wasn't possible. But then you posted it, having done it successfully lol.

Also, midscreen I'm finding that b3u4 xx CDK is better than xx FDK for damage and set play. I've been using...

B3U4 xx CDK, ji3 xx CDK, s4 xx ice ball, NJP, ji3 xx CDK, 131 xx slide [33%]
- or -
... ice ball, (close) f2, bomb for set up.

Set play damage is an interesting topic and the bombs scale extremely well. So what's the bnb of a bomb?/ ex bomb?


Put down the controller and run!
what are you guys saving the drone for ... when you already have a drone or two out, use it in the combos..

f13 ice ball, drone call, jip f12, run f12, run f131 slide

against a lot of characters you can safely summon drone after a slide, as you are at +30 from the slide... reptile and sub catch with their ex slides but a lot of characters won't be doing a wakeup after your bnb slide ender for fear of punishment on block so get that drone out.

the early combos I've seen, we are being too economical on drone usage.

plus, has anyone figured what the drone actually does when used for a b2??
It becomes +2 from -10!


Put down the controller and run!
Any drone attack adds damage (the only exception is b2; it doesn't seem to add anything extra). If you look at the strings where it mentions a drone, it will say "drone buff" by holding a certain attack button.

So, what you would do is have a drone out then perform the listed attack for more damage.

Example: b1, 2+4 yields 16% on its own. If you summon a drone first then perform the same string while holding down 2 or 4 after, it goes up to 21%.

You are able to call out 3 drones on your own or do a MB for an immediate 3 on screen.
B2 becomes +2 from -10.


Put down the controller and run!
B2 is easily the best anti air in the game by a country mile. Holy shit, you're better off with that for raw jump-ins. For cross ups stick for the 20% conversion. Otherwise we get 29% and corner carry for each anti air
S4 comes after that!


Resident Cynic
Thanks man. I was in the lab for kind of a long time trying to get these down, using a video posted here by Burritos (?) as a guideline. I actually gave up thinking one of them wasn't possible. But then you posted it, having done it successfully lol.

Also, midscreen I'm finding that b3u4 xx CDK is better than xx FDK for damage and set play. I've been using...

B3U4 xx CDK, ji3 xx CDK, s4 xx ice ball, NJP, ji3 xx CDK, 131 xx slide [33%]
- or -
... ice ball, (close) f2, bomb for set up.

Set play damage is an interesting topic and the bombs scale extremely well. So what's the bnb of a bomb?/ ex bomb?
Well, I'm not entirely sure. From a suspended freeze I'm not sure, since we only get one per combo.

As far as ice puddle is concerned you'd be pressured to use F12(Drone enhanced) as a starter or B3U4 as a starter.

In the corner You'd use B2/B3U4 for puddle...

I'm at work now so I can't lab. I can update the thread from time to time though. Let me know what you find. The OP has been updated so you can go from there I suppose. I'll edit in your improved B3U4xxCDK though give me a second.


Alien keeps me up at night
29% meter less easy
b3u4, dive kick, njp, 4, ice ball, b12+4
That combo took me about 45 minutes to get, I can't imagine how much harder the rest will be. Just the dive kick into the njp alone was fucking brutal on my hand. I'm gonna get carpal syndrome soon