Uh bro it definitely is not lol. It's half Kano zoning and Cassie trying to get in, maybe 30% neutral then 20% close up. There's no "until" Cassie gets her turn, it's
if she gets her turn. Or do you want to go back through our footage?

But really though, how come you suddenly feel different about the matchup?
Why? I would say those kinds of trades are in Cyber's favour since not only would she be eating the 5% but she'd also have to deal with a followup knife or two. But I'd like to hear why you think so.
The Liu Kang matchup is most definitely in Liu Kang's favour. No offence to murk but if he's losing to Cybernetics he's not playing the matchup correctly. I highly doubt Stabs thinks so, or if he for some reason does I would love to hear why he thinks so. Liu's fireballs are unsafe from upclose, but why would he be doing them that close anyway? If Lius are doing them up close against you that might be a reason they're losing. Lius fireballs being slower than Kanos knives make no difference because they still travel at a decent speed and do more damage so you will lose in the zoning war, or should if you're playing Lius who know the matchup. Liu doesn't need to use flying kick, Kano is the one who has to come in on him because he doesn't trade favourably in zoning. Kano doesn't out space Liu, as I said Liu has the second fastest backwards walkspeed in the game and his footsie tools are above average so if you're winning in neutral you're just the better player in that situation. It really sounds like the Kang(s) you play just don't know the matchup.
I'm fine with Kotal being even, I just don't think Cyber wins is all.
Lol it's cool, you're not the first to say Tanya wins anyway

Mileena shouldn't even be trading with sai, she rolls under knives completely. Kano most definitely does need to respect some of her stuff, B12 is +2 on block and with the space Mileena will be using it at you would be risking a lot to try and do something after it. She shouldn't even be teleporting as it's too slow to use on reaction most of the time. If the player is playing Mileena in a very unsafe way that's on them. not Mileena. Roll is no threat? Tell the Mileena player you're playing that roll goes under knives, see how little a threat it becomes then lol.
Kung Lao does in fact beat Cybernetic because, as I said, he shuts down two of the best areas of Cybernetic's game. If people let you away with run up D2 without at least once trying to divekick to catch you they're not playing the matchup correctly. Competent Kung Lao players will enforce the threat of divekick to shut down your anti-air game and as I said even if they start J2 they can cancel it on whiff into divekick. The risk is not worth the reward considering you don't get to combo from a D2 but Lao can from a divekick. Of course Kano can outzone Lao but Lao shouldn't even be attempting to zone in the first place. You really do play against some weird people lol.
Yes, Kanos damage is definitely below average. Most characters get above 30% meterless and around 40% for a bar, Kano does not. Therefore his damage is below average. Just because you have setups for a grab doesn't make his combo damage any higher, as I said potential damage is irrelevant, keep to practical guaranteed stuff. And as I said about his corner game, the opponent should just be blocking low. They will not be eating any 40+% combos at that point. And 12% compared to 40+%? I think I know what I'd take.
Also no,
you brought up that Cybernetic has everything but a 50/50.
Also tagging to confirm opinions aren't just things you're making up
@EMPR_MURK @Doctor Stabs