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General/Other - D'Vorah D'Vorah General Discussion Thread

Second Saint

A man with too many names.
VAAAAAAAAN nice venomous combo, i think you can get 51% in the corner with no meter also IIRC
You can get more than that, though it requires a jump in. I think VAAAAAAAAN posted the most you can get off a 212 punisher with meter, but I don't find it worth it since you can get 49.5% off 212 meterless with 212~db1, d3, d1 (x6), 11~db4. You can bump that up to 49.9 if you replace a d1 with a second d3, but an already not that easy combo becomes a lot harder for barely any gain. I figure if you want to use meter in a venomous corner combo, it should be for restanding.

Since we're posting combos, this is the highest one I've managed, and it happens to be meterless.


Second Saint

A man with too many names.
I'd like to work out the venom changes, but I'm on PC. It could be awhile.

good bye 51%, I never even got to land you in a match
I know that feel man. :( In the whole time we've had this patch, I've had some pretty ridiculous corner combos with Venomous. I have not landed one of them because I can only play online, which makes it next to impossible for me to do d1's at the rate and precision required, even if I reduce the amount from like 6 to 3.

Second Saint

A man with too many names.
@Take$$$ Says we shouldn't be worried.
Honestly, I'm not worried and I've always felt that the venom stacks should be toned down. I just want to figure out how it works now so I can know if the combos we've come up with are now in need of changing or just decent damage instead of crazy. Can I still improve damage by ending Bug Spray early so venom can tick unscaled? Did they add a cap to total venom damage or change the rate at which it stacks?

I've got questions I'd like to answer, but I'll have to wait on that. Yay, glorious PC master race and all its obvious advantages....:DOGE
Lol. It's def not a big deal I just wanted to land it once in a match before they took it out. IMO She wasn't as good as Brood or SQ post patch. She's still just an unsafe gimmick with no combo potential or damage outside the corner and bad corner carry. She's still pretty good but that's mostly because she has D'Vorah normals.


gotta take it to make it
Lol. It's def not a big deal I just wanted to land it once in a match before they took it out. IMO She wasn't as good as Brood or SQ post patch. She's still just an unsafe gimmick with no combo potential or damage outside the corner and bad corner carry. She's still pretty good but that's mostly because she has D'Vorah normals.
She's definitely A LOT less gimmicky than before the big patch thanks to faster bug spray and ex spray


so when someone blocks your WGC, do you guys backdash or crouch cancel? I find crouch cancelling to be more successful lately because people want to reversal so bad at times and you can turn unsafe strings into safe strings. I also feel like it creates even more pressure after conditioning your opponent. so i'm curious what everyone elses thoughts were.. :D


Kytinn King
so when someone blocks your WGC, do you guys backdash or crouch cancel? I find crouch cancelling to be more successful lately because people want to reversal so bad at times and you can turn unsafe strings into safe strings. I also feel like it creates even more pressure after conditioning your opponent. so i'm curious what everyone elses thoughts were.. :D
Yea I've been crouch canceling now, it's so much safer than backdash


PSN: MaxKayX3
so when someone blocks your WGC, do you guys backdash or crouch cancel? I find crouch cancelling to be more successful lately because people want to reversal so bad at times and you can turn unsafe strings into safe strings. I also feel like it creates even more pressure after conditioning your opponent. so i'm curious what everyone elses thoughts were.. :D
Crouch blocking because of The reason you mentioned. If they reversal you can punish sometimes and otherwise you can scout if they respect your cancel pressure. Pretty good way to get information and punish unsafe reversals