Mortal Kombat 11 pools are tomorrow, but looks like the stream only starts for Top 24 on Saturday at noon CST. Top 8 is at 2:00 pm. It'll be streaming at MadCityGG.
The new year is already underway but it seems like one last surprise slipped past us from 2019
London, England born rapper 21 Savage (age 27...but it wouldn't make since to keep changes his rap name with age)
Released a little old single titled "Immortal"
While some of you might not have heard of the artist, his music of the title of the have possibly heard the track before..the 2018 Game awards trailer maybe..?
Immortal is Savege's MK themed track guessed it, the reveal trailer for MK 11! And its filled to the BRIM with references such as:
"Hit em with a combo gatta FINISH HIT!", "Hot like scropion", "Brought a gun to a fist fight like Jax!" and the list goes on! ...