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Who's your most difficult opponent on Xbox Live.

Who's your most difficult opponent on Xbox Live?

  • I Sugar I

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • DC HUSTLE 106

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Annihilator83

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • abc ur dead0

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Genital Tumor A.K.A Necropedephile

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • ShaneyMcGrady

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


DC HUSTLE 106 said:
MoB Mizz Barbie said:
DC HUSTLE 106 said:
i mean if we are good on xbl and if a cabinet is as good as everyone says it is then most likely our skill will increase in that case.
im sorry but i am not purchasing a cabinet
Who would want to purchase a cabinet anyway? Even if they did, u think Shock and those other cab players are gonna drive to where DC lives just to play on it?


ShaneyMcGrady1 said:
Let me ask you a question Dubson, since you have played on a cabinet and on the 360. Would you be quick to disregard someone as good as Crazy because he's as good as he is on a console and not a cabinet? Because it seems to me like that's what a lot of the cabinet players do to the console players.
No. Shaney, I would not. I also, am not as good as Shock, Lex, Moe or any of them cats on a cab. Not even in the same ball park.

All I think that is meant to be implied is that even though he is the best on Live, doesnt mean that he is going to be as good as he is on cab.

Maybe with practice, but that will have to be determined.

I dont think anyone who plays on a cab overlooks Crazy because he is the best on live.


Some of you guys should really check out Shoryuken, and some other fighting game scenes and see that it is the same way, I promise you.

Street Fighter Third Strike would be the easiest for you to see, the best on cabs dont play on live or over the internet at all. But those games still have a very very strong community on the arcades. And most of those hardcore players wont play any other way.


abc ur dead0 said:
jjepperson said:
all i think this is about is peoples just jeoluse over crazy dominican because he is better than pretty much every one on this site so people try to make excuses but really there is no excuses just accept the fact that hes better and stop crying about it. and no one here has ever played ded_, hanzo or any foreigner so you cant say there better than crazy. they might suck but then again they might be the best but no one can judge that unless they play. but im pretty sure that crazys the best in america and alot of people know that but just dont want to admit it cause there losers.
Where the hell did you pull this out of?
what is that supposed to mean, efg
I really regret that my little brother started all this, but i will say this. first of all i started playing umk on arcade, and was good at it.
but where i really got my skills was when trilogy for n64 came out..my only oponents were my brothers and a couple of friends. To me the 360 controller is crap, i cant really do much with it and still do what i can and enjoy the game. to me there is really no difference between xbox 360 or the cab,arcade might be a little faster but it hardly shows. but it really bothers me that some people wont admit when someone else is better than them, when it has been proven to them over and over again. of all the best oponents that i have encountered , like moe and lex .. i would like to say moe is extremely good , he himself said we played similar to each other, and i believe he would say the same about me. lex and i have played about 25 to 30 games and i came on top , he is also a great oponent, but im sure with no delays and with cab they would be much better, since that is what they are most comfortable with, like i would be even better with a controller that i like. and believe me if i get used to playing on an arcade stick again , the results would be the same. same skills same crazy dominican.

thanks to all my supporters, and to those who are real.


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DC HUSTLE 106 said:
i mean if we are good on xbl and if a cabinet is as good as everyone says it is then most likely our skill will increase in that case.
Presicely. The point was never that you guys aren't good, it's that you aren't experiencing the full aspect of the game online, on a pad, etc. If you spent a week using a stick as if gamepads didn't exist, not only would you be very use to using a stick, but you might even be better at the game in general then you were using pad and then inevitably better in the long run.

As far as the competitive end goes, Crazy (I don't know how Mach1 beat me or Frankie at EVO!!!!) is the only one who showed up on XBL to come out and prove his spot, and there is NO ONE else I've played on XBL exclusively who comes close to Crazy. Others however have come out, and gotten destroyed but were no worse for wear. As far as stick vs stick, I don't think anyone on XBL right now who has no stick experience has room to speak. All of the stick players have extensive pad experience, and chances are the only reason a lot of you don't have stick experience is because you missed the age gap when the game was out, meaning the stick users also have more pad experience as well, which in turn is also why we can say stick > pad.

The only players on here who have shown just how good they are (past the original tournament era for the game when it died out in 2000) in person on an arcade machine are Lex, Moe and Thrower. Was there any doubt? Probably not, at least they drove from Chicago to NJ to do it and they didn't even have to. There are a number of you on here who talk like you are the top of the heap, and perhaps compared to the rest of the main XBLers you are. There are some people you will never get to play at their full level. Here's a good analogy, it's easier to hit a baseball with a tennis racket than it is a baseball bat, but you are you ever going to hit that ball over the fence with a tennis racket? The same goes for a pad vs stick. You can do what's needed to beat a lot of people but it gets to a point where the limits of the pad are made apparent because the tactics needed to surpass the limits of the pad aren't there.

Dubson is also correct, any of the top fighters that have arcade originals have a major player base that doesn't play online and it is widely accepted that online play is garbage compared to that. The reason why I run regular arcade tournaments is to get people out to experience the real deal, and if you don't want to come out for them, that's your problem but they are there for everyone. The scenes for other games are still pretty huge tournament wise and no one in their right mind would ever compare arcade to console or netplay. The only reason I play online at all is because the competition is readily available, but I still go to arcades and play UMK3 against people and prefer it that way.

Many of you would be so much better if you took the time to learn stick. People make them for 360, they cost a bit but anyone can save up $150. It's worth it, unless of course you don't plan on playing UMK3 for very long.
Crazy Dominican said:
I really regret that my little brother started all this, but i will say this. first of all i started playing umk on arcade, and was good at it.
but where i really got my skills was when trilogy for n64 came out..my only oponents were my brothers and a couple of friends. To me the 360 controller is crap, i cant really do much with it and still do what i can and enjoy the game. to me there is really no difference between xbox 360 or the cab,arcade might be a little faster but it hardly shows. but it really bothers me that some people wont admit when someone else is better than them, when it has been proven to them over and over again. of all the best oponents that i have encountered , like moe and lex .. i would like to say moe is extremely good , he himself said we played similar to each other, and i believe he would say the same about me. lex and i have played about 25 to 30 games and i came on top , he is also a great oponent, but im sure with no delays and with cab they would be much better, since that is what they are most comfortable with, like i would be even better with a controller that i like. and believe me if i get used to playing on an arcade stick again , the results would be the same. same skills same crazy dominican.

thanks to all my supporters, and to those who are real.
yep i always got ur back...screw all these haters


MKKhanzo: Ded is from Bulgary jahha
you win some, you lose some, no matter how good you are.
i just know that i can strategize, adapt and read faster than your average person, in game and in real life.
filer82985 said:
Dubson said:
I guess when you read my post you forgot to read the last statement of it, when I said you will have to ask shock if he thinks he is as good now as he was then, noone said about people playing him in his "prime"

Also since you wanna throw out the Stick on the 360 situation, its not same man. Im sorry but it is not.

The 360 is not at perfect arcade speed, I am sorry but it is true. And I highly highly doubt that any stick they hooked up to the 360 had perfect response times. You know why? It doesnt exist. All it can do is get very close.

Please have knowledge of your arguments.

filer82985 said:
I've heard that alot over this site. That if you don't play on a cab or stick or old school in an arcade that you'll never know how to play the game or be as good at the game. Look in almost any thread, the older players have said this alot.
Thats not what shaney said, shaney said he has had someone say "THAT HE IS NOT GOOD AT MK BECAUSE HE CANT PLAY ON A STICK"

Not what you said in taht quote at all.

Again if anyone said that, and if there are so many of them provide quotes.
I'm done with this before it goes any farther. I said many times in my post that I'm NOT very knowledgeable on MK, and "correct me if I am wrong", I was just posting my opinions. I do however think that you are being kind of rude in the way you are responding, so I'm just going to step down.

EDIT.... Also I believe I have heard Frankie say that the actual gameplay between the 360 and cabinet is identical. Maybe I am remembering this wrong, Frankie please correct me if I am wrong on this statement.
Gameplay is as close as it can get. Although, I think mame actually feels more like my cabinet than the xbox does. Its very close, but I would say cabinet > mame > 360 as far as the actual speed is concerned. 360 is close enough that you can compensate though, but it does feel different.

I've said to myself while playing online that this room sucks, there is delay although it sorta doesnt seem like it. So, I would hop offline and sure enough there was some delay. I've also then jumped to my cabinet, and the cabinet just feels more "snappy" for lack of a better term. I dunno if its stick related, or not.

Ilovepoop is supposed to be getting me a joystick tomorrow and once it comes home I will play back and forth and report. Put it to rest :) .


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My main concern about getting new sticks is the sluggish response may be inherent to 360 version in general which would just be lame. I am not 100% certain though.


Shock said:
My main concern about getting new sticks is the sluggish response may be inherent to 360 version in general which would just be lame. I am not 100% certain though.
I would count on it. And I would count on being at a disadvantage to someone using a controller.


Premium Supporter
I also think it's just the buttons on the controller as well, but it seems to also happen with the two sticks I've had made. It's funny though, because I have the XFPS converter, and I had a stick with different parts that DreemerNJ wired up to a keyboard converter. So basically what I did was connect the stick to the KB converter, KB converter to the XPFS with the buttons and directions mapped, and connected to the 360. The response was better on that stick (except HP didn't work at all) than the main stick I use now.


Shock said:
DC HUSTLE 106 said:
i mean if we are good on xbl and if a cabinet is as good as everyone says it is then most likely our skill will increase in that case.
Presicely. The point was never that you guys aren't good, it's that you aren't experiencing the full aspect of the game online, on a pad, etc. If you spent a week using a stick as if gamepads didn't exist, not only would you be very use to using a stick, but you might even be better at the game in general then you were using pad and then inevitably better in the long run.

As far as the competitive end goes, Crazy (I don't know how Mach1 beat me or Frankie at EVO!!!!) is the only one who showed up on XBL to come out and prove his spot, and there is NO ONE else I've played on XBL exclusively who comes close to Crazy. Others however have come out, and gotten destroyed but were no worse for wear. As far as stick vs stick, I don't think anyone on XBL right now who has no stick experience has room to speak. All of the stick players have extensive pad experience, and chances are the only reason a lot of you don't have stick experience is because you missed the age gap when the game was out, meaning the stick users also have more pad experience as well, which in turn is also why we can say stick > pad.

The only players on here who have shown just how good they are (past the original tournament era for the game when it died out in 2000) in person on an arcade machine are Lex, Moe and Thrower. Was there any doubt? Probably not, at least they drove from Chicago to NJ to do it and they didn't even have to. There are a number of you on here who talk like you are the top of the heap, and perhaps compared to the rest of the main XBLers you are. There are some people you will never get to play at their full level. Here's a good analogy, it's easier to hit a baseball with a tennis racket than it is a baseball bat, but you are you ever going to hit that ball over the fence with a tennis racket? The same goes for a pad vs stick. You can do what's needed to beat a lot of people but it gets to a point where the limits of the pad are made apparent because the tactics needed to surpass the limits of the pad aren't there.

Dubson is also correct, any of the top fighters that have arcade originals have a major player base that doesn't play online and it is widely accepted that online play is garbage compared to that. The reason why I run regular arcade tournaments is to get people out to experience the real deal, and if you don't want to come out for them, that's your problem but they are there for everyone. The scenes for other games are still pretty huge tournament wise and no one in their right mind would ever compare arcade to console or netplay. The only reason I play online at all is because the competition is readily available, but I still go to arcades and play UMK3 against people and prefer it that way.

Many of you would be so much better if you took the time to learn stick. People make them for 360, they cost a bit but anyone can save up $150. It's worth it, unless of course you don't plan on playing UMK3 for very long.
If I didnt know better id say your saying I suck. I dont know how your drawing this conclusion, the only time i played with you EVER was in person at EVO and you lost. Im not saying im better, but you have to give me some credit. I spend a total of five days in my car and 1100 dollars in expenses to come out and support the event, and come home to read how you "cant believe" you lost. Its kinda fucked up.


Premium Supporter
I'm busting your chops man, I stuck up for you in another thread a while back where people were bashing you even though placed second at a Major!


i didnt think you were the shit talking type, but this is the second time ive seen you post that. Thanks for having my back.


I have seen him defend you, this was a time long long ago, when you were dropping alot (i know what your thinking, niggy dropping? absurd) and alot of people were talking shit about you.

You have really turned around, your making alot more friends than enemies now.
I have said it before and I will say it again. There is always someone who is better than the other person. NOONE is unbeatable. If you are playing this game to be #1 in the world I have a question for you "R U STEWPIT?" Play the game to have fun not to talk shit.


Premium Supporter
Yeah not only did I defend you over the dropping but people actually questioned how you could place 2nd, and I said "He did it when it counts" or something like that. I wasn't shit talking either, I bust chops, shit talkers do it with the intent of throwing people off. What I am doing with Frankie in the upcoming tournament thread for ECC is trash talking! I only do that with people I know. Prophet and I use to trash talk constantly. If you go through old comments on my myspace you will see constant trashing before tournaments and we were best friends.

MOE is the man by the way.


Shock said:
Yeah not only did I defend you over the dropping but people actually questioned how you could place 2nd, and I said "He did it when it counts" or something like that. I wasn't shit talking either, I bust chops, shit talkers do it with the intent of throwing people off. What I am doing with Frankie in the upcoming tournament thread for ECC is trash talking! I only do that with people I know. Prophet and I use to trash talk constantly. If you go through old comments on my myspace you will see constant trashing before tournaments and we were best friends.

MOE is the man by the way.
I understand. I just feel everyone on this site thinks I suck(not that I really care) because they beat me on xbl. When I read your post I guess it was the straw that broke the camels back. When I play this game im usually so drunk I need an eyepatch so I dont see two tvs. I laugh and have a good ass time with my friends. Its so funny that when any little scrub from this site or xbl beats me, they tell everyone I suck and im garbage (and it gets back to me). Its not like I advertise Im the best. When I beat someone, I dont write it down on a fucking list and come type my face off about peoples skill and behavior. 95% of the people on this site will NEVER go to a tourn. for whatever reason, and untill they do, they need to shut up. Come on out everyone! xbox umk3 tourn in philly dec. 1, 2. And make sure your people is there to see the game. Cause you might get embarrased.


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How do you think I feel? lol I lose to unknown players every now and then and I see them pop up on xbox forums saying they are the best cause they beat me, and actually many of them have never even actually played me. It's quite silly.

Anyway, I remember at EVO we set things up and you were one of the first people to play after I re enabled hiddens, you melted through a bunch of people, Crazy and I were watching you knodding our heads. We had no idea who you were lol.


Shock said:
How do you think I feel? lol I lose to unknown players every now and then and I see them pop up on xbox forums saying they are the best cause they beat me, and actually many of them have never even actually played me. It's quite silly.

Anyway, I remember at EVO we set things up and you were one of the first people to play after I re enabled hiddens, you melted through a bunch of people, Crazy and I were watching you knodding our heads. We had no idea who you were lol.
Alot of people say they have beat me too that ive never played. Oh Yeah, I didnt reveal my identity untill it was over.lol. Illegal eagle and cheatinasswins were the only ones who knew. hehehe


Tim Static said:
Hell yea. Niggy is my...uh, niggy? lol

Shock was teasin on ya man. No worries. Hakuna Matata. :D
you can say niggy is my nigga, but spell it nxgga, you know. To throw them off a little. hehe jkjkjk lolol roflrofl