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There is really no hope for Sindel


A lot of people seem frustrated with zoning on Sindel because of the amount of teleport characters. Apparently I'm the only one that loves it. It's easy for me to bait out teleports on Sindel. An average scenario - a low fireball followed by an iaf. Chances are if you're versus Ermac, Scorpion, Mileena, Sektor, etc. they're going to try a teleport. I block, they (usually) eat a full combo. It's simple and beautiful.


Worst Sub-Zero Ever
I think you're all overlooking one of the best zoning/counterattack characters in the game, in my opinion, which is Sektor. Please don't try to tell me Sektor is not a great character.

@Vulcan: Sub isn't a zoner. He's an aggressive baiting character. Once you've launched enough offense, youropponent will start pressing buttons and that's when all your clone traps come into play. He's wasted as a zoner.


Cock Master!!
I think you're all overlooking one of the best zoning/counterattack characters in the game, in my opinion, which is Sektor. Please don't try to tell me Sektor is not a great character.

@Vulcan: Sub isn't a zoner. He's an aggressive baiting character. Once you've launched enough offense, youropponent will start pressing buttons and that's when all your clone traps come into play. He's wasted as a zoner.
Sektor is a very good character. He has good rush down and good zoning tools.

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I forgot to mention this. I asked Paulo about some Sindel buffs and it doesn't sound like she's getting much. Her glitchy EX fireball thing is being fixed. Her EX scream will come out a lot faster now. Doesn't sound like the normal one has been touched, which is a shame since you'll have to use meter to make the move useful. She currently does not have armor on her cartwheel kick, so it's not exactly clear if she's getting in once the patch actually comes out.

ETA on the patch is anywhere between two weeks and two months.
I believe the exact quote is 'Pick another character up.'


Cock Master!!
Frames off the enhanced scream is good, it'll then be useful as a anti air attack and wake up.

Armor must be on cartwheel, in fact it really should be super armor.

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That's about right.
I noticed Sinde's forum section has a lot less activity compared to other characters. The same handful of people post over here lol. Heck on MKU there is only 4-5 topics in her section. My goal was to pick up a character not popular and I gotta say, I succeeded, but why is she so unpopular? Is it because she is a zoning character? A female?
I think she's unpopular because people are more into picking the more known characters like Scorpion. Though Sindel has been around since MK3, shes never been a big favorite. Another thing a lot of people find her hard to use and give up on her since their are easier characters with more options.


Sindel was underplayed due to her lack of tools, a lot of people gave her a try, but the more they lost the more they wanted to drop her, eventually they did. She's also kind of unpopular because she isn't super flashy like some other characters such as Noob, Kitana, Cyrax or Scorpion when it comes to her normals and specials. So most people don't pay her much attention. But now that she's gotten reasonable buffs and might end up competitive, I'm positive we'll be seeing a lot more users within the community.


Play Monster Hunter!
Cyrax or Scorpion when it comes to her normals
I actually think she has some of the best looking normals and specials in the game, its one of the reasons I wanted to play her when the game first came out.
Love her kicks and hair attacks.

Low tier characters and my general scrubiness are not the best combination though.
Also kinda nitpicky but
The way her head moves kinda bugs me.


That's about right.
To the people that find her difficult to use, it's simple. She is a zoning character. Some people call it spam, but that's why every move of hers ends with knocking you across the screen. She has mixups and tools, it's just a lot of people don't really click with how to use them. I caved in and bought Tom Brady's living guide and the strategy notes and zoning were everything thing I already do. Feels nice to know I play her right.


Grodd for Injustice 3
I think Liu Kang has the smallest TYM community, but Sindel is arguably the least used.


The Cowardly Lion
You are forgetting about the others like Stryker, Kano and Noob (they get so much hate), Baraka, and Quan Chi. I don't like that much only because her juggle timing seems odd and she doesn't surpass the 30% damage mark without meter as far as I know. Otherwise, I would love using her.


That's about right.
You are forgetting about the others like Stryker, Kano and Noob (they get so much hate), Baraka, and Quan Chi. I don't like that much only because her juggle timing seems odd and she doesn't surpass the 30% damage mark without meter as far as I know. Otherwise, I would love using her.
I know the characters you mentioned aren't very popular as well, but this is in the Sindel forum lol. She can get 44% without meter, it's just rare to land it. The more I play with her the easier I win, even against her tough match ups. Granted I'm not playing against tournament winners, but my game with her is coming along nicely. You should give her a shot Feral.
The problem is most people don't like to be forced to play just 1 style. Zoning really isn't as easy as it seems, it's not just the fireball war that needs to be won at the end of the day. Sindel really isn't an easy character to play for many people especially new players. The fact is that you have to understand more than just zoning to win with her.

Sindel still virtually has untapped potential and kind of feels like an unfinished character right now. Hopefully the patch changes that, but I don't see people running to play Sindel because of the patch either.


Deus Fulminatus
Its probably because of how bad she was. That's why I started playing other fighters before her, at least until they gave her something.


That's about right.
The problem is most people don't like to be forced to play just 1 style. Zoning really isn't as easy as it seems, it's not just the fireball war that needs to be won at the end of the day. Sindel really isn't an easy character to play for many people especially new players. The fact is that you have to understand more than just zoning to win with her.

Sindel still virtually has untapped potential and kind of feels like an unfinished character right now. Hopefully the patch changes that, but I don't see people running to play Sindel because of the patch either.
I think zoning is welcoming to newcomers. There's really nothing difficult about keeping an opponent across the screen when you have high and low fireballs. Not to mention being able to jump and use them.
I think zoning is welcoming to newcomers. There's really nothing difficult about keeping an opponent across the screen when you have high and low fireballs. Not to mention being able to jump and use them.
Again their is more to zoning than that. Many characters in the game can sit back and chuck fireballs to keep you out. With Sindel things aren't the same, you have to have the proper timing, spacing and be sure you know how to react when they come in. Her zoning game is good but it comes down to how do you fight against anti-zoning characters as well as knowing when to get in with her and get away.

Whats so different about Sindel is that she's walking on egg shells when someone gets close to her. She also really has no way to keep heavy pressure on. You gotta be real careful what you do with her. If you miss 1 fb you are left wide open for heavy punishment, at that moment with most characters you have no chance to run away.


Levi Cancel Sorcery
with the latest patch finally bringing sindel up to par. does it still feel like she is limited to what we know she can do?

meaning combos that we could come up with we cant because NRS have shut down all possible ways of a combo becoming a infinite.

like for example when if you do a jip b1,2 dash 3 yell jip b3,f2 it will just knock the opponent down instead of giving a pop up to string together something else to finsh my opponent off. even with the EX scream its the same result.

is there anyway around this to extend the damage out put.

i find myself getting a little frustated sometimes because of how little damage b1,2 puts out when i want to punish just off of that.

also wouldnt it have been a really nice addition if they had allowed us to do more than one scream in a combo. at least 2. kind of like how mileena roll is. if u do a EX roll then roll, roll. could that have really opened up more possibilites as to what sindel can really do?

just throwing somethings out there.


That's about right.
Again their is more to zoning than that. Many characters in the game can sit back and chuck fireballs to keep you out. With Sindel things aren't the same, you have to have the proper timing, spacing and be sure you know how to react when they come in. Her zoning game is good but it comes down to how do you fight against anti-zoning characters as well as knowing when to get in with her and get away.

Whats so different about Sindel is that she's walking on egg shells when someone gets close to her. She also really has no way to keep heavy pressure on. You gotta be real careful what you do with her. If you miss 1 fb you are left wide open for heavy punishment, at that moment with most characters you have no chance to run away.

That's the same for every zoning character. Timing projectiles for when your opponent lands and what not. Like I said, zoning is great for beginners.


That's about right.
I'm learning more and more from these threads that the majority of people don't use her correctly. She is a zoning character, which means you need to play keep away and use projectiles. The only time I rushdown or abort that plan is if the opponent can teleport. I quickly become a defensive/reaction player. Meaning I punish there mistakes with her combos. If you leave the 3 out of your combo you can still knock them into the air. sooooo........jip,b3f2,yell,jip,b3f2,dash,b12,dash,111,hair whip. 44% easily. Another problem with Sindel players is that they constantly go for this combo which is a huge mistake. You will be punished repeatedly. I'd stick to her easier combos. Here's a few.

1.jip,12,hair whip.
2.b12,yell,b12,111,hair whip or cartwheel.
4.b12,dash,b12,dash,f12,hair whip or cartwheel

Those are basic, but really easy to use. I would stick with those until your opponent learns to respect b1 and uses crouching block. At that point I would start using b3f2.


Levi Cancel Sorcery
thanks. oh trust sir i know she is a zoning character. i blast out fireballs all day. lol
my only problem was that once a opponent got in i some how just lose it and cant get out quick enough. majority of the ppl i run into online pick teleporters and cross me up all day.
im just trying to open my mind and read as much info to see how others punish with her when the heat is on and they cant blast them with the balls.


Deus Fulminatus
You don't want punish when the heat is on. You want to get your ass out of there as quickly as possible.

When you figure out how to do that effectively, get back to me.


This patch does NOT put Sindel on par with other characters. It just lets her do some stuff that she should have been able to do in the first place. She still has the same problems getting out of pressure. Her normals are still very slow. The best ways to do combos with Sindel is to do them on punish or off a jump punch.

B12 should not be used as a main way to deal damage since the scaling is so bad. I would use it just to confuse the opponent to train them to block low. Then you can do things like 21 cartwheel more often.

If you block a teleport (scorpion, smoke, etc), the best combo to do is b3f2, db2, jip B3F2, dash, f12, df2. That does 37% damage and it's easy to hit. This works as a punish pretty much anytime the opponent is in a rolling-in-the-air state.

One combo you can do off a successful jump punch is:

jip 2, db2, jip b3f2, dash, f12, 1, hair whip. That does 37% damage. If you're really good with execution and timing, you can end that combo with f12, dash, b12, dash d1, hairwhip. That does 40% but it's very difficult to pull off. Just make sure you don't do the db2 if the opponent blocks. You will get punished.


Another note. EX Scream is more reliable to do on wakeup now. It might be your best way to get out of pressure under some circumstances. I still need to test it against good players, but I've seen a few combo starters whiff during its invisibility frames. I need to test it more.

EX fireball is a good way to get out of pressure as long as the opponent doesn't jump out of the air. Cartwheel kick has the same problem. If it whiffs or if it hits the opponent in the air, it sometimes leaves Sindel vulnerable to attack.