I have been browsing the TYM for months by now and I have always quite appreciated the amount of helpful information that is being shared.
However - as a European - I feel offended by this thread. Personally I quite agree with everything m2dave or REO say. It´s just that I don´t like
the way they say it. It may be true that only a few top-players are able to understand the reasons behind this tier-discussion. It´s ok, if just these four players sit together, have some beer and discuss their tier-list. However, once they start a public thread, they have to accept statements from other players as well and I think, noone shall be bashed for trying to make a point. This is, what a community is all about: "exchange". Even though some statements of metzos or other European players may be very wrong, you should still encourage everyone to post different opinions. At leat as long as people think, that their postings would bring the discussion forward.
Personally I would consider myself being far away from being a top player; thus I won´t be able to add anything of value to the tierdiscussion. However if I (!) thought I could do so, I'd still consider it my right to disagree. Even if my reasons for doing so make no point... then it´s up to you to either ignore me, to prove me wrong ot to not start a thread like this at all! In a friendly community noone is being bashed for trying to contribute...
You have to respect effort alone!
That being said, I´d like to add a "Thank you" for everyone who has produced an argument in this discussion...
edit: REO is funny though