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The Newest Mortal Kombat (9) Tier List

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You will BOW to me!
I can't wait for these European players to enter American soil and challenge us. Maybe our line-up should have Johnny Cage and Mileena players for the big bad Euro-macs just to make things a tad easier and more interesting.

You expect an answer for this stupid post REO ? Here is one. You are the big champions. You come to us.

EDIT : I came here and posted my opinions with facts and what i got in return was stupid childish comments like this one. I dont care who you are or if you are the best. Learn to respect others like they respect you and dont say bullshit like these.


this thread is dumb.

this has only become about being the winner of the argument, not about fact or logic. when we lose reasoning, there's no point in speaking.

I don't think Jade is the worst character. I don't think there is a "worst character". All the characters have chances and have been basically explored for the general community to know how to play said character. There isn't any new ground breaking tech with anyone to change their playstyle, ie noob into rushdown, scorpion into zoning or kung lao into vortex. It's basically the same game. There are characters who have an easier time against the top, those who don't; we are all in agreement in how a character plays out at this point, basically(minus a few like ermac, kitana, sub zero, etc. where they can be played effectively as rush down or turtle. I am not saying Sub has cage-like normals, or can keep someone locked down, or ermac can do the same. Just that they are somewhat versatile and different people play them differently. Detroitballn/Alex Valle are good examples.).

That being said, the way I think characters should be placed is on what they have for tools. Combo launchers, stagger states, specials, the works. I'm talking matchups, but not just the bad. How many good does that character have, and against WHOM. If say someone has 25 bad matchups, but has 8-2's against the existing 6(not including kratos for good reason), all of which are top tier characters like Lao, Raiden, Reptile, Kitana, Kabal whatever, isn't that character great? or not?

Obviously the matchup isn't going to be that skewed for a character, but I think you guys understand what I mean. If you can find some sort of fallacy or loophole in that idea, tell me.

But of course, all this goes to shit when you bring in the players. If you have someone who seems just unstoppable playing a "low tier character", why is that character low tier? Is it just because there is nothing to be discovered with him/her? They have bad matchups against a larger variety of the cast? Then why are they winning? Is said player winning because of matchup inexperience?

Instead of simply attributing characters to either shit or gold, consider who plays them, what the character plays like. In my opinion rush down characters are nerfed in 1.05 from jump-in's losing adv, wake up system working consistantly, and so on. Zoning is the name of the game, with Kabal and Noob owning the field. So why does it matter..? Because certain characters have no defined way of playing.. or they cannot compete against others of the same class. Also consider that people make the difference here. This community.. in a way I've never seen before, attributes the tools to the winning factor, not the people behind them.

In my opinion, the person makes the difference. Look at EGP Tyrant, MasterHavik, and CD Jr. Before 1.05 and maybe even 1.04 people thought jax was the worst or one of the worst characters in the game. But they continue to play them.. why? Because it's STILL POSSIBLE TO WIN. There is no character who loses indefinitely. Disadvantage only, meaning the players behind the character are the ones who matter, because they are required to come up with creative solutions to glaring problems in their matchup.

Rambling aside.. and I'm sure I've contradicted myself multiple times.. thanks for reading. PM me if you find me to be retarded or something.


Staff Tier
Well first i'll tell you the obvious flash/glow. Both really good on wake up and also really good to counter jips. Next, Ex Overhead beats a good amount of wakeup attacks.


Two men enter, one man leaves!
Well first i'll tell you the obvious flash/glow. Both really good on wake up and also really good to counter jips. Next, Ex Overhead beats a good amount of wakeup attacks.
keep going...

seriously if this is all shes got than it shouldn't be questioned that she is down there.
Since you're dropping names, ask Forever King about my Skarlet as well - he tried to recruit me as the, or one of the, best Skarlet players he's seen. :)
ninjs' skarlet was so good that i uninstalled skarlet from the game so he couldn't use her against me, lol


All tier lists are designed to do if give the player an idea of who they are going to work harder against to get the win. Nothing more, nothing less.

This particular list was unnecessary. Kudos to all that put forth the effort, but all the bile in this thread was predictible (and avoidable) especially when it was revealed that only 3 people worked on this list.

Another way of looking at it.......

Mods in a pissing contest
Sonya's bewbs

CONGRATULATIONS, TYM! You have now officially created the best thread on the internet! Way to go! :cheers:

And for the record, there's no arguing that Jade is bottom tier, but so bad that she deserves her own category? Give me a break.....


Random foreign guy
Europe has a smaller (thus less competitive) scene, thats true, but you guys are taking it way too far. Lot's of American top players who don't need to prove anything to anyone exposing themselves with childish comments about Europeans for no good reason. Seriously guys, knock it off.

@ the tier list, It's based on bad match-ups. It may not be the perfect way to make a tier list, but then again, what is the perfect way to make a tier list? There is none. It's not consulting a few tournament players per char neither ordering the chars by good match-ups. Those are just other ways to see things, just like this list. This was a very nice effort from m2dave, Tom Brady, REO and PL and saying it should be avoided cuz a few people can't understand different points of view and keep fighting over a stupid tier list like their character being a few tiers above would level up their game is one of the most stupid things said in this thread, really.



All tier lists are designed to do if give the player an idea of who they are going to work harder against to get the win. Nothing more, nothing less.

This particular list was unnecessary. Kudos to all that put forth the effort, but all the bile in this thread was predictible (and avoidable) especially when it was revealed that only 3 people worked on this list.

Another way of looking at it.......

Mods in a pissing contest
Sonya's bewbs

CONGRATULATIONS, TYM! You have now officially created the best thread on the internet! Way to go! :cheers:

And for the record, there's no arguing that Jade is bottom tier, but so bad that she deserves her own category? Give me a break.....
The people that are complaining about the tier list are just stating their opinions and the ones that aren't doing that and instead just trolling and slandering various things need to stop it while they still can. Also, the lowest tier character in every game has always been in their own category, it doesn't necessarly mean they're heaps worse than the character above them, it just means that they're the lowest tier character.


The Saltan of Salt
Lol@ people giving Foxy shit for trying to dispense advice through his own experience.

Seriously, I understand that having a regular way for US and EU folks to play offline is effectively impossible(ie, an ocean), but implying that europeans are creating some sort of stream of misinformation because they're lolterribad is retarded.

We all have theories that go bust, mostly this comes from anecdotal evidence from some previous fight, thats fine, and thats also why you test the shit out yourself.

But I get it, people want a leatherbound book crammed with the absolute truth of every facet of Mortal Kombat, and become enraged when it turns out that they might actually have to verify stuff themselves.

Unless you can prove that folks like Foxy and Mustard are hurting the community with all the free information they put out, then kindly slam your dick in a car door.


Zoning Master
Why are you some of you protecting Foxy? Stop being fan boys and look at some of the stuff that he is saying.

A F0xy Grampa said:
Btw Mileena only wins in theory fighter 9
He is either clueless or trolling. Mileena is a top 5 character based on footsies alone. It has nothing to do with theory.

AK L0rdoftheFLY

I hatelove this game
Everyone thinks they know best. No one allows the possibility of them being wrong. It's this close minded view that will never let us complete a tier list.


A prop on the stage of life.
Wow do we have a Russian in the room so we can start a cold war argument too? It goes too far when it comes to attacking the individual or the group of people they belong to when it does nothing for the discussion at hand. Like hell...the last few pages in here have no relevance to the tier list sans the small Jade discussion. I don't have anything more I could add though..I agree with Ermac's placement for now, thats about all.


Wow do we have a Russian in the room so we can start a cold war argument too? It goes too far when it comes to attacking the individual or the group of people they belong to when it does nothing for the discussion at hand. Like hell...the last few pages in here have no relevance to the tier list sans the small Jade discussion. I don't have anything more I could add though..I agree with Ermac's placement for now, thats about all.
totally agree. we should keep this as civil as possible.


You expect an answer for this stupid post REO ? Here is one. You are the big champions. You come to us.

EDIT : I came here and posted my opinions with facts and what i got in return was stupid childish comments like this one. I dont care who you are or if you are the best. Learn to respect others like they respect you and dont say bullshit like these.
Why would I waste my time going to Europe to play against people who can't even beat Ermac with Mileena and Johnny Cage? The better competition is clearly here. If you really want to prove us wrong, then go ahead and come here and place as much money as you want on the table for the upcoming EVO.

And your facts do suck. I'm going to have to agree with m2dave here and say you are posting misinformation. Stating Ermac can punish Mileena's instant aerial sais with his mediocre teleport on reaction is a joke among itself. It just shows you have no true experience in the match-up and don't really have a clue on what you're talking about.


Feared by dragons. Desired by virgins.
You expect an answer for this stupid post REO ? Here is one. You are the big champions. You come to us.
This is a prime example of not making sense. Why would the champion go to the challenger?

I know REO and m2dave are being blunt, but they are kinda right. I actually disagree with a lot on their tier list, but their arguments are merely disagreeable, not ludicrous.
im sorry but why is jade even being considered as lowest tier. its blatently sheeva. the creators of the game obviously never intended a 4 arm powerhouse chataracter to be the best. in my mind she was and is a fun character to play occasionally. i actually saw a grand finals match from peurto rico on here with a jade player. and he was pretty damn beasty with her. and she did not seem bad or the worst. ive also played some really sick jades and they were really tough b/c i did not know the match up at all. i dont know the match up with sheeva but im telling u right now when shes picked i dont have to worry about fucking anything. jade has mixups is quicker and has some vicious combos. i think maybe by pure not having options yes then i definately agree she is a low tier character. but when it comes to the lowest??? sheeva fucking takes the cake and eats it too
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