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The Newest Mortal Kombat (9) Tier List

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Why would I waste my time going to Europe to play against people who can't even beat Ermac with Mileena and Johnny Cage? The better competition is clearly here. If you really want to prove us wrong, then go ahead and come here and place as much money as you want on the table for the upcoming EVO.

And your facts do suck. I'm going to have to agree with m2dave here and say you are posting misinformation. Stating Ermac can punish Mileena's instant aerial sais with his mediocre teleport on reaction is a joke among itself. It just shows you have no true experience in the match-up and don't really have a clue on what you're talking about.
blown up.
so when someone says a matchup is 7-3, does one character win 7 games straight, then lose 3?, or win 5, then lose 1??? how does that even work when the games are being played to 2 or 3... i'm not one for tier lists, but everyone is entitled to their opinion to what they think it is.

i'm glad everyone agrees on scorpion.. that's how it should always be. 5-5. you either win, or you lose.


A prop on the stage of life.
Nah I think 7-3 would mean like as long as you're competent you'd have a much easier time winning based on the character. I played my friend first to 10 two weeks ago. His sub vs. my ermac. I won 10-5 against him. He usually beats my ass too so I had to rub it in when I destroyed him. lol Scorpion does have losing matchups though...and he really doesn't have ones that he truly wins without meter (as [MENTION=2760]Slips[/MENTION] and 16 bit have said). That being said if you guess wrong with scorpion they blow your ass up.


how come these godly tier shit lists dont ever take the most integral part of the character into play? these tier lists never take the player into account.
is kinda stupid really, serves no purpose but to get a rise out of people lol

sorry, but is silly to make a list that doesnt consider the player, and without said player, the list would not exist.
and no, the 2 equally skilled players argument is crap, as no one is ever truly equal :p

anyways, just how i see it, and :p LOL


not sure if this has been answered but does anyone know why jade is not only crap tier but in her own crap section? lol
it's hard to believe since she's gotten nothing but pretty arguable buffs.


i'm sad this board turned into usa vs rest of the world crap

clearly, us scene is the most visible and fluent one
but i would like to remember everyone those big bullshit about a bunch of characters said by each top blabbering player
sonya exposure, mileena not being able to compete, kunglao not worth anymore due to LH nerf etc etc etc

it's sad to read reo spitting on the ermac vs mileena situation with nothing solid
but if i think of the kabal's matchup thread where the best statement was 'you didn't play against x and y so you wouldn't know' it's clear that the top player status is more important than knowledge sharing (it's a discussion board afterall)

as for the usa vs europe situation:
- can europe beat usa?
no, not even foxy played enough online matches if compared to an usa offline average and it's clear (i judge from top euro events footage) that we still play an online affected mk
so, any euro player is self-cheating while thinking to beat usa

-can europe teach something to usa?
yes, because if you pick players from the same scene, they're used to gimmicks and tech from that area
euro can still show few new tricks about characters usa don't give a shit about (sonya, sektor mostly) and show them that being able to compete in usa major don't necessarily mean full knowedge of the game


You will BOW to me!
This is a prime example of not making sense. Why would the champion go to the challenger? .

Because we didnt challenge anyone. Neither we said anything about that matter. This is only in the mind of some of the US players. Thats why i said that. Because some people think they are the best of the best without even knowing that other scenes exist too and are sprouting posts like the one REO posted. I dont care if i cant punish the instant air sai with teleport on reaction. I have other tools too. If its wrong its wrong, but from what i ve seen i can punish it with a teleport on reaction. Dont know if its a perfect one but it was damn close on the ground when the mileena player did it. Also i never said i can punish it for sure i said i think i can. Its true that in EU we dont have players that can do 100% IAF's all the time (at least from what i ve seen) but thats not all that MK is. That was my point.

EDIT: Post edited

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
i'm sad this board turned into usa vs rest of the world crap

clearly, us scene is the most visible and fluent one
but i would like to remember everyone those big bullshit about a bunch of characters said by each top blabbering player
sonya exposure, mileena not being able to compete, kunglao not worth anymore due to LH nerf etc etc etc

it's sad to read reo spitting on the ermac vs mileena situation with nothing solid
but if i think of the kabal's matchup thread where the best statement was 'you didn't play against x and y so you wouldn't know' it's clear that the top player status is more important than knowledge sharing (it's a discussion board afterall)

as for the usa vs europe situation:
- can europe beat usa?
no, not even foxy played enough online matches if compared to an usa offline average and it's clear (i judge from top euro events footage) that we still play an online affected mk
so, any euro player is self-cheating while thinking to beat usa

-can europe teach something to usa?
yes, because if you pick players from the same scene, they're used to gimmicks and tech from that area
euro can still show few new tricks about characters usa don't give a shit about (sonya, sektor mostly) and show them that being able to compete in usa major don't necessarily mean full knowedge of the game
what? no, no, no, no no no. REO has spit nothing but facts in his arguments, whereas everyone counter acts with theory fighter and how they can read the opponents mind. Thats why these discussions turn into arguments... some player who dominates his local scene with one character automatically assumes they can read everyone's minds. The point of this tier list was to point out holes in the characters. Those with the least, in turn have the least amount of bad match ups, whereas, those with the most have more bad match ups. Ermac has a ton of holes. Kabal has very few. Its the nature of the game. We all know that if the player is good enough to overcome the holes, they will win, THAT ISN'T THE POINT. People let their little ego's get bruised when the cold hard truth smacks their character in the face. A good player will win, every time. Tier lists aren't about how good someone is with a character... don't let that go over your head.

And to say that the US doesn't have good Sonya and Sektor Players is absurd. Go ask Morty about Sonya, or Maxter about Sektor.
Why would I waste my time going to Europe to play against people who can't even beat Ermac with Mileena and Johnny Cage? The better competition is clearly here. If you really want to prove us wrong, then go ahead and come here and place as much money as you want on the table for the upcoming EVO.

And your facts do suck. I'm going to have to agree with m2dave here and say you are posting misinformation. Stating Ermac can punish Mileena's instant aerial sais with his mediocre teleport on reaction is a joke among itself. It just shows you have no true experience in the match-up and don't really have a clue on what you're talking about.
this turned me on, a lot.


you know what?
we all closed the old tier list thread saying that a matchup chart (then a tl) would have given more benefit

what happened few weeks later?
a tier list like this pop up with very very few explanation beside 'tom reo m2dave and someone else decided this is what mk tl should be'

and this is crap since this is a community that may not produce 100% tournament players
but still has people capable to bring new shit here and there

and i'm having the feeling this board is turning into something like top usa placements and friends
because you can't get back at any of their statement without the old (and stinky) euro vs usa or the 'you didn't play as much as me' crap

and if you're thinking to quote a 100% retard post and put that shit into a vid (the CSZ tech one where reo/tom made fun of ppl on the forum)
you're totally wrong because it's more than normal to have retards on active boards like this

as for the tiering part
don't pick us (non tournament/famous) players as dumb please
i know that kabal shit on more than half of the roster almost for free
but most of the time i read statements about overpowered stuff that might still be difficult to face against
but not that overwhelming

and you see flaws due to little knowledge of the game (we know mk is out a few months and the patching bla bla) in every footage
and i laugh when i see supposed top players trying to dash under air projectiles

so, it's ok if we want to talk an early tier list
but it's disrespectful to stay on high horses shitting on other's opinion


A prop on the stage of life.
how come these godly tier shit lists dont ever take the most integral part of the character into play? these tier lists never take the player into account.
is kinda stupid really, serves no purpose but to get a rise out of people lol

sorry, but is silly to make a list that doesnt consider the player, and without said player, the list would not exist.
and no, the 2 equally skilled players argument is crap, as no one is ever truly equal :p

anyways, just how i see it, and :p LOL

This specific tier list yes. But when other tier lists are made it usually has a disclaimer that says "2 players of equal skill...10 matches..blah blah blah". It doesn't mean they sit down 2 people that they consider equal skill and have them play. Its a statistical analysis. The thing about taking the player into account is that if we did that then the top tier character would be the one that wins tournaments the most. In fact a tier list wouldn't even exist if we took players into account. Don't taze me bro!

Sid is a scrub

i heard you like mudkipz
I have a Question, why is Nightwolf low on the list? Just wondering since I remember seeing him top tier at one point.


Cock Master!!
Why is everyone still misunderstanding the thread??? It is a tier lists of how many bad match ups a character has. Why is that so fucking difficult to understand????????

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Well, the thread may have started like that, then someone said "hey, my character isn't that bad", then ego's got involved, and now it's come to this.

It's a shame cause shit like this doesn't bring the community together, it segregates it.

People wonder if EVo 2012 will have MK 9, and I hope it's there, but what would be really great is to have an even bigger community by then.

Damn, you don't see this much disrespect on the Capcom fighting circuits for other nationalities and their perceived fighting skills. I know egos exist everywhere, but all I see is people jumping on the bandwagon cause a couple of top players are pretty much saying that EU players suck.

I don't know if this is just American mentality. I don't mean that in a negative way, maybe it's just how you express your competitive nature, but I don't recall Japan ragging on American players in Street Fighter games.

And tier lists are bullshit. Remember last year, Justin Wong saying how shit Adon is SSF IV? And what happened then? He got blown up by Gamerbee's Adon, while Wong was using Rufus, considered a high tier character. Different game, but the point is, it only takes one player, to do crazy stuff with a character, no matter how high or low they are, to totally change things.

Tier lists are for the most part, opinions. Not fact.


We are Many but we didnt make MK11 not one
Im no longer going to participate in this thread since it seems when we discuss things we get insulted in return.Apparently ermac players are all from europe-_-.But anyway this tier list was made by three people, three people I dont trust when it comes to certain characters.Even Tom said he put little effort in this list.And I wont be lectured by guys who play ermac as a side character.I spent countless hours in training mode since day one of this game.We have been producing arguments from our own experiences and in return its called misinformation.So since our arguments don't mean anything and are 100% wrong we should just stop the discussions here and just not post anymore arguments concerning the matter.We will discuss this in our own forums.


Come On Die Young
Why is everyone still misunderstanding the thread??? It is a tier lists of how many bad match ups a character has. Why is that so fucking difficult to understand????????
Because there are so many disagreements on matchups.


.02 from me...The game is still new with a few game-changing patches...Imo its still early to talk about tier list.

PND i2 Gaug3

NERF Everything, LEAVE Nothing
AC how many more months would you like to wait before attempting to create a teir list?? another 7 months??

PND OmegaK

Drunk and Orderly
REO makes a convincing arguement. I have given in to the GREATEST COUTNRY IN THE WORLD, and I hope my other fellow europeans do too. Hail Jesus.


This specific tier list yes. But when other tier lists are made it usually has a disclaimer that says "2 players of equal skill...10 matches..blah blah blah". It doesn't mean they sit down 2 people that they consider equal skill and have them play. Its a statistical analysis. The thing about taking the player into account is that if we did that then the top tier character would be the one that wins tournaments the most. In fact a tier list wouldn't even exist if we took players into account. Don't taze me bro!

LOL i wont taze lol
but in all honesty, still doesnt make sense, even if you go by what you say they go by.

cus if, i beat charlie, and charlie beats phill, but phill beats me.
so i am bettar than charlie, but not phill? even tho charlie beats phill, but phill beats me.

get what am trying to say here brother?

tier lists are crap, cus just like the nfl, any given sunday ;)
plus not everyone is going to fight the same all the time, there will be days that the player will be off just a bit, therefore losing to some one he would normally beat.

to many variables that goes into this to actually consider this shit list legit lol
plus everyone and their aunt has one, and everyone has different difficulties with different characters :p
ok now i will taze you.....bzzzzzzzzzzzz LOL

REO makes a convincing arguement. I have given in to the GREATEST COUTNRY IN THE WORLD, and I hope my other fellow europeans do too. Hail Jesus.
lol nicely done, well played sir, just please dont think all of us are like that :)

PND i2 Gaug3

NERF Everything, LEAVE Nothing
REO makes a convincing arguement. I have given in to the GREATEST COUTNRY IN THE WORLD, and I hope my other fellow europeans do too. Hail Jesus.
well thats why you play Jax to win and see the american flag wrapped around your bloody and beaten body,

but then again im Jamaican so it doesnt concern me, LOVE your SIG


The people that are complaining about the tier list are just stating their opinions and the ones that aren't doing that and instead just trolling and slandering various things need to stop it while they still can. Also, the lowest tier character in every game has always been in their own category, it doesn't necessarly mean they're heaps worse than the character above them, it just means that they're the lowest tier character.
First off, there is no place for opinions in a tier list. It is based as closely on hard data as we can get. Secondly, that was the point of my post. It was supposed to be a darkly humourous message to EVERYONE to grow the :rant3: up! I mean, if I was the site admin and saw this thread as it stands now, there would be a few new mods getting fired and some heated discussions going on with older mods. That's probably why I didn't get the job :top:

Just based on my limited experience with Jade, I don't feel that she is as bad as she is being made out to be. So I must defer to my more learned brethren on this site. I just hope that someone can really sit down with her and give someone a glow staff up the rear ;)


If the game stays that way fro the next seven months with no changes, a tier list should be accurate and precise. I do not have time to play the game as much as I would like to and have limited time to mess around with it and practice BUT there are still tons of things to explore imo.

A great example is REO's EX dash interrupting Raiden's 3 hit string. When all those small details become a standard in game play, you can call for a legitimate tier list. Right now its very inaccurate and biased....
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