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Street Fighter V General Discussion


It's all so very confusing.
Damn right you ran away., Cant handle my Ryu.

I really mneant to take those matches seriously until about halfway through round 1.. then I just said fuck it.

And no I am NOT drunk sir. I am just bored. I dont know Ryu combos. I think Im supposed to st.lk. I have won more matches than anyone person should by just walking forward and throwing.

Bullshit aside though, you had a couple pretty neato burrito little things in those sets. The Urien combo into stun into corner combo was pretty impressive. I was super surprised that killed. I kept getting DP and not fireball, that Nash CA was read I was trying to DP through it to see if you even could, but got st.hp =/
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It's all so very confusing.
Anyone else wanna play? Come get this Ryu. I have exactly 4 things, a fireball, a DP, a sweep and a jump and Im bringing 'em all to the party/


Resolution through knowledge and resolve.
Are you a Cammy main?
Mind doing some matches and dominating me so I can see some of her stuff
I don't have a PS4, but when the game first dropped - I switched consoles with my brother. I brought over my XB1 and borrowed his PS4. After a few days of playing, I was getting matched with known players and was still doing well. SF is simple. Its MKX that is hard.

Would I struggle now that players have had time with the game and I haven't played? Its defibitely possible, but the game online felt like easy mode before - so any struggles would be welcome. SF ate so much if my life when I was young that understanding what is going on and creating setups and reacting to what is going on to stay in control feels like 1st nature.
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FL Rushdown

@FL Rushdown wanna let a kid in on your raging demon setups?
There are a ton. Lately though I've been liking f hp into a walking demon and cr hp(blocked) xx trigger into a Kara demon out of v skill + kick. And combo xx trigger dp into lk tatsu demon is a funny meaty crossover one. Lk tick is a good one and you can do a demon after a blocked jab too. V skill + punch xx trigger dash forward demon is gap less if they don't have a 3 framer.
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It's all so very confusing.
Fun little exercise that could breed useful discussion.. It probably wont, but it could.

List why you suck - with at least some detail. Give at least some explanation of each shitty trait you have. What's holding you back from Master Rank?

List why you're great - with at least some detail. Give at least some explanation of each strength you have. What's propelling you TO Master Rank?

I'll follow with mine in a few minutes.

FL Rushdown

Fun little exercise that could breed useful discussion.. It probably wont, but it could.

List why you suck - with at least some detail. Give at least some explanation of each shitty trait you have. What's holding you back from Master Rank?

List why you're great - with at least some detail. Give at least some explanation of each strength you have. What's propelling you TO Master Rank?

I'll follow with mine in a few minutes.
I suck because whatever I understand in theory goes out the window in a match and I also have poor reactions which forces me to commit to hard reads too much.

I'm good because I lab shit and what I don't lab I make sure to steal from better players.

FL Rushdown

@FL Rushdown wanna let a kid in on your raging demon setups?

sorry was at work all day heres some stuff to get you started. I left the inputs on so you can see which ones are plinked or hit in funny ways.

And any demon flip ones can use divekicks or fireballs to punish people for holding up. Usually with the same or more dmg than a demon. Same with the tick ones. If people hold up they're eating 500 dmg in those situations that are all frame traps.

Side note the ones where I v skill and kick are from ranges where you need to actually start the kick animation so you move forward or your demon will be too far. That's why they've got a different input than the plinked ones. Just gotta do it fast enough so the kick doesn't come out like mine did that one time.
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It's all so very confusing.
Why I suck:

1) I'm impatient/Bored- This is a huge one for me. I just get bored in the middle of a match sometimes and start pushing and pressuring or just being stupid. I dont know what triggers it exactly, but its an issue. I catch myself, but its usually too late and I've already eaten a ton of damage or put myself into a super shitty position. I will just walk-up throw to see if I can. or chain DP over and over, or on every wakeup, and its not some scrub-strat because I dont know any better or cant think of something else, its literally me going "LOL I WONDER IF HE'LL LET ME GET AWAY WITH THIS DUMB SHIT" This also causes me to main-hop like no one else. I just get bored. Quickly. I'm not good enough to Floe the game and main random select, but my constant character swapping and bouncing around is a HUGE hindrance.

2) My execution is awful.- This is an odd one. I just.. Miss things. My hands are awful. I have nerve damage from a raccoon (seriously) and every other kind of damage from a lifetime of breaks and beatings and everything in between. It makes them stiff and I lose some finesse. One of the biggest problems is that, and this sounds odd, but that I requires a different amount of force to do the same task. So making my index finger press down once might me harder, or easier, than it was the time prior or whatever, that sounds like nothing, but it actually adds up. It causes me to hit buttons too early or too late and drop/fuckup otherwise extremely easy combos or sequences. This is NOT an insurmountable issue that is holding me back in some way that I cant overcome, but coupled with my main-changing and my lack of play time in general, and it costs me. Heavily. There is almost never a ROUND that goes by that I dont have some execution problem in.

3) I just dont play enough. - Above and beyond all my issues, this is simply the main one. Add in my impatience and constant character hopping and my shitty execution and you have a recipe for being terrible. Just playing the game more will alleviate a huge number of my problems. I was going to list AAing as a weakness, but it actually falls under this heading, as does proper punishing. I just dont play enough, and as such tend to be slower to react and uncomfortable in my own skin so to speak.

4) I'm EXTREMELY stubborn and I will fixate. This is a weird one and stems from my personality. I will sometimes.. I dont know, I just get stubborn. I jump and get AA'd and my brain just says 'FUCK THAT GUY AND HIS AA ILL JUMP AGAIN AA THIS BITCH'.. then I get AA'd again. And my brain yells even louder this time 'I GOT SOMETHING FOR YOUR AA YOU LITTLE SHIT' and so on. Or a guy will jump in on ME and I wont AA because I see it as a challenge to just block him out. I do it in neutral sometimes as well.. I'll just turtle up just to see if I can block everything. Obviously you cant. This is an odd thing that I do, but I do it and it costs me. I also get mad at myself, and if, say, I screw up my execution on something, sometimes I just see red and forget you're even there. I'll just start mashing out whatever I fucked up to get it to work, regardless of whats happening around and/or to me. I also challenge when I shouldnt. I'll know Im being put in to a setup of some kind and my stubborness has me challenge you instead of just blocking it out. I'll try to do silly shit to get out, or be disrespectful and try to do something unexpected.

Why I rock:

1) General knowledge- Despite how I play, I know a lot about the game. I know a lot of setups and what leads into them and how you get out. I know a lot about frame data and strategy and spacing and just general knowledge. I dont play enough to put it in to use though, I tend to be so uncomfortable that while I know these things, my brain is not relaxed enough to properly react to them and put that knowledge into play. Add in my occasional stubbornness and tendency to fixate.. and so on.

2) Reactions- I have very very good reflexes. When I'm comfortable and cruising along I can react very very quickly. Input errors cost me heavily, but I'm very good at hit confirming and identifying whether a move landed or not and going forward accordingly. Admittedly, it doesnt look like that a lot of the time, as I will land a hit then roll in to a combo, only to drop it and since Im already in 'It landed we're fine' mode, I eat shit. Ive lost count of the times I go to fireball a string and make it safe, only to get DP and look like a fucking idiot.

3)Understanding/Adapting/Planning/Reading. When I'm comfortable and relaxed in a match, I can make pretty good reads on what my opponent is going to do, and I can usually start to get a handle on them pretty quickly. I can put together fair lengthy sequences of cause and effect very quickly and anticipate what my opponent is going to do well enough for them to be very effective. I can read a situation and react, but I play a very fluid game when I'm not obsessively fixating for one reason or another, and adapt and play on the fly, building sequences in my head to inform the next few seconds, but adjusting and tearing them down completely on the fly as needed.

So, to summarize, I need to pick a fucking character, or two at MOST, and just grind the goddamn game.
Fun little exercise that could breed useful discussion.. It probably wont, but it could.

List why you suck - with at least some detail. Give at least some explanation of each shitty trait you have. What's holding you back from Master Rank?

List why you're great - with at least some detail. Give at least some explanation of each strength you have. What's propelling you TO Master Rank?

I'll follow with mine in a few minutes.
I suck because my execution is bad. I also take too long to learn basic BnB stuff etc. Also I seem to throw lighting bolts when I'm not supposed to.

I'm great because I love to do random ass h.P DP's from about 4 inches away after were both crouching, yea I get punished but it's funny as hell lol.


Light Bringer
Fun little exercise that could breed useful discussion.. It probably wont, but it could.

List why you suck - with at least some detail. Give at least some explanation of each shitty trait you have. What's holding you back from Master Rank?

List why you're great - with at least some detail. Give at least some explanation of each strength you have. What's propelling you TO Master Rank?

I'll follow with mine in a few minutes.
I suck cuz I don't AA enough. Also I like to mash when i'm getting frame trapped even though I know a move is + 3 or something. I tend to auto pilot a lot so most people figure out what I'm going to do and fuck me up for it. I don't use throws enough. I never block low and idk why, so I get clipped by low combos which isn't a big deal until they keep stacking up. Then I lost like 40% over a period of time for not blocking low. Also I don't utilize any set ups with my characters. Like I know about them but never incorporated into my matches

I'm great because Urine carries me. I also think i'm pretty gud at knowing the ranges of my moves. I also got hard readz. I don't jump often unless they can't deal with it. Idk what else.


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sorry was at work all day heres some stuff to get you started. I left the inputs on so you can see which ones are plinked or hit in funny ways.

And any demon flip ones can use divekicks or fireballs to punish people for holding up. Usually with the same or more dmg than a demon. Same with the tick ones. If people hold up they're eating 500 dmg in those situations that are all frame traps.

Side note the ones where I v skill and kick are from ranges where you need to actually start the kick animation so you move forward or your demon will be too far. That's why they've got a different input than the plinked ones. Just gotta do it fast enough so the kick doesn't come out like mine did that one time.
Oh shit thanks. I'll admit this character is super fun but god does he struggle in some matchups

FL Rushdown

Oh shit thanks. I'll admit this character is super fun but god does he struggle in some matchups
I don't think he struggles toolwise vs a lot of people. But a 5/5 matchup toolwise when the opponent has 150 extra hp and stun isn't great lol. Worst matchups imo are brawlers. Urien and gief especially. You can't make any mistakes.