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More Ass and Tits for MK11
I have no advice for using Cammy because I just picture what I want and it comes out. Its hard for me to envision any executional barriers with her.
Are you a Cammy main?
Mind doing some matches and dominating me so I can see some of her stuff
Reactions: GAV


It's all so very confusing.
Kinda yeah, but not excessively so. Ibuki comes to mind as having more complex execution than most.

It's a matter of complexity more than it is difficulty though - most of the time. What I mean by that is the cancel windows and timing is MOSTLY the same across the board, there are exceptions of course but for the most part it's all the same, but some characters have longer sequences that require in-the-moment decision making as to how to end/proceed.

Using Ibuki as the example, you could land a jab, then decide to do her main TV then decide if you end in damage or Oki or spend resources to extend, then if you extend you decide if you want to double.kunai for extra damage, ex kunai for the launch then after the launch do.you want damage, Oki on KD or go for the air TC into a mixup or do you air kunai again for more pressure, and blah blah.

None of those decisions are harder to execute than the others it's just a matter sequences being longer and having more thought, as opposed to other characters who when you land a move you have a very straight forward and clear cut, obvious option.


It's all so very confusing.
Some are. But there's nothing too crazy in this game. Characters with slightly harder execution than the rest are probably vega, karin, akuma, chun, guile, and Urien. They're all manageable though.
Agreed on most points. I feel like Chun and Guile have more difficult execution, rather than just more complex. Akuma is super complex (as SF goes) with some of the longest combos in the game.


It's all so very confusing.
Games in 30 anyone? Assuming servers dont die. Ima play my day zero Ryu and in starting over. Just call me brand new.

Come get these telegraphed and poorly spaced fireballs.

FL Rushdown

Agreed on most points. I feel like Chun and Guile have more difficult execution, rather than just more complex. Akuma is super complex (as SF goes) with some of the longest combos in the game.
Eh his combos aren't that hard but he's got a bunch of tiny optimizations with input shortcuts that are required for a lot of his setups. Demon setups specifically.


In terms of execution, choose Necalli, Rashid, Laura, or Alex if you want easy. Ryu is also fairly simple to control. Guile is simple with the caveat that his loops are hard. I also consider Zangief easy, though I don't know how comfortable you are with full-circle motions. Nash isn't hard, either.

As for hard? I consider Fang tricky, also Chun-Li due to her IALL. Dhalsim as well, he takes a lot of muscle memory tuning to play properly. Urien also requires good timing on his charging since you'll be switching from non-charge motions to charge motions often. Karin is more difficult if you want to play her optimally, meaning the use of her just-frame QCF+KP.
I'd imagine Dhalsim,karin,Ibuki,Akuma, to be the most heavy execution characters in sf5. I honestly wouldn't have thought guile to be even mid hard, unless you count his loops then yea.

*Edit- I should state that I have execution issues so what I consider hard 95% of players probly consider it easy but still that's my opinion up there.
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It's all so very confusing.
Eh his combos aren't that hard but he's got a bunch of tiny optimizations with input shortcuts that are required for a lot of his setups. Demon setups specifically.
That's what I mean by complex. None.od the execution is hard in and of itself it's just that he had multiple steps involved compared to other characters with little decisions popping in and out so as to maximize the situation..

Take, say, one of Rashid's BNBs as an example. MP x cr.mk x special move. Compared to Akuma who has cr.mp x st.mk x l.tatsu x vskill + k x (make a decision on which ender) l.tatsu x do (or whatever for your ender).

None of it is hard exactly there's just more of it,is what I mean by complex.

FL Rushdown

I just wanna know what everyone's excuses are gonna be this season when they still lose to du and fuudo. Since it wasn't the character before and it definitely isn't the character now.

B. Shazzy

NRS shill #42069
* half of the Mika players drop Mika including bumdownin for season 2*

"See I told you guys it's the player not the character"

Oh shut up already only idiots thought she was nerfed to useless tier a couple weeks of season 2 like Mika players cry/cried about since day one

I clearly remember du beating xiaohai less than a week after season 2 with Mika and saying you guys were all bums then too

FL Rushdown

* half of the Mika players drop Mika including bumdownin for season 2*

"See I told you guys it's the player not the character"

Oh shut up already only idiots thought she was nerfed to useless tier a couple weeks of season 2 like Mika players cry/cried about since day one

I clearly remember du beating xiaohai less than a week after season 2 with Mika and saying you guys were all bums then too
Uh no you're an idiot. I said in season 1 the only reason du and fuudo made Mika look good was cause they were 2 of the best players in the world. She was good, but harder to use than most people thought. It's why the only people doing anything with her were all evo champ level players. Everyone said she was op so they nerfed her harder than anyone else in s1 and whiny assholes like Chris g that cry about how busted the game is still look foolish when they play du.

She was top 5 in season one, but she wasn't peerless and unbeatable.

Also I didn't drop her because she's useless I did it because Akumas more fun and I like how he's a shoto plus a mixup character. He's ryu plus Mika.


It's all so very confusing.
In addition to:


Edit, and Gief. And Laura

edit edit, and Karin

triple edit Balrog
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