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Guide Smoke Combos!

I'm not sure if anyone posted this yet. I'm a Johnny Cage player that started messing around with Smoke today, so be easy with the criticism.

Midscreen, no meter, and no x-ray.

:fk:d+:fp:bp, j.:fp, dash, :fk:bp, dash, :bk xx :d:l:bp (Smoke Bomb), :r+:bk xx :d:l:bk (Teleport) 40%
Ok a few things, ive started using smoke again and have been trying out some combos, i noticed something earlier, in this combo:
3, d+1, 2 > neutral jump punch > dash > b+2, 3 > smoke bomb > dash > 3, d+1, 2 > jump kick > airthrow

if you make both the smoke bombs EX version it resets the combo as far as im aware damage wise, after the first smoke bomb lands and juggles the opponent the combo ends at 7 hits 29% Damage, if you continue the combo further to the jump kick airthrow it ends with another 7 hits 29% damage, then adding another EX smoke bomb it comes out with another 10% unscaled damage that isnt part of the combo, i dont know if im being retarded or something, but the output on this thing is giving me like 60% damage when i do it, a few times the first EX smoke bomb would carry on and link the combo, so im not sure whats really going on. Also any help on landing a standard smoke bomb after the b+2,3 would be helpful as i cant get the fucking thing to land unless its enhanced, im rambling but yeah, any other smoke players used this shit yet?

Im going to upload a shitty qual vid of it asap

EDIT- WTF, somebody else try recording the exact combo in training and watching it back, the moves come out completly different when theyve been recorded, not even joking.
,hyena, add me on XBL we can play with testing in private matches if you want. the b2,3 into smoke bomb hits about 70% of the time for me, it's just a matter of timing. Too early, and the bomb hits before they hit teh ground. Too late, and it hits the ground just after they bounce. Personally I have never hit a NJP after 3d12, just cant get it. If you can hit the b2,3 smoke bomb, you've got an easy 37% combo that can end in a free 10% EX Bomb, if you're so inclined to use the meter and sacrifice oki.

EDIT this combos probably been posted before but here's the one that I'm referring to

3 d+1 2, dash, b+2 3, smoke bomb, 3 D+1 2, jk~air throw.
Can also swap out jk~air throw for 214 but timing is hard. 1 less % but it will pretty much throw your opponent into the corner.


"130 ms is more legit than Labbing" - TYM
I dont know if this was brought up already but you can add a EX smoke bomb as an OTG after an air throw which adds 10% extra damage

hope they dont patch it :/


NJ Jobber
it takes two bars. and execution is somewhat tight and easy to drop. I feel like they should leave it it. But then again, who am i ?
I mean, this combo doesn't necessarily need to use 2 bars. Just stick with the 60% with one bar, and only go to 2 if you need it to win. I have a feeling this will get patched out, its pretty gay and I main smoke :s


Gaming4Satan Founder
I mean, this combo doesn't necessarily need to use 2 bars. Just stick with the 60% with one bar, and only go to 2 if you need it to win. I have a feeling this will get patched out, its pretty gay and I main smoke :s
It shouldn't get patched out; it isn't an inescapable loop like the bomb trap or kabal's block infinite. The EX smoke bombs are both blockable (99% sure about this) if they're expecting them, but that's the fun now isn't it?

What is it about this that makes the reset possible? ... does it have to do with the level 3 fall that's suggested in the "OTG bomb glitch?" thread? If so, there are many lead ins to it.
Yes it should. This combo is overall easy to pull off so long as you have some semblance of timing, and only requires one bar of meter to do. You're basically taking his BnB, derping down a smoke bomb, and then doing the BnB again finishing with jk~air throw. This has got to be the easiest 60%+ combo in the game right now. I think it's unfair.


Gaming4Satan Founder
Yes it should. This combo is overall easy to pull off so long as you have some semblance of timing, and only requires one bar of meter to do. You're basically taking his BnB, derping down a smoke bomb, and then doing the BnB again finishing with jk~air throw. This has got to be the easiest 60%+ combo in the game right now. I think it's unfair.
Right, it's two combos with a reset between them (which is blockable). It's not a guaranteed %60 or %72 once it starts up. Lots of characters have 50/50 resets, this one isn't even a 50/50; they just have to block.

UNLESS it isn't blockable (I'm 99% sure it is, since I tested the %10 unscaled damage smoke bomb at the end of a combo and that's blockable and this seems to operate on the same principle. I can't test the reset right now). In which case it's a glitch and should be made so that it is, in fact, blockable.
Been trying to upload the video from a phone for the last fucking hour, i cannot be bothered to try anymore as its pissing me off, the combos in my original post and is
76%, if someone else can be bothered to record thats cool, im done.

EDIT- The reset is 78% and fairly easy to do.


Gaming4Satan Founder
Been trying to upload the video from a phone for the last fucking hour, i cannot be bothered to try anymore as its pissing me off, the combos in my original post and is
76%, if someone else can be bothered to record thats cool, im done.

EDIT- The reset is 78% and fairly easy to do.
I'm confused though. Your reset was 3,d+1,2, njp, dash, b+2,3 EX bomb (x2)? Or no
Realised i could record with cam off my laptop, still pissed off how long it took,heres the vid:

29.29,10,10- 78.
Any comments would be cool, stressed me out doing this.


Gaming4Satan Founder
This is a sick find, but I don't think it's as much damage as that.

To me it seems that the damage from the first EX smoke bomb is actually part of the second %29 (there's no way that 3,d+1,2 jkick>airthrow does 29 on its own) making for a grand total of %68, and I'm not sure I would throw another EX smokebomb at the end so without that its %58, which is a huuuuuge amount for what amounts to one bnb + 1 meter.
its a bug, cpu cant block it but humans can. R.I.P. smoke reset lol
If somebody was knew to the combo then i cant see why i cant be used on occasion, every combo can be breakered as it is, so its not like the combo is lost to the netherealm.
This is a sick find, but I don't think it's as much damage as that.

To me it seems that the damage from the first EX smoke bomb is actually part of the second %29 (there's no way that 3,d+1,2 jkick>airthrow does 29 on its own) making for a grand total of %68, and I'm not sure I would throw another EX smokebomb at the end so without that its %58, which is a huuuuuge amount for what amounts to one bnb + 1 meter.
Thanks man, and i cant test again right now, but im pretty sure the first EX isnt part of the 29% combo, 7 hits is the startup to the EX SB, ( Airthrow counts as two hits as far as i can remember ) and fair enough for not using the ex smoke bomb at the end but i think a possible 10% extra aint too bad, cheers for the reply bro


Gaming4Satan Founder
its a bug, cpu cant block it but humans can. R.I.P. smoke reset lol
Yea, silly practice mode. But, I've already been telling people that it's blockable haha. It's still a nasty thing; I don't think many people will be holding block after they're launched across the screen with hyena's b+2,3 version. Unless word gets out on this... QUICK DELETE THE THREAD


New combo style using jump in punch mid-combo:

:fk:d+:fp:bp, jump in punch, :en :d:l:bp (Smoke Bomb), dash, :fk:d+:fp:bp, jump kick, airthrow.- 36% Pretty easy to pull off, good pay off for one meter.


Tourney id: Gfc_alekS
29.29,10,10- 78.
Any comments would be cool, stressed me out doing this.
Couple of things I noticed:
1. In-game numbers don’t add up: checked remaining opponent’s life with single 2% strikes – opp has different amount of life than he/she should according to in-game numbers.
2. Dummy doesn’t block the reset even if it set to “block always” (in the middle of the combo), so it seems this is a ‘true’ damage reset.
3. Reset combo has a crazy wall carry and I’m pretty sure you can do different more damaging variation because of the wall carry to the corner in the middle of the combo.
4. Here a variation of reset (more hits – should do more damage logically):
:fk:d:fp:bp, nj.:fp, double block dash, :fk:bp, dash, b.:bp:fk :en Smoke Bomb (damage resets at 31%), dash :fk:d:fp:bp, dash :fk:d:fp:bp, j.:fk Throw (additional 33%), OTG :en Smoke Bomb (+10%).

Combined it should be 64%+10%. However opp has 24% life remaining instead of 26%, which makes this combo damage either 66+10% or :en Smoke Bomb does more than 10% damage. With jump in punch it’s 79%. Though it’s not game braking, because you need to land either :fk:d:fp:bp or :fk:bp, it for sure wasn’t intended and will be taken out (sadly). However if it won’t, Smoke will return to A+ elite.

Scrap that: read Tom Brady’s post TT…


Decorated Damager
Hello to fellow Smoke players, I'm new around this site and thought a good first post would be to share some combos.

I've been using:
3,d1,2 Smokeball, 3,d1,2, 3,d1,2, d2. It does roughly 38% i think.
b2,3, Smokeball, (nj1,) 3,d1,2, 3,d1,2, d2. It does 36% without the nj1, I don't remember atm if that puts the gravity too high to get uppercut at the end.
For quick punishes like Reptiles dash I've been using 2,1, Smokeball, nj1, 3,d1,2 3,d1,2, d2. Mid 30's
In the corner you get the juice combo, 2,1,4, Smokeball, 3,d1,2, 3,d1,2, d2. If you lead in with a jump punch (not neutral) it does 42%.

After 3,d1,2 I usually dash before I throw the smokeball, it sets up the timing really nicely. You can mix up the end of the combo and not do the uppercut to get better oki, it doesn't sac too much damage. Also you want to do the quick uppercut with simultaneous d+2 presses to get it on the end of these.

All of these are kind of basic, but they are reliable for me, and flexible enough that if I miss something I can usually make up for it. Hope it helps someone here, and I look forward to future conversations about everyone's favorite dork. Seriously, his intro quote is so dumb, there is definitely no fire anywhere in his moveset.