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NEC8 UMK3 Tournament Results


Yeah there will be pads and sticks.

I'm trying to get some head counts, I have about 15 definites, 4 or 5 more who should be there regardless because they are there for other games but I don't know them, and then 4 or 5 more who could be there but haven't said anything.


Alright folks, I'll be leaving with Busta tonight to go to the hotel. If anybody going needs my cell it's available through my AIM away message.

I hope to see as many players as possible, the turnout is looking good.


Tim Static

Lead Moderator

Good luck and be safe yo :wink:

Same to all headed out....(niggy!)

Wish I could be there....maybe next year.

Lomg live UMK3! haha

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
Tounrament tonight

1. CD

2. DJ Eric

3. Niggy


Driving up from Florida to Philly and taking home the bronze....way to go... :D

And let it be known that Shock didnt compete because of numbers. There was an odd number, and he didnt play. That takes guts I must say.


NEC8's overall turnout was great, the UMK3 tournament had some stumbling in the beginning but we figured it out.

There were 14 players in the tournament, and I had tried to get rolling at 6PM on Saturday, but the tournament coordinator had a lot to do and kept asking for a few more minutes to get something done. Finally around 8 or so he came up to me and said he was ready, and then Darkid came up to me and Said Crazy was on the phone, lost in PA, so we figured out where they were exactly and Dreemer looked up directions on his Blackberry. At last Crazy and DJ Eric showed up at about 10PM because they got lost again after that, just as I had collected the last the entry fees from the other players since we were starting at that point regardless. The tournament went until after 1AM with the results:

1. Crazy Dominican
2. DJ Eric
3. Mach1
4. Joe
4. Julian Robinson
6. BustaUppa
6. JusDave
8. Darkid
8. RushedDown
8. Jeron
11. DreemerNJ
11. Amir
11. Kyle
11. Amir
11. Johny Cakes

LoL @ Frankie not showing up...shrug.

I also recorded at least a dozen matches with me and Crazy after the tournament so I will get them up ASAP. I'm heading back out right now, I'll have more to report later.

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
Shock said:
I also recorded at least a dozen matches with me and Crazy after the tournament so I will get them up ASAP. I'm heading back out right now, I'll have more to report later.
These outta be good.


Shock said:
NEC8's overall turnout was great, the UMK3 tournament had some stumbling in the beginning but we figured it out.

There were 14 players in the tournament, and I had tried to get rolling at 6PM on Saturday, but the tournament coordinator had a lot to do and kept asking for a few more minutes to get something done. Finally around 8 or so he came up to me and said he was ready, and then Darkid came up to me and Said Crazy was on the phone, lost in PA, so we figured out where they were exactly and Dreemer looked up directions on his Blackberry. At last Crazy and DJ Eric showed up at about 10PM because they got lost again after that, just as I had collected the last the entry fees from the other players since we were starting at that point regardless. The tournament went until after 1AM with the results:

1. Crazy Dominican
2. DJ Eric
3. Mach1
4. Joe
4. Julian Robinson
6. BustaUppa
6. JusDave
8. Darkid
8. RushedDown
8. Jeron
11. DreemerNJ
11. Amir
11. Kyle
11. Amir
11. Johny Cakes

LoL @ Frankie not showing up...shrug.

I also recorded at least a dozen matches with me and Crazy after the tournament so I will get them up ASAP. I'm heading back out right now, I'll have more to report later.
LoL @ me saying since my first post I probably wont make it.


Annihilator83 said:
Can't wait to see the vids. Hopefully Crazy didn't go easy on everybody like he did the last time. :lol:
I think Joe had Crazy and Mach1 worried at some points with his Human Smoke.

I have a lot of tourny footage to sift through, there are a number of CD matches from when we initially started as a round robin, but since it'd be too many matches for the time frame I took some of the existed ones and formed a tournament bracket set around them.

Thanks to all the players who showed up, also special thanks to Sean and Mike from Philly for coming out today and getting in some casuals, I wish you guys would have called me Saturday. :( Over the course of the weekend there were at least 20 total different players so I was happy with that.

I brought my DS with me and UMK so a lot of players got to try it out, Crazy was getting 4x axe combos with Nightwolf on it in no time. Everyone was very pleased with the emulation and a number of players said they are going to pick it up. Overall the tournament was a success and I hope to see everyone out next time.

I am exhausted, I went from 11AM til 2AM on Saturday setting up, playing, coordinating, and running up and down flights of stair. Today was somewhat relaxing.


The tournament from Philly's North East Championships 8 went until after 1AM with the results:

1. Crazy Dominican
2. DJ Eric
3. Mach1
4. Joe
4. Julian Robinson
6. BustaUppa
6. JusDave
8. Darkid
8. RushedDown
8. Jeron
11. DreemerNJ
11. Kyle
11. Amir
11. Johnny Cakes (left early)


Its a shame it ran so late. JohnnyCakes beat Joe in his first match. He's only down at the bottom cause he left. Damn good human smoke.


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
Congrats guys, can't wait for the footage!

Wish I could have gone this year, but the time of year is a hard one for me. Dec 1st - Wedding; Dec 2nd - Son's b-day; Dec 3rd - Wife's b-day...oh well

It's a shame that JohnnyCakes couldn't stay, he is a great player. We've had many GGs on the DS. I think I have some match footage of him in the 2k4 Lexhibition tourney.