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MKXL Hotfix Notes 3-8-2016

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
Fucking A, and I thought there was lots of complaining in the Sub-Zero forums, this Sektor up missile is legit worse. From one character to another and it's just as bad. Hell idk maybe it's just the site and every forum is this bad. Except the Ermac and Reptile forums, those are great. Up missiles is a good move still. You can still combo after it hits. You should be using instant air tele anyways after an up missile. That kind of trade was super unfair. And let's say by some miracle Sektor doesn't combo them, let's not act like being plus 43 is a bad thing and Sektor gets nothing even without a combo. 1112 did get bodied and it's disappointing to lose the armor breaking set ups. But I'm still having fun using Sektor and he's still great. I can't imagine Bo Rai Cho not getting touched with his high damaging unblockable combos but who knows maybe he will be okay. If the up missile thing really kills your Sektor boner that bad then just stop using him. If you think Cyber Sub is so damn broken and so much better than just use him. Whatever, up missile is still good this isn't even a "nerf" it's fixing something that was broken. To say the least, Sektor is fine.
So THIS is the hotfixed version of up missile, huh?

Looks to me as if it has been nerfed to hell and beyond. What made it dumb in its initial form was how it had so much hitstun that every trade led to a combo for Sektor. Obviously, that needed to go -- but this was FAR too much, no? I see very little reason to throw out that move now other than for setups on downed opponents and to cancel into from strings up close for further pressure.

It's such a damn shame because the up missiles felt like such a fun tool in MKX ... and nerfing ("fixing") it this much doesn't seem anywhere near justified given the tools of say Cyrax, or many of the pre-KP2 characters as well.

Guess it's back to throwing out risky straight missiles hoping for 8% damage while characters like Cyrax get hard-to-jump and uncrouchable projectiles that lead into 30+ meterless damage and a vortex.



It has begun
I like how people are going "+43 is enough time to hitconfirm into a string breh", conveniently forgetting that up missile has like, 50+ frames of startup.

If you do it at a range where you can "confirm" into a string, then you're taking a huge risk - not to mention your up missiles will more likely be punished before they even come out.

But never mind, back to people telling Sektor players that they suck at the game when they themselves are too lazy to make a read and run under them.
I like how people are going "+43 is enough time to hitconfirm into a string breh", conveniently forgetting that up missile has like, 50+ frames of startup.

If you do it at a range where you can "confirm" into a string, then you're taking a huge risk - not to mention your up missiles will more likely be punished before they even come out.

But never mind, back to people telling Sektor players that they suck at the game when they themselves are too lazy to make a read and run under them.
Precisely. People either don't know what they're talking about or they simply want characters they don't use to suck instead of a balanced cast.

The move will have borderline no use from afar after being butchered. It did need some tweaks, but there is absolutely no sense in cutting THAT many frames of hitstun. The only thing it needed was reduced tracking and less plus frames on TRADE. That's it. Sure, some hitstun on non-trade could very well go too, but not to the extent where hitconfirming into it is borderline impossible.

Before release it was obvious that Sektor was overpowered, with that ex flameburner being both armored and plus on block, and with up missiles that supposedly broke armor. I was quick to acknowledge that. Now? Ex flamethrower is a mediocre wakeup move that deals little damage and is very punishable; up missiles are quite terrible for long range purposes; flamethrower is very inconsistent as an anti-air; teleport uppercut whiffs randomly and so on.

Up missiles is now a non factor for zoning, and you're left with a jumpable projectile that deals 8% damage -- while Triborg's other versions, specifically Cyrax and Sub-Zero, are left with projectiles that lead to big combos and then back into a vortex. No one in their right minds can assess that these variations are properly balanced, currently.

MKX is far less zoning friendly than MK9, which means MK9's mid tier Sektor needs buffs to his moveset to compete in MKX. Instead, he's gotten weaker. Worse armored move (both unsafe and less damage), much worse flamethrower (no restand; worse as an anti-air), freaking worse up missile since it no longer hits on ascension, and no infinite backdashes to help him zone with straight missiles.

Now people are hoping for up missiles to be turned into overhead to make up for it. Like we needed more "hard-to-blockables" in this game ...

NRS has shown numerous times now that they are unable or unwilling to balance the game properly. Seems they just want to show how considerate they are by destroying every viable strategy there is. Unless you're Kung Lao, Kabal or Cyrax.

Sektor had something fun to make up for his lack of a stun projectile and bomb setups here. Not anymore.
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Make triple skulls input BDF or DF Hold F
Precisely. People either don't know what they're talking about or they simply want characters they don't use to suck instead of a balanced cast.

The move will have borderline no use from afar after being butchered. It did need some tweaks, but there is absolutely no sense in cutting THAT many frames of hitstun. The only thing it needed was reduced tracking and less plus frames on TRADE. That's it. Sure, some hitstun on non-trade could very well go too, but not to the extent where hitconfirming into it is borderline impossible.

Before release it was obvious that Sektor was overpowered, with that ex flameburner being both armored and plus on block, and with up missiles that supposedly broke armor. I was quick to acknowledge that. Now? Ex flamethrower is a mediocre wakeup move that deals little damage and is very punishable; up missiles are quite terrible for long range purposes; flamethrower is very inconsistent as an anti-air; teleport uppercut whiffs randomly and so on.

Up missiles is now a non factor for zoning, and you're left with a jumpable projectile that deals 8% damage -- while Triborg's other versions, specifically Cyrax and Sub-Zero, are left with projectiles that lead to big combos and then back into a vortex. No one in their right minds can assess that these variations are properly balanced, currently.

MKX is far less zoning friendly than MK9, which means MK9's mid tier Sektor needs buffs to his moveset to compete in MKX. Instead, he's gotten weaker. Worse armored move (both unsafe and less damage), much worse flamethrower (no restand; worse as an anti-air), freaking worse up missile since it no longer hits on ascension, and no infinite backdashes to help him zone with straight missiles.

Now people are hoping for up missiles to be turned into overhead to make up for it. Like we needed more "hard-to-blockables" in this game ...

NRS has shown numerous times now that they are unable or unwilling to balance the game properly. Seems they just want to show how considerate they are by destroying every viable strategy there is. Unless you're Kung Lao, Kabal or Cyrax.

Sektor had something fun to make up for his lack of a stun projectile and bomb setups here. Not anymore.
I love you....
Whatever it was post nerf just chip off 10 frames or make all 3 missles hit regardless. Ex flame burner should atleast be safe.


You have all the frames of the rocket going up & the rocket going down to tell if that damn thing hit. If you can't confirm off of that somehow yo have reactions of a Grandma.
Well.. yea... no... i think people are talking about seeing the rockets hit and than reacting to that with teleport.

When the rockets are going up barely accounts for anything... no matter what the opponent is doing he has enough time to block them and blow up your yolo teleport attempt cuz you thought the might hit.
In my book this has nothing to do with hitconfirming... assuming they might hit and teleport=not hitconfirming


Triborg Enthusiast
Sektor deserve more love.
He's already nerfed too much.

Meanwhile, I fought my first good Acidic Alien and I wonder how you can create something insane like that.
And talking about the new patch, you can confirm command grab inside strings? Lol! This is a little bit unfair.
>Can't confirm off of +43

Lemme tell you about a game called CVS2 & Cammy St. Fr & how you confirmed off of +10 frame advantage
This post and your other one invalidates anything you say in this thread. You're not even taking into account the startup of jump+teleport uppercut.. The equation is not "x+ frames on block = y easy to hitconfirm". If a move has 300 frames of hitstun and leaves you at +20 on hit it's far easier to hitconfirm from than if it is only 30 frames of hitstun and leaves you at + 22. You'r attributing the entire equation to a single variable which is hilarious.

The part where you suggest you have all the time in the world to react during the launch and landing of the missiles takes it even further in terms of absurdity. You actually think semi-high to high level matches revolve around punishing whiffed moves with a huge amount of frames ... that aren't projectiles. As for projectiles, it won't be able to punish those either post nerf since the projectiles' hitstun/blockstun will prevent Sektor from comboing from up missiles anyway.

Thanks for demonstrating what deluded reasoning people backing up this butchering lean against. It should be freaking stickied.

Paul the Octopus

Slow Starter
I like how people are going "+43 is enough time to hitconfirm into a string breh", conveniently forgetting that up missile has like, 50+ frames of startup.

If you do it at a range where you can "confirm" into a string, then you're taking a huge risk - not to mention your up missiles will more likely be punished before they even come out.

But never mind, back to people telling Sektor players that they suck at the game when they themselves are too lazy to make a read and run under them.
Slow startup is irrelevant when it comes to ease of hit confirming. If anything it makes it easier. As soon as you input the up missile you should be looking to see if the opponent did something punishable (you have all the startup and active frames to do this), and should be able to realise that the missiles will hit BEFORE they actually make contact. Then you can hit confirm by inputting the teleport as soon as missiles make contact. (As opposed to waiting for the missiles to visually make contact, spending a few moments for your brain to register that, then Inputing the teleport).

It seems like you should still easily be able to hit confirm in the situations where your opponent did something punishable. You've lost the ability to (easily) hit confirm in situations where your opponent is just standing around not blocking in neutral and gets hit for no reason, but that wouldn't work (except against complete scrubs) after people got used to Sektor anyway.

Paul the Octopus

Slow Starter
This post and your other one invalidates anything you say in this thread. You're not even taking into account the startup of jump+teleport uppercut.. The equation is not "x+ frames on block = y easy to hitconfirm". If a move has 300 frames of hitstun and leaves you at +20 on hit it's far easier to hitconfirm from than if it is only 30 frames of hitstun and leaves you at + 22. You'r attributing the entire equation to a single variable which is hilarious.

The part where you suggest you have all the time in the world to react during the launch and landing of the missiles takes it even further in terms of absurdity. You actually think semi-high to high level matches revolve around punishing whiffed moves with a huge amount of frames ... that aren't projectiles. As for projectiles, it won't be able to punish those either post nerf since the projectiles' hitstun/blockstun will prevent Sektor from comboing from up missiles anyway.

Thanks for demonstrating what deluded reasoning people backing up this butchering lean against. It should be freaking stickied.
There is absolutely no reason why a character with a teleport needs the ability to trade projectiles into a gigantic combo.


Triborg Enthusiast
People don't realize that now, there are absolutely no reasons in using up missiles unless you want to lose.
The purpose of up missiles is to bait people in rushing down Sektor and give him the opportunity to punish a mistake.
It's one of his mind game and, sometimes, grant a free combo breaker.
But the recovery is too much, and you can easily run against Sektor...
The hit advantage is fair now, but to balance this "fix", only better recovery can save this tool to be useless in neutral.
At least, make them a proper zoning tool.
Quick question:

Is the Hotfix out for everyone? When I play training mode I still cannot combo after up rock, but when I go online I can.

Edit nvm got it.
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There is absolutely no reason why a character with a teleport needs the ability to trade projectiles into a gigantic combo.

Not once did I imply that it should. On the contrary, I agree. No offence but you're not following in what is being said. The other poster stated that if you can't "react" in between missile launch to when they come down your reactions suck, which shows a great lack of understanding of how the game and move works. You won't be seeing enemies whiffing long-ass moves during the window of launch>hit. His statement would have A SLIVER of relevance if you could still combo off trade with projectiles since that is actually something people could throw out during the window of launch-hit, which would be possible to react to.

Up missile little purpose now except for wakeup setups. This simply isn't fair. Not once have I suggested up missiles should remain the way it is. It was a bit too good, but nowhere near what clueless people make it out to be.

You simply won't be able to tell if it's going to hit since from afar since the only thing people will commit to except for projectiles (which voids your follow-ups) is running and walking forward, which can and will be canceled into block.

People will react to up missiles and thus not throw out any moves right before it lands, and moves thrown out before or at the start of its animation will recover in time to block.
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Lt. Boxy Angelman

The character has been out nine days.


9 <--- the number of days Sektor's been out.

The character is SOLID. Easily the easiest to simply jump in and fire away with. And reasonably balanced out which will hopefully lead to him NOT actually being nerfed to hell in the future.

You guys act as though without a 100+ frame hit advantage special that he's going to turn into an unviable pumpkin.



The character has been out nine days.


9 <--- the number of days Sektor's been out.

The character is SOLID. Easily the easiest to simply jump in and fire away with. And reasonably balanced out which will hopefully lead to him NOT actually being nerfed to hell in the future.

You guys act as though without a 100+ frame hit advantage special that he's going to turn into an unviable pumpkin.

Don't you mean an unviable tomato? :DOGE

A F0xy Grampa

Problem X Promotions
That is a fair point, and I would agree if the treatment applied to all DLC characters. It doesn't. People were complaining about Sektor's up missile and it got nerfed. Isn't this the very thing people were bitching about against NRS? Knee-jerk nerfs? It's not a fix to just kill one of Sektor's string for something that only CSZ can do. If it was one of the two, I wouldn't be bitching about it, but he got double nerfed.

Oh well. I suppose I'll drop it now, but I sure as shit am going to save some of these comments for when the other nerfs start dropping. Hypocrisy is plentiful in this thread anyway.
Pretty sure the up missle was never meant to be an ice ball type of move lol.

All this dirt you speak of has been toned down as well, but I somewhat agree with the 'people complain so it gets nerfed' idea. Happened to Lao, happened to Mileena even quicker.

Northern Slasher

Heads or Tails X
Pretty sure the up missle was never meant to be an ice ball type of move lol.

All this dirt you speak of has been toned down as well, but I somewhat agree with the 'people complain so it gets nerfed' idea. Happened to Lao, happened to Mileena even quicker.
What happened to Lao? I never thought he was game breaking especially compared to some of the others on the roster. I mean he built alot of meter from his block strings, but they already addressed that across the entire board.


Sektor is dead, best delete him form the game. His only useful tool got nerfed/fixed, to hell with this game. My life has no purpose now. You people are funny. ;)