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MKXL Hotfix Notes 3-8-2016

WakeUp DP

GT MK OshTekk.
and seems like someone forgot you can throw out up rockets on yourself, trade with your opponent who punished you for doing that and full combo him lmao....
Right agreed but you shouldn't be getting hit clean with a 52 frames move anyway lol. Yo can just full screen run and combo punish him on reaction. But Up rockets are fine the way they are now. I don't see it as a nerf and it wasn't anyway. The move works just fine post hot fix.

Now my only wish is that it was faster. I said before going from 52 to 46. Plus he doesn't have the safe up rocket set up anymore. Anyway.


Uprocket Comments:

When uprockets hit, you can:

"The fact that there was enough time to do Up Missiles, stance switch twice and teleport will combo afterwards is a little ridiculous (yes this happened to me lol)."

"I knock a friend down he had enough time to get up run across the screen and hit me because of up rocket hitstun that was stupid"

" I put the controller down and went to the bar, I was running late. When I got back I forgot I was playing earlier that day so I turned the TV back on and did telepunch to combo and win the match."

I"t was just the fact the you could end any string with it, get D2ed, and still have time to wake up TU for a full combo was stupid"

"Acting like being unable to combo upmissiles after going out for a lunch break."

"hitstun that you could go take a shit , come back and combo"

"That's gotta be the best trade in the game, hands down!"

Lol you guys are funny, keep them coming!


Make triple skulls input BDF or DF Hold F
At this point I have no reason to play sektor over shinnok. In a game where zoning is frowned upon and pressure is the key, sektor just doesnt have what it takes imo. I know some say it may be too early but from what im seeing atm, i have no reason to go for sektor over any other borg. Whining or not I really dnt care. Shinnok Here I Come!!!


Heart From Iron, Mind From Steel.
There's no need for armor when EX phase does the job if you use it, knowing you might get blown up. Like any other wakeup attack. Of course if the opponent spaces themselves so they're still cornering you, it's a waste. That is no different from an opponent blocking a wakeup. Also, by spacing themselves out to keep you in the corner, their options on your wakeup are limited to things that will reach outside of certain characters who cut off EX phase in the corner with specific setups. EX phase also handles armor breaking much better than a majority of armor attacks in the game by simply being invincible. Hell, by being invincible, he gets to escape some potentially round ending pressure because he can't be damaged.

Smoke legit doesn't have a need for armor. Not when EX phase exists.
Thanks for actually giving a response. I'm always down to lab things and try to figure things out but sometimes another perspective is useful to kickstart ideas to lab in the first place.


You're overrracting, you little turd. What is this talk about having to play as Goro? Who forced you to use Goro, you entitled little whiner? Seriously. Did someone put a gun to your head and say, "PLAY GORO UNTIL THEY RELEASE SEKTOR!!!"

YOU chose to play Goro. YOU took on every thing that meant. Also - Goro isn't even a bad character. Jesus.

If you can't hitconfirm off +43, then you had FAR bigger problems than an uprocket nerf.

My character was nerfed, and I adapted. UpRockets are still good. The start up didn't change. You just can't hit UpRocket, eat a sandwich, do your taxes, spit on small children, run a marathon, save Gotham City from The Joker, compose a Grecian epic, climb Mt. Everest, have sex with my wife, and THEN full combo with telepunch.

Get over it. He's still a very good character.
man i miss you <3 Rude <3


Spammer. Crouch walk hater.
Played some matches earlier with Cyrax and CSZ and if you don't have advancing armor you're still screwed in the corner as borg gets to spam njp and whatnot in them and the bomb still hits them after their wakeup, giving you plenty of time to get up and recombo.

Online will never get rid of this corner game as 90% of the people will not get out of it even with the nerf.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Stop trying to convince them that it isn't possible to hit confirm mid match. They won't understand, and they never will stop denying it. Hit confirming that from fullscreen simply isn't viable. And if they don't believe us, they can here it from the Sektor Master himself @PND_Ketchup
https://www.twitch.tv/pndketchup/v/53211363 @03:45:08
Yeah, not into straight up teleport...why would you need that...? He still has run up f13 to confirm it.

Like I said before, he could get up after being knocked down if he got hit during upmissiles, or after a projectile, and full combo you. That's how stupid it was. And there was no way it was staying. Hell, devs even said it wasn't meant to be in and only made it due to server issues.

You guys act like the upmissile got Tremor'd.


11 11 11 11
Yeah, not into straight up teleport...why would you need that...? He still has run up f13 to confirm it.

Like I said before, he could get up after being knocked down if he got hit during upmissiles, or after a projectile, and full combo you. That's how stupid it was. And there was no way it was staying. Hell, devs even said it wasn't meant to be in and only made it due to server issues.

You guys act like the upmissile got Tremor'd.
The old up missiles were absurd, I agree, but they have no presence full screen anymore. They are just a shitty 6%. Confirming from his zoning full screen is part of Sektor's zoning. They took it away from him so now all we have is a good high hitting projectile. The nerf was necessary, but ruining their purpose is stupid.


Spammer. Crouch walk hater.
Confirming from zoning full screen = ex missiles.

There, you have it. Can we move on now?


From a necromancer player, I must say up rockets getting needed is like them making hand crush -100 on hit advantage (if that is even possible.) People, you'll get over it soon though or maybe I have TOO much faith in thee forums.

But my question is why isn't Alien Konjurer or even Acidic nerfed?
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It's too soon to get cocky.
You're overrracting, you little turd. What is this talk about having to play as Goro? Who forced you to use Goro, you entitled little whiner? Seriously. Did someone put a gun to your head and say, "PLAY GORO UNTIL THEY RELEASE SEKTOR!!!"

YOU chose to play Goro. YOU took on every thing that meant. Also - Goro isn't even a bad character. Jesus.

If you can't hitconfirm off +43, then you had FAR bigger problems than an uprocket nerf.

My character was nerfed, and I adapted. UpRockets are still good. The start up didn't change. You just can't hit UpRocket, eat a sandwich, do your taxes, spit on small children, run a marathon, save Gotham City from The Joker, compose a Grecian epic, climb Mt. Everest, have sex with my wife, and THEN full combo with telepunch.

Get over it. He's still a very good character.
You had me laughing so hard while eating lunch I public. Thank you lol best response thus far.

The old up missiles were absurd, I agree, but they have no presence full screen anymore. They are just a shitty 6%. Confirming from his zoning full screen is part of Sektor's zoning. They took it away from him so now all we have is a good high hitting projectile. The nerf was necessary, but ruining their purpose is stupid.
Why can't anyone understand that the "purpose" of the up rockets was never intended to allow you to hit confirm from anywhere on the screen, and then be able to write and publish a book while finishing your bnb combo?

No other character in the game has a projectile that allows you so much advantage on hit, so why should sektor be in a class all of his own?


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
The old up missiles were absurd, I agree, but they have no presence full screen anymore. They are just a shitty 6%. Confirming from his zoning full screen is part of Sektor's zoning. They took it away from him so now all we have is a good high hitting projectile. The nerf was necessary, but ruining their purpose is stupid.
You got used to the idea of them doing something that they literally weren't even supposed to do when the characters launched. They were never intended to have anywhere near that much hitstun. They're still a viable zoning tool. Because of straight rocket, there's enough hesitation on advancing to slip them out to get some quick frame advantage and even catch cheeky fucks trying to run past the missiles on top with front upmissiles. It's no different from what Tremor players have been doing since launch.

Paul the Octopus

Slow Starter
I must literally be fucking God if I can confirm off of Sagat's Cr. Fierce which is only +2 on hit
I think it's because you also have the active frames and recovery of the SF normals to visually hit confirm, so it's far from a 2 frame window - in total you probably have more than 20 frames to react (correct me if I'm wrong).

Still, I agree that more than 40 frames of hit stun should be more than enough to hit confirm. Admittedly, I haven't tested this with Sektor, but on paper it sounds incredibly easy, even after the hotfix.


I think it's because you also have the active frames and recovery of the SF normals to visually hit confirm, so it's far from a 2 frame window - in total you probably have more than 20 frames to react (correct me if I'm wrong).

Still, I agree that more than 40 frames of hit stun should be more than enough to hit confirm. Admittedly, I haven't tested this with Sektor, but on paper it sounds incredibly easy, even after the hotfix.
You have all the frames of the rocket going up & the rocket going down to tell if that damn thing hit. If you can't confirm off of that somehow yo have reactions of a Grandma.


It's too soon to get cocky.
Sektor has great zoning. Folks are just being worse than an infant having his candy taken away.

Sektor has up missle, straight missle, flame thrower, a single lock on missle and multiple ones, PLUS a teleport for folks who like to jump or to counter zone.
