Proud follower of the church of Cetrion
I recently switched to piercing because I realized how godlike b12 is but yes that was the main reason I mained ethereal for the longest time.Well it's a good thing you play Ethereal then, lol.
I recently switched to piercing because I realized how godlike b12 is but yes that was the main reason I mained ethereal for the longest time.Well it's a good thing you play Ethereal then, lol.
Better question. Why are still on my dick and lurking through EVERY single post I make? Is there really that much time on your hands?More important question, who's your MU exp for pulling these numbers out of your ass? Beating bad players on ranked and player match doesn't give you the right to claim these outrageous numbers.
Plz explain Lao, Jax, Quan, Goro, Liu Kang.
Who the fuck liked this asshole lol? Nothing is set in stone yetMore important question, who's your MU exp for pulling these numbers out of your ass? Beating bad players on ranked and player match doesn't give you the right to claim these outrageous numbers.
Plz explain Lao, Jax, Quan, Goro, Liu Kang.
Are you a top player?More important question, who's your MU exp for pulling these numbers out of your ass? Beating bad players on ranked and player match doesn't give you the right to claim these outrageous numbers.
Plz explain Lao, Jax, Quan, Goro, Liu Kang.
B21 xx Telekick is part of a semi legit vortex she hasb21 xx telekick
explain that one to me, mileena players
I have like literally no solid F/T experience, so I have no genuine input to add to thatAre you a top player?
Are you even a good player?
Actually, as a fair question, who the fuck even are you?
I don't recognize you as a top Lao, Jax, Quan, Goro, or Liu Kang player. So maybe sit down, shut up, and let the grown-ups talk, eh? If you can't actually provide any reliable input (i.e. you can't because you're nobody), then you don't really belong in the discussion. I legit have no clue who you are, all I know is its annoying to look at your text. It reeks of ineptitude.
Now then, just as a note to the list maker, piercing actually does a pretty good job against Vicious F/T because of our lack of answers to multi-hit pressure. Suffers a bit against Lackey imo though since Piercing strings actually feed in a decent chunk of bar because of their hit numbers, and Lackey doesn't have the same defensive issues, actually probably being one of the better specs for it. Against Ruthless its kinda in the air, I'm not sure how Mileena does against pressure but Ruthless doesn't really have the advantage of Lackey's fast and long limbs. Input?
OhI have like literally no solid F/T experience, so I have no genuine input to add to that
Lol yup, for sure. Are you on PSN? I'm down tomorrow if you wanna run a setOhYou should get some experience now while you still can. Once the buffs roll in, you'll wish you had
Oh no, I'm not a good source of experience. I'm a lab technician and all. I make the tech, but I'm no good at fighting.Lol yup, for sure. Are you on PSN? I'm down tomorrow if you wanna run a set
Who am I? Ask @rev0lver if you want, he's played me in person beforeAre you a top player?
Are you even a good player?
Actually, as a fair question, who the fuck even are you?
I don't recognize you as a top Lao, Jax, Quan, Goro, or Liu Kang player. So maybe sit down, shut up, and let the grown-ups talk, eh? If you can't actually provide any reliable input (i.e. you can't because you're nobody), then you don't really belong in the discussion. I legit have no clue who you are, all I know is its annoying to look at your text. It reeks of ineptitude.
Now then, just as a note to the list maker, piercing actually does a pretty good job against Vicious F/T because of our lack of answers to multi-hit pressure. Suffers a bit against Lackey imo though since Piercing strings actually feed in a decent chunk of bar because of their hit numbers, and Lackey doesn't have the same defensive issues, actually probably being one of the better specs for it. Against Ruthless its kinda in the air, I'm not sure how Mileena does against pressure but Ruthless doesn't really have the advantage of Lackey's fast and long limbs. Input?
For the sake of the discussion not being derailed, I'll put my rebuttal in a spoiler. Read it if you really feel like, but this will take up less space.Who am I? Ask @rev0lver if you want, he's played me in person before.
Better yet, who are you outside of being a lab monster? I don't see you making placements offline either. So stfu with that nonsense.
Who's this guy to make Mileena MU numbers while he's just a streamer playing ranked matches all day everyday? Who's his legitimate MU exp to shoot out numbers for every character?
Now besides that failed attempt to discredit me, I'll use Jax for an example. Granted I've played this one online and in the lab because there isn't any offline Mileena's anywhere near me, Jax bullies Mileena anywhere on the screen, and takes minimal risks getting in. Jax will walk Mileena down to the corner. Then when Jax is in, it's only one combo to pretty much get you from corner to corner. In Piercing, Jax can damn near do whatever he wants on knockdown, as he can always check with a D3 to stuff wake ups, then block in time if an EX Ball Roll comes out. The only way to safely wake up is with ethereal, but that is giving up Mileena's strong B12, and more meter dependent. The wake up problem is amplified when Jax is in heavy weapons when you can D3, 123~rocket cancel for hit confirm. Also, can we stop forgetting that Mileena has to commit to a -31 special or throw to get out of pressure? Essentially this is one of those MU's were Mileena runs away and throw sais and Jax gives chase, then when Jax is in Mileena realistically has a really hard time getting out of pressure. When Mileena is cornered, she's stays on the ground in piercing, or gains evasiveness in ethereal but gives up her most valuable tools in that MU for a wake up.
So you yourself have nothing productive to say even tho I countered every one of your claims, and not only you discredited me saying I'm a nobody, you go on to discredit another player who you know plays offline too and didn't say anything? Fuck out of here with that shit and fuck you too, I don't care what you have to think of me when I'm out there training to compete at a high level.For the sake of the discussion not being derailed, I'll put my rebuttal in a spoiler. Read it if you really feel like, but this will take up less space.
So thats a very simplified stance on the whole MU. Whats the numbers then?
I don't care much for your sources, or your hurt feelings.
And yeah, I don't travel. Unfortunately for you, I make my reputation solid through my work in the lab, and I don't claim to have more experience than I do.
Discredit you? You've already discredited yourself. But your online Jax experience, its so juicy. Mmm, so tasty. I love your idea of how one-sided the entire ordeal is. So is it a 7-3 in Jax's favor then?
I'm only assuming so since your description is nothing short of a best-case scenario in an online setting. Maybe an 8-2 Jax's favor? You must be pretty amazing, its a surprise I've never heard of you before.
Even more surprising you need Revolver to validate your existence, since you're such the authority. Maybe even a 9-1, as I can only assume you've got that top level experience.
Maybe its even a 10-0, since by what you say she has basically no option and its just a matter of time until Jax catches up and wins. You're the top level now. Soak it in.
God help you if you ever come into a F/T discussion with that kind of a description, I'll take personal pleasure in being one of many F/T players reminding you of how low on the totem pole you are.
I mean Revolver, wowza. Now THERE'S a household name. I remember all those times I've heard about how hype it was when Revolver did something. Like inching across the screen that one time in Injustice.
And uh.... Smoking weed? I think he made a cucumber bong once. That was pretty cool. I mean I went for a dig and it was a rather deep one, and I don't want to be catty but...
Rev0lver's biggest recent achievement was maybe making top 64 at a tourney, I think. I don't know, the bracket didn't go further than top 32. He's a good guy and a good player, but I don't think his name validates your point.
Like is Rev0lver a good player? He might be the best, I wouldn't know, but I mean I could tag a player to back my argument and mine is probably the better source.
But I don't need to. If I did, I would, but frankly I don't need anyone else to show that I know something.
Now @Yoaks is someone I'd maybe trust with my opinion, but not you. Not as far as I could throw you, and I have bad shoulders.
Before this thread gets further derailed can we try and keep it civil please. Matchup discussion is more than welcome though so I appreciate the Jax points.So you yourself have nothing productive to say even tho I countered every one of your claims, and not only you discredited me saying I'm a nobody, you go on to discredit another player who you know plays offline too and didn't say anything? Fuck out of here with that shit and fuck you too, I don't care what you have to think of me when I'm out there training to compete at a high level.
What have you done besides create weak tech no one gives a shit about? Or post random pictures of Pugs? Want a pat in the back for being a "lab monster"? Congratulations you've attained some non existent reputation for your great achievements. Bet you can't wait to hear the day someone says "I've won using the Doombawkz tech". Guess what? It's never going to happen btw, so take that rep and shove it up your pretentious ass.
Guess I have to say the barebones for you to understand. Better yet I'll have it in bullet points.
-Jax takes less risks and controls the pace of the match with advancing normals approaching Mileena.
-Mileena plays keep away with sais majority of the match, and B12 if using Piercing
-One touch with Jax = extreme corner carry and damage, and if cornered Mileena's options to get out are blown up by D3 and block.
-Mileena can Ball Roll out of pressure, this option is - death on block, or avoided with Jax D3, Mileena's pokes are lacking range and can't follow up with one back
-Oki game is present with both characters
-On knockdown in the corner, piercing's only viable wake up is EX Ball Roll, again, loses to Jax D3 into block. Switch to Ethereal if you want the ability to wake up out of the corner. With Ethereal, you then lose your B12 which is very valuable.
-Mileena in order to open up opponents with a 50/50 has both options - death on block. Jax then full combo punishes into corner carry. Jax shares same problem, but has various ways to open her up without a 50/50.
-Mileena F44 is full combo punishable vs Jax with 123.
Summary : Mileena has to take more risks and more reads to open up Jax and cash in damage. Jax takes minimal risks to open up Mileena while controlling the pace of the match cashing in more damage. The game is too young to put in MU numbers just yet, but saying it isn't a bad MU right now is insane.
And go ahead and ask @Yoaks , I run the MU with him and discuss and look for different ways to explore it all the time. He'd agree with me 100%.
So please do yourself the favor and fuck off next time.
So you yourself are going to duck the question of your lurking? Even better, duck the set I challenged you to? You talk real big for JUST an online player, much like many of us. If you play competitively as often as you say, that's a different story from our previous debuckle, not to mention, where are your results. You see here, trying to be a sourpuss will land you in hot water where if you're going to point fingers and ATTEMPT an argument, you're expected to back your claims then as well as have your own hands clean. You paint a pretty picture in a half passed description for just your character without even exploring what the other one has. If you ACTUALLY believe ANY characters only option on knockdown is to wakeup, its pretty damn hard to give credit to anything else since it clearly shows your lack of basic ass FG meta.Who am I? Ask @rev0lver if you want, he's played me in person before.
Better yet, who are you outside of being a lab monster? I don't see you making placements offline either. So stfu with that nonsense.
Who's this guy to make Mileena MU numbers while he's just a streamer playing ranked matches all day everyday? Who's his legitimate MU exp to shoot out numbers for every character?
Now besides that failed attempt to discredit me, I'll use Jax for an example. Granted I've played this one online and in the lab because there isn't any offline Mileena's anywhere near me, Jax bullies Mileena anywhere on the screen, and takes minimal risks getting in. Jax will walk Mileena down to the corner. Then when Jax is in, it's only one combo to pretty much get you from corner to corner. In Piercing, Jax can damn near do whatever he wants on knockdown, as he can always check with a D3 to stuff wake ups, then block in time if an EX Ball Roll comes out. The only way to safely wake up is with ethereal, but that is giving up Mileena's strong B12, and more meter dependent. The wake up problem is amplified when Jax is in heavy weapons when you can D3, 123~rocket cancel for hit confirm. Also, can we stop forgetting that Mileena has to commit to a -31 special or throw to get out of pressure? Essentially this is one of those MU's were Mileena runs away and throw sais and Jax gives chase, then when Jax is in Mileena realistically has a really hard time getting out of pressure. When Mileena is cornered, she's stays on the ground in piercing, or gains evasiveness in ethereal but gives up her most valuable tools in that MU for a wake up.
For convenience of the topic, I'll again spoiler my rebuttal since outside of you I don't think anyone else really cares about you being wrong. Its kinda obvious, though I do always appreciate a masochist. Take more of a beating, come back for another.So you yourself have nothing productive to say even tho I countered every one of your claims, and not only you discredited me saying I'm a nobody, you go on to discredit another player who you know plays offline too and didn't say anything? Fuck out of here with that shit and fuck you too, I don't care what you have to think of me when I'm out there training to compete at a high level.
What have you done besides create weak tech no one gives a shit about? Or post random pictures of Pugs? Want a pat in the back for being a "lab monster"? Congratulations you've attained some non existent reputation for your great achievements. Bet you can't wait to hear the day someone says "I've won using the Doombawkz tech". Guess what? It's never going to happen btw, so take that rep and shove it up your pretentious ass.
Guess I have to say the barebones for you to understand. Better yet I'll have it in bullet points.
-Jax takes less risks and controls the pace of the match with advancing normals approaching Mileena.
-Mileena plays keep away with sais majority of the match, and B12 if using Piercing
-One touch with Jax = extreme corner carry and damage, and if cornered Mileena's options to get out are blown up by D3 and block.
-Mileena can Ball Roll out of pressure, this option is - death on block, or avoided with Jax D3, Mileena's pokes are lacking range and can't follow up with one back
-Oki game is present with both characters
-On knockdown in the corner, piercing's only viable wake up is EX Ball Roll, again, loses to Jax D3 into block. Switch to Ethereal if you want the ability to wake up out of the corner. With Ethereal, you then lose your B12 which is very valuable.
-Mileena in order to open up opponents with a 50/50 has both options - death on block. Jax then full combo punishes into corner carry. Jax shares same problem, but has various ways to open her up without a 50/50.
-Mileena F44 is full combo punishable vs Jax with 123.
Summary : Mileena has to take more risks and more reads to open up Jax and cash in damage. Jax takes minimal risks to open up Mileena while controlling the pace of the match cashing in more damage. The game is too young to put in MU numbers just yet, but saying it isn't a bad MU right now is insane.
And go ahead and ask @Yoaks , I run the MU with him and discuss and look for different ways to explore it all the time. He'd agree with me 100%.
So please do yourself the favor and fuck off next time.
they call you trash, lets be realthey call me the "mileena slayer"
ft 10 injustice or you're scared zoffsthey call you trash, lets be real
Yep, I agree, and I was "generous" on some 6-4 since I feel they're more 5.5-4.5 or just 5-5s but hard ones for the opponent since she'd still have the upper hand.I actually don't agree with a lot of these numbers. Some of you guys overestimate her B12, it doesn't reach very far and it can be low profiled easily by a lot of characters
damn i forgot about the household name of doombawkz.I mean Revolver, wowza. Now THERE'S a household name. I remember all those times I've heard about how hype it was when Revolver did something. Like inching across the screen that one time in Injustice.
And uh.... Smoking weed? I think he made a cucumber bong once. That was pretty cool. I mean I went for a dig and it was a rather deep one, and I don't want to be catty but...
Rev0lver's biggest recent achievement was maybe making top 64 at a tourney, I think. I don't know, the bracket didn't go further than top 32. He's a good guy and a good player, but I don't think his name validates your point.
Like is Rev0lver a good player? He might be the best, I wouldn't know, but I mean I could tag a player to back my argument and mine is probably the better source.
But I don't need to. If I did, I would, but frankly I don't need anyone else to show that I know something.