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MK10 & This communities cry for early patches.


Trust me, I'm a doctor
Early patching isn't bad, bad development staff is bad.

If NRS patches every day and in a month has the game fine-tuned and balanced, fine.
If they patch every month and in a year have the game fine-tuned and balanced, okay.
If they patch every 3 months, okay long as its big balance changes.

But if they wait 6 months without a patch, who is going to still be playing?
If they wait 3 months to get rid of obviously unintentional stuff, who is going to bother?
If they wait a month to fix something game breaking, or positively normalize a character so he can actually be used, then thats a market problem.

It doesn't matter how frequently they do it, so long as its working towards an actual balanced game.
However, theres nothing wrong with them patching sooner rather than later. Content, not context.


I just wanted to bring attention to a problem that has been plaguing this community and our last 2 NRS games, and that's the cry for early patches, I'm tired of these games getting like 10 patches before the game and its problems are thoroughly flushed out...before all DLC characters were even released we already had like what 6 patches? Lol. I think what we fail to realize is each patch that is released cost hella money and really needs to be taken into consideration how each one is really valuable to making a better game before time is up. ( Think of them as life lines) I think NRS already has in mind how much they wanted to put towards patching injustice before they even did so, which is why in just 6 months we had already used up all the funds for patches NRS was willing to dish out, which is ridiculously fast if u ask me.

Sure supes was a force to be wreckin with, still is in some aspect, but I don't think he is nearly a problem as the likes of some characters in the roster now, and this is because these characters were not fully explored and we as a community had already bitched and moaned for multiple patches ahead of time for other things. I think we should start waiting at least 1 year before we start asking for patches, or at least till all DLC for the game is released, that way no stone is left unturn, and we won't continue to end up with kabal like characters...and shit tier characters with no possible way in competing with the rest of the cast in tournament settings.


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
I have a serious question.

I am not trolling.

Do we honestly and truly want a game of nothing but 5-5s? Is that technically possible from a design standpoint?


aka - RM_AtK !
The problem is that anti-zoning scrubs constitute the majority of the NRS community. These scrubs have the loudest voices on social media. Deathstroke and Kano, as MIT mentioned, were unfairly normalized, particularly Kano, who was a mid tier character. Black Adam and Superman were also targeted by anti-zoning scrubs.
dood its a fighting game not a pussy game. sure some zoning is cool whatever but stop wanting the game to be like fucking "Astroid shooter" and "Pong" or something man. That's not exciting to watch or be apart of. Learn something else besides shooting a fireball.


I have a serious question.

I am not trolling.

Do we honestly and truly want a game of nothing but 5-5s? Is that technically possible from a design standpoint?
No on both counts.

Mostly because to achieve a game with true 5:5s, you'll need to design one where everyone is exactly the same character - same moveset, same normals, same specials, same damage, etc. And that would be a very boring game.

dood its a fighting game not a pussy game. sure some zoning is cool whatever but stop wanting the game to be like fucking "Astroid shooter" and "Pong" or something man. That's not exciting to watch or be apart of. Learn something else besides shooting a fireball.
Except that zoning and projectiles is one of the most important, defining traits that makes 2D fighters good.

Seriously, go read S-kill's old Domination 101 article on this.

There are at least two very cool things that fireballs do:

First, fireballs enable real combat at a distance. The game isnt restricted by how far your characters limbs reach- with a fireball, there can be real threats even from opposite ends of the screen. They control space and threaten at any range. When theres a fireball on the screen (or a beam, or worse- multiple fireballs!), it fundamentally changes the dynamic of the match. And the kind of dynamic change depends on all sorts of crazy things, including (but not limited to): how fast the fireball is moving, the size of the fireball, the angle at which its traveling, etc.
The second key role of the fireball is as a setup. A well placed fireball acts as a surrogate; an intermediary. Its an obstacle. It sets up an initial challenge that must be overcome before you have any chance to actually deal out damage to the opponent. Dealing with it can be as simple (or as hard) as avoiding it (jumping, ducking, canceling it, invincible special, etc.), but it must be dealt with, because its directly threatening you. Whether it hits, or even if blocked, its going to do damage, as well as pushing you around. It must be dealt with because it stands between you and your opponent, and no matter the beating it takes, hurting it wont alone doesnt affect him. Once away, a fireballs fate is entirely distinct from your own. This type of threat can prompt your opponent to take put themselves in more vulnerable positions (like trying to jump over it, etc.), so its a setup in that way, but in some cases, it can also be followed in, like a kind of shield (or jumped over, used to cross-up, etc.), making all sorts of otherwise untenable attack approaches possible. Its an ally that works independently.

WakeUp DP

GT MK OshTekk.
dood its a fighting game not a pussy game. sure some zoning is cool whatever but stop wanting the game to be like fucking "Astroid shooter" and "Pong" or something man. That's not exciting to watch or be apart of. Learn something else besides shooting a fireball.
It doesnt matter if its exciting for stream monsters to watch.

Zoning should be as viable as rush down and defensive style.


Scrubby nice guy
The problem is that anti-zoning scrubs constitute the majority of the NRS community. These scrubs have the loudest voices on social media. Deathstroke and Kano, as MIT mentioned, were unfairly normalized, particularly Kano, who was a mid tier character. Black Adam and Superman were also targeted by anti-zoning scrubs.


However, there's nothing wrong with them patching sooner rather than later. Content, not context.
The problem with patching sooner is that there isn't enough time to figure out the true balance of the game and whether something really needs to be addressed, or if counters for it just haven't been discovered/developed.

As the old saying goes.

You can't ask for well-thought-out changes off day 1, week 1, or mostly even month 1 play...and that's when the game is out and everyone's in the lab.



If I had to guess though, I'd say NRS/WB have made far more money from selling a new game to 3-4 million people every 2 years, than Capcom has made getting a smaller percentage of their game buyers to purchase a smaller update every couple of years.

Obviously from our perspective, whichever option favors our competitive scene is best.

But from a business/money perspective, NRS is king of the hill in fighting games and it'd be hard to convince their publisher to change in a way that brings them millions of dollars less overall.

I don't disagree. I was simply saying that the business models of the companies and their respective games are different.


Don't anyone in here take this the wrong way, but this is unavoidable with how accessible NRS games are to casual gamers. Let's be honest, your average Joe could pick up IGAU on day1/week1 and get wins online with Deathstroke or Superman. There are a lot more average Joes than hardcore gamers. As the game matures, the casuals play less and the hardcore play more. It's unavoidable--just comes down to NRS's ability to ignore it. Which is also hard to do when they are counting on doing the majority of their balancing post-release.

I'm pretty sure they've learned their lesson and will hopefully test the game longer/better instead of essentially beta balancing on the public like they did with IGAU. Oh well. I can ignore the whining, just hope the next games are balanced in a sense that these whines will be much more unsubstantiated.


Infinite Meter Kombos
Early patching isn't bad, bad development staff is bad.

If NRS patches every day and in a month has the game fine-tuned and balanced, fine.
If they patch every month and in a year have the game fine-tuned and balanced, okay.
If they patch every 3 months, okay long as its big balance changes.

But if they wait 6 months without a patch, who is going to still be playing?
If they wait 3 months to get rid of obviously unintentional stuff, who is going to bother?
If they wait a month to fix something game breaking, or positively normalize a character so he can actually be used, then thats a market problem.

It doesn't matter how frequently they do it, so long as its working towards an actual balanced game.
However, theres nothing wrong with them patching sooner rather than later. Content, not context.
Player Kreated Kontent. They wait to see what people can make with broken stuff. Some people don't even care about the game, they just want to see how much broken stuff they can find to exploit. Kreativity komes out of Khaos.


Infinite Meter Kombos
In MK9 if I duck without blocking, most projectiles go over my head and I don't get block chip damage. So because I think about tactics and not FIREBALL FIREBALL FIREBALL that makes me an anti zoning scrub?


History will repeat itself again, it always does.
sadly MK10 is going to turn into a "So and So character needs to be buffed or normalized based off of selfish cries that players use to make their playing lives easier based off of their main"..


Salt Proprietor of TYM
Everyone talking about the game not getting any majors changes early on must've forgot what happened to Deathstroke. Also, this thread is pointless, because the scrubs ARE GOING TO CRY and NRS WILL HEAR THOSE CRIES AND NERF ACCORDINGLY.

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
Early patching isn't bad, bad development staff is bad.

If NRS patches every day and in a month has the game fine-tuned and balanced, fine.
If they patch every month and in a year have the game fine-tuned and balanced, okay.
If they patch every 3 months, okay long as its big balance changes.

But if they wait 6 months without a patch, who is going to still be playing?
If they wait 3 months to get rid of obviously unintentional stuff, who is going to bother?
If they wait a month to fix something game breaking, or positively normalize a character so he can actually be used, then thats a market problem.

It doesn't matter how frequently they do it, so long as its working towards an actual balanced game.
However, theres nothing wrong with them patching sooner rather than later. Content, not context.
The problem isn't really any of these things.

The mentality of the people they are marketing to are now the "WE WANT IT NOW" and the "WE DESERVE PROPS EVEN IN LOSING" generation.
The kids who get participation trophies or trophies for being a C student while they text in class.

SF does just fine with their model... and they have a huge player base that hasnt' gone away. It works.......... where as our games have NEVER grown past the initial hype... only gotten smaller.
If I had to guess though, I'd say NRS/WB have made far more money from selling a new game to 3-4 million people every 2 years, than Capcom has made getting a smaller percentage of their game buyers to purchase a smaller update every couple of years.

Obviously from our perspective, whichever option favors our competitive scene is best.

But from a business/money perspective, NRS is king of the hill in fighting games and it'd be hard to convince their publisher to change in a way that brings them millions of dollars less overall.

Would have to look at the sales data to truly be sure. Something to consider is that Capcom has a much larger worldwide following. Whereas NRS games are more US based.