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MK10 & This communities cry for early patches.

Hotfixes to nerf obvious broken things like infinites or glitches should be applied regularly. Balancing patches need at least a 6 month grace period. It gives the game time to flush out and evolve, while also making the game stay fresh and keep people interested.
I fully agree.

Unfortunately, over the years a lot of MK players have grown used to playing buggy ass games so they've lost touch with reality and can't differentiate a fix from a nerf.

For example: if a character has some broken tech that's clearly a glitch or unintended to be this busted by the devs (such as an inescapable reset or a block infinite), players maining that character will still consider the fix as a nerf and they will cry about it.

So no matter how hard NRS tries to focus on fixing bugs only, people will still be pissed because of those changes that will directly or indirectly take tech away from them. So the crying for buffs/nerfs is inevitable.

But yes, ideally NRS should do "season" patches. Once every 6 months. No balance changes at all in between seasons. Only bug fixing.
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Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
I fully agree.

Unfortunately, over the years a lot of MK players have grown used to playing buggy ass games so they've lost touch with reality and can't differentiate a fix from a nerf.

For example: if a character has some broken tech that's clearly a glitch or unintended to be this busted by the devs (such as an inescapable reset or a block infinite), players maining that character will still consider the fix as a nerf and they will cry about it.

So no matter how hard NRS tries to focus on fixing bugs only, people will still be pissed because of those changes that will directly or indirectly take tech away from them. So the crying for buffs/nerfs is inevitable.

But yes, ideally NRS should do "season" patches. Once every 6 months. No balance changes at all in between seasons. Only bug fixing.
the question that still bugs me, is the meter drain.

The community was split in half because half of it said meter drain wasn't a glitch, because if you use a ex move wrongly and doesn't comes out you should waste meter.
The other half said it was a unintended glitch, and if they tried to spam an ex move wrongly, the move shouldn't even come out.

I know MK is not street fighter, however, on the last SF tournament i participated, an opponent tried to ex grab me on wakeup, by my character performed the throw first and he lost meter, isin't this the same thing?


the question that still bugs me, is the meter drain.

The community was split in half because half of it said meter drain wasn't a glitch, because if you use a ex move wrongly and doesn't comes out you should waste meter.
The other half said it was a unintended glitch, and if they tried to spam an ex move wrongly, the move shouldn't even come out.

I know MK is not street fighter, however, on the last SF tournament i participated, an opponent tried to ex grab me on wakeup, by my character performed the throw first and he lost meter, isn't this the same thing?
That's the move actually activating, EX moves in MK just plain don't come out at times and you get fucked for no reason. If I stuff a EX Tornado Throw from Able with a throw because it's only Strike Invul unlike MEter Drain glitch which is random.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
That's the move actually activating, EX moves in MK just plain don't come out at times and you get fucked for no reason. If I stuff a EX Tornado Throw from Able with a throw because it's only Strike Invul unlike MEter Drain glitch which is random.
I understand what you mean, yet meter drain isin't as random as you think. meter drain happens if you input an ex move while your character is still locked in the frames of the blockstun. That is why i asked why ppl does consider that a glitch.

I mean, shouldn't we all time our ex moves properly between gaps instead of spamming them before the blockstun ceases to pass?
I think NRS should include something like USFIV's edition select.

Then, we make a rule:

If you say something is "fine" and doesn't need a patch, any person playing against you in the future may use that version of the character.


blink-182 enthusiast
I think NRS should include something like USFIV's edition select.

Then, we make a rule:

If you say something is "fine" and doesn't need a patch, any person playing against you in the future may use that version of the character.
I want the edition select just so I can see everybody playing the most broken versions of their characters. THEIR CAN ONLY BE ONE


Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
About the meter drain argument, all armor in MK9 still has at least one frame of startup with the exception of X-rays. Mechanically, you're being stuffed out of an EX move before the relevant properties become active.

I suppose there would be more clarity on this if MK9's training mode wasn't so defensively handicapped.
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Online Scrub Lord
I also think NRS needs to do a better job of testing the game before it comes out. Some of the issues Mk9 and Injustice had seemed like obvious issues that should have been resolved in the testing process. They definitely need to prolong the testing period of the game.


I also think NRS needs to do a better job of testing the game before it comes out. Some of the issues Mk9 and Injustice had seemed like obvious issues that should have been resolved in the testing process. They definitely need to prolong the testing period of the game.
You're expecting too much. I mean, this is the same dev team that forgot to make it so that the hitspheres resolve on a 2D plane, meaning that we get stance specific combos.


thugs bunny
About the meter drain argument, all armor in MK9 still has at least one frame of startup with the exception of X-rays. Mechanically, you're being stuffed out of an EX move before the relevant properties become active.

I suppose there would be more clarity on this if MK9's training mode wasn't so defensively handicapped.
It would make more sense if you actually got hit out of it but when you do an EX move and you just see your character still blocking and a bar of meter disappear it doesn't make any sense.


You know what would be a great idea. If they actually let the players test out the updates. Just like how ArcSys holds location tests for every update to Guilty Gear Xrd, BB:CP and P4USH.

Scoot Magee

But I didn't want to dash
How about just give the testers more time to test the game before releasing it? It's that simple imo. also people will always cry about shit being overpowered regardless of what community it is.

Glass Sword

What actually needs to happen, but will not is the game needs to have two releases. The problem is NRS is really scrapped for time. If they could take their time with things like DLC they could make a better game. (Except I think NRS should be barred from making DLC, because it usually spawns a stupidly broken character or more than one broken character. This is the reason I was not clamoring for character DLC in the first place. The only thing that should be DLC is ascetic things, because in almost all fighting games DLC characters are universally broken except Marvel 3 that did not happen. Except if you count Vergil.)
When I say two releases I mean there should be a release to a select number of people than after a couple of months a general public release. This first pre-release could be used to fix many of the broken stuff that is hard to find when you only have 3 or 4 people playing a game.
This will not happen however.
Ideally they would have 4 patches one every 6 months.


Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
It would make more sense if you actually got hit out of it but when you do an EX move and you just see your character still blocking and a bar of meter disappear it doesn't make any sense.
That means you're doing it whilst you're still in blockstun, realistically, that should only happen when you're trying to armor through a follow up to a pseudo-frame trap. (example: Cage's EX forceball~F3, Kenshi's EX Spirit Charge~regular Spirit Charge) You have to remember that it all happens within 4-5 frames, which is 1/14th of a second, so it could go either way. And I assume another part of it is because armor wasn't inherently designed to be used that way in MK9.

Bear with me, I could be wrong about some of that since I haven't played MK9 consistently since 2012, and I understand that it's a controversial matter as to whether it should happen during a blocking state. But if it's happening to someone between neutral blockstrings, then that simply says more about their inadequacies up close and quite frankly, they deserve to lose their meter LOL.


This community is the absolute worst... The "tym shmucks" successfully got Raiden , sub zero reset, lao, AND FUCKIN BARAKA nerfed, amongst many other things. I think its pretty much common sense that infinite's etc should be fixed but, crying for characters to be nerfed within 1-2 months, all while getting mad at top players for NOT TELLING YOU how to beat certain mu's, or play certain characters needs to stop..

This time around also, dont let certain people bully you into thinking a character is ok, and you're just a scrub for not adapting. "kenshi" @AK Pig Of The Hut Ive witnessed a lot of you get pushed around and its sad... like, pathetic sad

Stop the cry for nerfs...

@EGP Wonder_Chef
@AK Juggs
@tym static
@Mikemetroid dont ban me
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The problem is that anti-zoning scrubs constitute the majority of the NRS community. These scrubs have the loudest voices on social media. Deathstroke and Kano, as MIT mentioned, were unfairly normalized, particularly Kano, who was a mid tier character. Black Adam and Superman were also targeted by anti-zoning scrubs.
You are absolutely the last person that should be allowed an influencing opinion on how to balance a fighting game.


Infinite Meter Kombos
What actually needs to happen, but will not is the game needs to have two releases. The problem is NRS is really scrapped for time. If they could take their time with things like DLC they could make a better game. (Except I think NRS should be barred from making DLC, because it usually spawns a stupidly broken character or more than one broken character. This is the reason I was not clamoring for character DLC in the first place. The only thing that should be DLC is ascetic things, because in almost all fighting games DLC characters are universally broken except Marvel 3 that did not happen. Except if you count Vergil.)
When I say two releases I mean there should be a release to a select number of people than after a couple of months a general public release. This first pre-release could be used to fix many of the broken stuff that is hard to find when you only have 3 or 4 people playing a game.
This will not happen however.
Ideally they would have 4 patches one every 6 months.
A beta release could be a good idea.... DLC aesthetic features? Because Scorpion really wants those DLC pink panties.


thugs bunny
That means you're doing it whilst you're still in blockstun, realistically, that should only happen when you're trying to armor through a follow up to a pseudo-frame trap. (example: Cage's EX forceball~F3, Kenshi's EX Spirit Charge~regular Spirit Charge) You have to remember that it all happens within 4-5 frames, which is 1/14th of a second, so it could go either way. And I assume another part of it is because armor wasn't inherently designed to be used that way in MK9.

Bear with me, I could be wrong about some of that since I haven't played MK9 consistently since 2012, and I understand that it's a controversial matter as to whether it should happen during a blocking state. But if it's happening to someone between neutral blockstrings, then that simply says more about their inadequacies up close and quite frankly, they deserve to lose their meter LOL.
When the meter is used that means the EX move activated and it should either come out or your character should get hit because EX moves can't be cancelled with block. In all the fighting games I've played that lets you use metered specials, I've never seen meter just vanish without anything happening after inputting a move at the tail end of blockstun.

Armor wasn't designed for a "Get off me" move? What is it for then? A move that negates hitstun is just there to use on a guess instead of getting out of pressure?