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MK10 & This communities cry for early patches.

EMP Dark

I think some people over exaggerate things too. We have our top tiers in this game, but then you get the toxic members of the community crying about Zatanna, Deathstroke, Killer Frost, etc. I mean it's okay to complain, we all have our characters we hate, but some people no matter how many times you play them, legit think some characters are broken. That's a huge problem.

Luckily, Injustice isn't left with such broken characters as MK9 had. I think every character except Joker can compete in tournament. that's 1 character in my opinion, that cannot compete, compared to MK9 where a large portion of characters could not be considered tourny viable.

I hope when MK10 comes out, we address things that may seem broken and just take note of them, but try and find ways around it, loopholes, search for other characters that may have dirt, etc.

As soon as some people see something they can't deal with, they cry nerf.

There's a difference between not being able to adapt and something being broken.
Sheesh dude would you please just stfu about Joker already. You starting to become real annoying with this shit now. Look us Joker community gets it you think the character is trash & has no type of potential whatsoever regardless of who uses him. Just chill out coming into almost every thread always expressing how you feel about the character. We been got your point dude.

WakeUp DP

GT MK OshTekk.
The anti-zoning scrubs have finally begun emerging in this thread.
I am a zoning fool too. I was just pointing out that players that find zoning cheap and boring are scrubs!

I also said on previous post that zoning should be as viable as rush down and defensive style.


Infinite Meter Kombos
I'm old. I remember bunking off swimming classes to save my money to buy MK2 on Nintendo Gameboy and felt lucky to have it. The fact that people are arguing about a game that's Not even out yet makes me smh.......
BTW I can swim.


Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
Kabal was practically untouched, the only thing fixed in him was the F32~NDC block infinities, other than that, he stayed basically the same.

Among those 3 the most affected one with the nerf and IMO the character who definitely change the most since the first build was definitely Kung Lao.
From Vanilla, his Low hat was +24 on block, his spin had pushback on block putting him away from punishing range, he could to over 6 dive kicks in one combo, had an insane damage output with X-rays combos, the vanilla juggle system helped him to perform combos with ex hat over 2 times.

Before the final build, his X-Ray used to put the opponent into stun state on hit, that allowed a free jump in combo starter, ex Low Hat didn't require meter.

Cyrax was the most patched character in this game, yet he stood resilient and didn't gave a fuck how many times he was nerfed, his resets didn't went away lol.
I know about all of this, what I mean is what if they received nerfs where they would be irrepairably out of the question, like, if NDC was removed or Cyrax couldn't use bombs in a combo etc. I still don't think everyone would be satisfied. :p

>mfw ed boon announces mk vs dc 2 next month, and tym loses their shit

I am sorry but when did MK10 get announced?
"MK10" is just a more convenient placeholder. Nobody calls MK9 "The 2011 reboot of Mortal Kombat".
This argument just doesn't hold up to reality at all.

Yeah, Injustice had more patches than MK9- but guess which game is more balanced?

I mean:

"Sure supes was a force to be wreckin with, still is in some aspect, but I don't think he is nearly a problem as the likes of some characters in the roster now,"

This is a logical fallacy. You cannot make the argument that one character was not a problem, on the basis that other characters are worse.

"I'm not an alcoholic, because there are people who drink more than me"
Sheesh dude would you please just stfu about Joker already. You starting to become real annoying with this shit now. Look us Joker community gets it you think the character is trash & has no type of potential whatsoever regardless of who uses him. Just chill out coming into almost every thread always expressing how you feel about the character. We been got your point dude.
I'm not doing it to make fun of you or the community.
How do you think the Jade community felt?
I didn't care, it just gave me fire to try harder with her. But it was true, she's low tier.
So is Joker. So if you manage to place top 8 or win with Joker, you literally won with one of the lowest placed characters in the tier list and you should be very proud.

Stop taking it the wrong way and being so heartfelt about it because it's not directed to those intentions.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
actually kabal was steadily nerfed patch to patch http://testyourmight.com/threads/kabal-patch-notes.11990/. the day 1 kabal was completely different from the final version patched kabal.
From what i've seen on the link you shared, is exactly what i have said, his infinities were nerfed and that was it, from patch trough patch he stayed the same and the retarded block stuns he got from NDC is rediculous.

I know about all of this, what I mean is what if they received nerfs where they would be irrepairably out of the question, like, if NDC was removed or Cyrax couldn't use bombs in a combo etc. I still don't think everyone would be satisfied. :p
Kenshi, Skarlet and freddy would be top tier.
I think we should start waiting at least 1 year before we start asking for patches, or at least till all DLC for the game is released, that way no stone is left unturn, and we won't continue to end up with kabal like characters...and shit tier characters with no possible way in competing with the rest of the cast in tournament settings.
This is why I don't get this post. "We don't want to patch this game too often, or else we'll end up with Kabal characters or shit tier characters".

But Injustice doesn't have any Kabal-like characters. The strongest character in this game is MMH, and he doesn't have the god-like matchup numbers that Kabal has. Also, the weakest character in Injustice is also not as bad as the weakest character in MK9.

How is it patching before a year causes a game to have characters like Kabal- when Injustice patched more often than MK9, yet had BETTER balance?

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
This is why I don't get this post. "We don't want to patch this game too often, or else we'll end up with Kabal characters or shit tier characters".

But Injustice doesn't have any Kabal-like characters. The strongest character in this game is MMH, and he doesn't have the god-like matchup numbers that Kabal has. Also, the weakest character in Injustice is also not as bad as the weakest character in MK9.

How is it patching before a year causes a game to have characters like Kabal- when Injustice patched more often than MK9, yet had BETTER balance?
blah blah blah blah

The reason we want to wait for patches is because they are going to release DLC ...... and the track record for DLC has been mainly top tier that do not get patched ever..... or very barely touched.

This is the 2nd game where heavy duty patching happened very often...... then DLC was dropped....... then one more patch before we can really hash out the DLC .......... then we find out that..... OH SHIT [character] has broken this...... or [character] has broken that.

The problem is the fact that they just QUIT patching the games period. The support is godlike........ then the support vanishes.
NRS is like a Genie. You get three patches. Whether or not it is actually UP to them... thats a different story.

BTW... this game is just as balanced as MK... there just isn't as strong of a group of people playing to really show you how bad it is...


"130 ms is more legit than Labbing" - TYM
People are trying to deflect the fact that people mostly ask for patches because they suck ass at the game and barely put time into it. No one is saying patches for bugs is unneeded, but what it is the constant bickering simply because people cant figure out how to go to training mode.
BTW... this game is just as balanced as MK... there just isn't as strong of a group of people playing to really show you how bad it is...
If Injustice and MK9 are equally balanced, I'd like to see matchup numbers of the top tier characters compared to each other in the game.

Show me Kenshi and Kabal matchup numbers, than show me characters in Injustice who have similar numbers or better.

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
If Injustice and MK9 are equally balanced, I'd like to see matchup numbers of the top tier characters compared to each other in the game.

Show me Kenshi and Kabal matchup numbers, than show me characters in Injustice who have similar numbers or better.
I would

but we don't have the proper reps in numbers to actually "prove" it

The funny thing is...... Injustice lends itself to the "fluke" win.... which kinda is a fake balance in itself.

I mean..... i've watched guys get top 8 in some pretty stacked tournaments...... only to go 0-2 in their own local.

That ALONE should tell you something.... without involving any of the players skill.


I would

but we don't have the proper reps in numbers to actually "prove" it

The funny thing is...... Injustice lends itself to the "fluke" win.... which kinda is a fake balance in itself.

I mean..... i've watched guys get top 8 in some pretty stacked tournaments...... only to go 0-2 in their own local.

That ALONE should tell you something.... without involving any of the players skill.
This game is super gimmicky, that's why.

Chakk dizzle

That's baaaaane
Most of this community is new to fighting games so they do not possess the mindset of having to learn how to overcome broken stuff. Either that or they are from the era of patching. There is nothing wrong with that but it is a notable difference. They have been spoiled with patching in NRS fighters, or whatever other non fighting games they previously played. Say what you will, but this is the truth. They did not play any ST, SF alpha, Xmen VS sf (or any of the capcom VS games, including MVC2) or any games from the arcade era where there were real S tier characters, infinites, TOD combos, 9-2 or worse and you had to hold that. There was no amount of complaining that would change it.

I guess I am old school and I am against early patching unless it is an absolutely game breaking issue


Infinite Meter Kombos
People are losing sight of the objective. It's not about patch this nerf that. It's about which version of the game to play at tournament. Perhaps the industry needs to change, say.... the game comes out but it's not played at evo for a year or two after release. This gives people time to play it in it's various stages of patch. Then everyone can decide upon a universal version to play. That way people can still do money matches on various patched versions ( because they want it now ) but the BIG money is on the universal agreed version..

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
People are losing sight of the objective. It's not about patch this nerf that. It's about which version of the game to play at tournament. Perhaps the industry needs to change, say.... the game comes out but it's not played at evo for a year or two after release. This gives people time to play it in it's various stages of patch. Then everyone can decide upon a universal version to play. That way people can still do money matches on various patched versions ( because they want it now ) but the BIG money is on the universal agreed version..
I approve of this
Great idea

8 thumbs up


The Free Meter Police
I know everybody cries gimmicks about this game... and I don't think that's true. I think this game has a lot of variables that all have to be kept in mind at all times. It's hard to do, so when someone uses some weak strategy and it blows them up... they feel like this game is gimmicky.

There's nothing in this game that can't be explained tech-wise. I've spent a good 200+ hours in training mode with Lobo and I still feel like I'm about 1/3 of the way there. There's a lot of shit in this game and it's hard to remember everything.


Trust me, I'm a doctor
The problem isn't really any of these things.

The mentality of the people they are marketing to are now the "WE WANT IT NOW" and the "WE DESERVE PROPS EVEN IN LOSING" generation.
The kids who get participation trophies or trophies for being a C student while they text in class.

SF does just fine with their model... and they have a huge player base that hasnt' gone away. It works.......... where as our games have NEVER grown past the initial hype... only gotten smaller.
That's because SF releases the same game with minor balancing tweaks, but as a whole every character is still viable.

They don't have any day 1 Banes