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MK10 & This communities cry for early patches.

@Sami, I mean that we patch characters rather often/ kind of pointless doing multiple patching bcuz eventually we get in the same position we got to in mk9 where those who came out on top of the patches, remained there since no other patches were applied bcuz well they were used up. So ppl will just complain and complain and nothing will be changed so ppl get mad, some quit, etc. Also some chars are nerfed even though they are fine how they are, so the nerf hits them hard then we see less of that character or ppl who used to mian that character switch mains. If we want our games to live like sf or marvel in the future, we got to change how we do things


@Sami, I mean that we patch characters rather often/ kind of pointless doing multiple patching bcuz eventually we get in the same position we got to in mk9 where those who came out on top of the patches, remained there since no other patches were applied bcuz well they were used up. So ppl will just complain and complain and nothing will be changed so ppl get mad, some quit, etc. Also some chars are nerfed even though they are fine how they are, so the nerf hits them hard then we see less of that character or ppl who used to mian that character switch mains. If we want our games to live like sf or marvel in the future, we got to change how we do things
Agreed, but those games lived by basically releasing expansion packs for them.

I thought this was going to be different - the October patch was brilliant but enough was enough - let the dust settle and see what comes from it. Other than fixing glitches the game has remained virtually unchanged since then. However, IMO now is the time to put out another patch (and if need be finance it with another DLC character). Then in 6 month's time do the same if needed, and so on.


So many people look at Capcom as if they're milking their customer base, but lets look at the business model they use:

1. Release Game(SF4 - 2009)
2. Patch out any GLARING issues in ONE patch
3. Allow game to mature for a year before making any changes
4. Make major balance patch to mature game, adding characters and new stuff. Charge slightly more money, but give truly updated experience.(SSF4 April 2010)
5. Patch out any GLARING issues in ONE patch
6. Allow game to mature for 8 months before making any changes
7. Make major balance patch to mature game, adding characters and new stuff. Charge slightly more money, but give truly updated experience. (AE Dec. 2010)
8. Patch out any GLARING issues in ONE patch
9. Allow game to mature for approximately a year before making any changes
10. Make major balance patch to mature game and offer it for free. (AEv2012, Q4 2011)
11. Allow game to mature OVER 2 YEARS before making any changes
12. Make major update to game, adding characters and new stuff. Charge slightly more money, but give truly updated experience. (USF4, July 2014)

Now apply the same business model to MK9, patch out all immediate issues like block infinites, infinite xray, bomb trap, etc., and instead of DLC characters, make the entire cast of DLC characters available in a single update a year after release in April 2012. Refine through a single patch, add new characters again and in 2013, release "UMK9", charge $40 for full retail game.

Somehow, this business model works and helps a game mature. Instead of releasing a brand new game every 2 years, refining it seems to be the way to get customers to not only continue to spend money but to complain less about the game changing so drastically so often.
Agreed, but those games lived by basically releasing expansion packs for them.

I thought this was going to be different - the October patch was brilliant but enough was enough - let the dust settle and see what comes from it. Other than fixing glitches the game has remained virtually unchanged since then. However, IMO now is the time to put out another patch (and if need be finance it with another DLC character). Then in 6 month's time do the same if needed, and so on.
Indeed, injustice is good how it is right now, I say wait till next year to see how the game will turn out at mlg, evo, etc. Hopefully we can get another patch next year to mix things up, we shall see what happens.
Yes. What we really want is a broken game and then paying for an ultimate version the next year after our community has burned to the ground and tournaments are dead.
How about patching a majority of things from the jump? Then hotfix things that were missed. There is a reason capcom does things in a way like this, look at what happened to mk9.........


Oh, and the other upside to the "Capcom" business model is that it increases longevity of a game.

SF4 was released in 2009. USF comes out in a couple months. The game is 5 years old! MK lasted 3 years and that was it. Injustice is in year 2 and we know another NRS game is already in the works...and if things go the way they did with MK, as soon as the new game comes out, Injustice will get flushed down the toilet.

Yet, with the Capcom business model, SF has been fresh and updated, but the core game is the same, for 5 years. The last one with a 2 year+ longevity before seeing an update! Moreover, that business model has allowed both SF and Marvel to maintain their popularity without losing too much.

Imagine a world where NRS games used the same business model and we were on UMK9 or Super UMK9 with even more characters and this year we saw the release of Super Injustice with more characters and updates...and both were fresh, new, updated and HAD A FULL FOLLOWING OF PLAYERS STILL WILLING TO PLAY THEM!

We can only imagine.


Zoning Master
The problem is that anti-zoning scrubs constitute the majority of the NRS community. These scrubs have the loudest voices on social media. Deathstroke and Kano, as MIT mentioned, were unfairly normalized, particularly Kano, who was a mid tier character. Black Adam and Superman were also targeted by anti-zoning scrubs.


I'm gonna make this skill gap... disappear.
The problem is that anti-zoning scrubs constitute the majority of the NRS community. These scrubs have the loudest voices on social media. Deathstroke and Kano, as MIT mentioned, were unfairly normalized, particularly Kano, who was a mid tier character. Black Adam and Superman were also targeted by anti-zoning scrubs.
Shut up.

STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior
Honestly, I think it's more that they only plan to support the game (patch/dlc wise) for a certain amount of time. So they try to fix what they can within that time frame.

cR WoundCowboy

WoundCowbae <3
Hotfixes to nerf obvious broken things like infinites or glitches should be applied regularly. Balancing patches need at least a 6 month grace period. It gives the game time to flush out and evolve, while also making the game stay fresh and keep people interested.
The problem that arises with this is that you then have things that the designers did not intend to be in the game (such as Ares's damage resets), which people fight to keep in the game. Not much is "obvious" imo. But overall, I don't mind NRS's patching philosophy. Most of the patches (2-3 at max) take place early and then the game develops from there.


I'd like to throw in here, unless we have citations that the NRS community complained explicitly to the developers, and was not in-fact the casual fanbase, the wrong community has been scrutinized.

It is hardly plausible to believe that the NRS community was the sole reason for knee-jerk first month nerfs.

P.S. The NRS community is held responsible for the Scorpion nerfs, before anyone implies that I stated to the contrary.
I'd like to thrown in here, unless we have citations that the NRS community complained explicitly to the developers, and not casual fanbase.

It is hardly plausible to believe that the NRS community was the sole reason for knee-jerk first month nerfs.

P.S. The NRS community is held responsible for the Scorpion nerfs, before anyone implies that I stated to the contrary.
I believe they take what we say into account "I have talked to one of them before", but yeah there is probably a concrete, set in stone reason why they do multiple patches.


Administrator and Community Engineer
@Sami, I mean that we patch characters rather often/ kind of pointless doing multiple patching bcuz eventually we get in the same position we got to in mk9 where those who came out on top of the patches, remained there since no other patches were applied bcuz well they were used up. So ppl will just complain and complain and nothing will be changed so ppl get mad, some quit, etc. Also some chars are nerfed even though they are fine how they are, so the nerf hits them hard then we see less of that character or ppl who used to mian that character switch mains. If we want our games to live like sf or marvel in the future, we got to change how we do things
I think a lot of times we're looking at the results of the game support life cycle rather than just the sheer number of patches. For NRS to crank out a brand new game every 2 years, they have to be working on the next game almost as soon as the previous one + DLC finishes. Once the team and resources are appropriated to move in a new direction, you might not be allotted the time or money from the publisher to go back to develop the previous game.

This is very different from a company like Capcom where the strategy was to let the Street Fighter team make one game for arcades in 2008, port it to consoles in 2009 and then sit on it and just keep updating it for the next 6 or 7 years.

So based on this, I don't think that if NRS simply patched a game once in the first year, that they'd have a bunch of "patches left" to keep patching the game in future years. Once they move on, they move on, so you'd likely just end up with a game that wasn't patched enough and ended support at 1 year anyway.

Now if they want to change that lifecycle, it's up to them. I think that if they want to have a game that lives more than 1-2 years in the competitive landscape, it'd be key to have ongoing support, even on a smaller scale, for at least a couple of solid years. But if they don't change the support/development cycle, then you should hope they patch the game as much as they need to in the first year; because once it hits a year, that's all she wrote and you're not getting anything else.

I just think it's apples and oranges. SF4 was created with the goal of being a lasting version of the title in the marketplace. The powers that be at WB are likely looking to maximize their profit from game to game and have different goals.
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@CrimsonShadow, probably so. If the goal for WB/NRS changed then we could have our games last longer, which I think many ppl would enjoy. Overall, I hope mk10 goes in a different direction nd scorpion betta be good!! Lol


I believe they take what we say into account "I have talked to one of them before", but yeah there is probably a concrete, set in stone reason why they do multiple patches.
We are on the same page here, you acknowledge that what we complain and laud is read by the NRS patching team, and that the multiple patching system is flawed. Unless I am mistaken, in which case feel free to correct me.

What I find fault in, if anything, is that across the entire gaming community, solely the NRS community is held accountable for what characters are nerfed or buffed within the first few months of the game, which I feel is morally reprehensible. All communities, casual, NRS, developers, SRK, anime, should be held accountable accordingly.


Infinite Meter Kombos
People are crying about the wrong thing. NRS need to release MK10 on PS3 AS WELL AS PS4. Because undoubtedly it will be on PS4 and if it is not on PS3 then they will cut out a huge portion of players.