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MK10 & This communities cry for early patches.


Mid Tier
How about just give the testers more time to test the game before releasing it? It's that simple imo. also people will always cry about shit being overpowered regardless of what community it is.
I also think having testers with no agenda is important. I don't think players who plan to compete in tournys should be testing.

Let those players write the guide.

My reasoning being. Say you only give them a week with the game to see what they can find. These guys are looking for a character they are going to use in tourny, they are not only learning the game, but looking for the strongest stuff, and might not even be fully disclosing things that need to be. This has happened with fighting game testing before.

You also get certain players losing there shit when the Final Version is released and "there" character has been altered to the point where they think they can't use them in tourny anymore. They then come here and post ridiculous threads about ridiculous things that do absolutely zero for the community and may actually add to un needed balance changes early in the games life.

I know NRS has in house "Quality Assurance" testers as well. But you need people that have 100% no agenda in the fighting game community when it comes to Tournys. They need to be 100% committed to the over all quality and balance of the product, and have no desires to compete in tournys.

I think if they do continue down the road of having "known" players come in to test for balance, they need to give them a month. And be very hands on and specific about giving certain characters to people to work on, and getting full reports back on them and all there match ups.

Remember they don't go into Bug test at this stage in the game, they are there for balance purposes. And if you have people that plan to compete after it is released, I think the only thing you are doing having them in there for a week, is giving them an unfair advantage at the start of the game, and hurting the game in the long run, as we don't get to see the full character potential of other characters because the tourny scene is dominated by testers who have the early gimmicks and strong stuff they have already figured out. You don't see what the roster can really do in high level play before the first patch is even out. We just get known players talking out there asses about shit because they run into something that they haven't taken the time to deal with or learn to get around because the next tourny is right around the corner, or they just got bopped at a tourny and are salty.

Known players that have voices need to be more responsible this time around, and they should all know this by now, because the same shit just keeps happening with the same people.

I would like to see, good players test the game, for at least a month, 2 weeks at the minimum. But then ban those players from tournys for at least 4 months to let the game breath and flesh out with fresh players and fresh perspective. We will get to see different things at tourny and in high level situations. Not just Green Arrow winning because people can't even block.

While those players are not able to play for the 4 months, they could be working hard on match ups and fleshing out the game for the community and NRS. They could submit notes on balance after extensive play and testing after launch. Then patch the game after 6 months.

This will never happen, because most of our known players are selfish, and by the time 6 months hits, NRS is done with patches and DLC.

So fuck it,


Infinite Meter Kombos
I also think having testers with no agenda is important. I don't think players who plan to compete in tournys should be testing.

Let those players write the guide.

My reasoning being. Say you only give them a week with the game to see what they can find. These guys are looking for a character they are going to use in tourny, they are not only learning the game, but looking for the strongest stuff, and might not even be fully disclosing things that need to be. This has happened with fighting game testing before.

You also get certain players losing there shit when the Final Version is released and "there" character has been altered to the point where they think they can't use them in tourny anymore. They then come here and post ridiculous threads about ridiculous things that do absolutely zero for the community and may actually add to un needed balance changes early in the games life.

I know NRS has in house "Quality Assurance" testers as well. But you need people that have 100% no agenda in the fighting game community when it comes to Tournys. They need to be 100% committed to the over all quality and balance of the product, and have no desires to compete in tournys.

I think if they do continue down the road of having "known" players come in to test for balance, they need to give them a month. And be very hands on and specific about giving certain characters to people to work on, and getting full reports back on them and all there match ups.

Remember they don't go into Bug test at this stage in the game, they are there for balance purposes. And if you have people that plan to compete after it is released, I think the only thing you are doing having them in there for a week, is giving them an unfair advantage at the start of the game, and hurting the game in the long run, as we don't get to see the full character potential of other characters because the tourny scene is dominated by testers who have the early gimmicks and strong stuff they have already figured out. You don't see what the roster can really do in high level play before the first patch is even out. We just get known players talking out there asses about shit because they run into something that they haven't taken the time to deal with or learn to get around because the next tourny is right around the corner, or they just got bopped at a tourny and are salty.

Known players that have voices need to be more responsible this time around, and they should all know this by now, because the same shit just keeps happening with the same people.

I would like to see, good players test the game, for at least a month, 2 weeks at the minimum. But then ban those players from tournys for at least 4 months to let the game breath and flesh out with fresh players and fresh perspective. We will get to see different things at tourny and in high level situations. Not just Green Arrow winning because people can't even block.

While those players are not able to play for the 4 months, they could be working hard on match ups and fleshing out the game for the community and NRS. They could submit notes on balance after extensive play and testing after launch. Then patch the game after 6 months.

This will never happen, because most of our known players are selfish, and by the time 6 months hits, NRS is done with patches and DLC.

So fuck it,
I don't care about tournaments. I love MK. I would love to be banned from tournaments if it meant I get to play MK before anyone else.

WakeUp DP

GT MK OshTekk.
I don't care about tournaments. I love MK. I would love to be banned from tournaments if it meant I get to play MK before anyone else.
I think its hard to find someonethat understands 2d fighting game at the highest level and doesnt care for tournaments...
I want the edition select just so I can see everybody playing the most broken versions of their characters. THEIR CAN ONLY BE ONE
Great idea, I can't wait to use Vanilla Vega and show everyone my true streng......oh
Scratch that, I'll use Super Vega, that'll help me domina....oh
Well, no matter, there's always the unstoppable AE Veg......dammit
AE2012 Vega can at least fight the top tiers, right?... Right?....
Oh hey, they finally gave him i-frames on ST, maybe Ultra Vega will be the one for m....THEY TOOK THEM OUT?

Hindsight is 20/20. Things that look obviously broken in the games prealpha state are not as easy to spot as many think, even with tourney testers. The NRS team is practically having to make balance changes trying to predict which character is top tier, or might become top tier 6 months down the road.


A month isn't enough time for testing. Should follow the Japanese example where the game gets location tested over the course of almost 6 months or so.


Mid Tier
A month isn't enough time for testing. Should follow the Japanese example where the game gets location tested over the course of almost 6 months or so.
If america had arcades anymore, that would work. Those Japanese players pay $1 per game they play. American tourny players and goers cringe at a 10 dollar buy in for a 20 man local.


Infinite Meter Kombos
I think its hard to find someonethat understands 2d fighting game at the highest level and doesnt care for tournaments...
It is hard. That's the point. NRS wants games that are easy. So that anyone can pick up and play them. It's the expectations of the tournament scene that drives technique forward. Look at their vision of Pro Moves..... they turned pro moves into enhanced moves because pro move timing was too hard for casual gamers to achieve. Whereas everyone can do enhanced moves. There is a difference between love of the game and love of money. People play tournaments for money. I care more about the game than I care about money.

WakeUp DP

GT MK OshTekk.
It is hard. That's the point. NRS wants games that are easy. So that anyone can pick up and play them. It's the expectations of the tournament scene that drives technique forward. Look at their vision of Pro Moves..... they turned pro moves into enhanced moves because pro move timing was too hard for casual gamers to achieve. Whereas everyone can do enhanced moves. There is a difference between love of the game and love of money. People play tournaments for money. I care more about the game than I care about money.
If people played video games just for money they'll be playing LOL or other games that pay a lot more money than fighting games.

I dont think most top players learn to play at a high level just for money.


If america had arcades anymore, that would work. Those Japanese players pay $1 per game they play. American tourny players and goers cringe at a 10 dollar buy in for a 20 man local.
Doesn't stop Capcom from trucking the latest builds of whatever they're working on to every other major.
How about just give the testers more time to test the game before releasing it? It's that simple imo.
That would be ideal, but its a lot harder then it sounds to pull off in AAA game development. Everything in the corporate world is thought out in terms of "quarters", and there's usually a plan in place for release dates on these kinds of things. Often it can be to coincide with a major film release or something, or its something they need to pad out their numbers because they have nothing else slated. Add onto that the fact that the majority of time spent in the testing phase is *much* more concerned with squashing major gamebreaking bugs (like freezeups or glitchy character animations) and delaying the game for another month or so to ensure balance is a really difficult thing to justify to the publisher when so may of their userbase don't even care.

This is why I think for all its flaws, Killer Instinct probably had the right idea. In the new world we live in, F2P is probably the only viable business model that will allow the continued longterm support that a competitive fighter needs.


Infinite Meter Kombos
Didn't KT say that a dlc character will be from mkl season 3? I'm guessing that it will carry on without him as company deadlines as a whole cost more than one person. So as a company, WB will role out mkl3 then mk movie and mk10 all at same time for marketing purposes?

Scoot Magee

But I didn't want to dash
That would be ideal, but its a lot harder then it sounds to pull off in AAA game development. Everything in the corporate world is thought out in terms of "quarters", and there's usually a plan in place for release dates on these kinds of things. Often it can be to coincide with a major film release or something, or its something they need to pad out their numbers because they have nothing else slated. Add onto that the fact that the majority of time spent in the testing phase is *much* more concerned with squashing major gamebreaking bugs (like freezeups or glitchy character animations) and delaying the game for another month or so to ensure balance is a really difficult thing to justify to the publisher when so may of their userbase don't even care.

This is why I think for all its flaws, Killer Instinct probably had the right idea. In the new world we live in, F2P is probably the only viable business model that will allow the continued longterm support that a competitive fighter needs.
From what I know Street Fighter is constantly tested throughout development. I don't see why NRS can't do what Capcom does in terms of testing. Obviously I'm ignorant as to how this process works but I'm sure it can be done better.
From what I know Street Fighter is constantly tested throughout development. I don't see why NRS can't do what Capcom does in terms of testing. Obviously I'm ignorant as to how this process works but I'm sure it can be done better.
I've never worked at Capcom and I don't know their pipeline, but generally I've been told that game development in the states and japan are very different animals. Most games from any developer in any country are tested at every stage of development, but again, getting the game to work and function is priority over eveyrthing else.

Besides which, Capcom's record when it comes to balance is somewhat overrated in the first place IMO. I don't even know what the first builds were like in Japan, but SFIV still had S tiers in multiple US releases like Yun and Sagat, and Vanilla Marvel and Street Fighter X Tekken are both fairly infamous.


Ayy Lmao
This community is the absolute worst... The "tym shmucks" successfully got Raiden , sub zero reset, lao, AND FUCKIN BARAKA nerfed, amongst many other things. I think its pretty much common sense that infinite's etc should be fixed but, crying for characters to be nerfed within 1-2 months, all while getting mad at top players for NOT TELLING YOU how to beat certain mu's, or play certain characters needs to stop..

This time around also, dont let certain people bully you into thinking a character is ok, and you're just a scrub for not adapting. "kenshi" @AK Pig Of The Hut Ive witnessed a lot of you get pushed around and its sad... like, pathetic sad

Stop the cry for nerfs...

@EGP Wonder_Chef
@AK Juggs
@tym static
@Mikemetroid dont ban me
The fuck you tag me for? o.o


Angry Joshua
Some extensive location tests would hopefully prevent any bullshit before the game is released. Don't just rely on testers

Mortal Komhat

Worst Well-Established Goro Player Ever
Still laughing at some shit said in this thread but w/e.

Eric Z knows the deal in terms of how shit works. Game crash > Competitive balance 2 years down the line when you're in crunch time.

Keep in mind that no matter how good the testers are, they will NOT find all the dirty shit in the testing cycle and even then, how would you guys know what happened behind the scenes?


Mid Tier
Still laughing at some shit said in this thread but w/e.

Eric Z knows the deal in terms of how shit works. Game crash > Competitive balance 2 years down the line when you're in crunch time.

Keep in mind that no matter how good the testers are, they will NOT find all the dirty shit in the testing cycle and even then, how would you guys know what happened behind the scenes?
Thats another thing I have an issue with, Why is the behind the scenes of testing and making a game such a huge secret???

who gives a shit anyways,

Fighting games will always be fucked up. Look at batgirl, still more to come.

Mortal Komhat

Worst Well-Established Goro Player Ever
Thats another thing I have an issue with, Why is the behind the scenes of testing and making a game such a huge secret???

who gives a shit anyways,
The publisher and gamers who base their opinion on a product that's not yet finished. That's not even getting into all the NDAs if they go with a non-inhouse testing firm for shit.

F2P PC releases (at least American ones) have the right idea but nobody's gonna want over 9000 patches and a game released in beta.