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MK10 & This communities cry for early patches.


My blades will find your heart
They just need to completely disregard online play. I dont care what anyone says, online is not good enough to determine character balancing.

People also need to stop with witch hunts. Before you go complaining about something, you need to do everything in your power to find a counter. If there isnt one then the balancing discussion should start.

The only thing that should be balanced in the first few months is bugs/glitches/infinites etc. Everything else should have time to evolve.


Play Monster Hunter!
They just need to completely disregard online play. I dont care what anyone says, online is not good enough to determine character balancing.

People also need to stop with witch hunts. Before you go complaining about something, you need to do everything in your power to find a counter. If there isnt one then the balancing discussion should start.

The only thing that should be balanced in the first few months is bugs/glitches/infinites etc. Everything else should have time to evolve.
Unfortunately I don't think they have the luxury of ignoring the online player base.
They want as many people playing as possible for the first 6 months or so, so they can maximize DLC character and costume sales.
It's kinda bad business if a good chunk of casual players quit because of a character like vanilla Deathstroke.

So there in between a rock and hard place on that situation, no matter what they do they will piss off someone.


Heres the thing, yes their was really dumb shit in MK and IGAU early. Yes most of it got patched out but the problem was due to crying and people not willing to put in the work other characters that seemed REALLY strong got nerfed extremely hard such as Kano, Jade, Sindel, Nightwolf, Doomsday Trait and splash nerfs *Don't care what anyone says, Doomsday didn't need those nerfs*. We have no idea what the game would have been like in the end run for these characters due to patches to early coming about cuz netplayers crying. I understand the casual market is important but they seriously can do harm to games due to lack of understanding how FGS work and alot of people here cuz the scene is still REALLY young in comparison to other scenes. I'd personally much rather ride out on some bullshit and only see literal game breaking stuff like crashes and block infinites tweaked for the first few months before we dive into character balancing before we get another Kano.


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Premium Supporter
Guys, we all just need to convert over to smogon and play pokemon...seriously.
Dude, I made a thread there like 4 years ago or something. Don't even remember what the thread was about, but I posted it in the wrong place.

Got banned for 1 month.

Sent an email to the mod that banned me asking why I was banned.

Got perma banned for "arguing with a mod".

True story.


Dude, I made a thread there like 4 years ago or something. Don't even remember what the thread was about, but I posted it in the wrong place.

Got banned for 1 month.

Sent an email to the mod that banned me asking why I was banned.

Got perma banned for "arguing with a mod".

True story.
Sounds like early SMOGON >.>


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Premium Supporter
Sounds like early SMOGON >.>
Well, it was a long time ago. But it turned me off of not only the site and community, but even competitive pokemon. I know it wasn't that serious, but getting permabanned for asking why I was banned in the first place really pissed me off, lol.


Well, it was a long time ago. But it turned me off of not only the site and community, but even competitive pokemon. I know it wasn't that serious, but getting permabanned for asking why I was banned in the first place really pissed me off, lol.
Early SMOGON was pretty horrible adn that was pretty much what the scene acted like at the time, don't blame you for getting turned off of it.


Sorry this is off-topic but it really irks me for some reason.
There = location (Hey look over there!)
Their = possessive (I really like Five Guys, their burgers are awesome.)
They're = conjunction of 'they' and 'are' (Wow, they're so free to Scorpion's teleport.)
Come on guys, this is like 4th grade English. :confused:
Sorry this is off-topic but it really irks me for some reason.
There = location (Hey look over there!)
Their = possessive (I really like Five Guys, their burgers are awesome.)
They're = conjunction of 'they' and 'are' (Wow, they're so free to Scorpion's teleport.)
Come on guys, this is like 4th grade English. :confused:
It's the internet Bruh....


Sorry this is off-topic but it really irks me for some reason.
There = location (Hey look over there!)
Their = possessive (I really like Five Guys, their burgers are awesome.)
They're = conjunction of 'they' and 'are' (Wow, they're so free to Scorpion's teleport.)
Come on guys, this is like 4th grade English. :confused:
I'm so mad I keep fucking up lol
They just need to completely disregard online play. I dont care what anyone says, online is not good enough to determine character balancing.
No one says online is fit for balancing in terms of competitive play. It's just given over 90% of matches are going to be played online, it's not something that can be ignored. Yeah, Deathstroke was a casualty of online making him ridiculously better than he was offline- but that was still the way most people experienced him, and the way it mattered in terms of their judgment of the game.

Fortunately, this shouldn't even be a problem by next game. Just going by the rate of improvement from Mortal Kombat to Injustice, the next game should at least be around Killer Instinct's high standard.


This happens with every fighting game. You see an influx of noobies bitching about this character and that character and these people who demand buff/nerds are only looking out for themselves and not the community as a whole. Once several months has passed you start to see more players who stick around and are interested in balancing the game and make the game fair for everyone.

You CANNOT stop players from whining and crying for buffs and nerds and the only thing we can do is to ride it out. I think NRS should consider the appropriate timespan to release each patch and they should also need to learn to weed out noobies from the pros and only listen to the opinion that matters the most. When I say patches I only refer to character and game balance and I should note that glitches and bugs are the two things that need to be ironed out ASAP.

You should also need to consider that NRS aims at casuals also and they need them to drive the sales up. Look at the DLCS. NRS listen to the casual players simply because they need their attention and interest for as long as they can to boost sales for their DLC. It's not a simple matter of who NRS should listen to in regards to patches and there are factors that they need to take into account.


No one says online is fit for balancing in terms of competitive play. It's just given over 90% of matches are going to be played online, it's not something that can be ignored. Yeah, Deathstroke was a casualty of online making him ridiculously better than he was offline- but that was still the way most people experienced him, and the way it mattered in terms of their judgment of the game.

Fortunately, this shouldn't even be a problem by next game. Just going by the rate of improvement from Mortal Kombat to Injustice, the next game should at least be around Killer Instinct's high standard.
Why do people say online play doesn't matter? I agree with you most of the matches is online but in terms of competitive play online is a no no. Not EVERYONE have the time and luxury to compete in tournaments like some of you guys do


agreed. Interactables don't help.
Interactables and stages being present make this game more random by default. I remember when it was confirmed that it was tournament standard and I was against it. However, it adds a layer of depth that no other fighting game can emulate (for good or bad).

It was definitely exciting at first but now I think it's a nuisance.


Why do people say online play doesn't matter? I agree with you most of the matches is online but in terms of competitive play online is a no no. Not EVERYONE have the time and luxury to compete in tournaments like some of you guys do
Online does not matter when regarding balance decisions. People that play this game at a low level should not have a say on what is unfair or not.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Online does not matter when regarding balance decisions. People that play this game at a low level should not have a say on what is unfair or not.
Unfortunately, the number of casual players FAR outnumber the number of competitive players. The masses saying characters are too messed up for them unfortunately affects the decision to buy said game for a number of potential buyers. Customers being turned away = less money being made. For a company, that's not a good look.

As much as we want to wish it weren't true...casual crowd DOES help keep the hardcore crowd afloat, since more people buying a game leads to more support for said game or even sequels. Which helps us.

Capcom actually satisfying the hardcore crowd for SF4 is actually mind-boggling, considering the company is apparently in trouble, and there are nowhere near the same amount of people buying the newer editions as there were for vanilla SF4.


Unfortunately, the number of casual players FAR outnumber the number of competitive players. The masses saying characters are too messed up for them unfortunately affects the decision to buy said game for a number of potential buyers. Customers being turned away = less money being made. For a company, that's not a good look.

As much as we want to wish it weren't true...casual crowd DOES help keep the hardcore crowd afloat, since more people buying a game leads to more support for said game or even sequels. Which helps us.

Capcom actually satisfying the hardcore crowd for SF4 is actually mind-boggling, considering the company is apparently in trouble, and there are nowhere near the same amount of people buying the newer editions as there were for vanilla SF4.
For sure, I understand all of that. However, logically casual players do not know what is "too good" or not. Balancing around casual's complaints has allowed characters like MMH and Kabal to go under the radar.


Salt Proprietor of TYM
Dude, I made a thread there like 4 years ago or something. Don't even remember what the thread was about, but I posted it in the wrong place.

Got banned for 1 month.

Sent an email to the mod that banned me asking why I was banned.

Got perma banned for "arguing with a mod".

True story.
Should've watched yo' mouth son. :p


Capcom actually satisfying the hardcore crowd for SF4 is actually mind-boggling, considering the company is apparently in trouble, and there are nowhere near the same amount of people buying the newer editions as there were for vanilla SF4.
Because the updates are cheaper to develop and they get better ROI than if they did a new game.

IMO, NRS should look into something like this. At the very least, have one major balance pass when they release the Komplete/Ultimate edition down the line.


Because the updates are cheaper to develop and they get better ROI than if they did a new game.

IMO, NRS should look into something like this. At the very least, have one major balance pass when they release the Komplete/Ultimate edition down the line.
I'd just like to say your avatar is awesome. Good shit, sir.
Reactions: d3v


"On your Knees!"
Just be happy that NRS made MK9, sure it has "Broken characters" but the point is they made it which was really good and won its awards for being the best fighting game in 2011 the community liked it. But from what I see after the 2 yrs run it had in tourneys it looks like most of the FGC just spat at it and stomped on it.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
I for one would never mention early patches, but if something is broken it needs to be fixed(once the games out) people should never judge something off a "trailer or early build" that's just dumb.

Besides, no fighter is "perfect" there will always be a broken, rigged or OP character don't care what the game is....


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Because the updates are cheaper to develop and they get better ROI than if they did a new game.

IMO, NRS should look into something like this. At the very least, have one major balance pass when they release the Komplete/Ultimate edition down the line.
That is true.

And I agree about the balance pass. This somewhat did happen with just about every DLC character release. Usually balance patches accompanied it. Maybe something along these lines would be better in the long run, and would allow NRS to keep up with supporting the game over a longer period of time. Like, maybe releasing the characters in a pack, and having the pack be the only way to access the balance changes, sorta like what Capcom did with AE.