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Lupe Fiasco deletes derogatory MK tweet after being challenged by SonicFox


Live by the sword, Die by the sword
Not sure why people are getting all worked up and attacking Lupe.

He was a fan of Daigo. Wanted to play him. Capcom took the chance to promote SFV. Daigo let a fan win an exhibition match. Lupe was humble and was happy as hell to win to someone he looked up to.

Daigo doesn't care letting a fan win, Lupe got his dream, Capcom got their promoting. That's all there is to it. Not sure why people are feuding on Twitter and people attacking him personally.


You think you bad? You aint bad.
I really don't think he was all that serious. And to bash his career is a whole other thing of fucked up. I'm usually never made over Internet postings, but a lot of comments here are going a bit far. He does actually make really great music if you listen to his lyricism. Stories of a life or about bringing someone up.

This wouldn't be the first time someone said "This game is for those who can't play this game". Ever think it's true? When I realized how bad I was at Killer Instinct I went back to playing SF4 or uMvC3. It's a statement that can also be true as well as just trolling. When I sacked at CoD. I went to Battlefield.
Why are people of TYM so quick to attack people without thinking?
SonicFox defended his game yes, but also bashed street fighter in the same process. Why can't all FGs be appreciated for their unique styles and gameplay.?
Street fighter is almost EVERYONE'S childhood game and or favorite. I'm not sure, but doesn't street fighter usually have more views over MKX anyways?
I feel a lot of posts a really a bit ridiculous.


You think you bad? You aint bad.
Not sure why people are getting all worked up and attacking Lupe.

He was a fan of Daigo. Wanted to play him. Capcom took the chance to promote SFV. Daigo let a fan win an exhibition match. Lupe was humble and was happy as hell to win to someone he looked up to.

Daigo doesn't care letting a fan win, Lupe got his dream, Capcom got their promoting. That's all there is to it. Not sure why people are feuding on Twitter and people attacking him personally.
Daigle also let a fan child beat him in a match too. Which believe or not was actually hype. Noone talks about that.
I'm sure it's more than just promotional events. Capcom also likes to have fun with their fans and customers as well. It's wrong for one to say someone else is doing this and that for their own cause. Not true. That was a good day for the Capcom community and very entertaining.


B2s and Birdarangs
"I'll beat him on SF and drag him to a real game"

This was a joke yeah? SF is the ultimate in fighting games. That game will be alive for like 5-6 years while ours may last another year or two.
Well that kills any interest I have in MKX lol. Cheers, split.


You think you bad? You aint bad.
"I'll beat him on SF and drag him to a real game"

This was a joke yeah? SF is the ultimate in fighting games. That game will be alive for like 5-6 years while ours may last another year or two.
Mk9 for example...


I love it.

I thought it was a fucking tasteless as all hell idea for them to set that shtick up with Daigo just for Lupe to put himself over.

That's not to speak ill of the Beast. Business is business and anyone who knows the name Umehara knows he had nothing to lose and everything to gain in such a situation.

If you wanna publicize the FGC, go for it, that's awesome. But you don't follow that up by getting yourself put in the Fox's scope.
If Capcom and NRS are WWE and ECW, then Sonic is New Jack, and New Jack doesn't take shit from anybody. You oughta know better...
Oh Box. Can we look forward to a Delaware fall?


All too easy...
"I'll beat him on SF and drag him to a real game"

This was a joke yeah? SF is the ultimate in fighting games. That game will be alive for like 5-6 years while ours may last another year or two.
Yeah i find it funny how NRS players view SF. Just in this thread I saw "poke fighter V", "how can SF compare to MK when characters like Guile have had the same 2 specials for 20 years", "at least MKX was worth 60 bucks at release" etc... god damn it makes them sound casual as shit lol, some people just dont get it though.

The poking is obviously because SF is a footsie based game which most NRS players arent eally good at or have the patients for so when they try SF theyjhust mash quick pokes rather than use them deliberately but thats whatever. Lets compare how NRS approached MKX to how Capcom is approaching SFV. MKX as we all know was a shit show at launch because of all the variations and NRS has no idea how to balance a fighting game. It happened with Injustice with Supes and it happened again here. The reason for this is because NRS always tries to change their formula up every game so they can play the "we never make the same game twice" card for casuals. As a result each game has a completely different meta that NRS doesnt wven understand on release, and judging the last patch/KP2 characters overall, they barely even understand it after a year lol. Certain variations still dont mean shit to NRS so they havent been touched while others were over buffed, some over nerfed, etc. Capcom though is basically the opposite. They take their previous game and try to improve upon it by learning from their mistakes, the added crush counters to prevent scrubs from mashing pokes or DPs, they also got rid of the vortexes caused by hard knockdowns etc. This approach is also why characters moves havent changed in 20 years, because they are STILL trying to improve upon the design of those moves in terms of gameplay. That is why every character in SFV is also complete feeling on release, that and the fact that they only had to focus on 16 so they were able to completely flush out the details of the characters mechanics and balance. With only 16 characters too it means the whole community only has to start with learning 16 match ups and basically every character is going to have equal exposure, unlike MKX where Bio was vasically the only FT player in the world so no one knew shit about them and misinformation spreads everywhere. Not to mention SFV has the tournament/Capcom Cup info built into the game.

If there was every a single game to represent the FGC as a whole its SFV, it will never be an NRS game until NRS gets their shit together and learns what it means to develop a competitive fighting game. Or we could just keep dick riding MKX with all its rampant riskless 50-50 scenarios and endless gimmicks. I mean I obviously love NRS games and consider my self an NRS player first and foremost but lets not act like MKX is better than it is competitively
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Live by the sword, Die by the sword
You have the SF community showing respect towards him( how it was great for him to be at the show pictures of Daigo and him hanging out with the fans) and then you have the NRS community challenging and insulting (attacking his music and how he terrible at SF) on twitter. Doesn't make our scene look good and honestly I think some of the comments went too far.


If you buy fame in the fighting game community, Sonic Fox is going to call you out on it and he won't be bought.

Daigo knew his fans would see right through this ruse and he took the money.

So, the greatest SF player of all time - is free for the right amount of cash...

...and the greatest MK player of all time cannot be bought.

So, MK wins...
Daigo sounds like a smart man then


You think you bad? You aint bad.
People hitting Daigo for letting someone beat him. Now how many other people have done this? Lots. Athletes or anybody. Who cares? They were gonna get paid regardless. It was about THE FUN and ENTERTAINMENT. Which this game and community seems like they could use.
I'm part of the Capcom community, TYM community. ..and SMITE community. This is the only one that I've ever seen bash so many different things critcally. It's crazy man.


cr. HP Master
His opinion means next to nothing for me. So, I'm not all torn up about this like some of you lol. Still a fun read.


Normalize grab immunity.
Lol TYM. This shit is silly on all fronts. And some of the tweets and comments in here is just foolish beyond belief. In 2016 grown adults still getting super emotional over a game like it's last gen console wars. All while exposing your very own casual mindset.

Also that title. Gotta get full emotional response huh?


You think you bad? You aint bad.
Lol TYM. This shit is silly on all fronts. And some of the tweets and comments in here is just foolish beyond belief. In 2016 grown adults still getting super emotional over a game like it's last gen console wars. All while exposing your very own casual mindset.

Also that title. Gotta get full emotional response huh?
Lol TYM. This shit is silly on all fronts. And some of the tweets and comments in here is just foolish beyond belief. In 2016 grown adults still getting super emotional over a game like it's last gen console wars. All while exposing your very own casual mindset.

Also that title. Gotta get full emotional response huh?
Well it pretty much worked didn't it?


Dojo Trainee
Video games aside because people are attacking his art now.. In the south when someone says something incredibly stupid, we say, "Bless your heart child.. You're so pretty."

That's a delicate way of saying that since you're not very smart, there's the off chance that if you keep your mouth shut till after the wedding you might land a good husband on looks alone.

We say that to girls mostly but whatever.. Internet.. Not sure how I would tweak it for Nickelback fans..
Thanks for my daily dose of sexism!


Mid-Tier 'Mancer Main
The cringe in this thread is off the charts. Once again the MK community shows it won't get rid of that chip on its shoulder and needs to constantly try to prove themselves in comparison to Street Fighter.


Dojo Trainee
Guys Guys Guys its all Love, someone took a shot at NRS/MK and we are on a NRS/MK forum, so it should be expected that ppl are gonna clap back and rip the person, Lupe happens to be a rapper, so ppl are ripping him and his music, and since he brought up Street Fighter, ppl are taking shots at Street Fighter, its all Love.

No matter what game forum you are on, ppl dont take kindly to their game being dumped on and often will defend that game and rip the other games, trust the responses would be the same no matter what game/community

Its all Love


Likes nerds with big ...
Even though Sonic Fox totally instigated it, this Mr Fiasco (honestly, the last time I heard this name was in high school. What does his music even sound like?) was trying to come for MK players and skill level. Sonic Fox totally snatched that wig and dragged her off a damn cliff! Yaaaassssss

Also not surprised at the response being "for shame MK community! Shame on yew". Yawn, you lot are so cute. But weren't some of you getting your panties in a twist regarding nerfs and have literally spewed hate on fictional characters for no reason (ex: Tanya). K dolls.


The cringe in this thread is off the charts. Once again the MK community shows it won't get rid of that chip on its shoulder and needs to constantly try to prove themselves in comparison to Street Fighter.
Did you ever see an MK player call out an SF player in their game? I didn't. But how many SF players called out MK players and backed out? Definitely some. No one is trying to prove anything. Everything's been proven. SF players can't back up their words.
Also good stuff Sonic Fox.