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Lupe Fiasco deletes derogatory MK tweet after being challenged by SonicFox


You think you bad? You aint bad.
Did you ever see an MK player call out an SF player in their game? I didn't. But how many SF players called out MK players and backed out? Definitely some. No one is trying to prove anything. Everything's been proven. SF players can't back up their words.
Also good stuff Sonic Fox.
I swear J.Wong and Filipino Champ have played in some tourneys. :/


wait is this the real Lupe Fiasco? as is in 'The Show Goes On' or am I an idiot here?
Or is this a Tom Brady sort of thing?

either way, if Sonic Fox wants to challenge you, hes probably serious.
If some one challenges Sonic Fox and he agrees, then do it.
The whole FGC would love to see it no ?

First to 10 MKX
First to 10 SFV

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My GT: UncappedWheel82
The cringe in this thread is off the charts. Once again the MK community shows it won't get rid of that chip on its shoulder and needs to constantly try to prove themselves in comparison to Street Fighter.
Did you ever see an MK player call out an SF player in their game? I didn't. But how many SF players called out MK players and backed out? Definitely some. No one is trying to prove anything. Everything's been proven. SF players can't back up their words.
Also good stuff Sonic Fox.
Prinz has got a point. I feel as though there will always be intercommunity animosity between SF and MK, but all in all it is at a relatively low level now. At the beginning of MKX there was a lot of crossover from the SF competitors, and now at the beginning of SFV there is crossover there too.

Thing is though, I still remember MK getting called out for being "subpar" in the MK9 days. Back then though, us NRS heads were some what punching up. I also remember FChamp (kidding or not) calling out MK players in the Injustice days, and even to today you still see that there are some SF players who believe their players are beyond all others in terms of skill. It's not true, but that is how they feel...

Do you ever watch the Daily Dot: Best of 3 show? Some months ago Xian was addressing a question about skill levels between players from different games in regards to Snake Eyes saying that he thought that SF players were the best FG players across all communities. Xian disagreed, saying that there are very good players in other games (he was mainly talking about GG and other Anime type games), but he brought up players like Kazunoko and Tokido, saying that they do extremely well in SF though their roots aren't from that community.

So yeah, MK players, and players from other communities that are not Capcom too, sometimes do get up in arms when people who are really just ignorant, go off spouting nonsense. IDK. It gets old...but yeah, like Prinz alluded to, you (or at least I) rarely see it coming from MK player directed at SF players.

FYI: To be fair to Snake Eyes here, so that I'm not conveying his sentiments in the wrong light, just yesterday SE was asked about the Lupe/Fox Twitter beef on the Best of 3 show, and said that he feels that there are some in the NRS community who would do well as SF5.


You think you bad? You aint bad.
They have. But that's not the point. Champ did talk trash about MK though, and got mopped. Then never seen again.
He said some smart ass stuff about Capcom players being able to win a MKX tournament. But at least he stepped up. He disappeared because he's a huge MvC3 player and he was beefing with KBR. But that's just his ego


Kuff Bano
wait is this the real Lupe Fiasco? as is in 'The Show Goes On' or am I an idiot here?
Or is this a Tom Brady sort of thing?

either way, if Sonic Fox wants to challenge you, hes probably serious.
If some one challenges Sonic Fox and he agrees, then do it.
The whole FGC would love to see it no ?

First to 10 MKX
First to 10 SFV



“My AGENT is tougher than you...”
Going by the title, i expected lupe to have said something far worse.
Actually..it WAS worse

Lupe was tweeting to MK fans who were upset about why all the hate to the NRS community

Dont quote me on this but i remember having the page open (and stupidly didnt screen cap everything as i was multitasking to get the info out quick to Storms and Tim)...

And i remember someone calmly tweeting Lupe confused as to why the hate and he just said "Fuck MK/the community'..

So that's why most folks were up in arms..sorry i couldn't get the rest of the tweets
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Everyone's going to have an opinion on a game, and then there are going to be people who are going to make opinions about those opinions. There is no point in freaking out about what he said (if that's what any of you are doing) but if someone wants to call him out also, just like sonic fox did, then all of you pretending to be on some high horse about "everyone shouldn't be affected and should just let it go blah blah. ..." are just as annoying.

If lupe wants to make a comment like that, even a troll one, then people are going to call him out


“My AGENT is tougher than you...”
Ha man had no idea this all made front page LOL! Very cool!

It was painfully obvious what he was doing after the first three tweets. Wrestling fans should be able to recognize good heel work.
While that may be true if you didnt see the Tweets Lupe was going IN on the Mk scene/community...thus why Sonic Fox tweeted etc..

Though i cant confirm if this was before or after NRS tweeted Lupe

Also if its a WWEsports Heel turn to drum up "hype" then sure why not but i also Remember A certain Person who talked shit and called out the MK community saying SF/Capcom players were going to Dominate Injustice...and we all know how well THAT went dont we....?



He said some smart ass stuff about Capcom players being able to win a MKX tournament. But at least he stepped up. He disappeared because he's a huge MvC3 player and he was beefing with KBR. But that's just his ego
Yes he stepped up and got his ass handed to him. Why he went out of his way in the first place, guess he wanted an ass whopin'. Does Lupe want one too?:DOGE If so, I wanna see Sonic give it to him.


some one, please, is this the real Lupe Fiasco ? and he plays SF competitively or wtf is going on?
is Kanye pro at Smash 4 and I didnt know as well?


“My AGENT is tougher than you...”
some one, please, is this the real Lupe Fiasco ? and he plays SF competitively or wtf is going on?
is Kanye pro at Smash 4 and I didnt know as well?
Yep its really him and nope he does play competitively.. he "retired" after his "exhibition" match with Diego


Live by the sword, Die by the sword
some one, please, is this the real Lupe Fiasco ? and he plays SF competitively or wtf is going on?
is Kanye pro at Smash 4 and I didnt know as well?
It's the real Lupe. He posted on Twitter how he love playing SF and how he is a Fan of Daigo. Capcom setup an Exhibition match at the launch of SFV.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

Oh Box. Can we look forward to a Delaware fall?
Vic Grimes crushing his skull falling out of the sky would be a perfect metaphor for it if he were to actually go through with it, but the Fox lays down for no one.

Kinda wish Joe Budden would step up and take the ass whooping just because it'd be hype as all hell and he'd probably have a blast just getting in on the fun.


You think you bad? You aint bad.
Yes he stepped up and got his ass handed to him. Why he went out of his way in the first place, guess he wanted an ass whopin'. Does Lupe want one too?:DOGE If so, I wanna see Sonic give it to him.
Well it's a two way road. Noone in SF is gonna body any MKX player. And no MKX player is gonna body a SF player in their respective games


You think you bad? You aint bad.


Normalize grab immunity.
Lol "lupe made fun of our block button" so then "fuck the elitist illuminati sf players".

Y'all are plain ridiculous.

Everyone shits on Marvel cause ToDs. You know what that community does every time the next broken tech is found? Say "yo mahvel!" "This is the game we play!" "Yipes commentary".

This Could've easily turned in to a nice enlightening moment for lupe. Maybe even another exhibition. But nope.

Am I the only one who thinks the block button eliminates a whole layer of mixups and is probably the main justification NRS usused to include the increasing amount of low risk/high reward 50/50 or "unblockable" setups that seemingly no one likes?


Mid-Tier 'Mancer Main
Did you ever see an MK player call out an SF player in their game? I didn't. But how many SF players called out MK players and backed out? Definitely some. No one is trying to prove anything. Everything's been proven. SF players can't back up their words.
Also good stuff Sonic Fox.
There's thread after thread about this victim complex the MK community wants to continue to propogate. It's pathetic. Instead of buying into this sort of childish bullshit from stream monsters and people insecure about how well received MKX has been, why don't you take the high road like that NRS tweet exemplified? The sooner people who have an Anti--MK agenda determine that their antics aren't rustling your jimmies, the sooner it stops. Instead you have people making asses of themselves by saying "1v1 me bro" like that stupid shit is gonna put a stop to this us vs them mentality.
Lol "lupe made fun of our block button" so then "fuck the elitist illuminati sf players".

Y'all are plain ridiculous.

Everyone shits on Marvel cause ToDs. You know what that community does every time the next broken tech is found? Say "yo mahvel!" "This is the game we play!" "Yipes commentary".

This Could've easily turned in to a nice enlightening moment for lupe. Maybe even another exhibition. But nope.

Am I the only one who thinks the block button eliminates a whole layer of mixups and is probably the main justification NRS usused to include the increasing amount of low risk/high reward 50/50 or "unblockable" setups that seemingly no one likes?
VF,DOA,Soul Calibur... got a Block Button aswell that means VF is a Scrub Game this guy has no clue what he is talkin about.