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Logical Suggested Balance MK9


Just a slightly above average player.....
Yes and no lol I remembered playing Raiden at that moment against you death but I really main kenshi. I just tried to repick him up in between match ups but it had been a while and I just didn't remember much about him.
They also nurf the hell out of his teleport didn't know it was that bad! But yeah no real match up exp with millenna tbh just not used to seeing her on screen.


Sex Kick
no real match up exp with millenna tbh
That's not good, because she's who I switch to when I lose with Scorpion.
I also have a fair bit of experience vs. Teef's Kenshi, so I know the strategy for fighting him.

I also play a decent Reptile, and that's just a bad match for Kenshi all around.
Could play you online to help you level up against her...not that it would be quality experience or anything cause it's online, but it would give you some loose ideas.


Just a slightly above average player.....
Actually I am working on a few viable tournament chars over the next three months and I just plan on counter picking people from here on out. This game honestly revolves around the counter pick unless you play one of the select few chars that have godlike damage or armored moves.
Actually I am working on a few viable tournament chars over the next three months and I just plan on counter picking people from here on out. This game honestly revolves around the counter pick unless you play one of the select few chars that have godlike damage or armored moves.
KounterPickKombat as demonstrated at NEC. It's not about what you know it's about who you know.


Sex Kick
MK9 isn't about counter picking in most cases IMHO. Now if your character happens to have a 7-3 match against them, like Sheeva vs. Mileena...then I'd counter pick that Mileena.
For the most part it's just about knowing the match up you're playing, and out thinking/out playing the opponent.

And yeah, my avatar is the closest replication of me I could find. (since it conveys my positive attitude and tone, which my text obviously doesn't)
So it better be creepy!!!


Just a slightly above average player.....
In a casual setting it isn't but in a high end tournament setting it really is. As far as Pimpuigi's avatar Dan from street fighter is kinda funny so I guess it's cool.


Kenshi Moderator
Alright! i am back and cant wait to answer on some stuff here!

i dont mean to be a douche, but again! i know my english aint that great, and as my friends told me after further explanation...some of the wall txt as well as the"!" and capital makes it sound completely different.
some stuff i wanted to explain and came out COMPLETELY different to people, without even realising the actual buggy content of the brokeness of the stated suggestion (for example the fuzzygaurd issue and RELATING it severely toward scorpion)

i shall post later today a fully re written suggestion with the upgrades of more bugs, errors fix, and suggested fixing.

Please Note: i shall write the rule again...this is For fun guys! nothing means that it's gonna happen. so instead of crying and cursing...etc. if u want to dis agree, just dis agree. other than that, it's just oppinions and i can back them up with proves as well.

nothing mentioned here IS OFF!! what i am mentioning in here are stuff that are threat in hindering the game in my opinion, with SOME exceptions of fantasy WHAT IF suggestion on nerfs and buffs, where i see them(most of them) VERY important and necessary.

shall update the list later today. also i am currently making a vid for all those bugs , frame issues....etc that will help in FURTHER explaining some of the issues here. the reaosn why they are usefull? cause i will be showing the HIT boxs, hurtboxes, actual frame input...etc so people can understand the issues

the vid will be around 10 min if not more.

thnx all for who posted and i shall respond to all later today . thnx again ^_^

PS: PLEASE...i beg you all. no need for off topic. i didnt answer for a while to make this thread calm down, and it DID work. so please no more of the inner fight and grudges...etc like what happened when pimpuiggi just go into fights as well as others.
please keep it clean and civilized guys.

thank you



Kenshi Moderator
Major Problems that must be solved:
Please note: I understand that some of those major bugs are not fixable at all unless the game is COmpletely re designed (a new MK). though, lets put these up for the Future MK series.

1-Input bug fixing

2-Meter drain option select fixing

3-block system change and less recovery on block stun. A block system which suits the MK engine, and not an older altared one which doesnt fit with the speed and style of the game. for instant, the block system in here...i believe they took it carbon copy of MKVSDC

4-Fix negative edge to not be that activley fast input

5-Block Nuetralizing on block in general or fuzzy guard should'nt affect Fuzzy gaurd issues related to unblockables. (related to fixing block stun system). this will cancel the un blockable Vortexs and instead, give it a 50 / 50 chance instead of 100 / to nothing

6-Jump in punch bug removal. Inputs nulling Player to block after

7-universal throw escape

8-the ability to poke between blocked jump punch and then throw. related to block system and stun block. Nerf the stun damage on the Jump Punch

9-Restrictions on Jump in Dive kicks and FB's, where there is a certain height/frame restriction and not as early as 3 frames from the initial 10 frames of the jump

10-Fix side changes on teleport where it doesnt add up extra frames due to side changes that is done to the character while opponent is teleporting. (Input bug related) usually this bug happens with characters with multiple screen hurtbox changes (example, Raiden and kung EX teleport)

11- A Suggestion of a Universal Uppercut speed? or possibly increase slightly the speed of slow uppercutters. Hitbox stays the same.

Fix: Means there's something wrong in them and it's required to be fix with a reasonable solution

S*: Suggestion of a buff or nerf in order to fix the current Situation to altar a better balance. this suggestion is strongly recommended to balance the character

S*2: Second suggestion to hint an idea. Not critical/ major at all. just an idea to add up in order to balance out the buffs or nerfs added

S*3: a completly suggestion that is not that important for now. though it can be heared and discussed for further understanding as well as figuring out solutions

- Shang tsung:
1- S*: no chip on soul seal. no damage on soul steal
2- S*: Damage output form transformation should be nerfed. damage boost only when using EX meter while in shape shift form.
3- S*: more stun block on soul steal trap. as well as the ground skull. more recovery time on up skills
4- S*2: Armor on EX up ball or Soul Steal for wake up purpose
5- FIX: soul steal bug fix
6- Fix: EX armor on soul steal as wake up. armor should be the same like the other armor attributes.

- Cyrax:
1- S*: More recovery on bombs. the reset will still be viable , though corner bomb setup will be escapable with a LOT more soloutions, even some with Normals on hit.
2- S*: decrease the active time of stun on Cyrax net. for example, full screen projectile trade, cannot 100% give advantage to cyrax due to teleport. Same goes for Air captured net, should be tops same time like Subzero's regular air freeze, if not even less due to combo potential
3- S*: overall damage reduction and off reset the damage continues from the first half of the combo. by means reduce scaling on the net combos. example of a combo (if there are reset, first half will do actual damage due to the scale base of the first hits. then the net will reduce the second reset damage.) "damage carries on"
4- S*" EX net should only drain half meter only from opponent
5- Fix: No cost of meters on using any regular bombs on ground
6- S*/Fix: Human cyrax teleport: removal of the Zero frame advantage after teleport. it should be punishable/ no invincibility
7- S*/Fix: Human Cyrax Net hurtbox animation made slightly higher, so it's not complete Advatange against even JIK.
8- S*: on reset and damage Carry on, the 4th or 3rd net should carry on as well with the same stun effect, canceling any above 60% combo due to the recovery (that if the combo damage based on them to scale further)

Way 1-S*: more frame recovery on f+4,1,2. also increase the frame startup of f+4,1,2 (or increase the frame end recovery of Cr+1)
2-S*/Fix: No more EX ground bounce Loops in corner (no more loops). by means, cannot re link cr+1 after a guarenteed OTG EX ground shake setup/ or completely kill gravity on the EX ground shake so u can preform something simple like cr+1~ forward punch strike (qcf+2)
3-S*: decrease the speed of projectile and/or increase recovery frame of projectile.
4-S*: Add 1 more frame startup for cr+1(Refrence number 1)
5-S*2: Faster Sweep
6-S*: increase frame recovery on whiffed grab (qcf+1). No more Frame trap and pressure on guard with qcf+1's

1-Fix:Issue related to the Fuzzy gaurd Bug , where scorpion can 100% vortex while opponent is fully gaurding resulting from the Fuzzy gaurding bug.instead , nullyfy the idea of Fuzzy gaurd, in such case, scorpion will have a true 50 / 50 chance of vortex.
2-Fix: Fix Med Air teleport (whether ex or not) against some characters (E.g: Reptile). Med Air teleport should never whiff on standing characters

-Kung lao:
1-S*2: On block: Over head 2 or Late 3 on block should not give full Frame advantage/ reset to null afterlanding from teleport.
2-S*: Further increase on low hat stagger time on block (more recovery)
3-S*: Dive kick should be same attribute like sonya's, where they are more punishable on whiffing
4-S*: No auto correct divekicks

1-S*/Fix: No auto correct divekicks, it should be always directed forward.

1-S*/Fix: Remove the Guard block meter runes by making more recovery time on EX runes. thus it will be stuffable in between by either fast pokes or armored moves. this will cancel any Quanchi Guarenteed EX rune traps loops on gaurd completely.thus it will become more of a mix up trap than a complete un escapable trap
2-S*3: Possible Mind control attribute to be used as anti Air after standing 1 or crouch 1 on air to air
3-S*/Fix: reduce Meter gain from the block traps as well as in general, Mind control move. Quanchi should not be massively rewarded like that at all (example: the Mayo Trap).
4-S*/fix: EX mind control only drains half meter tops!

1-Fix: EX TK or regular should not have Random Hurtbox atributes depending on distance. Example, EX ball charge by reptile should always Catch the TK's on landing.
2-Fix: X ray auto correct bug, and out of screen bug at corners. X ray should not auto correct depending on different characters hurt boxes.
3-S*: Restriction on her IAFB

1-Fix: Fix the EX armor attribute bug, where Break freeze wont happen ever. Breaker should always hit her even on armor. complete removal or Breaker game freeze bug
2-S*3: Decrease the hight of the hop on qcb+1 attack, and that it's not punishable in between with a stuffed poke or special moves.

1-Fix: Fix Med Air teleport (whether ex or not) against some characters (E.g: Reptile). Med Air teleport should never whiff on standing characters
2-Fix: X ray auto correct bug, and out of screen bug at corners. X ray should not auto correct depending on different characters hurt boxes.

1-S*2: Regular teleport should have more frame recovery. add 1 frame only while Making teleport distance a little further than close (between close and sweep, like reptile elbow dash pushback) (subject to change)
2-S*2: Vacinity blast hitbox is lowered by a bit, where only Small characters can escape any vacinity tech traps while blocking. other char hurtbox's will only escape by unblocking depending on the target combo. Note: this doesnt mean only small char will escape vacinity traps, small character are still subject to stun damage, were hit stun damage attacks causes them to be forced to block vacinity trap (example, Jump in punch damage stun)
3-S*: continuing to Suggestion (2) removal of vacinity blast 0 frames. this will be -1 for raiden instead of zero (1 extra frame recovery)
EDIT: i am trying to figure out a way to play around with vacinity blast. though the issue of multiple hurtbox on opponent will be an issue. thus , it will make vacinity trap Viable again but ONLY small chars will be able to escape depending on stun damage caused. Subject to change of course, if u have any suggestion on how , please go ahead. though the idea is to make vacinity blast -1 on block or even more, instead of Zero.

1-S*ecrease the Stun time on Spinning on opponent resulting from Regular Nomade dash connect. by means you cannot jump three times while opponent is still stunned. this only affect regular dash and not EX nomad dash
2-S*: Increase the active frame time to re input another IA projectile. by means, you cannot spam the Gas blast over and over, u wil have to wait for a moment to re jump and do a Gas blast
3-FiX: Fix Saw bug where it gets excuted and nothing comes out. instead make it that u cant preform the move until active time frame is passed.
4-S*: More recovery frames on regular nomad dash cancels
5-S*: IA projectile should have an arc to be done at. for instance, u cannot IA projectile that low on ground at all, instead give it restrictions.

1-Fix: Fix Regular up missles, that if they exited the stage, the hitbox wont be canceled if sektor got hit. by means, if Missle left the Stage, the missle will land even if sektor hit.(Buff)
2-S*: Faster travel speed of EX missle, depending on distance. Full screen moves faster, closer moves slower. (buff when it comes to FB trading) (nerf against reflecting trap, and fix for Reflect bugs)
3-S*: 1 extra frame recovery on Regular forward missles

1-Fix: Removal of smoke bomb reset while bomb still OTG
2-S*2: Increase the speed of EX bomb
3-S*: Air teleport should leave Smoke hanging slightly for more frames in the air, and not as safe as it is now.(1 extra frame recovery). No Jump arc limitation, teleport can be done as early as 3 frames of jump or even before.

-Cyber subzero:
1-S*/Fix: Removal of Auto correct dive kicks
2-S*: Whiffed dive kicks should not be completely safe. add more frames recovery maybe? should be the same like sonya
3-S*3: EX dive kick on block should not be completely safe. either put more recovery frames, or not a further pushback on landing on ground afterwards
4-S*: Decrease the arc of doing Dive kicks in the air, and so it cannot be used as instant Dive kicks. same example like Kabal's IA gas blast

1-S*: No push back on Elbow Dash
2-S*: Hurtbox fix on EX FB so that it's never stuffable by Jump ins. this will give reptile a solid AA
3-Fix: Fix the EX slide where the second kick would never miss on slide hit. this can be done by re vamping the mapping of the character when hit by slide.
4-S*: Removal of EX Elbow Dash plus advantage on recovery. it should be Zero frames after and not +1.
5-S*2: Elbow dash trade of Reptile VS reptile should never be depending on distance. instead it should be dependable on who excuted the move first if both are in the active frames of the elbow dash range. same goes for elbow dash max range connect on other characters and in general.
6-Fix: the Regular FB invicible bug.

1-S*2: 4,3 should not have an advantage Hurtbox attribute were it can evade cr+3. fix the hurtbox
2-S*: Faster frame recovery on Bubble projectile. though the distance to drag on regular Bubble is up to sweep distance(point blank between sweep and close). EX bubble stays the same with full control, though no frame recovery fix on the move.
3-S*: Faster Frame recovery on EX lightning
4-S*: Fix geysar Hurtbox to not get stuffed easily on wake up. Possibly change /decrease the hurtbox size of geysar as well as active frames on startup. possibly can give it a down under that it has invincibility now, where on block add 1 more frame recovery. this will make the issue safer were only few normals/specials in the game can punish on block due to the push back.
5-S*: Buff Regular Boost, where rain can block. Though the boost lasts for a few seconds instead. EX stays the same

1-Fix: Fix the Reflect bug on Wake up as well as absorb. reflect should be active and reflect back any move on wake up, or IAprojectile spam cancel (Kabal IA gas blast). (whether absorb or reflect)
2-S*: more stun damage on f+4,1. this will allow arrow to connect afterwards

1-Fix: Fix the Reflect bug on Wake up as well as absorb. reflect should be active and reflect back any move on wake up, or IAprojectile spam cancel (Kabal IA gas blast). (whether absorb or reflect)
2-Fix: Fix kenshi Crouching Hurtbox so it's comparable as regular characters, and not as big as sheeva
3-Fix: Reverse EX RK input in corner should auto correct to change sides like any other EX armored move in the game.
4-FIX: Removal or Super Armor bug, where kenshi have an armor even after EX move being used.
5-S*: EX SC, add 1 frame recovery at the end to cancel infinities. opponent will be able to armor in between to escape.
6-S*: Faster Sweep

1-S*: Faster Uppercut

1- S*: Buff EX slide, the ability to use another meter at end animation to cancel into comboing instead
2- s*: Armor on EX CLone


Kenshi Moderator
first of, i have to apologise about my HORRIBLE ENGRISH. i speak it better, but writing it can be way difficult for me sometimes. my friends suggested that i re write it, cause after i explained whats goin on in this thread, most of them miss understood what i wrote here.
so i will do my best to be precise, and further explain and correct.also to add, I AM FAR FROM AGGRESSIVE! not because i use caps and "!" marks, then i am like angry. I assure u i am not, and if u had the feeling that i am like that, then please excuse me on such act! my english is aint that great sometimes, and i might find it hard to explain what i actually want you guys to understand.

so, here are some replies to some quotes.

I don't see why in God's name they should nerf Smoke's air teleport. It's already completely unsafe (assuming you're referring to when Smoke uses it to teleport behind the opponent). Like, I didn't even know Smoke users still used that since it's not even much of a viable strategy offline unless you do it very, very sparingly.

I'm also against the removal of the Smoke bomb reset. It requires meter, precise timing, and proper distancing in the corner if you want to do it 100% of the time. But I can understand why people would want it removed....at least over that other nerf your mentioned. >.>

hey there man, ty for posting.

okay to answer ur question in my opinion:
why not? because most of the smoke players are not using it Even correctly "IA teleport". the move can be done as early as 3 frames of the jump. This TINY distance, is very advantagious to Smoke were this height doesnt touch opponent, instead a safe VERY FAST landing Teleport that can lead to smoke pressuring. only way to punish it is on PREDICTION at the Instant moment. Smoke Teleport is active instantly, unlike Scorpion and ermac were hurtbox travels a long distance.

as for the reset, meter or no meter. this can lead up to Massive damage guarenteed. Dont bring any technicality in here, cause to be honest, high level play, tech is a MUST! and not just a must, it's a nature to us (everyone). not becuase some doesnt know how to pull it, or when, or that others struggle in basic fighting game structure then this will affect the ability to excute such thing in the game.
by means, reset must be removed! this is an advantage, whether smoke is a TOP TIER or even bottom. also, most cases of reset, requires a Mistake from opponent or "the bait!" ...sadly in MK9 , it has a COMPLETELY different meaning. in MK9 it means cyrax and smoke having such ability to re continue thee combo GUARENTEEDLY as long as u get hit by the combo starter. and the only way out, is breaker.

something i want to add, Smoke IATP and Invincibility and reset are what making smoke a VERY good char. removing the reset WONT make him worse PERIOD! smoke doesnt rely on it solely at all, it's a pure extra tool that is VERY rewarding.

This thread is why we can't have nice things
hey there pagan, ty for posting.

actually pagan, it's not the threads...it's most of the members on such board who always makes things difficult, due to a lot of reason. the MOST of them, is that they all think the other is an idiot, and follows with the disrespect and what not. making it really shame to even share in here.
someone like me, i always share with my videos, tech, interviews, lessons....etc and am gladly known with my knowledge. it hurts me when people just bash just to show off , for ANY REASON! and sadly, not a single back up to prove there argument. they all just want to argue. (or simply put: release some of the Hermone of their system)

I must say I was interested in this thread until I read the Quan and Scorpion nerfs LOL

At this point, if Scorpion is giving you problems you need to drop your copy of the game off at gamestop...

I admit that his iaT is a bug but taking it out and not replacing it with some way to get in on the opponent is a joke.

Same go's for Quan. There's a reason they are leaving some bugs in the game. If you're going to castrate a character you need to give them something to replace the void unless they are god tier.

Add some buffs to Scorpion's grocery list and get rid of the fuzzy guard nerf. Maybe give Quan some instances where his skeleton boost is free and make his mix up not punishable by reaction.
I dont think u know wut ur saying here. simply re read...which is one of the things most of the replyers here did (not reading prior to the suggestions)
Edit: as for the fuzzy gaurd, it came to my concern that i didnt explain it correctly.

this is a bug happens when u try to fuzzy gaurd against Hard hit stun damage. Best example is scorpions vortex.
if it's fuzzy gaurdable , it will fix the issue of eating 100% combo whether u blocked low or high! it happens when u try to Block nuetralize (revrse fuzzy gaurd) on hard hit stun damage. by means, this has to be fixed and NRS has to find a way!
sometimes i even fuzzy gaurd by mistake due to reaction, if i activated a Fuzzy gaurd on a mixup that been followed after a hard stun damage, then i will get hit NO MATTER WHAT THE MIX UP IS (low, med or high).

this has to be removed from the system. if u figured out a way on HOW without nerfing these vortexes and setups, then please be my guest and mention them/it

and yes, no one is perfect. whether both ur post sarcasim or not. but i agree on this


Kenshi Moderator
I'm sorry but whoever put on that list that RAIDEN , a character who has never won a major and was almost never used, should get another teleport nerf is dumn. That's why my cousin quit the fucking game. He realized that this company was going to listen to people that played online, and that's exactly what happened. A teleport nerf lol. he was at frame disadvantage when he the teleport in the first place. So everytime he teleports your opponent should get a free combo
hey josh, ty for posting
something i wanted to add josh. if u think raiden is not top tier, then u simply never seen a good raiden. not because no one won a major with him, then this well make him a bad char.

you will think am crazy, but some chars that are TOP tier (A class or above)and yet didnt win majors:
NOTE: this is just my opinion. some agree with me and some not (actually most agree with me, which are the tournament high level players, and that i find very reasonable).so u can dis agree on the grade, though! if u never seen these characters actual potential, then it's hard for some to believe.

-Quan chi

just FYI....the balance of this game AMAZES me! were in my opinion the tier list goes down to B and nothing less! (S, A, B+, and B) unlike other games where it can even reach D.

if you catch the opponent in a net in mid air you can teleport, throw a short bomb and then trap them in with 22 or a command grab, the bomb detonates and you have enough time to recover and catch them in a net, and from a certain height its supposedly inescapable. watch tony t's round 5 video, its in there somewhere.

dont accuse me of lying please, especially when i have no reason to.
Hey mustard, ty for replying.
no no, at all...u mis understood me. i apologise for this. When u mentioned it, u didnt specify the situation, so i though that OF net air u will do a combo damage into a reset at the end. not a reset right off the start.
you should've been a little clear, and i kinda miss understood it. i though u were kind of testing me, thats why the situation logic didnt make any sense to me until u explained it.

now as for this:

"and to stop the anti air ones which lead to like 60% meterless couldnt they just set it so you cant shoot any bombs for the entire duration of them being stuck in a net?"

hmm that wont solve the reset issue, cause simply net can be done at the very end of the reset/combo after the second bomb been launched (as well as Net Gravity kill on second shoot).
so still, how will that fix the MAIN core issue to every cyrax reset?
the example u mentioned, will only fix the EXAMPLE u mentioned above (the teleport) into gaurd force push and then get hit by the bomb.
in that case, how about the regular reset set up?

my nerfs are as follows. simply without killing any of those resets.

1- S*: More recovery on bombs. the reset will still be viable , though corner bomb setup will be escapable with a LOT more soloutions, even some with Normals on hit.
2- S*: decrease the active time of stun on Cyrax net. for example, full screen projectile trade, cannot 100% give advantage to cyrax due to teleport. Same goes for Air captured net, should be tops same time like Subzero's regular air freeze, if not even less due to combo potential
3- S*: overall damage reduction and off reset the damage continues from the first half of the combo. by means reduce scaling on the net combos. example of a combo (if there are reset, first half will do actual damage due to the scale base of the first hits. then the net will reduce the second reset damage.) "damage carries on"
4- S*" EX net should only drain half meter only from opponent
5- Fix: No cost of meters on using any regular bombs on ground
6- S*/Fix: Human cyrax teleport: removal of the Zero frame advantage after teleport. it should be punishable/ no invincibility
7- S*/Fix: Human Cyrax Net hurtbox animation made slightly higher, so it's not complete Advatange against even JIK.
8- S*: on reset and damage Carry on, the 4th or 3rd net should carry on as well with the same stun effect, canceling any above 60% combo due to the recovery (that if the combo damage based on them to scale further)

still, i dont think u resolved the issue of the bomb reset...if u think that cyrax still needs the reset, then there you go!
the nerfs i mentioned will suits him in this case. simply decreasing and tweeking damage + inner frame content, while NOT touching or removing the resets.

as a summary to the nerfs i stated, the conclusion of what cyrax nerfs will be are:
-the only nerf that u will actually see, is a BIG damage cut. instead of crazy 95% u will see 60% tops with the same advantages after.
-second nerf is the corner bomb traps. instead of making it a 100% advantage to cyrax on some/most characters (especially on wake up), i am giving opponent a chance to gamble 50 - 50. that doesnt means cyrax still doesnt dominate in his corner bomb traps, he will still gaurd, AA, or even anything afterwards. this tiny extra frame on bomb, will give same chars the ability to escape.
-ex net eating 90% of 1 bar is too much. i think it's REALLY rewarding in a BS way due to the ability were cyrax can use it for his full advantage...and by force as well if used in a reset. making the whole idea of the matchup for opponent, is to use 1 meter only if he has 3. if opponent has 2 meters only, then SORRY , opponent cannot use ex moves period in such case.
-and the teleport which is nuetral after teleporting for Cyblax.

-dude, follow your own advice and read what others have been saying, no one is crying or complaining, simply dissagreeing, which they are more than entitled to do as its a discussion board. dont flip your shit just yet.

hmmm that's so out of content. dont know how to answer on this if u cant see it.

ty for posting mustard, and hope u can reply back cause it will be a pleasure to talk it out and understand other prospectives from other players.
thnx again!

to everyone: Shall continue the replies, as well as adding a lot of stuff later. please await the coming video that will discuss these situations IN ACTUALITY and gameplay. hopefully will make it easier for poeple to see and understand the problems.
also to everyone who agreed with me, or thanked me, or were nice to me on their reply. ty all guys :) really means a lot and shows a lot as well. take care all and thnx for posting ^_^


hey there pagan, ty for posting.

actually pagan, it's not the threads...it's most of the members on such board who always makes things difficult, due to a lot of reason. the MOST of them, is that they all think the other is an idiot, and follows with the disrespect and what not. making it really shame to even share in here.
someone like me, i always share with my videos, tech, interviews, lessons....etc and am gladly known with my knowledge. it hurts me when people just bash just to show off , for ANY REASON! and sadly, not a single back up to prove there argument. they all just want to argue. (or simply put: release some of the Hermone of their system)

I dont think u know wut ur saying here. simply re read...which is one of the things most of the replyers here did (not reading prior to the suggestions)
Edit: as for the fuzzy gaurd, it came to my concern that i didnt explain it correctly.

this is a bug happens when u try to fuzzy gaurd against Hard hit stun damage. Best example is scorpions vortex.
if it's fuzzy gaurdable , it will fix the issue of eating 100% combo whether u blocked low or high! it happens when u try to Block nuetralize (revrse fuzzy gaurd) on hard hit stun damage. by means, this has to be fixed and NRS has to find a way!
sometimes i even fuzzy gaurd by mistake due to reaction, if i activated a Fuzzy gaurd on a mixup that been followed after a hard stun damage, then i will get hit NO MATTER WHAT THE MIX UP IS (low, med or high).

this has to be removed from the system. if u figured out a way on HOW without nerfing these vortexes and setups, then please be my guest and mention them/it

and yes, no one is perfect. whether both ur post sarcasim or not. but i agree on this
I read it more closely I see what you mean now. I would also like to add we should add more frame advantage to the game to make rushdown more viable

No sarcasm from me, you know we're pals :)


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
[MENTION=1465]xxteefxx[/MENTION] The block system in MK9 is similar to MKDC, but WAY more responsive.


Scrublord McGee
Damn ... if you can fuzzy Scorpion's B2/F4xxSpear mix-up on 1 frame, you must be a Jedi *rolls eyes*

Though I do agree that the fuzzy guard glitch should be removed: I've actually been hit with uppercuts while proactively fuzzy guarding. Not that it'll be gamebreaking at a higher-level, but fuzzy guarding shouldn't be so easy to bypass.

Also, I'll gladly accept the loss of the just-frame iATele glitch if they give him a non-duckable Teleport so that Flame Port can't be countered.


Kenshi Moderator
I read it more closely I see what you mean now. I would also like to add we should add more frame advantage to the game to make rushdown more viable

No sarcasm from me, you know we're pals :)
hehe hey pagan. sorry for the post by the way, i was WAAY formal in a stupid way. felt like i am like responding to some customers or something >_> lol

and yes! thank god ur the pagan i know at MKU! cause at a point i though ur not that dude haha, i thought that u might be a name similarity :p. anyways man, i hope i was more clear about any of the issues i mentioned.

as for more frame advantage for viable rushdown.....hmmmm can u give more examples plz? cause i dont see the game having a problem with rushdown, i see the game having a problem with Mobility in general and defense.


hey josh

I would agree with you josh, and i am actually trying to take back my words. the only problem that is annoying me is the side change issue, where opponent can counter on reaction while it's the same side still for the motion, making raiden completely free. thus making some target combo not viable due to there speed and the way that it doesnt auto correct sides.
it's not a major issue at all, but i was relating this to raidens Traps in general. kind of making it like Elbow dash scenario because i did mention the nerf for elbow dash.
though, is this Fix necessary? not at all of course.

by the way, i had an occurance of a bug that u mentioned before to me. It happened to me, and also heared it from other players! i dont remember who told me about it exactly, i think it's brady or someone else....cant remember
the bug where u do an EX move, and it doesnt take a bar. Which is so weird, and i need to investigate further for such bug

[MENTION=4]THTB[/MENTION] wuts up sexy? man, we didnt talk from ages...and the last time i saw u was from AGES! where the fuck are u? isnt it time to show up man at the east coast scene? hope to see u THTB at APAX or winterbrawl.

as for the block system. i agree, though i dont see the term responsive as the correct way. it's not about responsive or not at all, because of this block system it resulted in many bugs related to the block engine. SO responsive should not have a negativity as a result in any case.
all i can refer as, to the issue of what word or term is it exactly instead of responsive, is maybe better mobility in general using the previous block system.
the reason of the mobility, is just because of faster pace in the speed in general while using a block system that is so slow when it comes to actuality. how slow? it takes many frames to block and release block. making the idea of block stun horrible in some situations, and making block system not easy to breath at all in a lot of different situations.
the idea that stun damage, instead of it being singular and made differently depending from one move to another, NRS made it a simple one? yes i am pretty positive of that! it feels like the stun damage system is like 3 or 4 different brackets at most! unlike street fighter and other fighting games, where every move has it's own. mk9 in stun damage is VERY generalized....which causes a big issue due to many advantages and dis advantages chars might have in nature.

for instant, do u know that JP has a VERY strong stun damage? thats very simple and rewarding :S...something like that, is general to the whole cast.

thnx for posting mate. hope to see u posting more soon. also , SHOW UP AT THE EAST COAST :p. wanna play with u man

[MENTION=4285]ELC[/MENTION] hey man, ty for posting

hmm just FYI, it's not 1 frame at all. i dont know where u got this number man. dont look at it that ur fuzzy gaurding up > down motion. your fuzzy gaurding a Situation of two!
something people are not aware of at all! as for the vortex, it's a two shot of 50 - 50 if opponent will fuzzy guard. how?
fuzzy guarding f+3 first is one. the second is fuzzy guarding b+2 first, which is not fuzy gaurdable due to the heavy stun damage caused by the jinp.

why is not fuzzy guard able this way? because f+3 is faster start up than b+2. making the fuzzy guard solution to be = Hold block, press down and then leave down (motion up then down, not down then up).and in that case, this is not 1 framer at all. funny thing also, that this is applicable if the move not followed by a huge stun damage. if the vortex of f+3 or b+2 mix up done after a simple move like JP, then this fuzzy guard will cause a bug! where it will read the input and opponent will be hit by ANYTHING after instead.
as for the other fuzzy guard (up down), this wont even come out or even possible due to the block system and stun damage...making it impossible to be done after something like JP stun guard damage.

pretty missed up in my opinion....something like that, i've never seen in any fighting game before :S

as for the IATP...who said that this is a bug? >_>....hmmm IATP is not a bug. the issue is, when scorpion in mid air(maximum height) and does an ATP, his attack will whiff on small character even if they are just standing in their place without blocking. this is a hurtbox issue , whether opponent or the TP.
something like that is a dis advantage to EX ATP, because small hurtbox opponents can simply stuff in scorpion as soon as they land with a full standing combo....this is just because the first hit wont touch opponent period, while it was done at mid air with maximum height :S
doesnt sound like logic to me, especially when someone like reptile can even fully punish a=with a GROUND combo IN BETWEEN the animation of the first hit and second...wihtout the requisition of guarding lol, just simply reptile will leave the pad and then punish

ty all for posting! take care and hope to read more soon


Scrublord McGee
[MENTION=4285]ELC[/MENTION] hey man, ty for posting

hmm just FYI, it's not 1 frame at all. i dont know where u got this number man. dont look at it that ur fuzzy gaurding up > down motion. your fuzzy gaurding a Situation of two!
something people are not aware of at all! as for the vortex, it's a two shot of 50 - 50 if opponent will fuzzy guard. how?
fuzzy guarding f+3 first is one. the second is fuzzy guarding b+2 first, which is not fuzy gaurdable due to the heavy stun damage caused by the jinp.

why is not fuzzy guard able this way? because f+3 is faster start up than b+2. making the fuzzy guard solution to be = Hold block, press down and then leave down (motion up then down, not down then up).and in that case, this is not 1 framer at all. funny thing also, that this is applicable if the move not followed by a huge stun damage. if the vortex of f+3 or b+2 mix up done after a simple move like JP, then this fuzzy guard will cause a bug! where it will read the input and opponent will be hit by ANYTHING after instead.
as for the other fuzzy guard (up down), this wont even come out or even possible due to the block system and stun damage...making it impossible to be done after something like JP stun guard damage.

pretty missed up in my opinion....something like that, i've never seen in any fighting game before :S

as for the IATP...who said that this is a bug? >_>....hmmm IATP is not a bug. the issue is, when scorpion in mid air(maximum height) and does an ATP, his attack will whiff on small character even if they are just standing in their place without blocking. this is a hurtbox issue , whether opponent or the TP.
something like that is a dis advantage to EX ATP, because small hurtbox opponents can simply stuff in scorpion as soon as they land with a full standing combo....this is just because the first hit wont touch opponent period, while it was done at mid air with maximum height :S
doesnt sound like logic to me, especially when someone like reptile can even fully punish a=with a GROUND combo IN BETWEEN the animation of the first hit and second...wihtout the requisition of guarding lol, just simply reptile will leave the pad and then punish
1. Somberness's Scorpion Frame Data: one is 17f execution, the other is 18f execution.
2. I'm inclined to believe ya simply because I've been hit out of block with uppercuts before, but more experimentation is definitely needed.
3. iaTele itself isn't a bug; the just frame iaTele is (the one that whiffs and is cancellable). Anyhow, a solution would definitely be giving Scorp a mid-hitbox on the first hit of Tele and EN Tele: perhaps an animation like the second and third hits of 1,1,1 would suffice.

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
1. Somberness's Scorpion Frame Data: one is 17f execution, the other is 18f execution.
I'm actually inclined to believe that this is indeed possible. If you're to block low 100% of the time against Scorp and upon the audio que of his swords unsheathing you should be able to respond immediately and release down and fuzzy guard this with ease. It's a very distinct sound.

However! 2 1+2 is also an option in the vortex, but nobody uses it for the vortex and I'm not sure why. On block it's also safe if you cancel it with takedown. Not only that but it provides a nice mixup in general.


Scrublord McGee
I'm actually inclined to believe that this is indeed possible. If you're to block low 100% of the time against Scorp and upon the audio que of his swords unsheathing you should be able to respond immediately and release down and fuzzy guard this with ease. It's a very distinct sound.

However! 2 1+2 is also an option in the vortex, but nobody uses it for the vortex and I'm not sure why. On block it's also safe if you cancel it with takedown. Not only that but it provides a nice mixup in general.
Hehehe: I keep forgetting about the audio cue. Thanks for the reminder.

And I agree: 2 1+2 is a great way to set-up the Vortex, especially since it's the highest Ground-to-ground damage for a Vortex set-up outside of the rather tricky Void tech. Though I haven't tried using it as a mix-up option after a Vortex-setup ... gonna have to incorporate that and 2xxTakedown into my game.


i Use a modded cyber now
i dont agree at all with the suggestions youve made towards nerfing cyber sub zero. Its bad enough that you have to severely outplay someone to win, but his dive kick pressure is what makes him viable. His dive kick is punishable by almost every character in the game in one way or another. Making his EX dive kick unsafe (which can still be punished by some characters) is limiting one of his few good punish options. Not to be disrespectful but unless you play the character or have a good amount of experience against CSZ than you wont understand how hard it is to play as CSZ. And these suggestions display that you dont have much CSZ experience.


Head Cage
This is insanity.
Remove negative edge? No. All fighting games have, and need negative edge. If you're getting special moves that come out of no where, learn to execute better.
yes all games have negative edge but guess what this isnt negative edge. Maybe you guys should look in a dictionary for fighters and realize what negative edge really means. Ill help you all out how about that?

Negative Edge: Using the release of a button to activate special moves.

*Games such as street fighter or w/e register inputs on release as well as the initial pressing of the button.*

EX: Arakune [Fighter: Blazblue]
- when arakune enters fever/curse mode whenever you input a button a specific bug appears on screen according to what button you press. Now in combos in order to get the bug out without having the corresponding poke/move activate as well you would HOLD DOWN the button mid combo and use the releasing of the button to activate the specific bug you desire without activating the poke/move that is involved with that button.

***Example Combo***
Arakune basic bnb in fever mode

2A[hold], 2A[release], 2A [A bug hits], 214C [pause], D [C and D bug connects, Launches opponent] 9, j.236c[hold], D[hold], *when you at mid-end animation of j.236c release C&D* [C and D bug connect Launches opponent] 9, j.236c[hold], D[hold]xn
*when curse meter is about to run out you have to options* 6A, 5C, 236236C(F-Inverse) 236236C (F-Inverse)
6D(Bell Bug) 7, 236D (curse cloud)
*which refills curse meter to about 50%*

This maybe like Chinese to some people but basically all those button holds basically make it so you don't have random pokes coming out and breaking your combo.

Now MK9 Negative edge isn't negative edge. When you input a button in mk9 that specific action is repeated for a certain amount of frames. So inputting a move while that specific button you activated before hand is still being repeated it messes up the command you are currently attempting to do.

***Example Combo***
Noob Saibot Corner BNB

212 upknee, 12 upknee, 12upknee, 12 upknee

now the 2 in 12 is gonna get repeated and the upknee command. So you will get portal instead of upknee sometimes
(seeing how portal is db 2 and upknee is db 3)

To avoid this you have to hold down 2 in order for the frames to not be repeated during the input of shadow upknee.

This is total bullshit. Why do I have to change my basic fundamentals on inputting commands for fighters just to perform a basic bnb with a specific character.

This shit w/e it is has gotta go!


i dont agree at all with the suggestions youve made towards nerfing cyber sub zero. Its bad enough that you have to severely outplay someone to win, but his dive kick pressure is what makes him viable. His dive kick is punishable by almost every character in the game in one way or another. Making his EX dive kick unsafe (which can still be punished by some characters) is limiting one of his few good punish options. Not to be disrespectful but unless you play the character or have a good amount of experience against CSZ than you wont understand how hard it is to play as CSZ. And these suggestions display that you dont have much CSZ experience.
Holy fuck, this.

EX divekick should be 100% safe on block. You're spending meter on it FOR THAT REASON, with a character whose success is 100% dependent on his meter use. There is no reason it should be punishable. Anyone with a fast advancing special can punish the normal divekick. There's no reason the EX shouldn't be safe.


Kenshi Moderator
i dont agree at all with the suggestions youve made towards nerfing cyber sub zero. Its bad enough that you have to severely outplay someone to win, but his dive kick pressure is what makes him viable. His dive kick is punishable by almost every character in the game in one way or another. Making his EX dive kick unsafe (which can still be punished by some characters) is limiting one of his few good punish options. Not to be disrespectful but unless you play the character or have a good amount of experience against CSZ than you wont understand how hard it is to play as CSZ. And these suggestions display that you dont have much CSZ experience.
hey, ty for answering man.
alright i choose this reply for today to reply on. i shall post the rest later cause i am currently so tired and sick actually.
hmm, first off. let me post something for you that will interest you a lot, though i am very tired now so can i make it tomorrow? it requires some training mode to get the exact stuff as well as if u want the exact frame data, then it might take longer due to the capturing process (with vegas and fireworks).

basically it's how to abuse EX dive kick correctly, thnx to my friends.

for now all i can say is, this is just for fun. the reaosn why it bothers me is because of the stun guard and how it can be abused due to early bird launcher, making this move one of the FINEST in the whole game which can be anything even as early as X ray animation! were Cyber sub can land fast on whiffing and guard the X ray.
not only that, something u said that is quite beautiful, and my answer tomorrow will be based on it...which is , Some can punish this move! just some......really?
i remember people crying with the same issue against Reptile...and currently crying about other stuff with same issue....so why make this free?
I understand that dive kicks are very rewarding for Cyber sub and it's his major mobility in a match beside his mix ups and traps....but EX dive kick is a really good tool.

is it critical? at all! i can actually agree that this is just extra and Can be useless.....but i cannot leave it like that if i am changing other chars too.
something i forgot to add, which is a buff for Cyber sub, and i think! it can be very usefull....which is armor on his EX dive kick

by the way, tell now we didnt talk PERIOD! about his traps and bomb reset using EX dive kick due to the MASSIVE stun guard it does due to the move nature and the animation.
so for now, i shall agree with u. but tomorrow i shall post my research, MAYBE it can be reasonable?

leave the fact that it can be done as early as 3 frames of the jump...this makes the most instant! by means, it makes the dive kick as fast as 3 frames...how will u counter that in such case beside blocking? if u found a solution, please tell me then....

secondly.....hmmm two things i noticed , which really is Very "Forum Fan boy". which are u clearly dont know the match up, or clearly dont know this, or clearly dont know that....etc
very possible.....though, who's a Dum idiot who will waste atleast 6 hours of his day everyday on actual hurtbox understanding, frame data content, hitbox properties,and research on stuff like that without having a slight clue of what he's/she's saying?
put aside to that, the daily MK9 practice whether offline or online.

by means, if i didnt know Cyber sub, i would've not even mentioned him....how does that sound like to u :)?
we clearly dont know each other that much, so based on what you saying that , my friend :)?.... in that case, i can say the same...you simply left every char and every glued suggestions/balance done to the whole roaster, and picked your main. without taking a deep look at the rest of the suggestions.
tell me, am i wrong ? or biased ;) ?

also, i play with Cyber sub mainers all the time, in fact, one of my online good connection training buddy is a Cyber sub mainer. one of them is pig of the hut. u can ask him urself if i know Cyber sub well or not. @pigofthehut


but again, u werent dis respectful, at all as well!....everyone on these forums acts this way, accusing others and showing that they are Knowledgable...etc. including ME!
what u said is simply ur opinion...no shame in that Josh

last thing i wanna say....dont BRING TECHNICALITY please. saying that you dont know how hard it's to play cyber sub...etc whether due to matchup roaster, tier list, or tech....this is very human dependable. some have it due to previous experience, or natural ability...and some dont.
though one thing in common! fighting game experience, with technicality issue means still non experienced in my book. technicality has no room in advanced/ high level play....because simply this is ABC fighting game, if others dont have it yet then it means they must hit the road more.
also to add, tech issues in MK9 as well as in general matchup learning curve in mk9...is REALLY not great compared to other fighting games.

PS: i come from GG and tekken.....tech and matchup = no go to tournaments for u, or even reaching top 20.

ty for posting josh. and hope to read more from you soon. please await my respond, hopefully tomorrow or tops on monday...u have to excuse me, i feel very tired and sick today!

also dont forget! i have to meet you soon. so u must come to the event when We make it please....i bet u will enjoy ur time for sure as well as we will have the chance to play more...and maybe show me your Cyber sub ;)?
hopefully next week i might come visit VSM...i think i can drag Andrew with me as well.

take care


Kenshi Moderator
Holy fuck, this.

EX divekick should be 100% safe on block. You're spending meter on it FOR THAT REASON, with a character whose success is 100% dependent on his meter use. There is no reason it should be punishable. Anyone with a fast advancing special can punish the normal divekick. There's no reason the EX shouldn't be safe.
hey man, how u doin. i like the [Sir] before altaire :p. hope ur doing fine
hmmm...in that can, make Kung lao EX kick safe on block as well as sonya's ex dive kicks?

"You're spending meter on it FOR THAT REASON, with a character whose success is 100% dependent on his meter use."

this is called meter management....

"Anyone with a fast advancing special can punish the normal divekick. There's no reason the EX shouldn't be safe."

hmmm i dis agree. when u use ex dive kick as anti any move due to the ability it had; which is instant activity, early jump animation without any restriction, no requiration for time travel for inputs, and finally chip and stun guard and push back.
those beside the fact of using it as Wake up, footsies, Mix ups in betweens and traps.

in general the move is safe, unless cyber sub is cornered.


sup buddy! ...hmmm no. these are also called negative edge, and mk9 is considered negative edge. buffer is not the only form of negative edge, but by shortcuts as well...which is the main core of MK9 negative edge system.

For example: SF4 series. lets say you play with any char with a shoryuken;
hold f/d, while comboing opponent. hold f/d+ Jab, Jab and then qcf+ punch for the dragon punch animation.
wut happened is, due to the fact that f/d+ jab are inputted before the special move, it's considered still active. by means, to do a follow up shoryuken afterward, all u have to input are the d, and the f (Down and then forward).

Same goes for KOF Special move and Super buffer(3rd strike as well as others). were a pre inputted qcf move , can be a major shortcut to chain a super.
example, for any char with qcf motion ability. doing jab, jab into qcf+(button) and then HCB + (button), will cause an excution of a special move followed by a super.
in technicallity, to program this into the game...u will use negative edge system, were the cpu will consider the first qcf as a part of super.

same goes for super jump cancel....etc

now the deal with mk9 is, it doesnt use qcf language. it uses solely directions, by means, (d,f ....or f,f...or d,b....etc). you are not required to input QCF motion due to the fact u can register it singularly. and so, qcf's is another meaning for singular inputs in mk9.

trust me, i am afraid that Negative edge might be an accident from NRS in mk9? it would'nt shock me at all.....


i Use a modded cyber now
hey, ty for answering man.
alright i choose this reply for today to reply on. i shall post the rest later cause i am currently so tired and sick actually.
hmm, first off. let me post something for you that will interest you a lot, though i am very tired now so can i make it tomorrow? it requires some training mode to get the exact stuff as well as if u want the exact frame data, then it might take longer due to the capturing process (with vegas and fireworks).

basically it's how to abuse EX dive kick correctly, thnx to my friends.

for now all i can say is, this is just for fun. the reaosn why it bothers me is because of the stun guard and how it can be abused due to early bird launcher, making this move one of the FINEST in the whole game which can be anything even as early as X ray animation! were Cyber sub can land fast on whiffing and guard the X ray.
not only that, something u said that is quite beautiful, and my answer tomorrow will be based on it...which is , Some can punish this move! just some......really?
i remember people crying with the same issue against Reptile...and currently crying about other stuff with same issue....so why make this free?
I understand that dive kicks are very rewarding for Cyber sub and it's his major mobility in a match beside his mix ups and traps....but EX dive kick is a really good tool.

is it critical? at all! i can actually agree that this is just extra and Can be useless.....but i cannot leave it like that if i am changing other chars too.
something i forgot to add, which is a buff for Cyber sub, and i think! it can be very usefull....which is armor on his EX dive kick

by the way, tell now we didnt talk PERIOD! about his traps and bomb reset using EX dive kick due to the MASSIVE stun guard it does due to the move nature and the animation.
so for now, i shall agree with u. but tomorrow i shall post my research, MAYBE it can be reasonable?

leave the fact that it can be done as early as 3 frames of the jump...this makes the most instant! by means, it makes the dive kick as fast as 3 frames...how will u counter that in such case beside blocking? if u found a solution, please tell me then....

secondly.....hmmm two things i noticed , which really is Very "Forum Fan boy". which are u clearly dont know the match up, or clearly dont know this, or clearly dont know that....etc
very possible.....though, who's a Dum idiot who will waste atleast 6 hours of his day everyday on actual hurtbox understanding, frame data content, hitbox properties,and research on stuff like that without having a slight clue of what he's/she's saying?
put aside to that, the daily MK9 practice whether offline or online.

by means, if i didnt know Cyber sub, i would've not even mentioned him....how does that sound like to u :)?
we clearly dont know each other that much, so based on what you saying that , my friend :)?.... in that case, i can say the same...you simply left every char and every glued suggestions/balance done to the whole roaster, and picked your main. without taking a deep look at the rest of the suggestions.
tell me, am i wrong ? or biased ;) ?

also, i play with Cyber sub mainers all the time, in fact, one of my online good connection training buddy is a Cyber sub mainer. one of them is pig of the hut. u can ask him urself if i know Cyber sub well or not. @pigofthehut


but again, u werent dis respectful, at all as well!....everyone on these forums acts this way, accusing others and showing that they are Knowledgable...etc. including ME!
what u said is simply ur opinion...no shame in that Josh

last thing i wanna say....dont BRING TECHNICALITY please. saying that you dont know how hard it's to play cyber sub...etc whether due to matchup roaster, tier list, or tech....this is very human dependable. some have it due to previous experience, or natural ability...and some dont.
though one thing in common! fighting game experience, with technicality issue means still non experienced in my book. technicality has no room in advanced/ high level play....because simply this is ABC fighting game, if others dont have it yet then it means they must hit the road more.
also to add, tech issues in MK9 as well as in general matchup learning curve in mk9...is REALLY not great compared to other fighting games.

PS: i come from GG and tekken.....tech and matchup = no go to tournaments for u, or even reaching top 20.

ty for posting josh. and hope to read more from you soon. please await my respond, hopefully tomorrow or tops on monday...u have to excuse me, i feel very tired and sick today!

also dont forget! i have to meet you soon. so u must come to the event when We make it please....i bet u will enjoy ur time for sure as well as we will have the chance to play more...and maybe show me your Cyber sub ;)?
hopefully next week i might come visit VSM...i think i can drag Andrew with me as well.

take care
CSZ doesn't need any buffs but he sure as hell doesn't need any nerfs. When you post tomorrow we can discuss your points. I'm willing to hear you out. And maybe when we play in person again I can point out to you every weakness csz has

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