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General/Other - Cutthroat Kano's Cutthroat Variation Discussion Thread


For f212 starter i believe i already posted this and a higher damage meterless combo in the combo thread. Those 1bar combos are a nice find, gotta try if this old dog can learn to pull them off consistently enough.


Kuff Bano
For f212 starter i believe i already posted this and a higher damage meterless combo in the combo thread. Those 1bar combos are a nice find, gotta try if this old dog can learn to pull them off consistently enough.
They're really easy. The f212 combo is slightly harder but I can do it consistently after about 30 min of practice.


Character Loyalist
@MsMiharo : Cool find and thanks for the tag!

It is even more useful when used with the buff-extender, like b21~buff, f212, 2~slice, b121~roll. It adds another 2-3% for combos with an early buff!

I must say that I prefer buff-combos in general, because even on block you still have the frame advantage. But now even more than before! :)

Solomon Gorondy

Should Goro be top 5?
Thank you Jupe for posting Kano's new F212 combo post patch. Thank You MsMiharo for making a video on it.
I found that F212, 2/Slice, B121/Ball is very reliable online because even tho it is tight it works against any character regardless of their size and their position relative to the corner. It will not work as an anti-air combo; you'd have to settle for less damage or spend a meter on EX Slice.

Solomon Gorondy

Should Goro be top 5?
Oh and btw is the best 1 meter combo from a F2 starter this?..
F212, 2/Slice, B121/(EX)Slice, 4/Ball.
It's essentially the new meterless BnB with a 1bar extension on the end so you really only have to practice this combo and the meterless combo's muscle memory will come naturally.


Bonafide Jax scrub
Oh and btw is the best 1 meter combo from a F2 starter this?..
F212, 2/Slice, B121/(EX)Slice, 4/Ball.
It's essentially the new meterless BnB with a 1bar extension on the end so you really only have to practice this combo and the meterless combo's muscle memory will come naturally.
That's a good find man


Official Infrared Scorp wid gapless Wi-Fi pressure
Yoooo new max damage midscreen bnbs???

In short - b121 guarantees that both hit of kano ball hits meaning you ALWAYS get the max damage. ALSO you get a smudge more meter AND you don't use stamina which is good if you run up 50/50 or have just broken or something.

B12 EX Slice f212 rc 112 ball does 36-37% depending on if both hits of ball hit.
B12 EX Slice 2 slice b121 ball does 37% every time

B31 EX slice f212 rc 112 ball does 34-35% depending on if both hit of ball hit.
B31 EX slice 2 slice b121 ball does 35% every time

112 EX slice f212 rc 112 ball does 37%
112 EX slice 2 slice b121 ball does 38%

f212 f212 rc 112 ball does 30%
f212 2 slice b121 ball does 31%

The f212 combo is tight but the others are easy af. Learn them, no reason not to.

@Jupe @jokey77
is corner carry lower?


Yoooo new max damage midscreen bnbs???

In short - b121 guarantees that both hit of kano ball hits meaning you ALWAYS get the max damage. ALSO you get a smudge more meter AND you don't use stamina which is good if you run up 50/50 or have just broken or something.

B12 EX Slice f212 rc 112 ball does 36-37% depending on if both hits of ball hit.
B12 EX Slice 2 slice b121 ball does 37% every time

B31 EX slice f212 rc 112 ball does 34-35% depending on if both hit of ball hit.
B31 EX slice 2 slice b121 ball does 35% every time

112 EX slice f212 rc 112 ball does 37%
112 EX slice 2 slice b121 ball does 38%

f212 f212 rc 112 ball does 30%
f212 2 slice b121 ball does 31%

The f212 combo is tight but the others are easy af. Learn them, no reason not to.

@Jupe @jokey77
Reo is already using your combos broooo!! But his CT sucks donkey balls. Ok, maybe it isn't that bad.

God Confirm

We're all from Earthrealm. If not, cool pic brah.
Yeah i just watched him play his cutthroat does kinda suck . Wtf reo i thought you could learn a character in like 5 mins lol
nope, hes actually just a human like the rest of us, and works hard to get where he is. He also doesn't have some crazy gift for stumbling across tech, he simply labs the game harder than most people in this community. If he sticks with Kano I'm sure hell start doing work

Solomon Gorondy

Should Goro be top 5?
Cutthroat Kano does not need nerfs, he is a good character but not half as filthy as the top 5. His other variations are nowhere near as good not because Cutthroat is overpowered but because they are under-powered.

Commando's 50/50 is not safe because if u avoid the Command Throw u get a full-combo punish, he also has lower damage, and his EX-Parry is not useful as it's always a read and results in full combo punish on whiff for more damage that EX-Parry is capable of dealing. EX-Parry should combo.

Cybernetic or Classic Kano is a zoning character whose only mix-ups consist of hit or throw and the throw can be teched. I don't know what I'd do to improve this variation because if it became viable people would cry and probably quit this game.

This has been an online-warriors humble opinion.


Just finished an online tournament playing only cutthroat kano against some of the big names in Europe. Links to vods if you guys wanna check the games out, maybe learn something and/or criticize my play:
vs Irishmantis (Stunt Double): https://www.twitch.tv/yuzuclangaming/v/59183091?t=36m30s
vs Nivek (Thunder God): https://www.twitch.tv/yuzuclangaming/v/59183091?t=119m07s
vs MrAquary (Special Forces & Demolition Sonya, Shotgun Jacqui): https://www.twitch.tv/yuzuclangaming/v/59183091?t=186m35s

Link to tournament thread: http://testyourmight.com/threads/april-7th-2016-born-to-fight-yc-tournament-4-psn.59503/


Oh and btw is the best 1 meter combo from a F2 starter this?..
F212, 2/Slice, B121/(EX)Slice, 4/Ball.
It's essentially the new meterless BnB with a 1bar extension on the end so you really only have to practice this combo and the meterless combo's muscle memory will come naturally.
How much dmg does that do?

Solomon Gorondy

Should Goro be top 5?
F212, 2/Slice, B121-Kano Ball. is 31.25%,
F212, 2/Slice, B121-(EX)Slice, 4/Kano Ball is 36.87%
So Kano gains 5.62% more from spending the bar. He also gets a few yards more corner carry. Speaking of the corner, Kano can use Run/112/Kano Ball after (EX)Slice but only when he's get'em cornered. This will result in... 37.58%.

Solomon Gorondy

Should Goro be top 5?
f212 4db1ex 2db1 112bf3 = 40%
well at least my practice with the lesser combo will still equate to the meterless BnB. LoL. Question Jupe; do your combos work on the entire cast regardless of size and corners positiion? Im having issues getting them to work on Goro midscreen is there a run cancel required or a delay or step forward?


well at least my practice with the lesser combo will still equate to the meterless BnB. LoL. Question Jupe; do your combos work on the entire cast regardless of size and corners positiion? Im having issues getting them to work on Goro midscreen is there a run cancel required or a delay or step forward?
f212 b12db1 112db1ex b12bf3 = 39% this one requires super short run cancel before each b12. They aren't that viable and i'm myself using just f212 f212 112db1ex b12bf3. b12bf3 ender is still better than 4bf3 ender whenever possible, as it deals a bit more damage and gets you close enough for the kanoball to hit twice.

Solomon Gorondy

Should Goro be top 5?
Hmm I see... I myself believe Kano needs his stamina to run in and apply his overhead so spending it at the very end of a combo can potentialy stunt his mix-up if your midscreen at least. I agree with you about B12/Ball but if it needs a run cancel it may also have the same issue. Also 4/Ball is something that works in every variation of Kano since they all have that normal where B!2 is Cutthroat only.