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General/Other - Cutthroat Kano's Cutthroat Variation Discussion Thread


Gunslinger since pre patch (sh/out to The Farmer)
112 EX Buff beats out reversals that are thrown in the gap (11 - 2) that are slower that are 8 frames or slower meaning you can punish them for trying to punish you. 112 blade slice is 20% midscreen into restand, 112 ball is 24% into splat. If the reversal has slow recovery (most do) you can f212 f212 112 ball for 39%.

In the corner you can go for a buffed b3 or f2 combo. If it's a reversal that recovers quickly you can punish with 32 blade slice d3 112 ball for 34% meterless

No one knows the MU so no one armors the gap but if they do go ham

@Youphemism I think you were the one who asked me about this
Yeah not a setup that's likely to happen but that's cool that it handles armour as fast as 8 frames.


Gunslinger since pre patch (sh/out to The Farmer)
Actually if you play someone regularly they start armoring that gap but it's more of a read/clutch thing.
I played Cybernetic against my local for almost a year, even telling them about the gap early on, never had it armoured once lol.


Kuff Bano
Got armored today at 112 gap 4 or 5 times, twice by @Osagri I think and three times by another friend I regularly play against. It's a tech that you should only use against ppl who really know the matchup.
yeah but tbh that's like every gap in the game. No one would ever armor Quan Chi's rune gaps if he hadn't been so popular.


Official Infrared Scorp wid gapless Wi-Fi pressure
Got armored today at 112 gap 4 or 5 times, twice by @Osagri I think and three times by another friend I regularly play against. It's a tech that you should only use against ppl who really know the matchup.
aka the most important tech


Official Infrared Scorp wid gapless Wi-Fi pressure
You get what I'm saying, you're just nit picking words.
uhhhh, nope?

people who learn the match up would still armor gaps whether popular or not, its inevitable that it will be learned at least by your main opponents, so when I'm playing a character I play to beat my strongest competition not my easiest


Kuff Bano
uhhhh, nope?

people who learn the match up would still armor gaps whether popular or not, its inevitable that it will be learned at least by your main opponents, so when I'm playing a character I play to beat my strongest competition not my easiest
As I said, in my response to Jupe, "that's every gap in the game". The part about QC was just a reference to how his popularity forced (more) people to learn the gaps, thus you're seeing people do it in tournaments etc. Kanos lack of popularity has not forced people to learn it. That's why you're not seeing it be used. The fact that someone knowledgeable of the gap will use it has already been stated by me and Jupe so I'm not sure what weather-vane you're arguing with.


Official Infrared Scorp wid gapless Wi-Fi pressure
As I said, in my response to Jupe, "that's every gap in the game". The part about QC was just a reference to how his popularity forced (more) people to learn the gaps, thus you're seeing people do it in tournaments etc. Kanos lack of popularity has not forced people to learn it. That's why you're not seeing it be used. The fact that someone knowledgeable of the gap will use it has already been stated by me and Jupe so I'm not sure what weather-vane you're arguing with.
im not arguing

you are


Character Loyalist
I am a Kano newbie, so please correct me:

B31~buff and B12~buff are true blockstrings, if you continue with the (also hitconfirmable, damaging) 112-string. However everyone seems to try catching backdashes with f212/f4. Why is that? The timing of 112 might be too strict and f212 leads to more meterless damage?

Thanks in advance!


Kuff Bano
I am a Kano newbie, so please correct me:

B31~buff and B12~buff are true blockstrings, if you continue with the (also hitconfirmable, damaging) 112-string. However everyone seems to try catching backdashes with f212/f4. Why is that? The timing of 112 might be too strict and f212 leads to more meterless damage?

Thanks in advance!
They're not true block strings iirc


Character Loyalist
They're not true block strings iirc
I am pretty sure that they are. Kung Lao couldn't even get his ex-spin out in practice mode. At least until he made use of the 11*2-gap. The timing is somewhat strict though.

Funfact: 4~buffcancel, 112 worked as a true blockstring with no gap at all, every now and then. Once I hit Lao out of his spin with the final 2. It might have to do with the pushback, but this was weird enough... No idea why that happened...


Kuff Bano
I am pretty sure that they are. Kung Lao couldn't even get his ex-spin out in practice mode. At least until he made use of the 11*2-gap. The timing is somewhat strict though.

Funfact: 4~buffcancel, 112 worked as a true blockstring with no gap at all, every now and then. Once I hit Lao out of his spin with the final 2. It might have to do with the pushback, but this was weird enough... No idea why that happened...
Yeah my bad, they're +9. 11 is a great stagger as well.


Character Loyalist
Yeah my bad, they're +9. 11 is a great stagger as well.
Totally, yet I can't hitconfirm it. What I try is doing 112 [hitconfirm] slice. On block 112 gives decent pushback and combined with the -1 frame disadvantage, d4~cut works fine so far.

Red Hood MKX

Mercenary dog
Anyone here uses cutthroat 28 percent one bar restand combo. Ill just put it down just in case its real simple

112ex buff 112blade slice its 28 percent. if the they guees wrong on the follow up 50/50 thats 40 percent plus the 28 thats 68 percent thats most there life with one bad guess it does cost too bars for the whole set up but its cool to do once in awhile