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General/Other - Cutthroat Kano's Cutthroat Variation Discussion Thread

Solomon Gorondy

Should Goro be top 5?
seriously though, ineed matchup info for my characters :(
Kano's projectile can be ducked on reaction to it being thrown from a small distance away. I'm not saying his knives are bad, he has plenty opportunities to use them, but if he is spamming them from long-range and your getting hit you probably are making mistakes. the 2nd hit of EX-Knives cannot be ducked; it is up to you to react to the meter-burn flash appropriately by blocking it or maybe teleporting since the recovery frames are much longer than the regular Knife Throw. Also any character that can zone from the air, such as Kitana, can sort of ignore Kano's zoning while establishing there own.

Kano can anti-air with an 8 frame uppercut or his Up Ball and EX Up Ball. His NJP is also pretty good for catching jump ins and is his only option that gets a combo. His Knife Throw can be used to catch a jumper full-screen. Basically if you have a bad habit of unnecessary jumping, Kano should punish you for it.

Kano's EX-Buff may increase Kano's damage but it also increases his opponents damage; It has the potential to backfire and turn an opponents 5-touch-to-kill into a 4-touch-to-kill into a 3-touch-to-kill into a 2-touch to kill. The only time it does not hurt Kano is if he can close a round with it after hit-confirming into EX-Buff. Otherwise Kano has to pay a price which can and will bankrupt him from time to time.

Invincible Salads

Seeker of knowledge
Kano's projectile can be ducked on reaction to it being thrown from a small distance away. I'm not saying his knives are bad, he has plenty opportunities to use them, but if he is spamming them from long-range and your getting hit you probably are making mistakes. the 2nd hit of EX-Knives cannot be ducked; it is up to you to react to the meter-burn flash appropriately by blocking it or maybe teleporting since the recovery frames are much longer than the regular Knife Throw. Also any character that can zone from the air, such as Kitana, can sort of ignore Kano's zoning while establishing there own.

Kano can anti-air with an 8 frame uppercut or his Up Ball and EX Up Ball. His NJP is also pretty good for catching jump ins and is his only option that gets a combo. His Knife Throw can be used to catch a jumper full-screen. Basically if you have a bad habit of unnecessary jumping, Kano should punish you for it.

Kano's EX-Buff may increase Kano's damage but it also increases his opponents damage; It has the potential to backfire and turn an opponents 5-touch-to-kill into a 4-touch-to-kill into a 3-touch-to-kill into a 2-touch to kill. The only time it does not hurt Kano is if he can close a round with it after hit-confirming into EX-Buff. Otherwise Kano has to pay a price which can and will bankrupt him from time to time.
alright thx, i look forward to playing all 3 variations and learning the MU :)


TYM White Knight
Alright, I'm throwing my hat in here. I've (Unbeknownst to most) picked this character up and let me tell you...this character is retarded.

A couple things I have noticed, and please don't flame me if they are outdated.

1) Kano's Standing 1 is a damn good aa jab, and his D3 is a decent cross over AA. When all else fails, uppercut. It hits behind his damn head.

2) Kano's Ex Buff is amazing. This is one of the few characters in the game where I would advocate 2 bar combos. If my opponent can't break, I am taking half of their bar...EVERYTIME. The comeback factor here off a 50/50 is just insane. As far as it hurting him, it disables as soon as an opponent touches you, or you can turn it off yourself. The risk is minimal.

3) His poke game coupled with jump back and airball is fantastic as a whiff punisher.

4)This character's stagger pressure and conditioning is amazing. 11 , 11(2) (gap), 11 knife, 112knife etc are all great for seeing how your opponent likes to block and capitalizing on it. Using the low profiling d4 to harass opponents and force them to block low is just great.

5) EX Kano Ball - Great wakeup armored reversal. Available in all variations. Excellent to use after conditioning opponents to move after blocked slashes etc or when Kano's pressure is "Supposed" to end.

6) This character in the corner can do 30+ percent into Ex Throw restands into another 50/50. If Kano gets ANYONE to the corner, it's usually lights out.

7) F4 is a great mid advancing string. -5 on it's own, or -5 with a tagged on slice making it not only safe, but a string capable of staggering. This move allows you to punish hard to punish moves such as sonyas dive kick with ease.

As far as match up goes, the only ones I see CT Kano truly struggling in are matches against GREAT neutral characters such as Mileena, Dvorah, etc. GM Sub Zero can make it hard for kano in the corner as well. However, Kano's momentum is usually so great that once he gets an opportunity against these characters, he can make up for lost ground very quickly.


Kuff Bano
Alright, I'm throwing my hat in here. I've (Unbeknownst to most) picked this character up and let me tell you...this character is (soap bar in my mouth).

A couple things I have noticed, and please don't flame me if they are outdated.

1) Kano's Standing 1 is a damn good aa jab, and his D3 is a decent cross over AA. When all else fails, uppercut. It hits behind his damn head.

2) Kano's Ex Buff is amazing. This is one of the few characters in the game where I would advocate 2 bar combos. If my opponent can't break, I am taking half of their bar...EVERYTIME. The comeback factor here off a 50/50 is just insane. As far as it hurting him, it disables as soon as an opponent touches you, or you can turn it off yourself. The risk is minimal.

3) His poke game coupled with jump back and airball is fantastic as a whiff punisher.

4)This character's stagger pressure and conditioning is amazing. 11 , 11(2) (gap), 11 knife, 112knife etc are all great for seeing how your opponent likes to block and capitalizing on it. Using the low profiling d4 to harass opponents and force them to block low is just great.

5) EX Kano Ball - Great wakeup armored reversal. Available in all variations. Excellent to use after conditioning opponents to move after blocked slashes etc or when Kano's pressure is "Supposed" to end.

6) This character in the corner can do 30+ percent into Ex Throw restands into another 50/50. If Kano gets ANYONE to the corner, it's usually lights out.

7) F4 is a great mid advancing string. -5 on it's own, or -5 with a tagged on slice making it not only safe, but a string capable of staggering. This move allows you to punish hard to punish moves such as sonyas dive kick with ease.

As far as match up goes, the only ones I see CT Kano truly struggling in are matches against GREAT neutral characters such as Mileena, Dvorah, etc. GM Sub Zero can make it hard for kano in the corner as well. However, Kano's momentum is usually so great that once he gets an opportunity against these characters, he can make up for lost ground very quickly.
You are correct on everything except I don't think it's every really worth going for ex restand when you have pretty good oki and can save the bar for a bigger combo/ex buff to force another 50/50.


TYM White Knight
You are correct on everything except I don't think it's every really worth going for ex restand when you have pretty good oki and can save the bar for a bigger combo/ex buff to force another 50/50.
What OKI are you using? I haven't explored any armor breaking properties, I do know he can use his Buff as an armor parry, but that's about it.


What OKI are you using? I haven't explored any armor breaking properties, I do know he can use his Buff as an armor parry, but that's about it.
11 breaks many slow to medium speed armors (mileena, tremor, war god kotal for example) and you can hitconfirm it into big damage with exdd3. Exdd3 as a parry works too, apparently there is an option select for it, but the timing is pretty strict. Using exdd3 as a parry on read is usually not worth it imo as most of the armors are unsafe anyway so you could just block it and punish normally.


TYM White Knight
11 breaks many slow to medium speed armors (mileena, tremor, war god kotal for example) and you can hitconfirm it into big damage with exdd3. Exdd3 as a parry works too, apparently there is an option select for it, but the timing is pretty strict. Using exdd3 as a parry on read is usually not worth it imo as most of the armors are unsafe anyway so you could just block it and punish normally.
Interesting, I'll have to lab the 11 properties. Thanks!

Apex Kano

Kano Commando main MKX
Alright, I'm throwing my hat in here. I've (Unbeknownst to most) picked this character up and let me tell you...this character is (soap bar in my mouth).

A couple things I have noticed, and please don't flame me if they are outdated.

1) Kano's Standing 1 is a damn good aa jab, and his D3 is a decent cross over AA. When all else fails, uppercut. It hits behind his damn head.

2) Kano's Ex Buff is amazing. This is one of the few characters in the game where I would advocate 2 bar combos. If my opponent can't break, I am taking half of their bar...EVERYTIME. The comeback factor here off a 50/50 is just insane. As far as it hurting him, it disables as soon as an opponent touches you, or you can turn it off yourself. The risk is minimal.

3) His poke game coupled with jump back and airball is fantastic as a whiff punisher.

4)This character's stagger pressure and conditioning is amazing. 11 , 11(2) (gap), 11 knife, 112knife etc are all great for seeing how your opponent likes to block and capitalizing on it. Using the low profiling d4 to harass opponents and force them to block low is just great.

5) EX Kano Ball - Great wakeup armored reversal. Available in all variations. Excellent to use after conditioning opponents to move after blocked slashes etc or when Kano's pressure is "Supposed" to end.

6) This character in the corner can do 30+ percent into Ex Throw restands into another 50/50. If Kano gets ANYONE to the corner, it's usually lights out.

7) F4 is a great mid advancing string. -5 on it's own, or -5 with a tagged on slice making it not only safe, but a string capable of staggering. This move allows you to punish hard to punish moves such as sonyas dive kick with ease.

As far as match up goes, the only ones I see CT Kano truly struggling in are matches against GREAT neutral characters such as Mileena, Dvorah, etc. GM Sub Zero can make it hard for kano in the corner as well. However, Kano's momentum is usually so great that once he gets an opportunity against these characters, he can make up for lost ground very quickly.
Well said fellow Black Dragon. I love his f4 knee lift especially with Commando. Knee into choke or ex cmd grab on hit confrim. Beautiful to look at! I like this move with CT...Stagger on stagger with CT dagger (yes I freestlye). I like that CT Kano is not on everyone shit list. CT is top 6 or 5 imo.


Not Good Enough
More people need to pick this guy up. Kano still isn't used online and I get away with bloody murder on my Blade Slice special move! It feels good to have played this character since launch and now he's getting a shit-ton of love!



Seriously Casual Player.
More people need to pick this guy up. Kano still isn't used online and I get away with bloody murder on my Blade Slice special move! It feels good to have played this character since launch and now he's getting a shit-ton of love!

I'll always love Commando the most, but the fact that CT is so nasty is rather gratifying! If you have been there since launch you definitely should bask in the glory, you earned it! :)


Character Loyalist
Has anyone of you experimented with d3-upball or 3-upball to crush wake-up attacks? It is some kind of option select, as the roll only comes out if the normal has hit.

Did you notice that after any combo that ends with roll, you can dash once and then jump to be in the ideal range for a cross uo JIP?

Generally I think that his oki-game should be explored next. The knockdown of roll is so good!


Kuff Bano
Has anyone of you experimented with d3-upball or 3-upball to crush wake-up attacks? It is some kind of option select, as the roll only comes out if the normal has hit.

Did you notice that after any combo that ends with roll, you can dash once and then jump to be in the ideal range for a cross uo JIP?

Generally I think that his oki-game should be explored next. The knockdown of roll is so good!
They can roll the KD so it's kinda iffy.


Kuff Bano
What OKI are you using? I haven't explored any armor breaking properties, I do know he can use his Buff as an armor parry, but that's about it.
11(2) is great and you can use it as a stagger. B3/b1 ex buff is actually quite good. B3 doesn't give a lot of hit stun, but if you're ready for it you can confirm into 112 slice for a restand. B1 ex buff grants a full combo off of b312. And you will absorb most armor attempts. So you get a 50/50 armor break. Unless they delay the WU.


Gunslinger since pre patch (sh/out to The Farmer)
Cutthroat has always been stupid and always been the best variation, that's what makes the buffs even more of an idiotic choice.


Gunslinger since pre patch (sh/out to The Farmer)
How do you figure it was idiotic?
Because he didn't need any of the buffs he got and it was already his best variation. Why buff a variation that already had pretty much everything it needed to give it more that it didn't need to the point where it becomes stupid good?


Gunslinger since pre patch (sh/out to The Farmer)
Hey guYS Cybernetic could use just a smidge of love.

Better nerf it and buff Cutthroat.
Cybernetic has the best projectile in the game though man, haven't you heard?

And you have to be careful when buffing Kano because one buff could break him. Apparently. Not a combination of things like what's usually applied but only one thing could break him. 7% knives?! He'd be S+ tier!


Original Liu Kang cop.
Cybernetic has the best projectile in the game though man, haven't you heard?

And you have to be careful when buffing Kano because one buff could break him. Apparently. Not a combination of things like what's usually applied but only one thing could break him. 7% knives?! He'd be S+ tier!
6% knives and better damage is literally all I ask.

Has mere frame differences in recovery to Milenna's who also has a low sai and the same meterless damage as Cyber does metered.


Seriously Casual Player.
Because he didn't need any of the buffs he got and it was already his best variation. Why buff a variation that already had pretty much everything it needed to give it more that it didn't need to the point where it becomes stupid good?
Penance for MK9?


It's too laggy to poke...
I've tried to like cutthroat for a minute but his frames weren't appealing until last patch. Dude is a beast... match-up dependent and I'm still learning but he's part of the team now. Jin handles most but having a pocket cutthroat completes the threat.

First time playing human opponent... Even though he had no idea what was happening...



The only buff I ever wanted for CT was the b1 range not being a joke. The rest was just a bonus.
I felt the same way, but now I'm spoiled with how safe they've made blade slice so they better not touch this variation anymore. I also preferred prepatch buff, it really didn't need to be comboed into with everything.