When doing anything besides throwing a knife you can always mash out kano ball and a few things will happen:How do you feel about his matchups though? Seems like teleport characters can still really mess up his zoning
Whoa, dude. . . this is exactly the kind of stuff I was kind of poking around for. I guess I am just not really working with the tools, well enough. Tested some of this in training and it really opens him up for some options. Great stuff, does this change your position about Kano? Or is it simply a "work with what you got" solution.STUFF!
Far as I know Stryker do suffer the same problem as Kano in damage output.just noticed that kano's airthrow does more damage than most other peoples. his jk airthrow is 15% while other characters is 14%.
so both his knife and his airthrow are a little stronger than other chars. its like they gave him slightly higher quality tools to make up for the fact he has fewer tools on his workbench.
strykers grenade toss does 9% too though... not fair.
Nope. Stryker has the loops he's famous for in this game, too. Big damage.Far as I know Stryker do suffer the same problem as Kano in damage output.
Oh well, we are still better than Sheeva and Baraka I guess.Nope. Stryker has the loops he's famous for in this game, too. Big damage.
This is another thing, I was kind of wondering about. I CAN do his combos, but it seems a lot of my games I win throwing knives, and using up ball with a random jk+throw. It's kind of funny actually. Mostly because people get REALLY ragey.I just created an account to thank you guys for this awesome thread. I hope I can contribute.
I recently just finished with about 30 matches online with Kano. Man, I'm really digging it. I was getting a lot of heat from people because I was "spamming" the knives. Granted, I was, but it's a perfect, and FAST zoning tool.
I recall a few posts back, someone comparing Kano to Ryu in a weird way, and I feel he does feel the same.
You guys are also talking about his Air down ball. It's way to beastly to not be using it. I can't count the times I've had to jump back, and capitalize on tagging someone who was following my jump.
Hey, I play Tager in Blaze Blue and he is bottom tire so I understand your feeling, but it doesn't mean Tager can't completely own someone if he make a mistake. XDI saw that comment about Baraka, what is with me and picking "shitty" characters. I LOVE Baraka, tiers be damned. I'll learn him next.
Man I want NRS to do that for him "Lab time! Turns out he can keep pressure after all, and it would be quite strong if hishit low.
Here's everything:
- Fast enough for when they are in your face.
- For switching sides if you started close to the corner. Requires an immediate dash towards to get as close as non-:en version. The greater distance on recovery makes it easier to back out to sling projectiles.
Either lead into any of the following well on recovery, thanks to the range onand
Knockdown with more space for returning to a projectile/ball neutral game.
Overhead attempt with spaced knockdown for a jump in.,
Combo attempt (for some reason not low) with spaced knockdown for a jump in.After any of the above that end with knife you can immediately input,
<throw> (on block)
<throw> (on block)
<safe jump> (on hit)
(on hit)
can all be mixed in for another level of mixups.after
to fly over the opponent on knockdown to switch sides instead of going for a jump in punch.
As far as following up a jump in with a combo there is:
Either space fine for another jump-in attempt upon recovery, with the first doing very slightly more damage.
Not having any luck with jump ins? Stay in neutral and rely onup close!
will come out ahead in projectile trades with it's high damage.
aircan break zoning and punish poor projectile use
so does :en!
groundcan sneak under enemy jump ins to keep your space.
Nice to see people enjoying the game at all the skills levels.I'm an intermediate level player and I've really enjoyed my time with Kano. Unfortunately I've only had a chance to use him online against a shit load of scorp scrubs, but at that level my strategy has me winning 8 out of 10 easy. Zoning with knife works well. Most scrubs just try to jump them(if they don't have a teleport) and you can punish with upball. If you're against a teleport character, you can easily bait them to teleport because they THINK that your super fast knives are about to be thrown. With that I punish with a 30 percentish combo. His air ball is great for counter attacking projectiles. He has some solid tools. I just wish that I could play someone with some skill offline and see his full potential. So far I've only played my gf offline and she's a total kitana scrub.
As a side note I'd like to add that this game seems to be a game that will get a lot of people into fighting games. It's so accessible and people with no knowledge of fighting games AT ALL seems to almost naturally grasp some of the fundamental concepts simply by playing the game. For example, my gf decided to switch over to sheeva for a couple matches and instantly she noticed that she is "heavy" and that she has to "get close to be any good so that she can grab people". I was amazed that a person with little to no fighting game experience could grasp the concept of a grappler with in seconds of playing as one. This game is gunna bring it a bunch of new faces.