Hello, I'm also a Kano player and I've been searching through the forums for awhile now. I wanted to post that I think I may have found a decent 50/50 setup for him, specifically for his X-ray.
First, after a hard knockdown (Lets say

or dropping a BnB to set this up*) there's about 2-4 frames where if the opponent wants a jump, he doesn't jump yet, if timed right you can use your X-ray and hit him BEFORE he jumps as he's waking up.
As for Tech-Rolling, you'd have to anticipate it and dash before hand, then X-ray (Works on a Practice Bot with Tech-roll and Jump Stance, requires some practice). And you don't have to do X-ray, if you anticipate the jump you can choke or uppercut and continue Kano's zoning/pressure, or if they roll you can Throw, continue mix-up or back-off and keep working at him. In the corner it's nearly guaranteed since it'd catch the backroll.
The problem lies in some Wakeup EX moves, like Cyber-Sub's Slide, you can't grab him since he's too low. You CAN hit Kung Lao's Ex-Spin, and cannot hit Raiden's Superman (He gets too high after hitting you). I'm seeing what Ex-moves does and doesn't beat/make X-ray miss currently. And if you mistime the X-ray you'll probably get a full combo in the face.
I'm taking this with a grain of salt, especially since things can change so quickly. I figured I'd post it here because of how successful I've been setting this up during New England casuals and to let you guys experiment some more like I am. I think being able to X-ray them as they wake-up without letting them be able to jump is something we should look on to, even if it is a risky 50/50.
*By BnB I'm going with




Kano-Ball. if you drop the Ball you get 31%, and then just do a quick dash or walk up and X-ray, and if timed right you hit the X-ray and do another 41%, 72% in mere seconds!