Just a feedback:Today i will be testing one thing only, after a np, i will allways mix d4~f3[4]rc into string of choice/throw, and like 1 in 10 np i will do a raw f24, vs a good player they will allways block high after np, so your +22 after the d4 hits, so all they can do is block the f3 cancel or get comboed of it if they dont, after a lot of d4 they might start defending low, either way is a win/win for JC!!
Just some thoughts =)
Ive done it and its the way to go imo! Either you get a d4 into same situation of np but with an extra damage of the d4, and after lets say, 4 of those d4 they start to block low, and you mix with f24... got great success yesterday!
I was doing a lot of this after np: walk a bit foward while they are stunned, d4~f3[4]rc f24/113xxbf[4]back dash on block or np on hit, some throws here and there too, mainly ive done d4~f3[4]rc~f24, in this case they will just defend high, then you start mixing 113/11~f24. if i have meter to spend ive done d4~f3[4]rc~f24xxexforceball~d4!
And you will be surprise on the amount of times people tryed to jump/press button after your d4 just to be hited by f3[4] into full combo.
Just a breakdown of my session yesterday =D
Imo JC dont have that much of a 50/50 game, but hes almost a constant pressure upclose like he was in mk9, if not better.