Tell me I'm wrong about Bane and his general basic gameplay, polar bear. I obviously know nothing about the character

Tell me about how level 3 cool down is "just a 6 second cool down" and how we don't have to bother with meter management.
dude, listen.....
if it was 5-5, I should be able to at least get a win or get by with some bull shit gimmick shit, I tried to do other "Arrow"s besides ice. The fact that I played him offline at least 50 times and still didn't even get 1 win means something.
yes maybe it means I suck, but dude, i don't suck. I admit that Polar is a better player then me but I'm not horrible, I can make reads I can make comebacks, and I know how to play the game.
I played Polor a shit ton at my house then in grand finals at our local today, and I can tell because I fuckin know 100% that Bane beats Arrow hard.
and thats all I have to say about it man, Imaculate Venom management, and reads, and traitiing up on reaction duruing combos is Polars specialty, I'm sorry if you're losing to arrows at all, because I can't even wake up in the match if you have the skill and timing to hit his meaty ass wake up killing low bulls shit like Polar does.
Potato Out