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Whats your gt? Did you want a mirror or it doesnt matter? And he plays madzin every now and then so I don't think it'll be that bad.
Ye its the same as my username. There's only 1 GOOD DRAGON (well at least i hope, tried to be super original lol)

Deleted member 5032

Anyone have advice on the Tanya and Liu Kang matchups? Got dismantled by both in a tourney last night. Barely even got to press a button.


Ain't nobody trilla than shootah.
Anyone have advice on the Tanya and Liu Kang matchups? Got dismantled by both in a tourney last night. Barely even got to press a button.
Which tanya and lui tho because to me all tanyas suck for jack and flame fist and dragon fire lui


Ain't nobody trilla than shootah.
It was the tonfa Tanya and Flame Fist Liu, though I've had trouble with Dragon's Fire as well.
Alright now I guess flame fist got you into a whirlwind punch into low fireball into punch
And tanya was doing teleport into b1 rekkas but if these are what were happening I suggest y out lab the gaps in tanya strings also visit the tanya forums and I know this isn't great advice but if you read up on her rekkas it Wil give you more knowledgeable tactics,same go for Liu Kang because people have asked this before and nothing really came out of it

Also try here http://testyourmight.com/threads/help-with-a-tanya-mutch-up.57148/

And this

if you see a Tanya teleport cancel a lot, andyou suspect that she is gonna cancel and start her string again, you can low poke her while she cancels her teleport and it stops her pressure, the key is to stay calm and look for gaps. If you have enhanced meter just ex spin her every time and, you can low poke her out of her delayed rekkas. Go in the lab with her and do her B1 2+4 string with three delayed rekkas, do one B1 2+4 with a teleport cancel too, if Tanya doesn't delay her rekkas there's nothing you can do to punish it BUT if the rekkas are not delayed, then they aren't as safe, so try to get her with the ex spin after the 3rd one it should work I believe but im not sure. If a Tanya adds an ex tonfa throw in her pressure you can duck because its a high, low poke her while she is retrieving the tonfa again.

That's the stuff I know, of course its a guessing game as well because she can do her low starter B 3,1 with all the options above.


b31 TC and b12+4 TC are both -9

Every character in the game can interrupt her for a full punish without using meter.

She has other cancels that are safe or +1/2 but b31 and b12+4 are what you'll see most Tanya players using.

You have to let her know right away that you won't tolerate those tele-cancels. Punish her on reaction, and she'll stop using them.

The yellow flash at her feet is on screen for about 25 frames before she recovers, so it is definitely reactable if you're looking for it.

For Liu Kang


Block low for Liu Lang obviously his overhead kick I think after 11 has a gap and you can armour thru or block it and punish and that's all I got I'll look for more later

A bit old but try this
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IMO our worst MU's are Sub Zero & Shinnok, which I have at 6-4 right now and at 5.5-4.5 I have Johnny Cage, Kung Lao and maybe Cassie. Still need to flesh out a few other potential bad MU's just waiting for the chance to play mains of that character.
Johnny is fine. Heavy weapons keeps him out. Cassie can't handle him up close but that reversal sucks for jax. Lao 5-5


AC/DC Bag > Ghost
Having a little trouble with d12 db1 after f212 in the corner, can maybe do it 6/10 times but was wondering if anybody had any good tips on how to execute it consistently, thanks.

edit: also where do I go to put Pumped Up under my name like the rest of you blokes? I can't for the life of me find it
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11 11 11 11
Having a little trouble with d12 db1 after f212 in the corner, can maybe do it 6/10 times but was wondering if anybody had any good tips on how to execute it consistently, thanks.

edit: also where do I go to put Pumped Up under my name like the rest of you blokes? I can't for the life of me find it
The f212 cornor combos are odd. The one tip I can give you is try to make sure they are waist level before doing it after the f212. So if you do f212 and they are at your head, there is no way in hell you're gonna get a 124 or d12. But if they are at waist level after the f212, than the ender is much easier to execute. It seems much more inconsistent in Pumped Up though so if you are using that one the execution may be a bit more tight.


We'll burn you all—that is your fate!
Anyone have advice on the Tanya and Liu Kang matchups? Got dismantled by both in a tourney last night. Barely even got to press a button.
For Kobu I sort of like using pumped up more than the others in some instances. Since we haev the 7 frame EX gotcha. And you can keep her out a bit better. Watch her feet to see if she is going to continue the rekkas. More of them are minus so i usually mash out ex gotcha and it will punish if she stops or if she tries to go for the early rekka. If you let her delay each of them then you kinda have to hold it since it is plus. The 22% gotcha i feel just really helps.


I am like the blue rose
Having a little trouble with d12 db1 after f212 in the corner, can maybe do it 6/10 times but was wondering if anybody had any good tips on how to execute it consistently, thanks.

edit: also where do I go to put Pumped Up under my name like the rest of you blokes? I can't for the life of me find it
You have to input it as d1, d2, b1. You also have to be fairly fast.

As for the emblem, there is a thread in new member introductions that can explain it far more eloquently than I can.


AC/DC Bag > Ghost
You have to input it as d1, d2, b1. You also have to be fairly fast.

As for the emblem, there is a thread in new member introductions that can explain it far more eloquently than I can.
Ahh.. that makes sense, I did notice on the input screen when I successfully did it it looked strange, appreciate it.


We'll burn you all—that is your fate!
What specific problems are you having? or do you just want MU specific stuff in a general sense encase your missing something?
Hollywood/Brawler/Kinda Spec Ops.

I am having trouble in the neutral for the most part. Trying to play footsies with her does not work very well. And its hard to keep her out cause of her jump in. Im willing to use any of the variations really. Sort of want to see how other people handle the MU.


Green Lantern Corps.
The neutral can be difficult. The way I like to treat it is a game of chicken and walk back and forth and try and bait out the advancing B1 and whiff punish with 11, after a few of these you can start to come in with F21 if there showing hesitation. Trying to instigate pressure first usually ends up with her B1 winning. You can also block B12 and counter with our B1 mid to stop her pressing buttons, use this to let the Cassie player waste armor on EX flipkick.

Plasma is good against all her variations given she has no easy counter to zoning and has to work her way in like we do.

Spec ops wise if they do EX rocket cancel on block you sweep all strings cancelled into this and then block the EX rocket and avoid the dumb unblockable stuff.

Any other specifics let me know.


We'll burn you all—that is your fate!
The neutral can be difficult. The way I like to treat it is a game of chicken and walk back and forth and try and bait out the advancing B1 and whiff punish with 11, after a few of these you can start to come in with F21 if there showing hesitation. Trying to instigate pressure first usually ends up with her B1 winning. You can also block B12 and counter with our B1 mid to stop her pressing buttons, use this to let the Cassie player waste armor on EX flipkick.

Plasma is good against all her variations given she has no easy counter to zoning and has to work her way in like we do.

Spec ops wise if they do EX rocket cancel on block you sweep all strings cancelled into this and then block the EX rocket and avoid the dumb unblockable stuff.

Any other specifics let me know.
Intersting. Which variation would you say would be the best pick?


Green Lantern Corps.
Intersting. Which variation would you say would be the best pick?
To be honest I think all of them can work, because you can actively control space with our projectiles better than Cassie having the neutral advantage of HW doesn't mean much + there is nothing you're going to be punishing with F3 RC so that benefit has gone. I would say pick your most comfortable/there least comfortable.