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Deleted member 5032

Aside from Jupiter , what other Wrestler Jax players should be looking for on streams and YouTube...?
Tyrant. And I have MKX on PC, but I never play it.

I already made the switch to wrestler and trust me youre gonna need pumped up for some matchups
Really, what does Pumped Up have that Wrestler doesn't? The Air Ground Pound. Gotcha does more damage in Pumped Up but is unsafe. The Pumped Up ground pound is full-screen, but the Wrestler ground pound leads to a full combo on hit (or a free dash punch from full screen). Honestly, even if you never use the command grab, it seems like Wrestler should be a more solid character than pumped up, other than raw midscreen damage.


Green Lantern Corps.
Really, what does Pumped Up have that Wrestler doesn't? The Air Ground Pound. Gotcha does more damage in Pumped Up but is unsafe. The Pumped Up ground pound is full-screen, but the Wrestler ground pound leads to a full combo on hit (or a free dash punch from full screen). Honestly, even if you never use the command grab, it seems like Wrestler should be a more solid character than pumped up, other than raw midscreen damage.
PU has a better damage AA for beating the more stupid jump normals, better zoning game with IAGP/Plasma.

GP in Wrestler is more of a gimmick given its 10 frames slower start up. Much better up close.

PU is still super good for certain MU's 7 frame 22% punisher that resets the neutral, counterpick variant if you ask me.


Ain't nobody trilla than shootah.
Tyrant. And I have MKX on PC, but I never play it.

Really, what does Pumped Up have that Wrestler doesn't? The Air Ground Pound. Gotcha does more damage in Pumped Up but is unsafe. The Pumped Up ground pound is full-screen, but the Wrestler ground pound leads to a full combo on hit (or a free dash punch from full screen). Honestly, even if you never use the command grab, it seems like Wrestler should be a more solid character than pumped up, other than raw midscreen damage.
I use wrestler when I don't want people escaping pressure because Jax pressure has gaps so you have to be on your toes about it then there's when I need the Restands in pumped up for better gotcha anti air and because the specific characters reversals or wake-ups are problematic such as reptile,subzero,tremor,tanya,kung Lao but then that's just me I guess

Edit: also my Jax is pretty shitty so I have to use everything I have to win I guess


AC/DC Bag > Ghost
I'm not even close to a competitive player but seeing Jupiter mixing it up with 12 downward punch when he knew they were expecting 123 really helped me a lot in my game. I also never do b3 db2 / b3 db1 so seeing that helped me not be so predictable and simply added some different mixups to my arsenal.

Like I inferred earlier this is basically my first fighting game so I love the way you can go from simply knowing a few strings to straight up mastering a character, I'm thinking deeper and deeper about strategy/gameplan/and the meta. For instance, I was playing an Erron Black recently that kept armoring through my gap in f21 db2, so every now and then I would do just f21 and then block, and sure enough he'd do the punishable slide, having all that come together and then carry him to the corner for 42% was an incredible feeling. Kinda on a soapbox now but really just feeling the game recently, it went from just going through the motions to a more mental game and thinking a little more in slow motion in a sense. I even back dashed when the round started once when I was pretty sure an opponent was going to start run at me, it's been awesome.

And I'm really feeling Jax, he's the man, love him. Appreciate everyone in this thread and @Undeadjim @RM Indecisive, Tyrant, DJT, @EMPEROR_JUPITER, and even CD JR who was the first I saw do f21 bf2d b34 bf2dEX d1 11 124 db1 for 53%, thanks to everyone for letting me copy them as far as openers, punishes, and a general game plan :p


Y did they take away jax's anti air gg and his cancel ground pound. I have a high level reptile just jumping in on me like its nothing. I want to know if anyone has come up with an effective anti air for crossing over opponents.


We'll burn you all—that is your fate!
I have been trying that and its just not working out for me. Is as if reptile has the advantage
It depends on the timing of the kick or the punch. You can also do armor gotcha if they are coming at you or going for the cross over.


I don't think you can go wrong with any Jax variation. All of them honestly are fun to me. For the wrestler mains, how are you guys setting up your tick throws? It seems like if someone does 124 midscreen they're going for the tick throw so, just armor, back dash or jump? Same with 12 d3? Do you use d1 CG, d3 CG and d1d2 CG in your game play? Jupiter plays it awesome, so I must be missing something here.


Green Lantern Corps.
For the wrestler mains, how are you guys setting up your tick throws? It seems like if someone does 124 midscreen they're going for the tick throw so, just armor, back dash or jump? Same with 12 d3? Do you use d1 CG, d3 CG and d1d2 CG in your game play? Jupiter plays it awesome, so I must be missing something here.
Test your opponents MU knowledge first, if they can't react to the 124 or they don't have armor go nuts with that tick throw mixed with 12D3 to change up the armor timing or tick throw timing in general. If there armor heavy throw out delayed frame traps first and ignore your tick throws and let them start to get hit and use your 50/50 from the + frames, once they respect go back into it. Depending on the character if they don't have a 7 frame reversal you can use D12 or least be wary using it against Lao Cassie etc. Treat it like 124 and see if they have the MU knowledge, and mix up D12 GG to stop people jumping out for the ones that can't armor after D12.


AC/DC Bag > Ghost
Hello guys, I would like to discuss Jax's backdash and backdashing in general. I don't really want to know certain match ups such as "You can backdash if you're expecting x string from x character," I'm more interested in learning about the benefits and disadvantages in general.

1. Is Jax's backdash good? My roommate plays Ermac and his backdash appears to be better, anything special I should know about Jax's backdash?

2. When are some good times to backdash? I know this is a very general question with a lot of different variables, just some simple examples would be great. The one thing I've noticed is that it's obviously good for whiff punishing, I was pretty sure a WG Kotal Khan was going to wake up with db1EX so I backdashed and punished. However, if I was wrong, could I have been punished? Or would we have just been back in neutral? I guess it depends on this question. Lol now that I think about it if I was expecting that I could have just held block and punished that way, I've just been experimenting is all :p I think backdashing is likely more viable when I am expecting the opponent to do a combo, not a special probably, I don't know.

3. What are the disadvantages of Jax's backdash and backdashing in general? What is the risk?

Last question, this one regarding Pumped Up's EX Gotcha. I feel like I don't utilize it enough, especially as an anti-air, I saw @Undeadjim on ESL a couple weeks back literally pull someone out of the air that seemed nearly impossible to grab, the range with it seems awesome. With that being said, I know the restand is what +3 or something? So am I correct in saying that because I'm at a frame advantage it's still my turn to throw out another mixup? If that is also correct then I assume I need to watch out for armor but other, than that I can continue the pressure maybe?


Deleted member 5032

1) I think Jax's backdash is good, but because so many characters in this game have fast advancing normals (Kotal, D'Vorah, etc), you have to be really careful. It can frustrate some players if you use it after your +-frame moves, though. Like f21 backdash on block can be difficult for some characters/players to deal with.

2) See above. Usually after blocked pressure, you're better off getting your own offense started rather than backdashing, especially because 9 times out of 10 you'll be caught with an advancing normal.

3) I think backdashing in the footsie game is fine, but don't rely on backdash invincibility to get you out of pressure, especially because you'll be unable to break if you do get hit.

Ex-Gotcha is great. It's a great mostly-safe way to catch people pressing buttons after a blocked dash punch or regular Gotcha. It's also amazing for breaking armor. You can do b3~MB.db1 or d3~MB.db1 to break any armor except Punchwalk.


It's all so very confusing.
I'm a Jax newb so take what I say with a grain of salt.

His back dash seems decent. It's not god tier, but its quick and can work if you're careful.

Using it comes down to the MU IMO. If your opponent has fast, advancing strings that cover good ground and are used often its not going go be a great tool for you. Short stubby strings and normals? You might get some mileage out of it.

I use it offensively sometimes.. People see you back dash and sometimes it just triggers a chase response lol. I'll hover right at or just outside the range of, say, against a Kotal, f2 or his B1, and suddenly move in, then back dash. I know it sounds dumb but I get good mileage out of it on a couple characters with solid back dashes.. Chances are the opponent is wound like a spring waiting to catch you coming in with his advancing string, you moving triggers him, then you back dash to safety and immediately come in with f21 ,f3/4 or a raw dash punch or whatever. The opponent just whiffed and is usually in recovery and subsequently, a world of hurt.

That's a silly little 'trick' but when spaced right it does work. Especially against impatient players.

Another , non back dash related thing I found gets a little damage with Jax, is you're playing wrwstler, stay way back, soon as opponent moves, throw out f3-2+4 (or whatever. Notation escapes me atm) but too far for the f3to hit, so it looks like you miss-timed or miss-judged the distance.. Most people, trying to punch, walk right in to the grab. Use sparingly or they catch on.

I'm.new to kax and a mid level player at best, pls don't think anything I've said is meant to be evo winning advice, just some crap I do to other players that.works from time to time.

Deleted member 5032

In Pumped Up and Wrestler, f21~db2 is a really good footsie tool, not just for the obvious +8 on block energy wave, but because it's a built in option select. If the f21 whiffs (due to backdash or just from starting too far away), then you'll get f212 instead of f21~db2. This is almost a full-screen string that catches a lot of people off guard. On hit you get a free OTG ground pound and a lot of corner carry. On block you're only -5.


It's all so very confusing.
Very good to know.

I've watched a few videos of other wrestler Jax players and noticed a few f21 x db2's on hit, I was wondering why I saw it so often. If a db2 hits, what kinda + frames do we have to work with?

Deleted member 5032

Very good to know.

I've watched a few videos of other wrestler Jax players and noticed a few f21 x db2's on hit, I was wondering why I saw it so often. If a db2 hits, what kinda + frames do we have to work with?
Db2 is +8 on block, +10 on hit. Midscreen there's too much pushback to get much out of it, but in the corner it can be used advantageously.